最新記事~Latest Issues 90.Hirado Castle Part1 2022-07-132022-10-15 The castle built with the Yamaga style military ingenuity 続きを読む~Read more 90.平戸城 その1 2022-07-092022-07-15 山鹿流軍学によって築かれた城 続きを読む~Read more 87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part3 2022-07-072022-07-07 Was only Hideyoshi to the blame for the war? 続きを読む~Read more 87.肥前名護屋城 その3 2022-07-062022-07-07 秀吉だけにこの戦いの責任があったのでしょうか。 続きを読む~Read more 87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part2 2022-07-032022-07-07 Spectacular traces of Hideyoshi’s ambition 続きを読む~Read more 87.肥前名護屋城 その2 2022-07-032022-07-06 壮大な秀吉の野望の跡 続きを読む~Read more 87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part1 2022-07-012022-07-23 Hideyoshi’s largest and last ambition 続きを読む~Read more 87.肥前名護屋城 その1 2022-06-292022-07-03 秀吉の最大にして最後の野望 続きを読む~Read more 185.Karatsu Castle Part3 2022-06-262022-06-26 How can we evaluate the Terasawa Clan’s achievement? 続きを読む~Read more 185.唐津城 その3 2022-06-262022-06-26 寺沢氏の業績をどう評価すればよいのでしょうか。 続きを読む~Read more 185.Karatsu Castle Part2 2022-06-252022-06-26 The castle is a modern tourist attraction. 続きを読む~Read more 185.唐津城 その2 2022-06-232022-06-26 今この城は現代的な観光地となっています。 続きを読む~Read more 185.Karatsu Castle Part1 2022-06-212022-06-25 The castle the Terasawa Clan built 続きを読む~Read more← 前へ 1 … 41 42 43 … 68 次へ →
90.Hirado Castle Part1 2022-07-132022-10-15 The castle built with the Yamaga style military ingenuity 続きを読む~Read more
87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part3 2022-07-072022-07-07 Was only Hideyoshi to the blame for the war? 続きを読む~Read more
87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part2 2022-07-032022-07-07 Spectacular traces of Hideyoshi’s ambition 続きを読む~Read more
87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part1 2022-07-012022-07-23 Hideyoshi’s largest and last ambition 続きを読む~Read more
185.Karatsu Castle Part3 2022-06-262022-06-26 How can we evaluate the Terasawa Clan’s achievement? 続きを読む~Read more
185.Karatsu Castle Part2 2022-06-252022-06-26 The castle is a modern tourist attraction. 続きを読む~Read more