117.岩櫃城(Iwabitsu Castle)

Iwabitsu Castle looks like defensive, but actually aggressive.

岩櫃山と潜龍院跡(Mt. Iwabitsu and the ruins of Senryuin)

Location and History

There were several roads between Shinano Proivnce (now called Nagano Prefecture) and Kozuke Province (Gunma Prefecture) in the past. The most famous one was Nakasendo, and one of the others was Shinshu-Kaido connecting Ueda in Shinano and Numata in Koduke (equivalent to current the National Route 145). In the late Warring States Period, the Sanada clan under the Takeda clan attacked from Shinano to Koduke along this Shinshu-Kaido. Iwabitsu Castle was on the way, renovated by the Sanada clan to be an important site for the capture of Koduke.

岩櫃城Iwabitsu Castle
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

国道145号線の周辺地図と岩櫃城の位置(The map around National Route 145 and the location of Iwabitsu Castle)

The castle was located on Mt.Iwabitsu, but not on the top, because the spot is too rocky and dangerous to stay (Even now, climbing to the top requires a modern climbing equipment). So the center of the castle was halfway up the mountain. This means that the behind the castle was protected by rock as a natural hazard. The castle also had another hazard, the Agatsuma River.

現地案内所にある城のミニチュアモデル(The miniature model of the castle at the information center at the site)

It is said the castle was first built in the North-South Court Period by a local clan. After that, Yukitaka Sanada got it with great difficulty. His son, Masayuki Sanada renovated it.

真田昌幸像、個人蔵(The portlait of Masayuki Sanada, privately owned)licensed under Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Sanada’s master, Katsuyori Takeda faced the crisis of destruction due to Nobunaga Oda’s invasion in March 1582. Masayuki thought about accommodating and supporting the master in this castle. He built the hall for Katsuyori at the foot of the mountain as well(What is now called “the ruins of Senryuin”).However, it didn’t happen as Katsuyori died shortly.

潜龍院跡(The ruins of Senryuin)

On the other hand, Sanada somehow manage to keep this castle. When the Warring States Period ended, the castle was not needed, and was abandoned by Masayuki’s son, Nobuyuki Sanada in 1614.

真田信之像、個人蔵(The portlait of Nobuyuki Sanada, privately owned)licensed under Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Mt.Iwabitsu has a great rocky looking part facing the south, but the castle ruins remain at back of the mountain facing the north east direction. They are on a ridge of the mountain spreading down several enclosures called “Honmaru”, “Ninomaru” and “Nakashiro” surrounded by natural hazards.

岩櫃山の正面(The front of Mt. Iwabitsu)

There is only one narrow and winding road to reach the foot of the ruins. The entrance was also protected by the branch castle called “Yanagisawa Castle”.

城跡への道(The road to the ruins)

You may feel the castle was very defensive, however it had a different perspective. First, enclosures on the ridge are separated by dry moats or ditches like network. The network seemed to be used not only for preventing enemies, but also for connection.

空堀、兼通路(Dry moats or passages)

The castle also had an enclosure called Tengu-Maru and the castle town at the foot that could accommodate a large numbers of soldiers or residents.

天狗丸跡(The ruins of Tengu-Maru)

In addition, Honmaru on the ridge is not so large that might be used for the headquarter.

本丸跡(The ruins of Honmaru)

Overall, I think the castle was used for Sanada’s base to attack. Hajime Yamazaki, a local historian says that such a layout is called a bright layout “You-no-Nawa”.

二の丸から本丸を見上げる(Lookimg up Honmaru from Ninomaru)

Later Life

Because of its location, the ruins of Iwabitsu Castle had been left as they were for a long time after being abandoned. Yamazaki first investigated the ruins in the 1970s. He published his achievement, then the ruins were designated as a local historic site in 1972. They also became a national historic site just recently in October 2019. I’m looking forward to seeing how they are developed in the future.

本丸にある岩櫃城の標柱(The signpost of Iwabitsu Castle at Honmaru)

My Impression

It is said that there is no “if” in history. But many history fans enjoy speculating what would happen if Katsuyori came to Iwabitsu Castle. I imagine the battle between Takeda and Oda would be longer as the castle could hold out against large troops for a while. Then, history might change from that fact, because Nobunaga’s unexpected great victory made him complacent and overconfident. That led to his death in the Honnoji Incident in June 1582, just three months after the victory.

岩櫃山の麓にある潜龍院跡(The ruins of Senryuin on the foot of Mt. Iwabitsu)

How to get There

To the ruins of Iwabitsu Castle: When using car, park at the Hirasawa starting point for a climb. When using train, it takes about 40 minutes on foot from the Gunma-Haramachi station on JR Agatsuma line to the parking lot. it takes another about 20 minutes on foot from the parking lot to Honmaru.

To the ruins of Senryuin: When using car, park at the Furuya starting point for a climb. When using train, it takes about 20 minutes on foot from the Gobara station on JR Agatsuma line to the parking lot. it takes another about 15 minutes on foot from the parking lot to the ruins.

From Tokyo to Gunma-Haramachi or Gobara station: Take the J0etsu Shinkansen super express to Takasaki station, and transffer to Agatsuma local line.

Links and References

岩櫃なび(Iwabitsu Navi, only Japanese?)
・「群馬の古城 北毛編/山崎一」あかぎ出版(Japanese Book)
・「真田太平記 1岩櫃の城/池波正太郎」朝日新聞社(Japanese Book)