45.Okazaki Castle~岡崎城

This castle is considered to be the birthplace of Ieyasu Tokugawa was born, but actually the story is more complicated.

立地と歴史~Location and History

三河ではよくある立地~Typical location in Mikawa

Okasaki Castle was originally located on a hill called Ryutozan, at the meeting point of the Yahagi River and Oto River. The castle belonged to Mikawa Province (what is now the eastern part of Aichi Pref.). It had s typical strategic location in the province.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

城の最初の姿~Its first appearance

It is said that Tsuguyori Saigo first built the castle in the middle of the the 15th Century. One of the moats still carries his Buddhist name. It’s called “Seikai” moat of the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru”. After that, the Matsudaira clan took control over the castle. Their descendant Ieyasu Tokugawa improve it. We don’t know exactly what the castle looked like back then, but it seemed to have just a couple of enclosures, no stone walls, and no Main Tower or “Tenshu”. Historians say the shape of the Jibutsu-do enclosure shows the features of the castle at that time.

清海堀~Seikai moat
持仏堂曲輪~Jibutsu-do enclosure

城の完成~The completion of the castle

Yoshimasa Tanaka who served the Toyotomi clan was governing the castle in 1590, instead of Tokugawa who had been transferred to Kanto Region. He modernized the castle by building the first Main Tower or “Tenshu”, surrounding it with stone walls, and making the castle town with an outline. After Ieyasu got the power in 1600, the castle was owned by hereditary feudal lords all through the Edo Period. The Honda clan replaced the Tenshu, and completed the stone walls around the castle by the middle of the 16 century.

現在の復興天守~The present reconstructed Tenshu
三州岡崎城図、江戸時代~The illustration of Okazawaki Castle in Mikawa Province(出典:国立国会図書館)

維持するのは大変~It was hard to maintain

Several clans that governed the castle didn’t have large territories and earnings, but they had to maintain it as the founder Ieyasu’s home. They also suffered from river floods as well as earthquakes. They struggled to repair and improve the castle and the area around. In 2015, 400m-long stone walls were discovered along the Oto River. One of the reasons for building them was to prevent floods.

過去の岡崎城のミニチュアモデル~The miniature model of Okazaki Castle in the past(岡崎城内博物館より)
乙川と発見された石垣~Oto River and the stone walls alongside it

その後~Later History

日本最初の「公園」~The first “Park” in Japan

After the Meiji Restoration, Okazaki Castle was abandoned, and all of their buildings were demolished. The ruins were soon turned into a park called Okazaki “Park” in 1874. In the early 20th century, Seroku Honda, a famous garden designer, and Kishichiro Odaki, the mayor of Okazaki City at that time, improved the park by planting trees, and building public facilities such as a library, and a hospital.

「公園」碑~The monument of “Park”
公園にある小瀧喜七郎の銅像~The statue of Kishichiro Odaki in the park

城の建物の再建~Rebuilding of castle buildings

After World War II, the park was also featured as a historical park, since the foundation with stone walls in the center of the castle still remained. In 1959, the Tenshu was reconstructed on the original Tenshu base. The details of the original Tenshu were uncertain, but Hisashi Kido, an architect, designed it based on old photographs. It is said to be one of the symbols for the reconstruction of Japan. More traditional buildings were recently restored like the Main Entrance Gate “Ote-mon” and the East Corner Turret “Higashi-Sumi Yagura”.

復興天守~The reconstructed Tenshu
再建された東隅櫓~The rebult East Corner Turret

最近の動向~The recent movement

In more recent years, Okazaki City has been trying to identify the park as the place where Ieayasu Tokugawa, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate was born. That’s probably done for tourism and in order to make it a symbol of the city. The city plans to restore more castle buildings, but historians say that growing plants are damaging the stone walls and landscape for the castle. Removing some plants is essential for conserving the ruins of the castle. That’s troubling. I am yet to see how they will solve this problem in the future.

徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵~The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
公園は木々に覆われています~The park is covered with trees


城エリアに入る~Entering the castle area

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

If you come from Higashi-Okazaki Station, you can see the view of the castle ruins from the riverside of the Oto River. There are long stone walls along the riverside which were discovered in2015.

岡崎城の遠景~A dintant view of Okazaki Castle

You will first reach the Sugo enclosure where you can also see the center of the castle on the hill.

菅生曲輪~Sugo enclosure

To reach the restored Ote-mon Gate, go through the road cut along the Higashi enclosure. The road was once used as the bottom of the moat.

ここは堀の底でした~This is where the bottome of the moat was

The gate is also the entrance of Okazaki Park. After passing the gate, the Ninomaru enclosure can be seen as a modern park with a flower garden.

再建された大手門~The rebuilt Ote-mon Gate
二の丸にある花時計~The flower clock at Ninomaru(taken by tkworks from photoAC)

本丸エリア~The Honmaru area

本丸の地図~The map of Honmaru

Going further to the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru”, you can see the Jibutsu-do enclosure in front of the Seikai moat. The enclosure clearly stick out due to its round shaped. It is surrounded with earthen walls. They are the features of the older Tokugawa castle’s defense system that could date back to the Ieyasu Era.

持仏堂曲輪の外側~The outside of Jibutsu-do enclosure
持仏堂曲輪の内側~The inside of Jibutsu-do enclosure

There are three routes to Honmaru, the Ote route, the Uzumi-mon Gate route, and the Furotani-mon Gate route. Their stone walls still remain and they were probably built in the Tanaka and Honda Era. The routes must have been strictly protected by gates and turrets in the past.

大手口~The Ote route
埋門口~The Uzumi-mon Gate route
風呂谷門口~The Furotani-mon Gate route

The reconstructed Tenshu is actually a modern building which is also used as a historical museum, but the stone walls for its base were originally built by the Tanaka clan.

復興天守とオリジナルの石垣~The reconstructed Tenshu and the original stone walls

家康の史跡~Ieyasu’s landmarks

In addition, there are landmarks related to Ieyasu Tokugawa such as his statues and the well which was used for his first bath.

公園にある徳川家康の銅像~The statue of Ieyasu Tokugawa
家康公産湯の井戸~The well which was used for Ieyasu’s first bath

私の感想~My Impression

The ruins of Okazaki Castle are steeped in along legacy. Okazaki Park is built on the spot of the primary enclosures of the castle. Other enclosures including the outline were already turned into the city area. As the studies and the excavation for the castle increase, new discoveries will come. I’m looking forward to hearing about them.

本丸の風呂谷門口近くの古い石垣~The old stone walls near Furotani-mon Gate route at Honmaru

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes about 15 minutes From Meitetsu Higashi-Okazaki station to get there on foot.
From Tokyo to Higashi-Okazaki st.:
Take the Tokaido Shinkansen superexpress to Toyohashi station, and transfer for Meitetsu Nagoya line.
From Nagoya to Higashi-Okazaki st.:
Take the train on Meitetsu Nagoya line at Meitetsu-Nagoya station.
If you want to go there by car: It is about 3 km away from the Okazaki IC on Tomei Expressway. The park offer a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

岡崎公園、岡崎市公式観光サイトOkazaki Park
・「三河岡崎城/愛知中世城郭研究会」戒光祥出版(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城3」学研(Japanese Book)

31.新発田城~Shibata Castle

Part of Honmaru is open because of “G.I.Samurai”.

本丸に移された現存二の丸隅櫓~The remaining Ninomaru Sumi Turret which was moved to Honmaru

Location and History

Shibata Castle was located on a plain area which now belongs to Shibata City in the northern part of Niigata Pref. It is said that the Shibata clan first built the castle in the Middle Ages. When Nobunaga Oda became the ruler of Japan in the Warring States Period, Shigeie Shibata attempted to rebel against his master Kagekatsu Uesugi with Nobunaga. He was mostly successful, but Nobunaga was killed by his man, Mitsuhide Akechi before it happened. Kagekatsu assaulted Suigeie with Nobunaga’s successor Hideyoshi Toyotomi instead. Shigeie was finally beaten at a mountain castle called Ura Castle near Shibata Castle.

上杉景勝肖像画、上杉神社蔵、江戸時代~The portrait of Kagekatsu Uesugi, owned by Uesugi Shrine, in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hidekatsu Mizoguchi was placed as the lord of this area. He decided to renovate Shibata Castle as his home base. After the renovation, the castle had a three-layer turret for the symbol, several other turrets, and large gates on enclosures surrounded by stone walls and water moats. No one knew what it was really like.

溝口秀勝肖像画、宝光寺蔵~The portrait of Hidekatsu Mizoguchi, owned by Hokoji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

The area around the castle was also waterlogged which could prevent an enemy’s attack. The Mizoguchi clan governed the castle all through the Edo Period. The castle suffered from disasters like fires and earthquakes, but was restored each time.

「越後国新発田之城絵図」部分、江戸時代~Part of “the illustration of Shibata Castle in Echigo Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)


Now, part of the Honmaru enclosure area is open to the public as Shibata Castle Ruins Park. The Honmaru Front Gate and the Ninomaru Sumi Turret remain. They are the only remaining castle buildings in Niigata Pref. Sumi Turret was moved from the Ninomaru enclosure to the present place recently.

現存する本丸表門~The remaining Honmaru Front Gate
現存する二の丸隅櫓と水堀~The remaiing Ninomaru Sumi Turret and water moat(taken by ゆぅーちゃん from photoAC)

Among other remaining structures, the Honmaru southwest side stone walls are elaborate and beautiful as they were rebuilt after the 1669 Kanbun Earthquakes with an advanced way at that time called Kirikomihagi and Nunodumi (piling well processed square stones horizontally).

新発田城の石垣~The stone walls of Shibata Castle(taken by Kazuyako from photo AC)

Two turrets were restored in the present days. One of them is the three-layer turret restored in the original way.

復元された三階櫓~The restored Three-Story Turret(taken by ゆぅーちゃん from photoAC)

But unfortunately, it is not open to visitors, because it is located within the Japanese Self Defense Force grounds. Actually, most of the ground of the castle ruins is used by the SDF.

城周辺の地図~The normal map around the castle

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji restoration, many buildings were demolished. Shibata Town asked the Japanese Army to use the ruins as their base early. This local small town needed to keep their resources for prosperity. The Army ran the ruins between 1871 and 1945, and offered the town jobs and security. There is a remaining barrack called White Wall Barrack which was built in wooden style in 1874. It is recently found that the waste materials of the castle buildings were reused for the construction.

現存している白壁兵舎~The remaining White Wall Barrack(licensed by 663Highland via Wikimedia Commons)

After World War II, the ruins were once turned into a school. However, when the SDF was founded, the town asked them to use the ruins again. SDF has been settled in the town since 1953. The fact shows an example of the relationship between the town and the army.

陸上自衛隊新発田駐屯地~Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Shibata Base(licensed by 96WAPC via Wikimedea Commons)

私の感想~My Impression

While there is some inconvenience to see the ruins, many people say that the contrast of the castle and the army looks like a Japanese movie “G.I.Samurai”. The movie is a story of the imagination about what would have happened if SDF were suddenly thrown in the world of Warring State Period. The image of the castle ruins area matches the movie for the people.

61式戦車、この戦車のレプリカが「戦国自衛隊」で登場しました~Type 61 tank, its replica was used in the movie “G.I.Samurai”(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

In addition, it is very rare that an army still uses a center of castle ruins in present Japan. The White Wall Barrack is now open to visitors as a museum. It exhibits the history of the army in Shibata as well as the evidence about how the waste materials of the castle were used. They show that another history of Shibata Castle is continuing..

白壁兵舎の展示室~An exhibition room in White Wall Barrack(licensed by 663Highland via Wikimedia Commons)

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes nearly 30 minutes From JR Shibata station to get there on foot.
From Tokyo to Shibata st.:
Take the Joetsu Shinkansen superexpress to Nigata station, and transfer for JR Hakushin line.
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Seirou-Shibata IC on Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway. The ruins offer a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

しばた観光ガイド~Shibata Tourism Guide
・「甲信越の名城を歩く 新潟編」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)
・「列島中央の軍事拠点(地域のなかの軍隊)」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)
・「戦国自衛隊」半村良著、角川文庫(The original story of the movie “G.I.Samurai”)

131.村上城~Murakami Castle

A drawing shows the castle’s appearance in the Warring States.

本丸の出櫓跡の石垣~The stone walls of De-Yagura ruins at Honmaru

立地と歴史~Location and History

Murakami Castle was located on a mountain called “Gagyu-San” which means a mountain which looks like a cow laying down. The place belongs to Murakami City in the northern part of Niigata Pref. It is uncertain when castle was first built. In the Warring States Period, the Honjo clan owned the castle which was then called Honjo Castle.

臥牛山~Mt. Gagyu-San

Shigenaga Honjo was under the great warlord in Echigo Province (what was now Niigata Pref.), Kenshin Uesugi. He once tried to be independent and rebelled against Kenshin. Kenshin who is considered invincible, surrounded the castle, but the castle which was also impregnable, stood for about a year. They finally made peace with each other. After that, Shigenaga was devoted to Uesugi. He defeated the Mogami clan in the battle of Jugorigahara. However, he was fired by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi due to breaking Hideyoshi’s order.

本庄繁長の浮世絵、歌川国芳作、江戸時代~The woodblock print of Shigenaga Honjo, attributed to Kuniyoshi Utagawa, the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

Uesugi clan was transferred to the Tohoku region in 1598, but they created drawings of their territory just before the transfer, brought them to their new territory, and have kept them until now. One of them is called the drawing of Senami District in Echigo Province. Murakami Castle is in the drawing as “Murakami Yogai” (Yogai means stronghold). The drawing shows the appearance of the castle at the end of the Warring States Period. It is considered a very valuable material for the country.

「越後国瀬波郡絵図」に描かれた村上要害~Murakami Yogai from “the drawing of Senami District in Echigo Province”(村上市websiteより引用)

According to the drawing, the castle had no Tenshu, no stone walls and no plaster walls, just had halls on earthen enclosures surrounded by fences. That was a typical local castle style in eastern Japan at that time.
After Honjo clan, several clans like Murakami, Matsudaira, and Naito governed the castle. The castle was modernized under their governance. The Tenshu keep was built on the top of the mountain, a lot of stone walls were also built, and the range of the castle was spread to the foot of the mountain. “The illustration of Murakami Castle in Echigo Province” in the Edo Period shows them. We can clearly see how the castle had changed between the Middle and Modern Ages.

「越後国村上城之絵図」部分、江戸時代~Part of “The illustration of Murakami Castle in Echigo Province”,the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)

During the Meiji Restoration, warriors of the Murakami Domain were wondering if they should support the New Government or the former Shogunate. When the supporters of former Shogunate decided to withdraw the castle and join supporters in Tohoku region, they burn the castle by themselves.

村上市郷土資料館にある城の模型~The miniature model of the castle at Murakami History Museum


Let’s climb up to the castle ruins from the entrance. The trail is called “Nanamagari-Michi” which means a winding trail.

山道の入り口~The entrance of the trail

That makes it easier for visitors to climb because the trail becomes more gentle. In fact, this trail can be traced back to the Warring States Period.

七曲り道~The trail called Nanamagari-Michi

Becase you can see the similar trail at probably the same place in both of “the drawing of Senami Distinct” and “the illustration of Murakami Castle”. It’s amazing. You may ask that enemies might attack the castle easily. Some historian suggest that attackers will have their sides facing the defenders when climbing such a winding trail. It can be advantageous for the defenders.

「越後国瀬波郡絵図」の山道部分~The trail part of “the drawing of Senami District in Echigo Province”
越後国村上城之絵図」の山道部分~The trail part of the drawing of Senami Distinct”

It will take about 15 minutes to reach the ruins of “Yottsu” gate at “Sannomaru” enclosure on the mountain.

四つ門跡~The ruins of “Yottsu” gate

You can head towards “Honmaru” enclosure passing through narrow “Ninomaru”.

二の丸の通り道~The route on Ninomaru

A lot of remaining stone walls are there. They were all built in the Edo Period.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls at Honmaru

Part of the mountain is now under excavation. It is said that the ruins in the Warring States Period might be found.

本丸の発掘されている部分~The part of Honmaru being under excavation

You will soon reach the Tenshu base at the top of the mountain, and can see the whole view of Murakami City.

本丸の入り口~The entrance of Honmaru
天守跡~The ruins of Tenshu
山上からの村上市の眺望~A view of Murakami City from the top

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji restoration, the lord Naito applied for and was allowed to sell the rest of the buildings and part of the stone walls in the castle. After that, the descendants of the warriors has kept the ruins. They are designated as a Prefectural Historic Site in 1960. They also became a National Historic Site in 1993.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls at Honmaru

私の感想~My Impression

I saw that local people were climbing up or down the trail “Nanamagari-Michi” for daily exercise. They seemed to reach the top and turn back everyday. They were also saying hello each other. the traditional trail, which was built for battle, is now used for people’s health and comminication. It’s amazing.

今は市民のための七曲り道~Nanamagari-Michi now for citizens

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes nearly 30 minutes From JR Murakami station to get there on foot.
From Tokyo to Murakami st.:
Take the Joetsu Shinkansen superexpress to Nigata station, and transfer for JR Hakushin line.
If you want to go there by car: It takes within 10 minutes from the Murakami-Senamionsen IC on Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway, or about 5 minutes from Murakami station.
The ruins have a parking lot. But it’s small and can often be full. In that case, you can park at the Murakami City Hall or Murakami History Museum nearby.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

鮭、酒、人情(なさけ)むらかみ~Murakami city tourism association
ビジュアル再現 村上城(Only Japanese)
・「甲信越の名城を歩く 新潟編」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)