24.Takeda Clan Hall Part3

One of the most popular tourist spots in Yamanashi Pref.

Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, people in Yamanashi Prefecture started to honor the activities of Shingen Takeda. In addition, it was recommended to worship gods of war like Shingen in shrines after Japan’s victory in the Russo‐Japanese War in 1905. As a result, Takeda Shrine was established on the ruins of Takeda Clan Hall in 1919. The Shrine and Shingen have now become symbols of the prefecture and famous attractions for tourism.

Takeda Shrine
 The front guard frame of Takeda Shrine

My Impression

After I visited the ruins of Takeda Clan Hall, I understood the Takeda Clan, including Shingen, made great efforts to reinforce their home base. In fact, I think the hall was a bit small for a great warlord like Shingen. It could be because Shingen thought that a good offense is the best defense. Shingen tried to broaden his territory all through his life. I also think that the style of a castle is often reflected by the character of its founder or owner.

The statue of Shingen Takeda in front of Kofu Station (licensed by そらみみ via Wikimedia Commons)
The entrance of the West Enclosure of Takeda Clan Hall

How to get There

If you want to visit there by car:
It is about 30 minutes away from Kofu-showa IC on Chuo Expressway.
Takeda Shrine offers a parking lot near the shrine.
By public transportation, it takes about 30 minutes on foot or take the Yamanashi-kotsu Bus bound for Takeda-jinja (Takeda Shrine) from Kofu Station.
To get Kofu Station from Tokyo: Get the limited express Azusa or Kaiji at Shinjuku Station.

Links and References

Visit Kofu (Official Tourism Website for Kofu City)

That’s all.
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24.武田氏館 その3







甲府駅前にある武田信玄銅像 (licensed by そらみみ via Wikimedia Commons)




・「武田信玄 伝説的英雄からの脱却/笹本正治著」中公新書


44.Nagoya Castle Part3

The present Main Tower should survive.

What will happen?

Kawamura has first applied for the demolition of the present Main Tower to the Agency for Cultural Affairs while the tower has been closed since 2018. However, the agency has not given him the approval because he hasn’t answered how the stone wall base will be preserved and what the new Main Tower will look like. Their goals are likely completely different. Unless they make a compromise, nothing may happen for a while.

The Small Main Tower (on the left) and the Large Main Tower (on the right)
The Main Tower can be seen behind the Honmaru Main Hall

My Opinion

I think Nagoya City should give up the replacement and repair the present Main Tower, because the present one has its own value. It is said that one of the reasons why the present one is made of concrete is that people believed it would never burn down in the future (the main reason was the restriction by the law at that time). A wooden Main Tower would be burned down like Shuri Castle.

The Main Tower (on the left) and the Southwest Corner Turret (on the right)
A distant view of the Main Tower

No matter how the wooden one resembles the original one, it is just a replica that people might be bored of soon. In addition, the more similar the replica and the original are, the less useful for general purposes and more expensive for the maintenance they are. If the city can get enough funds for the castle, it should use the money to repair remaining items such as the stone wall base and restore many other buildings that have been lost. This would make people understand what the whole castle looked like.

The ruins of the First Front Gate at the Main Enclosure
The old photo of the First Front Gate at the Main Enclosure (licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons)

How to get There

If you want to visit there by car:
It is about 5 minutes away from Marunouchi Exit on Nagoya Expressway Ring Route
The castle park offers parking lots.
By train, it takes about 5 minutes on foot from Shiyakusho Station on the Meijo Subway Line.
To get Shiyakusho Station from Tokyo or Osaka: Take the Tokaido Shinkansen Super Express, get off at Nagoya Station, transfer to the Higashiyama Subway Line, transfer at Sakae Station to the Meijo Subway Line.

Links and References

Special Historic Site, Nagoya Castle

That’s all.
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