156.Kamaha Castle Part3

Make sure you prepare a lot of time to visit.


Main Enclosure, Center of Castle

To arrive at the Main Enclosure, you will have to pass three other enclosures on the ridge. The enclosure has its entrance ruins with stone steps and stone walls, and some stone walls surround it. Many other stone walls were found by the excavation but buried again in order to preserve it. It is still uncertain who and when these structures were built. Some historians point out they are similar to those of Odani Castle that the Azai Clan built.

The map around the castle

Going to the Main Enclosure
The entrance ruins of the Main Enclosure (licensed by HikaruKinkakuji via Wikimedia Commons)
The Kurogane-mon Gate Ruins of Odani Castle

Later History

After its abandonment, Kamaha Castle had been buried for over 400 years. Maibara Town (now is Maibara City), which manages the ruins of the castle, did the research and excavation between 1996 and 2000. It found that the castle had surprisingly advanced systems for mountain castles at that time. As a result, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 2005.

The stone walls of Kamaha Castle Ruins
The observation platform at the Large Turret Ruins

My Impression

I can honestly say that I regret not having enough time and preparation to visit the castle ruins. I didn’t think visiting them needed real climbing. As a result, I didn’t see all of them. I recommend you visit with a group, if possible, because it is quite risky.
In addition, there are other routes for visiting the ruins by using car on a forest road near the ruins. Someday I would like to study it and try visiting all of them.

The trail from the underpasses of Hikone43 of the Meshin Expressway
Watch out for wild animals

How to get There

I recommend using a car when you visit the castle ruins.
It is about a 5-minute drive away from Maibara IC on the Meishin Expressway. There is a parking lot in the old Banba Station near the underpass of Hikone44 of the expressway.
If you want to use public transportation, you can take the Kohoku Bus bound for Toray Carbon Magic from JR Maibara Station and get off at the Banba bus stop.
To get to Maibara Station from Tokyo: Take the Tokaido Shinkansen super express.

The parking lot for visitors at the old Banba Station
The path from the parking lot to the underpasses of Hikone44

That’s all. Thank you.
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156.鎌刃城 その3






主郭の虎口跡 (licensed by HikaruKinkakuji via Wikimedia Commons)











・「歴史群像56号、戦国の堅城 近江鎌刃城」学研
・「信長と消えた家臣たち 失脚・粛清・謀反/谷口克広著」中公新書


50.Hikone Castle Part3

I admire the great efforts of Hikone City.


Western Enclosure, Guardian of Back Side

There are many other attractions in this castle. For example, there is the Western Enclosure in the back of the Main Enclosure. It has the remaining Western Enclosure Three-level Turret to protect the back side of the castle. There is also another large, deep ditch with a bridge over it in front of the turret like the front side. This castle was protected strictly on both sides.

The aerial photo around the castle

The Western Enclosure Three-level Turret
The Large Ditch in front of the turret
The bridge over the ditch
The interior of the third floor of the turret
A view from the third floor

Extensive Original Front Side

Also consider walking around the southwest part of the castle, on the opposite of the front entrance. You will see there is still a large area surrounded by the Middle Moat and the Inner Moat. It is very comfortable to walk along the moats looking up the Main Tower. You will see the Kyobashi-guchi-mon Gate Ruins behind the Middle Moat, the Main Gate Ruins behind the Inner Moat and so on. You can also see this area had originally been the front side of the castle against the Toyotomi Clan at Osaka Castle in this direction.

The Kyobashi-guchi-mon Gate Ruins
The area surrounded by the Middle Moat and the Inner Moat
The Main Gate Ruins
The Funamachi-guchi-mon Gate Ruins, the other route over the Middle Moat
A distant view of the Western Enclosure Three-level Turret from around the Middle Moat
A distant view of the Main Tower from around the Middle Moat

Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Hikone Castle was under the Japanese Army to be sold. When the Emperor Meiji visited Hikone in 1878, he felt sorry about the lost of the castle and ordered to preserve it. The castle was owned by the Imperial Household, followed by the Ii Clan and now Hikone City. In 1945 during World War II, the US Army was planning an air raid to Hikone in the evening, on August 15th just after the Emperor Showa declared the end of the war. The castle might have been saved by the emperors twice. Hikone City is trying to register the castle on the World Heritage List.

The illuminated Hikone Castle
The Large Ditch in front of the Balance Turret
The Main Tower at the Main Enclosure
The Genkyuen, the garden for the lord at the castle site

My Impression

When I visited Hikone Castle, I was very pleased to enter not only the Main Tower, but also most of the remaining turrets. It is very rare compare to other castles. I asked an officer why they allow some visitors to enter these turrets. His answer was that because they stored all of the items in the castle buildings into the Hikone Castle Museum. I understood it and was impressed by the great efforts of the city for preserving and continuing the castle into future generations.

The Balance Turret
The interior of the Balance Turret
The entrance of the Drum Gate Turret
The Western Enclosure Three-level Turret
The interior of Western Enclosure Three-level Turret
A view of the Hikone Castle Museum from the Main Enclosure

How to get There

If you want to visit the castle by car, it is about 10 minutes away from Hikone IC on the Meshin Expressway. There are several parking lots in the castle site.
By public transportation, it takes about 15 minutes on foot from the JR Hikone Station.
To get to Hikone Station from Tokyo: Take the Tokaido Shinkansen super express and transfer to the Biwako Line at Maibara Station or Kyoto Station.

The parking lot next to the Stable

Links and References

Hikone Castle, Visit Omi

That’s all. Thank you.
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