167.Shingu Castle Part1

A castle with advanced stone walls

Location and History

Singu City has Long History

Shingu City is located in the southern part of Wakayama Prefecture, around the estuary of Kumano-gawa River. It has a rich nature and a long history. It even has a tradition that Jofuku of the Qin Dynasty in ancient China. He arrived in search of the elixir of life. It is also known for the location of Kumano Hayamizu Taisha, one of the three main Kumano Shrines. Because of the location, the Chief Priest or Betto of Kumano Shrines had governed the area. However, the Shrines’ power decreased during the Sengoku Period when many battles happened.

The Jofuku Park in Shingu City (licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)
Kumano Hayamizu Taisha Shrine (licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

Tadayoshi Asano builds Castle, followed by Shigenaka Mizuno

Instead, a local lord of the Horiuchi Clan got the power to govern. In 1600 when the Battle of Sekigahara occurred, the clan supported the Western Squad. That resulted in the clan’s destruction because the Eastern Squad, led by Ieyasu Tokugawa who was the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, won. The shogunate sent the Asano Clan to Kii Province, what is modern day Wakayama Prefecture, as its lord. The Shingu area was governed by Tadayoshi Asano, the clan’s relative, who first built Shingu Castle.

The range of Kii Province and the location of the castle

The area prospered as a junction for water transportation connecting Kumano-gawa River and the Pacific Ocean. Wooden materials such as the Kumano Cedar were gathered in and carried from there using it. People, who had been called the Kumano Navy in the Sengoku Period, operated it. Tadayoshi needed to control them by building the castle, which was built on a hill called Tankaku-yama near the estuary of the river. He was also required to make the castle strong because some local warriors and farmers called the Kitayama Uprising were against him. In 1614, the uprising people actually tried to attack the castle, but were repelled by the Asano troops with the former Navy people.

Part of the illustration of Shingu Castle in Kii Province, exhibited by the National Archives of Japan

The castle was once abandoned in 1615 because of the Law of One Castle per Province by the Tokugawa Shogunate. However, Tadayoshi was allowed to start rebuilding the castle probably at the same place in 1618 for some reasons. After he was transferred to another territory by the shogunate, the Tokugawa Clan owned the province. The clan was one of the three branches of the Tokugawa Family, based in Wakayama Castle as the Kishu Domain. A senior vassal of the clan, Shigenaka Mizuno entered Shingu Castle following the construction that Tadayoshi Asano launched. The construction continued for many years and was finally completed in 1667.

The portrait of Shigenaka Mizuno, owned by Kinshoji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Advanced Stone Walls and Water Supply Enclosure used for Trading

The castle had several buildings on the hill, including the three-level Main Tower. However, one of the most important features of it have been its advanced stone walls. The construction of the castle was done in the later period than those of other castles in Japan. This was because building new castles were basically not allowed after the law in 1615. Methods of processing and piling stone walls were much improved until then. Shingu Castle was one of the few cases which could enjoy the advanced technology completely.

The stone walls of the Main Enclosure

Another outstanding feature of it was Mizunote or the Water Supply Enclosure below the hill along the river. This was used as a port probably for the Navy at the first stage of the castle. However, in the peaceful time of the Edo Period, there were a lot of storage rooms for charcoal in the enclosure. It is thought that the charcoal was delivered from the castle to sell to large cities like Edo and Osaka. The Kii Domain made a profit on it. This was a rare example of economic activities which were done in Japanese castles.

The Water Supply Enclosure
THE charcoal, unearthed in the enclosure, , exhibited by Shingu City Museum of History and Folklore

To be continued in “Shingu Castle Part2”

155.Akagi Castle Part1

The starting point of Takatora Todo as a castle construction master

Location and History

Takatora was seeking his Ideal Master

Akagi Castle was located in the mountain part of Kii Province what is now Wakayama Prefecture. The castle was built around 1589 by Takatora Todo who would be a well-known master of castle construction later. The castle was one of his earliest castles, so it can be seen as the starting point of his castle construction. Takatora came from Omi Province near Kyoto during the Sengoku Period when so many warlords divided the country and often battled with each other. He was well built and distinguished himself in many wars, however, his masters didn’t always survive. As a result, he changed his masters as many as seven times like an excellent business person changes one’s job several times now. In 1576, he found his fourth master, Hidenaga Toyotomi, the little brother of Hideyoshi Toyotomi who would become the ruler of Japan later.

The range of Kii Province and the location of the castle

The portrait of Takatora Todo, private owned (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hedenaga was a nicely balanced leader joining his brother’s unification of Japan. Takatora was promoted by Hidenaga to one of his senior vassals and also learned many elements of the enterprise, one of which was how to build castles. He must have experienced it through many battles under Hidenaga. In 1585, Hideyoshi had conquered Kii Provence which was given to Hidenaga. Hidenaga also gave part of the province to be governed to Takatora. However, it was not easy because many local lords still didn’t want to be ruled by others, who also had guns which were popular weapons in the province at that time. One of Takatora’s answers to the question was to build his new castle called Akagi Castle.

The portrait of Hidenaga Toyotomi, owned by Shungakuin Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
Matchlock guns which were popular weapons at that time

Mountain Castle with Advanced System

Akagi Castle was a simple mountain castle with its Main Enclosure on a hill and its other enclosures on the three ridges in the north, east, and west. They are similar to many other castles built at that time so far. Takatora added advanced systems with his own ideas and experiences using the current technology. First, the Main Enclosure was basically square shaped and surrounded by high stone walls. The line of the walls was also bended elaborately to make a side attack to enemies. Its entrance was guarded by a small square space called Masugata. These features can be seen in other castles Takatora built later such as Imabari and Tsu Castles. Other enclosures were also surrounded by stone walls and placed wisely. For example, if visitors or enemies wanted to go the Main Enclosure by passing the enclosures on the eastern ridge, they had to go through three alternated entrances called Koguchi.

The layout of Akagi Castle, from the signboard at the site, adding the red letters for the Enclosures’ names
The stone walls of the Main Enclosure at Akagi Castle Ruins
The ruins of Tsu Castle
Imabari Castle

Takatora succeeded in governing the area around the castle. The castle probably provided relief from dangerous battles and Takatora’s authority to the local people. However, his stable governance was not done by only the castle, but also by his strict policy. He executed 160 rebels including local warriors and farmers, called Kitayama Uprising, at Tabirako Mountain Pass near the castle just after the completion of the castle. The reason for the uprising is said that they were against Hideyoshi’s nationwide land survey because the government before Hideyoshi did not recognize how much field people had. People had to pay more tax after the government survey. That was one of the realities in the Sengoku Period.

The relief map around the castle

Castle is followed by Asano Clan before abandoned by One Castle per Province Law

In the first 17th Century, the Asano Clan governed Kii Province. They were based in Wakayama Castle, but also used Akagi Castle as the Kitayama Uprising people rebelled again. The clan executed more people than Takatora. Akagi Castle was finally abandoned due to the Law of One Castle per Province by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1615.

Wakayama Castle

To be continued in “Akagi Castle Part2”