49.Odani Castle Part2

Continuous enclosures on the ridge


Large Main Portion

Today, if you are close to the ruins of Odani Castle, you will see Odaniyama-Mountain the castle was built is still standing out. You will also see another mountain called Toragozeyama Nobunaga used as his battle castle in front of Odaniyama-Mountain. Many people gather at the foot of Odaniyama-Mountain for visiting the ruins or hiking. If you drive to the ruins, you can choose your parking spot at the foot or the mid slope. In the case of parking at the mid slope, you can access the main portion of the castle near the parking lot. However, this portion is large, steep and rough on the mountain, so it is recommended to wear trekking boots.

Odaniyama-Mountain on the right and Toragozeyama-Mountain on the left
The road to the main portion from the parking lot at the mid slope

Imagine how it looked by reading signboard

There are no castle buildings and few remaining stone walls on the foundations made of soil. This is because these items were taken as waste materials for other castles’ constructions, and it took a long time after the castle was abandoned. However, you can still see many enclosures on the ridge of the mountain as you climb up. Some signboards explain what each enclosure was called, used for, and looked like.

The Guardhouse Ruins
The imaginary of the Guardhouse Ruins, from the signboard at the site
Toragozeyama Mountain from the view spot at the mid slope
The Teahouse Ruins
The imaginary of the Teahouse Ruins, from the signboard at the site
The Stable Ruins
The imaginary of the Stable Ruins, from the signboard at the site
The Cherry Riding Ground Ruins
The imaginary of the Cherry Riding Ground Ruins, from the signboard at the site

Large Hall Nagamasa where lived and Main Enclosure where he fought

Ohiroma or the Large Hall Enclosure is the largest one in the castle. Its entrance is Korogane-mon Gate Ruins which have some stone steps and stone walls. There were the Main Halls for the lord and relatives. A lot of household items, such as earthen cups, silver cups, coins, and mirrors were unearthed by the excavation. You can also enjoy a good view from there, so Nagamawa and his family might usually have lived in the enclosure.

The map around the castle

Korogane-mon Gate Ruins
The Large Hall Ruins
A view from the Cherry Riding Ground Ruins nearby

The next is the Main Enclosure where Nagamasa fought against Nobunaga. It has two tiers with some remaining stone walls. It is speculated that it had a building like the Main Tower. Nagamasa sallied out from there but died in the Akao Residence Ruins nearby.

The Main Enclosure
The remaining stone walls of the Main Enclosure
The imaginary of the Main Enclosure, from the signboard at the site

You will see the Large Ditch behind the Main Enclosure to divide the castle into the front and back part. This ditch might have protected the enclosure from Nobunaga’s attack from the back part for a while.

The Large Ditch

To be continued in “Odani Castle Part3”
Back to “Odani Castle Part1”

投稿者: Yuzo

城巡りが好きなYuzoです。日本には数万の城があったといわれています。その内の200名城を手始めにどんどん紹介していきます。 I'm Yuzo, I love visiting castles and ruins. It is said that there were tens of thousands castles in Japan. I will introduce you top 200 castles and ruins of them, and more!

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