87.Hizen-Nagoya Castle Part3

Was only Hideyoshi to the blame for the war?


Let’s walk around “Back side of Castle”

You can also look down and admire the Yugeki-maru Enclosure and the Second Enclosure to the west from the Main Enclosure. The former one was used as the accommodation for the envoys from the Ming Dynasty. Its name “Yugeki” comes from the position of one of the envoys. The latter has the ruins of many stone steps called Aisaka, which were used by the soldiers to quickly climb up or down the stone walls.

The map around the Second Enclosure

Tthe Yugeki-maru Enclosure seen from the Main Enclosure
The inside of the Yugeki-maru Enclosure
Tthe Secpmd Enclosure seen from the Main Enclosure
the ruins of many stone steps called Aisaka in the Second Enclosure

If you want to go there from the Main Enclosure, you need to go out from the Back Gate ruins and walk around passing through the Mizute Route and the Funate Route.

The route from the Main Enclosure to the Second Enclosure written on the picture of the miniature model of Hizen-Nagoya Castle exhibited by the Saga Prefectural Nagoya Castle Museum
the Back Gate ruins of the Main Enclosure
Below the Mizute Enclosure around the Mizete Route
Going around the Yugeki-maru Enclosure
The entrance of the Second Enclosure, around the Funate Route

If you look up the stone walls of the Main Enclosure from these enclosures, you can see the stone walls were destroyed like a V letter very well. This is because the officials restored them just after they were destroyed intentionally.

Looking up the Main Tower base of the Main Enclosure from the Yugeki-maru Enclosure
The stone walls are preserved as just after being destroyed

Later History

After Hizen-Nagoya Castle was abandoned, all the buildings were demolished. It is said that part of them was used for the construction of Karatsu Castle. Many parts of the stone walls were destroyed intentionally as mentioned above. Historians speculate the destruction occurred for the following reasons:
It may have been due to the Law of One Castle per Province by the Tokugawa Shogunate; the Shogunate might have broken the stone walls so they could not to be used by rebels against the Shogunate (like Shimabara Rebellion); or it might have been done to show a good partnership to the Korean envoys.
The ruins have been designated as a National Special Historic Site since 1955.

Karatsu Castle
The destroyed stone walls of the Yugeki-maru Enclosure

My Impression

Many Japanese people now tend to avoid thinking of the invasion of Korea by Hideyoshi Toyotomi. They also think the war was caused by Hideyoshi’s own crazy idea, considering the current relationship with Korea. However, I think many Japanese people wanted to get more territory at that time. Even Hideyoshi was not able to build such a huge-scale castle without the people’s cooperation. I also think we cannot build a real friendship with foreign countries without sharing real history.
If you have time, I recommend visiting some of the ruins of other lords’ military positions around the castle. I regret I was only able to go to one of them after visiting Hizen-Natgoya Castle.

The entrance of the Back Route
The stone walls below the Back Route
The ruins of the military position of Hideyori Mori

How to get There

I recommend using a car when you visit the ruins.
It is about 30 minutes away from Karatsu IC on the Nishi-Kyushu Expressway.
You can park at the parking lot of Saga Prefectural Nagoya Castle Museum.

The Saga Prefectural Nagoya Castle Museum
Around the parking lot of the museum

Links and References

Saga Prefectural Nagoya Castle Museum

That’s all. Thank you.
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87.肥前名護屋城 その3





















・「逆説の日本史11 戦国乱世編/井沢元彦著」小学館


185.Karatsu Castle Part3

How can we evaluate the Terasawa Clan’s achievement?

Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Karatsu Castle was abandoned and all the buildings of the castle were demolished. Most of the castle area was turned into the city area, but the mountain part became Maizuru Park in 1877. The Imitation Main Tower was built and opened in 1966 as new Karatsu Castle. Since then, the castle site has been a modern tourist attraction as well as a historical spot.

The Imitation Main Tower of Katatsu Castle
The Imitation Main Tower seen from the outside of the Main Enclosure

My Impression

I didn’t have a good impression of the Terasawa Clan because of the result of the Shimabara Rebellion. The founder of the clan, Hirotaka seemed to be loyal to the Tokugawa Shogunate in his new territory called Amakusa. I guess his oppression was a way for him to do so like the Matsukura Clan at Shimabara Castle and Nobutoshi Sanada at Numata Castle. I also think we should evaluate what he did in Karatsu and Amakusa separately. He at least built Karatsu Castle and the foundation of Karatsu City. I also recommend enjoying Karatsu pottery Hirotaka promoted, which is still a well-known product in the city.

Shimabara Castle
The ruins of Numata Castle
One of the masterpieces of Karatsu pottery called Platter with Pine Tree, owned by the Metropolitan Museum (licensed by the Metropolitan Museum via Wikimedia Commons)

How to get There

I recommend using a car when you visit the castle.
It is about 15 minutes away from Nijo-Shikaka IC on the Nishi-Kyushu Expressway.
You can park at the parking lot near the entrance of the castle.
By train, It takes about 20 minutes on foot from Karatsu Station.
To get to Karatsu Station from Fukuoka: Take the Fukuoka City Subway on the Kuko Line, transfer to the JR Chikuhi Line at Meihama Station.
From Tokyo or Osaka to Fukuoka: Take the Shinkansen super express or plane.

That’s all. Thank you.
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