Morioka Castle Ruins look like a warrior wearing an amour made of stone.

Location and History
Morioka City, the capital of Iwate Prefecture, started from this castle. Morioka was also named by the lord of the castle, the Nanbu clan. The castle was originally located on a hill in the north of the meeting point of Kitakami River and Nakatsu River (Now, Kitakami River has been replaced in the western direction).

最新の城周辺の地図(The latest map around the castle)
Nanbu clan had been a great warlord group in the north Tohoku region with their operations run by the relatives’ council. In the end of the Civil War Period, Nobunao Nanbu in Sannohe Castle had an influence, and he was allowed to be the head of the clan by the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

He beat a rebellious relative, Masazane Kunohe in Kunohe Casle with the help from Toyotomi’s men such as Ujisato Gamo and Nagayoshi Asano. Then, he once moved to Kunohe Castle and renamed it “Fukuoka”. But Fukuoka was too much on the north because Nanbu’s territory spread to the south. So, Gamo and Asano suggested Nobunao to move again to another southern place. That was Kozukata (the former name of Morioka) where Nobunao started to build a new castle in 1598.

Gamo and Asano also suggested to build the castle made up entirely of stone walls that was popular in the western Japan. That style would be more defensive and special in the eastern Japan at the point. The construction took a long time before its completion in 1615 by Nobunao’s son, Toshinao who renamed Kozukata, Morioka then.

Nanbu clan governed Morioka Castle and town all through the Edo Period. The castle sometimes suffered from fires, earthquakes and floods, but were repaired and partly improved.

Now, the ruins of Morioka Castle remain stone walls without buildings except for only one warehouse called “Hiko-Okura”, but they are even more outstanding. Wherever you get around the ruins, you can see amazing stone walls. They are all made of white granite locally produced. Let’s look at some typical stone walls we can see in the ruins.

(The map of Morioka Castle Ruins, Markers show the points pictures below were taken)
・The main enclosure “Honmaru” surrounded stone walls: They consist of piled-up natural stones basically, and processed stones in the corner, called “Nozura-Dumi”. They are thought to be the oldest in ruins, and might have been made in the earliest time since the castle began to be built.

・The bounded enclosure “Koshi-Guruwa” stone walls: These stones are roughly processed and piled called “Ran-Dumi”. The method was used around the same time as the castle was completed. Part of them were restored recently in the original way.

・The second enclosure “Ninomaru” west side stone walls: They are made with square cut stones and piled with aligning called “Nuno-Dumi”. They were added in the late 17th century, after the replacement of Kitakami River.

As mentioned above, there are many types of stone walls from different times and methods. New and advanced ones are not always the best for you.

Later Life
After the Meiji Restoration, the buildings of the castle were demolished. The castle went to ruin, people around were worried about it. Then, Iwate Prefecture rented it (Morioka City bought it later), and opened to the public as the Iwate Park in 1906. After that, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1941 as well.

My Impression
Recently, Morioka City nicknamed the park “Morioka Castle Ruins Park”. The main reason for it should be for tourism, while the city seems to be searching for the way of restoring the castle including some buildings. I think that keeping the ruins is in the future would be the best way. Because if a building is restored on the stone walls, people’s interest might be destructed by them.

The ruins surrounded by stone walls are over 400 years old. Trees and plants help them look more beautiful. A writer says “Flowers in spring, green in summer, leaves in autumn, snow in winter” with his pictures of the stone walls.

How to get There
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Morioka IC on Tohoku Expressway. The park offers an underground parking lot.
If you want to go there by bus from Morioka station: Take the Den-Den-Mushi bus at the east exit bus terminal bus stop No.16, and take off at the Morioka-Joato-Koen bus stop. Or it takes about 20 minutes on foot from the station.
From Tokyo to Morioka st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.
Links and References
・盛岡城跡公園(岩手公園)~盛岡市(Morioka Castle Ruins Park (Iwate Park)~Morioka City)
・「史跡盛岡城跡整備基本計画/盛岡市」(Japanese Document)
・「盛岡城の石垣/高橋喜平」(Japanese Book)