113.土浦城~Tsuchiura Castle

The “tortoise” part of the castle remains.

立地と歴史~Location and History

城は交通の要地~The castle has a good location for transportation

Tsuchiura City is located in the south part of Ibaraki Prefecture, along Mito-kaido Road. It is also beside the western edge of Kasumigaura Lake. In the past, this environment provided a perfect intersection of​ transportation for land and waterways. The city flourished since around the first Edo Period.

城の位置~The location of the castle

Tsuchiura Castle was developed little by little at the same time, though it was first built earlier by the Oda clan. The castle became the home base of Tsuchiura Feudal Domain where several clans governed by turns at first. In the end, the Tsuchiya clan governed the area from the late 17th century to the end of the Edo Period.

土屋寅直、第9代土屋家藩主~Toranao Tsuchiya, the 9th lord of the Tsuchiya clan(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

土塁と水路の城~ A castle with earthen walls and waterways

Tsuchiura Castle had no “Tenshu” or main tower and no stone walls. Instead, the main enclosure called “Honmaru” had several turrets and gates, and was surrounded by earthen walls and a water moat. Other enclosures such as Ninomaru were set around the Honmaru, connecting with many water moats and waterways.

明治初期の城周辺の地図、まだ水路がたくさん残っていました~The map around the castle in the first Meiji Period, a lot of waterways still remained then

Excavation shows that the earthen walls of Honmaru were built by a four-step construction process, lending extra strength to the walls​. In their final state, the walls were covered in stones for protection from water and also for aesthetic value. Due to its location, the castle suffered from floods several times, but the center of the castle never sunk under the water. During the flood season, the castle looked like a tortoise floating in the water, so people have called the castle “Ki-jo” or the Tortoise Castle.

本丸の土塁~The earthen walls of Honmaru


現存する建物~Remaining buildings

Now, most of Tsuchiura Castle’s earthen walls and waterways have been removed or filled to modernize the city. In fact, even the street from JR Tsuchiura Station to the castle ruins was one of the waterways in the past. You can see the sign and painting which shows that was a waterway on the street.

水路であったことを示す塗装がある通り~The street with the painting that show it was a waterway

The ruins of the Honmaru and part of the Ninomaru remain as the Ki-jo-Koen Park. The Honmaru still looks like a tortoise surrounded by its water moat, where several buildings are now.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

The front gate called the Drum Tower or “Taiko-mon” is the original. This is the only remaining turret-style gate in Honmaru in the Kanto Region.

現存する太鼓門~The remaining Taiko-mon Gate

The back gate called “Kasumi-mon” is also original and has a simple “Yakui-mon” style. It was used combined with the East Turret or “Higashi-yagura” to guard the entrance.

現存する霞門~The remaining Kasumi-mon Gate

復元された建物~Restored buildings

The East Turret was restored in 1998 using traditional methods, to resemble its original state​. It is also used as the annex for Tsuchiura City Museum.

復元された東櫓~The restored East Turret(taken by チャコ from photoAC)
東櫓の内部~The inside of East Turret

There is aother turret, the West Turret or “Nishi-yagura” which suffered damege from a big typhoon in 1949, was demolished in 1950, but was also restored in 1991 using the same materials as in the original construction.

復元された西櫓~The restored West Turret

The inside of the Honmaru is empty where the main hall stood which was burned out by a fire in the Meiji Period.

本丸の内部~The inside of the Honmaru

In addition, the plaster wall between the Drum Tower and East Tower was also restored on the earthen walls of the Honmaru, so you can see the restored appearance of the castle from the outside.

復元された城の外観~The restored appearance of the castle

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Tsuchiura Castle was turned into the hall for the local government. The Honmaru main hall was used for it, but unfortunately it was burned down in 1884. After a while, the castle ruins became the Ki-jo-Koen Park in 1899. The Tsuchiura City Museum has been open since 1988 in the Ninomaru area. It has exhibits​ about the history and culture of the city as well as the castle. You can see a miniature model of the castle’s center portion, resembling a tortoise.

土浦市立博物館にある城の模型~The miniature model of the castle at Tsuchiura City Museum

私の感想~My Impression

Kasumigaura Lake is now the second largest lake in Japan, following Biwako Lake. It had been an inland sea until around the first Middle Ages. Tsuchiura City also suffered from floods until the Modern Ages. It seemed to be difficult to control the water, but people in the area were able to use it​. When I saw the castle ruins set a little higher than the area around, I was able to understand people made great efforts to prevent disasters and protect the castle. The park is quiet and a relaxing​ place now.

公園の入り口~The entrance of the park

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 15 minutes from the Sakura-Tsuchiura IC or the Tsuchiura-Kita IC on Joban Expressway. The museum offers a parking lot.
When using train, it takes about 15 minutes on foot from JR Tsuchiura station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

・「よみがえる日本の城15」学研(Japanese Book)
・「史跡 土浦城跡」土浦市教育員会(Japanese Report)

43.犬山城~Inuyama Castle

This castle attracts you in several perspectives.

立地と歴史~Location and History

Inuyama Castle is known for its old Main Tower or “Tenshu” and their landscape. But the castle has more attractions you can find.

犬山城の遠景~A distant view of Inuyama Castle(taken by nagabutinana from photoAC)

国境に立地~It is located around the boder of provices

It is said that the castle was first built in 1537 by a local clan, Nobuyasu Oda. It was located at the top of a 40m height hill beside Kisogawa River. The spot was on the edge of Owari Province ( now part of Aichi Pref.), right next to the border between Owari and Mino Province ( now part of Gifu Pref.), and it was also important for water transportation.

城の位置と尾張国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Owari Province

有力戦国大名の標的に~Great warlords targets it

As a result, many great warlords aimed to capture the castle in the Warring States or “Sengoku” Period. First, Nobunaga Oda got the castle as the foothold before he invaded Mino. Secondly, Hideyoshi Toyotomi used the castle as his stronghold when he fought with Ieyasu Tokugawa in the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute in 1584.

織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

成瀬氏が城と町を支配~Naruse clan governs the castle and town

Lastly, after the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, it placed Masanari Naruse at the castle as the Attendant Chief Retainer for Tokugawa’s relative Owari Domain. The Naruse clan was not a lord. However, they were allowed to govern Inuyama Castle and the castle town like a lord all through Edo Period as an exception.

成瀬正成肖像画、白林寺所蔵、江戸時代~The portrait of Masanari Naruse, owned by Hakurinji Temple, in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
犬山城古図、犬山市城とまちミュージアム蔵、江戸時代~The Old Map of Inuyama Castle, owned by Inuyama Cultural Assets Museum, in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

三方は急崖~Steep cliffs in three directions

Now, only the Tenshu remains, but we can still see how the castle was. The castle has a natural hazard as Kisogawa River in the back of the north side. The hill of the castle also has steep cliffs in three directions ( north, east and west). Such a condition is often called “back secure” or “Ushiro-Kengo”. In addition, the cliffs are cut more vertically which is called “Kirigishi”. Moreover, the area was surrounded by a deep dry moat.

北側の急崖~The steep cliff in the north side

南方に大手道~Main Route in the south

The castle is open to only one route in the south called the Main Route or “Ote-michi”. It is easy to go to the center of the castle and Tenshu through the route now, but it was heavily guarded by five gates in the past.

大手道~The Main Route

The straight part of the route between the gates was also sandwiched by enclosures with high walls and turrets. The last gate called “Kurogane-mon” has been reconstructed.

まっすぐな部分~The straight part
再建された鉄門~The rebuilt Kurogane-mon Gate

天守の謎~Tenshu is mysterious

The Tenshu is a National Treasure. It has three layers and four levels with two extra basements. It shows the first Tenshu style called lookout tower type, and may be the oldest remaining Tenshu in Japan. But it is not that simple. Historians and architects say that Tenshu was built in three steps. The first step built a two story turret, as the remaining first and second floors are made with older tools and in practice.

犬山城天守~The Tenshu of Inuyama Castle
2階の内部~The interior of the second floor

The third and forth floors were added to look outside like a tower, using newer methods in the second step. Lastly the Naruse clan decorated Tenshu by adding a Chinese style gable called “Kara-Hafu” and a veranda at the top floor in the last step. The question is when the first step was done. If it is the same age as the castle itself, it is definitely the oldest Tenshu. It may be proven in the future.

天守の上層部分~The upper layer of the Tenshu(taken by マッハGGG from photoAC)

You can see a great view of Kisogawa River and the area around from the open top floor. The veranda including its handrail is original. We can enjoy the exact same experience as the lords who owned the castle.

天守からの木曽川の眺め~A view of Kiso-gawa River from Tenshu
元来からの高欄の手摺~The original handrail of the veranda(taken by ACJOE from photoAC)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Inuyama Castle was abandoned and all its buildings were demolished excluding the Tenshu. In 1891, the Tenshu collapsed partly due to the Nobi Earthquake. After that, the former lord, the Naruse clan owned the castle again on the condition that they would restore it. Inuyama Castle had been privately owned until recently. Meanwhile, it was designated as a National Treasure. Such a case was very rare. In 2008, a corporation called Inuyama-jo Hakutei-bunko was established and it has owned the castle to preserve it in the future. Since then, investigations and developments have been done.

2019年修繕中の天守~Tenshu under repairing in 2019

私の感想~My Impression

Originally, Inuyama Castle was built just for battle. It also became a beautiful landscape in the Edo Period. The Naruse clan developed the castle town, too. Its atmosphere remains even now. You can enjoy it on the way to the castle. The castle is now becoming more important for cultural heritage. I hope you will see many perspectives of the castle.

浮世絵に描かれた犬山城、「木曽街道鵜沼宿」渓斎英泉作、江戸時代~Inuyama Castle in a Ukiyoe painting, “Unuma on Kiso-kaido Road” attributed to Eisai Keisai in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
現在の城下町~The castle town now(taken by fuku41 from photoAC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend using the train to get there.
From Inuyama station: it takes about 20 minutes on foot, going through the castle town on the way.
From Inuyama-Yuen station: it takes about 15 minutes on foot, going along Kisogawa River.
From Nagoya to both stations: Take the rapid limited express on Meitetsu Inuyama line from Meitetsu Nagoya Station.
If you want to go there by car, it is about 12 km from the Komaki IC on the Tomei Expressway. But the roads around the castle tend to be crowded, and there are a few parking lots.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

国宝犬山城Inuyama Castle, National Treasure
・「よみがえる日本の城3」学研(Japanese Book)
・「城の科学、萩原さちこ著」講談社ブルーバックス(Japanese Book)

150.古宮城~Furumiya Castle

This castle was on the frontlines of the Takeda clan.

立地と歴史~Location and History

信玄が作った橋頭堡~Shingen mede a bridgehold

Furumiya Castle was located in Tsukurite hills in what is now Shinshiro city, Aichi Pref. This area belonged to Mikawa Province where the Tokugawa clan was based during the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period. Shingen Takeda, a strong warlord from Kai Province (now Yamanashi Pref) aimed to invade Mikawa Province. It is said that he built a bridgehead for it. That was Furumiya Castle.

城の位置と三河国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Mikawa Province

古宮城遠景~A distant view of Furumiya Castle(新城市Websiteより引用)

勝頼が完成させる~Katsuyori completed it

After Shingen died, his son Katsuyori tried again in 1574, therefore he improved and completed the castle. The castle was on a small hill called Miya-yama which is just 30m relative height, but it overlooked the entire area. Castles were usually used not only for battle, but also for residence, governance, and as a ​symbol. Furumiya Castle was specialized for battle, with an estimated garrison of 500 soldiers. This area was under tense conflict between the Takeda and Tokugawa. The soldiers seemed under arms all the time.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

武田勝頼肖像画、高野山持明院蔵、16世紀後半~The Portrait of Katsuyori Takeda, ownd by Koyasan Jimyoin, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

勝頼の敗戦により終焉~Katsuyori’s defeat ended it

Katsuyori captured Takatenjin Castle in Totoumi Province the east of Mikawa Province, and attacked Nagashino Castle in the same province as Furumiya Castle in May 1575. He aimed to invite Tokugawa and their allies, the Oda clan, to a showdown, and defeat them. However, he was completely countered by them instead. Katsuyori was somehow able to escape back to his home, while a lot of retainers and soldiers were lost. He would never return to Mikawa Province, so Furumiya Castle seemed to be abandoned or taken by the Tokugawa after the Battle of Nagashino.

長篠合戦図屏風部分、徳川美術館蔵~Part of “Battle of Nagashino”folding screens, owned by Tokugawa Art Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


城跡の概要~The overview of the ruins

城跡の航空写真にコメントとラインを付加~The aerial photo of the ruins adding my comments and lines(出典:国土地理院)

Now, the ruins of Furumiya Castle have no standing buildings and is covered with trees, but it is said that its foundation made of earth shows the Takeda clan’s method of building castles. The castle was divided into an eastern and western part by a deep dry moat.

深い空堀~The deep dry moat

主要な曲輪~Primary enclosures

The eastern part had the Main Enclosure or “Shukaku” where probably the command post was. Its entrance was made in square shaped for strict defense called “Masugata”. The western part had the Second Enclosure or “Nino-Kuruwa” which sticks out from Shukaku and is just connected by one earthen bridge across the dry moat. This structure is similar to Takeda’s unique defense system called “Umadashi”.

主郭の入口「桝形」~The entrance of the Main Enclosure called “Masugata”
二の曲輪~The Second Enclosure
主郭と二の曲輪を結ぶ土橋~The earthen bridge connecting the Main and Second Enclosures

厳重な防御~Its strict defence system

The part seemed to open the main entrance to a road in the western direction. Visitors or enemies would have to climb up winding routes to reach Nino-Kuruwa. In particular, there were multiple dry moats in the north-west of the enclosure, as Takeda might have thought that Tokugawa would attack this castle from the direction.

二の曲輪の土塁~The earthen walls of the Second Enclosure
多重空堀の一部~One of the multiple dry moats

城跡の楽しみ方~How to enjoy the ruins

The present entrance the ruins is set beside a shrine at a different place from the original. You can go straight up to Shukaku through the entrance. The layout of the castle remains as mentioned above. If it is possible to keep the key points of the castle in mind, you can also enjoy imagining how the castle was in the past.

現在の城跡入り口~The present entrance of the ruins
主郭は入口のすぐ近くです~The Main Enclosure is close to the entrance

その後~Later History

After Furumiya Castle was abandoned, Furumiya-Shiratori Shrine was established at the foot of the hill in 1617. Tsukurite hills was mainly waterlogged in the past, so cranes could be seen at that time. People in the area loved them and established many shrines related with them (Shiratori means crane). The ruins of the castle seemed to have been kept by these shrines for a long time.

古宮白鳥神社~Furumiya-Shiratori Shrine

私の感想~My Impression

Frumiya Castle Ruins don’t have any standing buildings, stone walls, or even a guide house. Historians speculate that even the original Furumiya Castle had just huts, simple turrets, and wooden fences. In addition, you may think the ruins look like a hill with forests from the outside. But once you have realized the traces of the castle inside, you can see how hard the warriors and workers made efforts to build the castle. I think that one of the most interesting things to see castles is to understand how they are built efficiently but strongly using limited materials and resources.

主郭から二の曲輪を見下ろす~Looking down the Second Enclosure from the Main Enclosure

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 40 minutes from the Shinshiro IC on Shin-Tomei Expressway through Route 151 and 301. There is a small parking lot in front of the shrine.
If you want to use public transportation, take the Shinshiro city bus (Tsukurite line) at the Shinshiro-Sakaemachi bus stop near Shinshiro station, and get off at the Kamogayaguchi bus stop. It takes about a 10-minutes walk from the bus stop to get there.
From Tokyo, Nagoya or Osaka to Shinshiro st.: Take the Tokaido Shinkansen super express to Toyohashi Station, and transfer for JR Iida line.

リンク、参考情報~~Links and References

古宮城跡、新城市Komiya ruin of a castle, Shinshiro City
・「歴史群像143号、戦国の城/三河古宮城」学研(Japanese Magazine)
・「趣味どきっ/お城へ行こう! 第二の陣 武田氏の城造り」NHK、2016年(Japanese TV Program)