156.Kamaha Castle Part2

Ruins in the animal kingdom now


Several Routes to Castle Ruins

Today, visiting the ruins of Kamaha Castle needs climbing up the mountain. There are several routes for visiting them. Probably the popular ones are from the old Banba Station on the old Nakasendo Road, because they reach the front side of the castle. You have to walk on the routes for about 1 hour, but many signs will lead you along the way. From the station, you will first go through the underpasses of Hikone44 or 43 of the Meshin Expressway. You have to open and close the front wire netting gate in order to shut animals outside it when you pass. The inside of the gate is basically the animal kingdom now. the route from Hikone44 is relatively smooth but longer, and the one from Hikone43 is shorter but comparatively steeper. The route from Hikone43 seemed to be the original Main Route.

The map around the castle

The old Banba Station on the old Nakasendo Road
A distant view of the mountain where the castle was built
The underpass of Hikone44 of the Meshin Expressway
The underpass of Hikone43 of the Meshin Expressway

If you choose the route from Hikone44, the first part of your visit is completely a trek. You will go on the trail along natural valleys and ridges for over 30 minutes. The signs will show you when you are close to the castle ruins. You will also find a bear-avoiding bell that you can ring. You may not visualize there was an advanced castle where many people usually used it over such a place.

Going on the trail from the underpass of Hikone44
A bear-avoiding bell
Going on a ridge
Closing to the castle ruins

Large Ditch and Stone Walls

You will first reach the Large Ditch in the northern edge of the castle. It may look like a natural valley, but, in fact, it is artificial. The enclosure behind the ditch is called the North VI.

The map around the castle

The Large Ditch
Looking up the North VI Enclosure from the Large Ditch

You can see the Large Stone Walls in the western side of the enclosure. These stone walls were made in a unique method which uses clay to fill in the gaps.

The Large Stone Walls
The cray between the stones can’t be seen just looking at them

Ruins of Large Turret and Entrance

Large scale earthen walls also remain on the enclosure, which supported the Large Turret in the past. A simple wooden observation platform stands there now.

The North VI Enclosure
The remaining earthen walls of the enclosure
Looking down the Large Ditch from the observation platform
A view from the observation platform

The next part is the North V Enclosure which has the other entrance ruins with stone steps and stone mound than those in the Main Enclosure.

The entrance ruins of the North V Enclosure
Water is supplied in the enclosure from its source somewhere

After that is the North IV Enclosure has another wooden observation platform for visitors probably because it is a good viewing spot. You can enjoy a good view of the Omi Plain beside Biwa Lake.

The North IV Enclosure
The observation platform in the North IV Enclosure
A view from the observation platform

To be continued in “Kamaha Castle Part3”
Back to “Kamaha Castle Part1”

投稿者: Yuzo

城巡りが好きなYuzoです。日本には数万の城があったといわれています。その内の200名城を手始めにどんどん紹介していきます。 I'm Yuzo, I love visiting castles and ruins. It is said that there were tens of thousands castles in Japan. I will introduce you top 200 castles and ruins of them, and more!

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