立地と歴史~Location and History
鳥取城の戦い~The battle of Tottori Castle
Tottori City is the prefectural capital of Tottori pref. in the Chugoku Region. The city is known for Sand Dunes, pears and the Tottori Castle. The castle was first built on a 263m high mountain called “Kyusho-zan” by the Yamana clan in the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period. It was a typical mountain castle which was popular at that time. In the late Sengoku Period, most of Chugoku Region belonged to the Mori clan, but the Oda clan aimed to invade the region, and sent his man, Hideyoshi Hashiba, the later ruler as Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Mori also sent their relative Tsuneie Kikkawa to protect the castle from Oda’s attack.
The famous battle of Tottori Castle happened in July, 1581. It is said Hideyoshi bought up food in the area around the castle. Tsuneie built several branch fortresses to keep supply chains for Tottori Castle. Hideyoshi quickly gained those fortresses and made his navy block the sea lane at the Japan Sea. As a result, the castle was isolated.

Hideyoshi constructed a large stronghold on a 251 m high mountain called “Taiko-ga-naru”, in the back of Tottori Castle, only 1.4 km away from it. He also surrounded the castle by making fortresses, earthen walls, and dry moats multiply. He never allowed anyone including women and children to escape from the castle, because they would consume the food. The siege lasted for three months. Finally Tsuneie surrendered offering the castle and his life in exchange for the lives of the other defenders.
江戸時代は池田氏が統治~The Ikeda clan governs it in the Edo Period
In the Edo Period, the Ikeda clan governed the castle and the area around it. They had a large territory, so they needed many facilities to govern. The clan built many buildings and a lot of stone walls at the foot of the mountain. However, they felt insufficient in extent of the castle, so they once considered another castle like Yonago Castle as their new home base. Eventually, the plan was canceled.

Tottori Castle was kept with improvements and repairs until the end of the Edo Period, though it suffered earthquakes and fires several times. There are rare stone walls called “Maki-ishigaki” which are round shaped to support other stone walls. It is the only case to use such stone walls for a castle.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle江戸時代の城「山下ノ丸」~The castle in the Edo Period “Sange-no-maru”
Now, the ruins of Tottori Castle remain as Kyusho Park. Visitors first usually walk across the Giboshi style bridge (its poles have ornamental tops) in front of the Sannomaru enclosure. It was on the formal route to the castle and restored in 2018. The way it was restored was basically traditional, but used the present techniques to preserve the original ruins. The construction for restoring the castle gates is continuing today. Two gates will be completed by 2023.

If you go around the ruins seeing Jinpu-kaku, a building built in the Meiji Period on the right, you can go up to the Ninomaru enclosure.

Its entrance gate called “Nishi-Sakashita-Gomon” is the only restored building at this point.

A lot of stone walls remain, but they were repaired again recently after collapsing due to the 1943 Tottori Earthquake. There was the Three-story Turret, main building of the castle in the late Edo Period in the enclosure.

The Tenkyu-maru enclosure is next to and higher than Ninomaru. The history of it is similar to Ninomaru, and the round stone walls partly support it. Those enclosures together called “Sange-no-maru” or the Enclosures under the Mountain were originally developed in the Edo Period.

戦国時代の城「山上ノ丸」~The castle in the Sengoku Period “Sanjo-no-maru”
Then, one can climb up to the castle of the Sengoku Period. You can go the Nakasaka route beside Tenkyu-maru.

It takes around 30 minutes to reach the top just like a hiking. Local people including families and pets also enjoy it in the daytime.

There was the Main Tower or “Tenshu” that was built in the end of Sengoku on the top, but it was unfortunately burned down by a lightning in 1692. The top area is called “Sanjo-no-maru” or the Enclosures above the Mountain.

From the top, you can get great views of the city area, Japan sea and Sand Dunes!

If you look around the back, you can also see the ruins of Hideyoshi’s stronghold in close at almost the same level. That meant Hideyoshi and Tsuneie were watching each other in the siege for the long three months. How severe it was!

その後~Later History
After the Meiji Restoration, Tottori Castle was abolished and its buildings were demolished. The former lord Ikeda clan owned the ruins between 1890 and 1943. The clan built Jinpu-kaku, a western style guest house for VIP in 1907, which remains as a museum, designated itself as an Important Cultural Property. After that, the ruins have belonged to Tottori City since 1943, designated as a National Historic Site in 1957. The city is planning to restore the Three-story Turret in Ninomaru by 2036.

私の感想~My Impression
I think the reason why the Ikeda clan decided to stay and not to leave Tottri Castle was that it had a long history and name value. I would like to visit Taiko-ga-naru where Hideyoshi’s stronghold was to learn more about the history of Tottori the next time I go there.

ここに行くには~How to get There
I recommend you using train and “bus or taxi or walk” to get there. Because there are few space to park around the ruins.
From JR Tottri station: Take the green bus, and take off at the Jinpukaku-kenritsuhakubutsukan bus stop. Or it takes about 30 minutes on foot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・国指定史跡「史跡鳥取城跡附太閤ヶ平」にようこそ!(Tottori City Official Website)
・「歴史群像161号、戦国の城/因幡鳥取城攻囲戦」学研(Japanese Magazine)
・「よみがえる日本の城6」学研(Japanese Book)