141.郡上八幡城 その1








遠藤氏の家紋、亀甲に花菱  (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)



稲葉貞道肖像画、月桂寺蔵 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)





金森氏の家紋、裏梅鉢 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
郡上義民顕彰碑 (licensed by のりまき via Wikimedia Commons)


青山氏の家紋、青山銭 (licensed by Mukai via Wikimedia Commons)


193.臼杵城~Usuki Castle

The whole of an island called “Niu Island” was the castle itself.

西側から見た「丹生島」の全景~The whole view of “Niu Island” from the west

立地と歴史~Location and History

Usuki Castle was originally called “Niu Island Castle” which is rather popular among history fans. Because there was a famous battle between the Otomo and Shimadu clans called “the Battle of Niu Island Castle” in the Warring States Period, Otomo clan had their territory of six provinces in the north part of Kyushu region, whose home base was in Funai of Bungo Province, now called Oita City.

16世紀中頃の大友氏の勢力圏~The Otomo clan’s territory in the mid 16th century(licensed by Alvin Lee via Wikimedia Commons)

Sorin Otomo found his clan in need of building a more defensive site after they were beaten by the Mori clan in 1561. He decided to build their new base castle on the rocky Niu Island in the Usuki Bay. The island was about 4 km surroundings in length, and 15m height from sea surface with vertical rock cliffs. In addition, the castle was accessible through the sandy beach at low tide, or completely isolated from land at high tide. If a battle happened, it could persevere for a long time with enough supply of its own or from the Navy.

大友宗麟肖像画、瑞峯院蔵~The portrait of Sorin Otomo, owned by Zuihoin(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

「丹生島」の切り立った岩の崖~The vertical, rocky cliff of “Niu Island”

The assumption came true when Shimadu clan’s invasion from the south Kyushu assaulted Otomo’s territory in 1586. Sorin asked the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi for help, but Shimadu tried to conquer all of Kyushu region before the reinforcements from Toyotomi arrived. Shimadu’s troops surrounded the castle while Otomo was like a candle flickering in the wind. However, it is said that Otomo’s ultimate weapon, Breech-loading swivel gun imported from Portugal, nicknamed “Destroyer of nations”, eliminated Simadu before Otomo escaped death. Shimadu gave up to capture the castle, withdrew, and surrendered to Toyotomi in the end. Otomo were also not without trouble, because Sorin’s son, Yoshimune was fired later by Toyotomi.

島津軍を率いた島津義弘肖像画、尚古集成館蔵~The portrait of Yoshihiro Shimasu, the head of the Shimadu troop, owned by Shoko Shuseikan Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons)

In the Edo Period, the castle was in the Usuki Domain, mainly called “Usuki Castle”. Its range spread outside the island setting the main gate “Otemon” and the third enclosure “Sannomaru” for convenience.

「豊後之内臼杵城絵図」部分、江戸時代~Part of the illustration of Usuki Castle in Bungo Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)


The ruins of Usuki Castle has become “the Usuki Park”. The park is now completely part of land, but you can see the shape of the former island. Because it looks like a rocky hill instead of an island.

城周辺の地図~The normal map around the castle

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

You can first climb up narrow stairs from the front entrance called “Furuhashi-Guchi”, which has existed from Otomo era, to the second enclosure “Ninomaru”. The castle has been partly covered with stone walls, and had two remaining turrets and some recently restored buildings. Their origin goes back to the Edo Period.

古橋口~The Furuhashi-Guchi(licensed by Twilight2640 via Wikipedia Commons)
臼杵城の石垣、塀、現存櫓「畳櫓」~The stone walls, plaster walls, and one of the remaining turrets “Tatami-Yagura” of Usuki Castle(taken by おさむし from photoAC)

Ninomaru was the highest point of the island where the halls for the masters were in the first and the last of the castle’s life. You can see the replica of a breech-loading swivel gun at this spot. In addition, you can also see the genuine gun which was used in the Battle of Niu Island Castle in the Yushukan Museum of Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo.

二の丸にあるフランキ砲のレプリカ~The replica of a breech-loading swivel gun at Ninomaru(licensed by Twilight2640 via Wikipedia Commons)
遊就館にあるフランキ砲~The breech-loading swivel gun at Yushukan Museum(licensed by Uploadalt via Wikipedia Commons)

The back side of the island was the main enclosure “Honmaru” where the Tenshu keep was built in the early Edo Period. This place was once set as the center of the castle, but it wasn’t used for long, perhaps because of being lower and smaller than Ninomaru. The back entrance called “Uto-no-Kuchi” goes down from Honmaru to the port for emergency. Though outside is now not the sea, the entrance still has an atmosphere of a port.

本丸にある天守台の石垣~The stone walls for Tenshu at Honmaru(licensed by 小池隆 via Wikipedia Commons
卯寅口~The Uto-no-Guchi(licensed by Twilight2640 via Wikipedia Commons)

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the castle was turned into a park. The Tenshu keep and many other turrets were sold as waste materials, or collapsed naturally. The park became famous for cherry blossoms, but not for being a historic site. For example, the remaining high stone walls for Tenshu was filed for landscape. Lastly, the ruins were designated as a prefectural historic site in 1966. Recently, a turret gate called “Daimon-Yagura” was restored in wooden style in 2001.

臼杵城の夜桜~The cxherry blossoms at night in Usuki Castle(taken by seama2 from photoAC)
復元された大門櫓~The restored Daimon-Yagura(licensed by チャコ via Wikipedia Commons)

私の感想~My Impression

The area around Usuki Castle is surrounded by rocky hills and some buildings there use stone walls like the castle. Why not get around the city area as well. Uski City is also famous for “Uski Stone Buddha”, away from about 5 km from the city area.

岩山の上の臼杵城~Usuki Castle on the rocky hill

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes about 15 minutes to get Furuhashi-Guchi, or about 10 minutes to get Uto-no-Guchi on foot from the JR Usuki station.
From Oita Airport to Uusiki st.:
Take the Airpor Eepress Airliner bus to Oita station, and transfer at the station for JR Nippo line.
Or take the Express Limousine Bus to Saiki station, get off at Usuki Interchange bus stop, walk to Hakubakei bus stop nearby, and take the Oita bus to Usuki station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and Referencec

臼杵観光情報協会~Usuki-City Tourist Information Organization
・大友の聖将、赤神諒、角川春樹事務所(Japanese Book)
・よみがえる日本の城20、学習研究社(Japanese Magazine)