立地と歴史~Location and History
古代から重要な地~Important place from Ancient times
Fukuoka Castle was originally an area around a mountain called Akasaka-yama and an arm of the sea called Kusagae beside the mountain, in what is now Fukuoka City. In ancient times, there was a guest house called Kouro-kan to used to host people from China and Korea. In the Kamakura Era of the Middle Ages, when the warriors repelled the Mongol Invasion, they battled the enemy there. In 1600, the Kuroda clan was granted the Fukuoka Domain of Chikuzen Province with an earning of 523,000 koku in rice by the Tokugawa Shogunate. They decided to build a new castle in this area called Fukuzaki then.

山と入り江を大改造~They reformed Mountain and Arm of Sea
They reshaped the mountain and filled valleys, and set the Main Enclosure or “Honnmaru”, the Second Enclosure or “Ninomaru”, and the Third Enclosure or “Sannomaru” from south to north. They also created the inner water moat surrounding the mountain part by using the Kusagae arm of the sea as the western part, digging other direction parts, and connecting to the Naka River, the east of the castle.

As a result, the area became a huge scale fortress called Fukuoka Castle. The front of the castle faced the sea in the north with three large gates called “Shimonohashi-Ote-mon”, “Kaminohashi-Ote-mon”, and “Akasaka-mon”. The back of the castle, where Honmaru was located, had only one back gate called “Oimawashi-bashi” bridge. Honmaru itself had as many as twenty turrets on high and curved stone walls.

天守の謎~Mystery of Main Tower
An interesting question regarding the castle is if it had a Main Tower (“Tenshu”) or not. It had the stone wall base for Tenshu, but there are no evidence of Tenshu such as relics, documents, and drawings. However, some historians say that the castle must have had Tenshu, as a letter in the early Edo Period written by another lord says Kuroda would destroy their Tenshu because they were afraid of what Tokugawa Shogunate might think. It’s very intriguing.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle二つの公園~Two Parks
Now, the ruins of Fukuoka Castle are divided into two parks. One of them is Maiduru Park which was the primary part of the castle. The other one is Ohori Park which was originally Kusagae arm of the sea, then became an inner moat of the castle, called Large Moat or “Ohori”. Ohori Park still has the large moat, but it looks like a large pond. You can see that`s because it was part of the sea a long time ago.

Maiduru Park is even more spacey, so a lot of ruins are disseminated. Only the Shimonohashi-Ote-mon Gate remains out of the three front gates at Sannomaru, the north part of the castle. It is a two-story turret gate which looks nearly like the original one. It was once modified to a one-story gate in the Meiji Era. After the gate partly burned in 2000, it was restored as it is today.

三の丸地区~Area of Third Enclosure
If you enter in the park through the ruins of Kaminohashi-Ote-mon Gate, you can see a large vacant area. There were many halls for living and governance at Sannomau in the Edo Period. After that, modern facilities were built there, such as the Heiwadai Stadium. After the stadium was demolished in 1999, the Excavation team found out that there was an ancient guest house called Kouro-kan long before the castle. You can see the findings of the excavation in Kourokan Ruins Exhibition Hall, as well as the history of the castle in Fukuoka Castle Ruins Visitor Center.

二の丸、本丸へ~To Second and Main Enclosures
You can climb from Sannomaru to Ninomaru and Honmaru. Ninomaru is surrounding Honmaru. Regarding to Ninomaru, there is a two-story and over 50m long turret called “Tamon-Yagura” that remains in its original state. It was located at back entrance of the castle, so even now it looks very defensive. It was also designated as an Important Cultural Property in 1971.

Honmaru was at the highest point of the castle. The large stone wall base for Tenshu is outstanding. Researchers wonder if the Tenshu was on the base, as I mentioned above. You can observe the whole area of Fukuoka City from there. Kinen Turret is the only remaining building at Honmaru. It was once moved to another, but returned to its original position in 1983.

その後~Later History
The Kuroda clan continued to govern Fukuoka Castle and the castle town, that are now known as Fukuoka city, until the end of the Edo Period. After the Meiji Restoration, most of the buildings in the castle were demolished or replaced with modern facilities like the Army base before World War II, or the Heiwadai Stadium after the war. The ruins of the castle have been turned into Maiduru Park and Ohori Park. Recently, Fukuoka City has announced that it will develop the Central Park, including the two existing parks. The city will also restore some of Fukuoka Castle’s turrets, based on the documents that remain as well as the buildings of Kouro-kan, based on the excavation’s findings. They expect the restoration will take a long time.

私の感想~My Impression
I guess that Fukuoka Castle once sported a completed or under construction Main Tower, but Kuroda had to destroy it systematically by themselves considering the Shogunate’s authority. That’s why there is no evidence of the Main Tower.
I also think that recent people have not been interested in the ruins of Fukuoka Castle as a historical park. They think the parks are for leisure, exercise, or officials buildings. However, the ruins still have a great potential for a historic site. I will be waiting for some buildings to be renovated so I can visit them again.

ここに行くには~How to get There
It takes less than 10 minutes From Akasaka or Ohori-Koen station on Kuko line, Fukuoka City Subway to get there on foot.
If you want to go there by car: It is about 3 km away from the Tenjin-kita or Nishi-koen Ramp on Urban Expressway. Maiduru park offers a parking lot.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・福岡城むかし探訪館~Fukuoka Castle Ruins Visitor Center(Only Japanese?)
・「よみがえる日本の城20」学研(Japanese Book)
・福岡市「セントラルパーク構想」(Fukuoka City Official Document)