147.Takatenjin Castle Part2

The Legendary Strength of The Castle


Going to Castle Ruins through steep slope

Today, you can visit the ruins of Takatenjin Castle easily if you have a car. You can park in front of either the Main Route in the south or the Back Route in the north. If you want to get a taste of how tough the castle was, I recommend walking on the Back Route. The route is flat all the way to the foot of the mountain, but it gets very steep on the slope. It goes up and zigzags through rough cliffs for a while. However, when you reach the top, you will see that it is actually flat. After seeing this, you will understand that the natural terrain was more than suitable for the mountain castle.

The map around the castle

The northern entrance of Takatenjin Castle Ruins
The Back Route
The steep slope through cliffs
the flat area on the top

Western ridge part

The spot you reached is called the Well Enclosure, which is the connecting point of the eastern and western ridges. The eastern ridge is the older part of the castle, which includes the Kane, Matoba, Main, Gozen, and Third Enclosures. These enclosures were built along natural terrain, which was partly surrounded by earthen walls and paths.

The Well Enclosure
The partly remaining earthen walls
The original path around the Main Enclosure

The Main Enclosure is at the center and it is the highest point of the castle. You can look down vertically at the steep cliffs anywhere and see a view of Fort Hinodake, one of the Six Takatenjin Forts, from the enclosure. The Third Enclosure is located at the easternmost part of the castle, having a fine view. On a clear and sunny day, you can see a great view of Mt. Fuji in the east.

The Main Enclosure
Looking down a steep slope
The ruins of Fort Hinodake
The Third Enclosure
A view of Mt. Fuji from the Third Enclosure

Eastern ridge part

The western ridge is the newer part of the castle which includes the Western, Babadaira, Second, Dono-o, and Seiro Enclosures. The Western Enclosure is the highest point of the ridge where Takaten Shrine currently stands now, so you can see a good view of the Pacific Ocean in the south. The Babadaira Enclosure is below the Western Enclosure and divided by a ditch. Over the Babadaira Enclosure, there is a narrow path. This path is often referred to as “Inumodori” which translates to “Dogs return” meaning “Dogs cannot go through because it’s too tough”.

Takaten Shrine on the Western Enclosure
A view of the Pacific Ocean from the Western Enclosure
The ditch between the Western and Babadaira Enclosures
The Babadaira Enclosure
The narrow path called “Dogs return”

The Second, Dono-o and Seiro Enclosures are in a line next to the Western Enclosure, which were fortified by the Takeda Clan. This was because other mountains are connected over the Seiro Enclosure, which could have been attacked from this direction. To prevent this from happening, Takeda built a long dry moat along these enclosures and deep ditches dividing them.

The long dry moat along the enclosures
The ditch between the Second and Dono-o Enclosures
The Seiro Enclosure

To be continued in “Takatenjin Castle Part3”
Back to “Takatenjin Castle Part1”

188.Hara Castle Part1

The battlefield of the Shimabara Rebellion

Location and History

Arima Clan builds Castle in Shimabara Peninsula

Hara Castle is known as the place where the Shimabara Rebellion was stopped in 1638. The castle was built near the edge of Shimabara Peninsula, in the western part of the Kyushu Region. The Arima Clan, one of the warlords in the region, first built the castle at the end of 15th Century. Harunobu Arima, the lord of the clan in the late 16th Century, was known as a Christian feudal lord. The Shimabara Peninsula possessed an international trade port called Kuchinotsu Port where Portuguese missionaries started to work in 1563. Christianity spread around the peninsula greatly and the area also prospered from trading. Harunobu originally lived in Hinoe Castle which the clan built many years ago. He renovated Hara Castle at the beginning of the 17th Century, probably as his new home base. However, he was punished by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1612 before he moved to the castle. His son was also transferred to another place in 1614.

The location of the castle

The replica of the statue of Harunobu Arima, exhibited by Arima Christian Heritage Museum, the original statue is owned by Daiunji Temple
The present Kuchinotsu Port
The statue of Father Valignano who came to Kuchinotsu to spread Christianity

Castle uses Natural Terrain and has Great Stone Walls

Hara Castle was built on several hills alongside Ariake Sea. The Main, Second and Third Enclosures were on different hills. These hills were by the sea with natural steep cliffs. They were divided by large and deep dry moats using the natural terrain as well. The side of the castle facing the land had a swamp. Overall, the castle could be very defensive. In particular, the Main Enclosure was all surrounded by stone walls. Its entrance, called Koguchi, was very large and had a zigzagging route using huge ornate stones. There was the Main Tower or a large turret inside the enclosure. These structures were thought to show the castle’s lord’s authority. The Second and Third Enclosures were made of soil and were probably used as warriors’ houses. The Matsukura Clan following the Arima Clan didn’t use Hara Castle and built a new castle, called Shimabara Castle, as their home base. Hara Castle was once abandoned in 1615, but at least its foundation, including the stone walls, remained.

A bird’s-eye view of the castle ruins, from the signboard at the site

The relief map around the castle

The remaining stone walls at the Main Enclosure
Shimabara Castle

Shimabara Rebellion happens due to Matsukura Clan’s oppression

The Matsukura Clan oppressed the farmers and Christians in their territory. Being Christian had not been allowed by the Tokugawa Shogunate since 1612. 1n 1637, the people in Shimabara Peninsula, together with the people in Amakusa Islands over Ariake Sea who were in the same situation, rebelled against the Matsukura Clan and the shogunate. They were officially led by a charismatic Christian boy, Shiro Amakusa, but actually guided by the masterless warriors, called Ronin, who were former retainers of the Arima Clan and other Clans.
They first attacked Matsukura’s home base, Shimabara Castle, but failed. Then, they decided to be besieged in Hara Castle by themselves after they repaired it. Historians believe that they were waiting for reinforcements from Christians from other areas of Japan and Catholic countries like Portugal.

The imaginary portrait of Shiro Amakusa, owned by Shimabara Castle Christian Museum, from the exhibition of Arima Christian Heritage Museum
The flag from Shiro Amakusa’s encampment, owned by Amakusa Christian Museum, from the exhibition of Arima Christian Heritage Museum

Annihilation of rebellion after 3-month siege

The siege started with about 37,000 defenders including women and children in December 1637. The troops from the shogunate first assaulted the castle but failed. Even the commander of the shogunate, Shigemasa Itakura was killed by a shot from the castle, as the counterattacks were professionally instructed and the castle was strong. The shogunate changed its tactics to encircle the castle with over 120,000 soldiers. The siege lasted for nearly 3 months, however, the reinforcements for the uprising army didn’t come. At the end of February 1638, the shogunate attacked the castle in full force when the defenders ran out of food. The castle fell and the rebellion was annihilated.

The portrait of Shigemasa Itakura, owned by Itakura Studying the Past Association (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
One of the georamas of Shimabara Rebellion, exhibited by Arima Christian Heritage Museum

The survivors of the uprising army’s fate was extremely severe. Almost all of them, except for some runaways, were killed. It is said that many of the Christians hoped to be killed as martyrs. Hara Castle was completely destroyed and buried by the shogunate. The corpses of the executed people were also buried with the castle. The lord of the area, Katsuie Matsukura was executed due to his misgovernment. Shimabara Rebellion was one of the greatest tragedies and had a big impact on Japanese history. This incident accelerated the policy of the national isolation of Japan by the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Part of the folding screens of Shimabara Rebellion, owned by Asakura City Akizuki Museum, from the exhibition of Arima Christian Heritage Museum

To be continued in “Hara Castle Part2”

146.諏訪原城(Suwahara Castle)

Suwahara Castle had a short life, but its role was very strategic.

諏訪原城の二の曲輪中馬出し(The Central Umadashi of Ninokuruwa for Suwahara Castle)

Location and History

In the late Civil War Period, the Tekeda clan and Tokugawa clan battled each other over Totoumi province which is now the western part of Shizuoka prefecture. Tokugawa was based in this province, while Takeda aimed to spread their territory from Kai (now Yamanashi pref.) and Suruga (now the middle of Shizuoka pref.) provinces to Totoumi. There were several important castles in Totoumi such as Hamamatsu, Kakegawa, Takatenjin and so on.

遠江国周辺の重要な城(Important castles around Totoumi Province)

Takeda took aim at Takatenjin castle which was located deep in the province, and known as impregnable. It was a difficult mission, so Takeda needed to make a bridgehead. That was Suwahara Castle. Suwahara Castle was built on the edge of Makinohara plateau alongside the old Tokaido Road in 1573. Thanks to their effort, Takeda was successful in taking Takatenjin castle in 1574.

諏訪原城周辺の起伏地図(A relief map around Suwahara Castle)

Taking advantage of their momentum, they attacked Nagashino Castle located in Mikawa province on the west of Totoumi. However, they were completely beaten by the ally of the Oda clan and Tokugawa in the Battle of Nagashino in May, 1575. After that, Takeda’s influence declined rapidly, and Tokugawa started to raid back instead.

長篠合戦図屏風部分、徳川美術館蔵(Part of “Battle of Nagashino”folding screens, owned by Tokugawa Art Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Suwahara Castle was taken over by Tokugawa in August, 1575, just three months after the Nagashino battle. The castle was turned into Tokugawa’s bridgehead towards Takatenjin Castle that Takeda still held. Tokugawa’s persistent attacks finally made the castle fall in 1581 that would lead to the defeat of Takeda in 1582. With the victory of Tokugawa, the role of Suwahara Castle was finished. The castle was abandoned by 1590 meaning its lifespan was less than 17 years.

高天神城遠景(A distant view of Takatenjin Castle)


The ruins of Suwahara Castle remain only its foundation, but they are said to show Takeda’s method of building castles. It has a rear natural hazard, bow-shaped moats and round-shaped “Umadashi”. Umadashi refers to defensive gateway barriers in front of the entrance of castles. They were used not only for defense, but also for offence from inside the castle to enemies outside.

諏訪原城の「二の曲輪中馬出し」(”Ninokuruwa Central Umadashi” in Suwahara Castle)

二の丸中馬出しの航空写真(The aerial photo of Ninomaru Central Umadashi)

Suwahara Castle met all of the factors. A steep cliff was behind its main enclosure called Honmaru in the north east direction, and other enclosures such as Ninokuruwa and Sannokuruwa spread out in the south west direction, which headed towards Takatenjin Castle. The castle also had several sets of a bow-shaped moat and Umadashi.

城跡の地図、現地案内版に加筆(The map of the ruins, from a sign at the site adding information)
本曲輪背後の急崖(The steep cliff behind Honkuruwa)

特に、もっとも大きいものが二の曲輪の前で発掘され、復元されています(二の曲輪中馬出し)。ついでながら、最新の発掘の成果では、徳川はこの城を武田流の方法で改修したらしいのです。歴史家たちは、この結果に少し当惑しているようです。Especially, the largest one is excavated and restored in front of Ninokuruwa enclosure called “Ninokuruwa Central Umadashi”. In addition, the late excavation showed the castle was renovated by Tokugawa using Takeda’s method. Historians are still a bit puzzled by this.

馬出しと二の曲輪の間の深い溝(The deep ditch between Umadashi and Ninokuruwa)
二の曲輪から馬出しへの通路(The passage from Ninokuruwa to Umadashi)

Later Life

Suwahara Castle was left as was for a long time after being abandoned. It might have been preserved covered with forests and soil. In the Meiji Era, the area around the ruins was developed into tea plantation by former Shogunate warriors.

牧之原台地の茶畑(A plantation on Makinohara plateau)

After World War II, a local historian investigated the ruins and published them. After this, the ruins were designated as a prefectural historic site in 1954, and then a national historic site in 1975.

二の丸中馬出しを違う角度から(Ninomaru Central Umadashi from a different angle)

My Impression

I think the reason for Tokugawa using Takeda’s method was just for efficiency. Warlords had to build castles as necessary and quickly as possible. When they captured an enemy’s castle, the most efficient way to use it is using it as it was. When they needed to renovate it, following the way it was created would be the best. Likewise, they could easily abandon it when they no longer needed it.

復元された二の曲輪北馬出しの門(The restored gate of Ninokuruwa North Umadashi)

How to get There

The Suwahara Castle Visitor Center next to the ruins offers a parking lot.
Or if you try to get the ruins from JR Kanaya Station, it may be tough to get them, because the station is under the cliff.

崖下の金谷駅(Kanaya Station under the cliff)

But if you try to do it, you can walk through the Kanaya sloped stone pavement on the old Tokaido which was restored recently.

旧東海道金谷坂石畳(The Kanaya sloped stone pavement on the old Tokaido)