最新記事~Latest Issues 156.Kamaha Castle Part2 2022-12-312023-01-01 Ruins in the animal kingdom now 続きを読む~Read more 156.鎌刃城 その2 2022-12-302023-01-01 今は動物の世界となっている城跡 続きを読む~Read more 156.Kamaha Castle Part1 2022-12-292022-12-31 A mountain castle with advanced systems 続きを読む~Read more 156.鎌刃城 その1 2022-12-282023-01-01 先進的なシステムを持った山城 続きを読む~Read more 50.Hikone Castle Part3 2022-12-192022-12-19 I admire the great efforts of Hikone City. 続きを読む~Read more 50.彦根城 その3 2022-12-182023-04-13 彦根市の多大なご努力に感謝尊敬します。 続きを読む~Read more 50.Hikone Castle Part2 2022-12-152022-12-19 There are so many attractions to see in this castle. 続きを読む~Read more 50.彦根城 その2 2022-12-142022-12-18 見どころが山ほどある城です。 続きを読む~Read more 50.Hikone Castle Part1 2022-12-122022-12-15 The home base of the Ii Clan, a senior vassal of the shogunate 続きを読む~Read more 50.彦根城 その1 2022-12-112022-12-14 幕府譜代筆頭、井伊氏の本拠地 続きを読む~Read more 143.Mino-Kaneyama Castle Part3 2022-12-102022-12-10 The ruins were preserved as a public forest. 続きを読む~Read more 143.美濃金山城 その3 2022-12-092022-12-09 城跡は、公有林として保存されていました。 続きを読む~Read more 143.Mino-Kaneyama Castle Part2 2022-12-082022-12-10 The castle ruins in a natural park 続きを読む~Read more← 前へ 1 … 33 34 35 … 69 次へ →
50.Hikone Castle Part3 2022-12-192022-12-19 I admire the great efforts of Hikone City. 続きを読む~Read more
50.Hikone Castle Part2 2022-12-152022-12-19 There are so many attractions to see in this castle. 続きを読む~Read more
50.Hikone Castle Part1 2022-12-122022-12-15 The home base of the Ii Clan, a senior vassal of the shogunate 続きを読む~Read more
143.Mino-Kaneyama Castle Part3 2022-12-102022-12-10 The ruins were preserved as a public forest. 続きを読む~Read more
143.Mino-Kaneyama Castle Part2 2022-12-082022-12-10 The castle ruins in a natural park 続きを読む~Read more