164.Sumoto Castle Part3

What is the essential value of this castle?


Attractions of Eastern Enclosure

If you have time, I recommend you seeing the Eastern Enclosure more, which also have many other attractions. For example, there is Jitsugetsu-no-ike Pond, or the Pond of the Sun and the Moon, which was used as a well for the castle. The enclosure also has the ruins of the Second Eastern Gate on the eastern side, which use the oldest stone walls in the castle. Outside the gate ruins, you can look down the eastern Climbing Stone Walls which line from the foot to the top. They look great, but you had better not get too close to them, because part of them collapsed and could be dangerous to explore.

The map around the castle

The Pond of the Sun and the Moon of the Eastern Enclosure
The ruins of the Second Eastern Gate of the Eastern Enclosure
The eastern Climbing Stone Walls

Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Sumoto Castle was abandoned and its ruins on the mountain became part of a natural park called Mikuma Park. The imitation Main Tower was built as an attraction for the park. Its area at the foot of the mountain was turned into the city area including a court, a museum, and residences. The stone walls on the mountain have been researched and restored. As a result, the mountain part of the castle was finally designated as a National Historic Site in 1999. On the other hand, the imitation tower will soon cease to exist. However, under the current regulations for National Historic Sites, the tower may not be allowed to be replaced without certain evidence for its original building. Local people want to maintain something for a symbol of the castle, despite the fact that it is still unknown what the castle buildings on the mountain looked like. This is because they were demolished about 400 years ago. How will the local governments such as Sumoto City decide the future of these castles?

The Imitation Main Tower of Sumoto Castle

My Impression

I was really surprised to see such great original stone walls remain in good condition on the mountain. There are few similar cases in Japan. This is because people in Sumoto have been putting great efforts in maintaining them. However, I think these stone walls are not popular despite being the most important element of the castle, so they and their history should be known to more people in other areas. I also hope that all the stone walls of the castle including the Climbing Stone Walls could be made intact. It may be difficult to do it in a short time, but if it is done, Sumoto Castle could become more popular and people in Somoto could have more pride in Sumoto Castle no matter the imitation tower is kept or not.

The stone walls of the Belt Enclosure in front of the Main Gate Ruins
The stone walls of the southwest corner of the Main Enclosure
The Imitation Main Tower on the original stone wall base

How to get There

If you want to visit there by car:
It is about 20 minutes away from Sumoto IC on Kobe-Awaji-Naruto Expressway.
The ruins offer a parking lot near the top of the mountain.
By public transportation, it takes about 40 minutes walking from the Sumoto Bus Center.
You can take an express bus from Osaka or Kobe to the bus center.

The parking lot near the top of the mountain

That’s all. Thank you.
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164.洲本城 その3

















・「城郭研究の新展開2 淡路洲本城」戒光祥出版


77.Takamatsu Castle Part3

Will the Main Tower be restored?


Remaining Stone Walls in City Area

If you have more time, how about visiting the eastern area of the park, the former Eastern Enclosure? The area was turned into a city area, but part of the original stone walls remain among modern buildings. The remaining Ushitora-Yagura Turret was originally built in this area.

The aerial photo around the castle

The remaining stone walls among modern buildings
The Ushitora-Yagura Turret was built on these stone walls

Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Takamatsu Castle was abandoned, most of its buildings including the Main Tower were demolished, and many parts of it were turned into the city area. However, the former lords of the castle, the Matsudaira Clan bought the remaining primary part of the castle and lived in it. The part finally became the public Tamamo Park in 1955. The remaining turrets and gate were also designated as Important Cultural Properties in 1950.

The Hiunkaku Hall where the Matsudaira Clan lived after the Meiji Restoration
The remaining Ushitora-Yagura Turret

In addition, Takamatsu City is collecting records to restore the Main Tower. The tower had three-layers and four-stories. Its appearance was very rare, with the first and forth floors overhanging, called Nanban-zukuri or the Western Style. The city has confirmed its external appearance while its interior is still largely unknown. It is asking the citizens to offer old pictures and documents, even offering rewards.

The present stone wall base for the Main Tower
The old photo of the Main Tower, from the signboard at the site
The external view of the restored Main Tower, from the signboard at the site

My Impression

I’m very interested in the plan to restore the Main Tower of Takamatsu Castle. If the restoration is done, the castle may look like a floating castle on the waves again. However, the essential value of castle ruins belongs to the remaining items. In the case of Takamatsu Castle, I like the remaining Tsukimi-Yagura Turret the best, but it doesn’t stand out like it used to. I hope the officials also think about how the turret looked in the past.

The remaining Tsukimi-Yagura Turret
The reclaimed land in front of the Tsukimi Turret

How to get There

If you want to visit by car:
It is about 20 minutes away from Takamatsu IC on the Takamatsu Expressway.
You can park at Tamamo Park.
By train, it is few minutes away from JR Takamatsu Station on foot.
To get to Takamatsu Station from Tokyo or Osaka: Take the Tokaido or Sanyo Shinkansen super express and transfer at Okayama Station to the Seto-Ohashi Line. Take a train called the Marine Liner bound for Takamatsu.

That’s all. Thank you.
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