最新記事~Latest Issues 175.Shozui Castle Part3 2022-02-282022-02-28 Huge ruins appeared from a factory ground. 続きを読む~Read more 175.勝瑞城 その3 2022-02-272022-02-28 巨大な遺跡が工場の敷地から現れました。 続きを読む~Read more 175.Shozui Castle Part2 2022-02-272022-02-28 The ruins have two parts of “Hall” and “Castle”. 続きを読む~Read more 175.勝瑞城 その2 2022-02-262022-02-27 城跡は「館」と「城」の2つの部分に分かれています。 続きを読む~Read more 175.Shozui Castle Part1 2022-02-252022-02-27 The center of Awa Province in the Middle Ages 続きを読む~Read more 175.勝瑞城 その1 2022-02-232022-03-12 中世阿波国の中心地 続きを読む~Read more 164.Sumoto Castle Part3 2022-02-212022-02-23 What is the essential value of this castle? 続きを読む~Read more 164.洲本城 その3 2022-02-202022-02-20 この城の根本的価値とはなんでしょう。 続きを読む~Read more 164.Sumoto Castle Part2 2022-02-202022-02-21 Great stone walls remain on the mountain. 続きを読む~Read more 164.洲本城 その2 2022-02-192022-02-20 山上に素晴らしい石垣が残っています。 続きを読む~Read more 164.Sumoto Castle Part1 2022-02-182022-02-20 A great castle on Awaji Island 続きを読む~Read more 164.洲本城 その1 2022-02-162022-02-19 淡路島にある素晴らしい城 続きを読む~Read more 77.Takamatsu Castle Part3 2022-02-142022-02-14 Will the Main Tower be restored? 続きを読む~Read more← 前へ 1 … 49 50 51 … 69 次へ →
175.Shozui Castle Part3 2022-02-282022-02-28 Huge ruins appeared from a factory ground. 続きを読む~Read more
175.Shozui Castle Part2 2022-02-272022-02-28 The ruins have two parts of “Hall” and “Castle”. 続きを読む~Read more
175.Shozui Castle Part1 2022-02-252022-02-27 The center of Awa Province in the Middle Ages 続きを読む~Read more
164.Sumoto Castle Part3 2022-02-212022-02-23 What is the essential value of this castle? 続きを読む~Read more
164.Sumoto Castle Part2 2022-02-202022-02-21 Great stone walls remain on the mountain. 続きを読む~Read more