33.Takaoka Castle Part2

It is a natural park now.


Five remaining Enclosures as Park

Today, the ruins of Takaoka Castle has become the Takaoka Old Castle Park which is open to the public. The park looks like part of the water moats rather than being surrounded of them. This is because almost all of the foundation and the water moats for the castle remained until now. In fact, the water moats occupy about one thirds of the park. It is really a natural park now as you can try going on a boat tour on the moat.

The remaining water moat at the castle ruins
A banner for the boat tour

There are five enclosures such as the Main Enclosure among the moats. Each enclosure is independent and they are connected each other by only earthen walls or bridges. In particular, the Main Enclosure was accessible only through other enclosures, can not be accessible directly from the outside in the past.

The miniature model of the five enclosures, exhibited by the Takaoka City Museum

The aerial photo around the castle

Main Enclosure like Hill

The Main Enclosure is the largest one and like a hill, so you have to climb up to the center of it. The enclosure has the Imizu Shrine and a square with the statue of Toshinaga Maeda standing beside it.

The slope to the Main Enclosure
The Imizu Shrine
The square of the Main Enclosure
The statue of Toshinaga Maeda

It was found through the excavation that the Main Hall for Toshinaga was built in the enclosure. It is uncertain about other buildings in the castle because the castle was abandoned before their completion. Only the stone walls remained at the one side of the enclosure, which may be the only castle-looking item.

The ruins of the Main Hall of the Main Enclosure by the excavation, exhibited by the Takaoka City Museum
The remaining stone walls at the Main Enclosure

Other Enclosures for Modern facilities

Other enclosures are also used for modern facilities, the Second Enclosure for the Civic Hall, the Kaji-maru Enclosure for the City Museum, the Aki-maru Enclosure for a zoo, and the Minbu-maru Enclosure for a zym.

The Civic Hall at the Second Enclosure
The City Museum at the Kaji-maru Enclosure

The whole park is also very known for cherry blossoms that surrounds it, they bloom around spring. The citizens in Takaoka City are very familiar with this park and recognize Toshinaga as the founder of the city.

The cherry blossoms in the Takaoka Old Castle Park

To be continued in “Takaoka Castle Part3”
Back to “Takaoka Castle Part1”

投稿者: Yuzo

城巡りが好きなYuzoです。日本には数万の城があったといわれています。その内の200名城を手始めにどんどん紹介していきます。 I'm Yuzo, I love visiting castles and ruins. It is said that there were tens of thousands castles in Japan. I will introduce you top 200 castles and ruins of them, and more!

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