最新記事~Latest Issues 143.美濃金山城 その2 2022-12-082022-12-09 自然公園の中にある城跡 続きを読む~Read more 143.Mino-Kaneyama Castle Part1 2022-12-062022-12-08 The home base of the brave Mori Clan 続きを読む~Read more 143.美濃金山城 その1 2022-12-052022-12-15 勇猛な森氏の本拠地 続きを読む~Read more 144.Ogaki Castle Part3 2022-12-042022-12-04 Let us feel a water of city and an atmosphere of the castle town. 続きを読む~Read more 144.大垣城 その3 2022-12-032022-12-14 水の都と城下町の雰囲気を感じてみましょう。 続きを読む~Read more 144.Ogaki Castle Part2 2022-12-022022-12-08 The Main Tower remained, but was burned down, then restored. 続きを読む~Read more 144.大垣城 その2 2022-12-012022-12-03 天守は残っていましたが、焼け落ち、また再建されました。 続きを読む~Read more 144.Ogaki Castle Part1 2022-11-302022-12-03 A castle which might have been a crucial battle field 続きを読む~Read more 144.大垣城 その1 2022-11-292022-12-14 天下分け目の決戦場になったかもしれない城 続きを読む~Read more 38.Iwamura Castle Part3 2022-11-272022-11-27 Be careful choosing your parking spot. 続きを読む~Read more 38.岩村城 その3 2022-11-272022-11-27 駐車する場所にご注意ください。 続きを読む~Read more 38.Iwamura Castle Part2 2022-11-262022-11-27 The castle ruins are worth to climb 続きを読む~Read more 38.岩村城 その2 2022-11-262022-12-11 登り甲斐がある城跡です。 続きを読む~Read more← 前へ 1 … 34 35 36 … 69 次へ →
143.Mino-Kaneyama Castle Part1 2022-12-062022-12-08 The home base of the brave Mori Clan 続きを読む~Read more
144.Ogaki Castle Part3 2022-12-042022-12-04 Let us feel a water of city and an atmosphere of the castle town. 続きを読む~Read more
144.Ogaki Castle Part2 2022-12-022022-12-08 The Main Tower remained, but was burned down, then restored. 続きを読む~Read more
144.Ogaki Castle Part1 2022-11-302022-12-03 A castle which might have been a crucial battle field 続きを読む~Read more