26.松代城~Matsushiro Castle

A castle mixed with the Middle Ages and the Modern times

立地と歴史~Location and History

武田信玄の本陣~Stronghold for Shingen Takeda

Matsusshiro Castle is a famous attraction in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, which was known as a Sanada Clan castle town. The castle has a long history. It was first built by the Takeda Clan in the late 16th Century and was called Kaizu Castle. The reason for the construction was that the area nearby called Kawanakajima was the front line against the Uesugi Clan in Echigo Province (what is now Niigata Prefecture). The castle bordered Chikuma-gawa River on the north and was surrounded by earthen walls and water moats. It is also said that it was equipped with the Takeda Clan’s unique defense system called Umadashi outside the castle gates. The castle was actually used as the stronghold for Shingen Takeda when he fought with Kenshin Uesugi in the very famous fourth Battle of Kawanakajima in 1561.

城の位置~The location of the castle

城内にある「海津城」の碑~The monument of “Kaizu Castle” in the castle
川中島古戦場にある武田信玄と上杉謙信の銅像~The statues of Shingen Takeda and Kenshin Uesugi at the Kawanakajima Battlefield (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

真田氏による統治~Governance by Sanada Clan

After the Takeda Clan was defeated by the Oda Clan in 1582, the lords of the castle were changed several times. The Sanada Clan finally governed the Matsushiro Domain including the castle and the castle town from 1622 until the end of the Edo Period. The castle was also renamed Matsushiro Castle by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1711. The castle continued to be improved until then. For example, the center of the castle called the Main Enclosure was surrounded by stone walls with the Inner Moat. Four turrets were built on the four corners of the stone walls, and three gates were set at the entrances of the enclosure. The Main Hall was inside of the enclosure where the lord lived. On the other hand, the Second Enclosure with the Outer Moat surrounding the Main Enclosure and InnerMoat still had the earthen walls. The Umadashi system which probably originated in Takeda’s period, also remained.

城の想像図(正面)~The imaginary drawing of the castle (the front) (現地説明板より~from the signboard at the site)
城の想像図(背面)~The imaginary drawing of the castle (the back) (現地説明板より~from the signboard at the site)

新しい御殿~New Main Halls

However, this castle’s location near the river was positive for defense, but negative for governance and living. The castle suffered damage from floods several times. It was also damaged by fires, so the Samada Clan decided to escape their home from the center of the castle to the southwest part, building Hananomaru Main Hall. The clan also built the New Main Hall for their relatives (women and children) far from the castle at the end of the Edo Period.

新御殿~The New Main Hall


江戸時代末期のように復元~Restored like End of Edo Period

Now, the center of Matsushiro Castle looks similar to its former appearance. Only the stone walls of the Main Enclosure are original, but two gates to the Main Enclosure, the Inner Moat with two bridges, and even earthen walls surrounding the Second Enclosure have been restored by Nagano City. The city officials say they tried to restore the castle to show its appearance at the end of the Edo Period.

復元された本丸~The restored Main Enclosure

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

対照的な二の丸と本丸~Contrastive Second and Main Enclosures

Visitors usually enter the castle through the ruins of the South Gate, the entrance of the Second Enclosure. The ruins are surrounded by the restored earthen walls and the trace of the Umadashi system slightly remains nearby. The earthen walls and the stone walls of the Main Enclosure are very contrastive because both of them come from different periods. The earthen walls are from the Sengoku Period of the Middle Ages and the stone walls are mainly from the Edo Period of the Modern Times.

南門跡~The ruins of the South Gate
復元された二の丸~The restored Second Enclosure

You can enter the Main Enclosure through the Taiko-mon Gate after crossing the bridge over the Inner Moat. These structures have all been restored and have become new symbols of the castle. The inside of the Main Enclosure has remained empty since the great fire in 1717. The four turrets on the corners have not been restored, but their stone wall bases remain. The northwest one is the largest and it is said that the Main Tower might have stood on it before the turret. Its stone walls and the method for piling them are also older than other stone walls, so they look very rough. You can go up the stairs to the top of the base to see a view around the castle.

太鼓門~The Taiko-mon Gate
本丸の内部~The inside of the Main Enclosure
北西櫓石垣(内側)~The stone walls for the Northwest Turret (the inside)
北西櫓石垣(外側)~The stone walls for the Northwest Turret (the outside)

独特な構造~Unique Structures

The northern side of the Main Enclosure has another restored gate called Kita-Akazu-mon. You can go through the gate back to the Second Enclosure surrounding the Main Enclosure. The outside of the Second Enclosure on the north was the Chikumagawa-River in the past. The route of the river was changed in the Edo Period to prevent floods. There is an interesting small, restored gate called Uzumi-mon in the earthen walls of the Second Enclosure. It was originally set in a hole through the walls which would have been filled when a battle happened.

北不明門(櫓門部分)~The Kita-Akazu-mon Gate (the turret gate part)
北不明門(表門部分)~The Kita-Akazu-mon Gate (the front gate part)
二の丸の北外側~The outside of the Second Enclosure on the north
復元された埋門~The restored Uzumi-mon Gate

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Matsushiro Castle was abandoned, most of its buildings were sold or demolished, and most of its land was divided by former warriors to be turned into farm. In 1904, the former lord of the castle, the Sanada Clan, living in the New Main Hall, bought part of the land back to open the ruins of the castle as a park. The clan lastly donated the land to the officials in 1951. The ruins of the castle were designated as a National Historic Site in 1981, but only the stone walls remained at the center of the castle at that time. Nagano City investigated the ruins and started to restore some of gates, bridges, earthen walls and water moats. The restoration was completed in 2004 and we can now see what the castle looked like in the past.

復元中の城跡~The castle ruins being restored
復元後の城~The castle after the restoration

私の感想~My Impression

I think that Matsushiro Castle has a unique atmosphere because it has different perspectives from different periods. You can see the interesting combination of its stone walls and earthen walls. In addition, I recommend that you visit the Sanada Hall, about 250m south of the castle. In fact, Sanada Hall is the present name of the New Main Hall, one of the few remaining buildings that form part of the castle. It is also designated as a National Historic Site. Its interior is very elegant as it was first built for the lord’s relatives.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls of the Main Enclosure
二の丸の土塁~The earthen walls of the Second Enclosure
真田邸の内装~The interior of the Sanada Hall
真田邸の御居間~The living room of the Sanada Hall
真田邸の縁側と庭園~The veranda and garden of the Sanada Hall

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes about 5 minutes from Nagano IC on Joshinetsu Expressway. There are parking lots around the castle.
If you want to go there by public transportation, take the bus from Nanano Station and get off at the Matsushiro-eki bus stop.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

松代城の環境整備、長野市(Nagano City Official Website)
・よみがえる日本の城14、学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第7号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)

63.鳥取城~Tottori Castle

This castle looks like two packed castles.

立地と歴史~Location and History

鳥取城の戦い~The battle of Tottori Castle

Tottori City is the prefectural capital of Tottori pref. in the Chugoku Region. The city is known for Sand Dunes, pears and the Tottori Castle. The castle was first built on a 263m high mountain called “Kyusho-zan” by the Yamana clan in the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period. It was a typical mountain castle which was popular at that time. In the late Sengoku Period, most of Chugoku Region belonged to the Mori clan, but the Oda clan aimed to invade the region, and sent his man, Hideyoshi Hashiba, the later ruler as Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Mori also sent their relative Tsuneie Kikkawa to protect the castle from Oda’s attack.

城の位置~The location of the castle

The famous battle of Tottori Castle happened in July, 1581. It is said Hideyoshi bought up food in the area around the castle. Tsuneie built several branch fortresses to keep supply chains for Tottori Castle. Hideyoshi quickly gained those fortresses and made his navy block the sea lane at the Japan Sea. As a result, the castle was isolated.

豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hideyoshi constructed a large stronghold on a 251 m high mountain called “Taiko-ga-naru”, in the back of Tottori Castle, only 1.4 km away from it. He also surrounded the castle by making fortresses, earthen walls, and dry moats multiply. He never allowed anyone including women and children to escape from the castle, because they would consume the food. The siege lasted for three months. Finally Tsuneie surrendered offering the castle and his life in exchange for the lives of the other defenders.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

江戸時代は池田氏が統治~The Ikeda clan governs it in the Edo Period

In the Edo Period, the Ikeda clan governed the castle and the area around it. They had a large territory, so they needed many facilities to govern. The clan built many buildings and a lot of stone walls at the foot of the mountain. However, they felt insufficient in extent of the castle, so they once considered another castle like Yonago Castle as their new home base. Eventually, the plan was canceled.

鳥取城の古地図、江戸時代~An old map of Tottori Castle, in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Tottori Castle was kept with improvements and repairs until the end of the Edo Period, though it suffered earthquakes and fires several times. There are rare stone walls called “Maki-ishigaki” which are round shaped to support other stone walls. It is the only case to use such stone walls for a castle.

巻石垣~The round shaped stone walls called “Maki-Ishigaki”


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

江戸時代の城「山下ノ丸」~The castle in the Edo Period “Sange-no-maru”

Now, the ruins of Tottori Castle remain as Kyusho Park. Visitors first usually walk across the Giboshi style bridge (its poles have ornamental tops) in front of the Sannomaru enclosure. It was on the formal route to the castle and restored in 2018. The way it was restored was basically traditional, but used the present techniques to preserve the original ruins. The construction for restoring the castle gates is continuing today. Two gates will be completed by 2023.

擬宝珠橋と三の丸~The Giboshi style bridge and the Sannomaru enclosure

If you go around the ruins seeing Jinpu-kaku, a building built in the Meiji Period on the right, you can go up to the Ninomaru enclosure.

仁風閣と背後の二の丸~Jinpu-kaku and the Ninomaru enclosure behind(taken by 眠鯨 from phtotoAC)

Its entrance gate called “Nishi-Sakashita-Gomon” is the only restored building at this point.

二の丸の入口「西坂下御門」~The entrance of the Ninomaru enclosure “Nishi-Sakashita-Gomon”

A lot of stone walls remain, but they were repaired again recently after collapsing due to the 1943 Tottori Earthquake. There was the Three-story Turret, main building of the castle in the late Edo Period in the enclosure.

現存する石垣~The remaining stone walls
三階櫓があった二の丸の古写真~The old photo of the Ninomaru enclosure with the the Three-story Turret(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimeidia Commons)

The Tenkyu-maru enclosure is next to and higher than Ninomaru. The history of it is similar to Ninomaru, and the round stone walls partly support it. Those enclosures together called “Sange-no-maru” or the Enclosures under the Mountain were originally developed in the Edo Period.

天球丸周辺~Around the Tenkyu-maru enclosure

戦国時代の城「山上ノ丸」~The castle in the Sengoku Period “Sanjo-no-maru”

Then, one can climb up to the castle of the Sengoku Period. You can go the Nakasaka route beside Tenkyu-maru.

中坂口~the Nakasaka route

It takes around 30 minutes to reach the top just like a hiking. Local people including families and pets also enjoy it in the daytime.

山上部分~The top part of the mountain

There was the Main Tower or “Tenshu” that was built in the end of Sengoku on the top, but it was unfortunately burned down by a lightning in 1692. The top area is called “Sanjo-no-maru” or the Enclosures above the Mountain.

天守跡~The ruins of the Main Tower

From the top, you can get great views of the city area, Japan sea and Sand Dunes!

山上からの景色~A view from the top
鳥取砂丘も見えます~You can see the Tottori Sand Dunes

If you look around the back, you can also see the ruins of Hideyoshi’s stronghold in close at almost the same level. That meant Hideyoshi and Tsuneie were watching each other in the siege for the long three months. How severe it was!

秀吉の本陣跡も見えます~You can also see the ruins of Hideyoshi’s stronghold

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Tottori Castle was abolished and its buildings were demolished. The former lord Ikeda clan owned the ruins between 1890 and 1943. The clan built Jinpu-kaku, a western style guest house for VIP in 1907, which remains as a museum, designated itself as an Important Cultural Property. After that, the ruins have belonged to Tottori City since 1943, designated as a National Historic Site in 1957. The city is planning to restore the Three-story Turret in Ninomaru by 2036.

仁風閣~Jinpu-kaku(licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

私の感想~My Impression

I think the reason why the Ikeda clan decided to stay and not to leave Tottri Castle was that it had a long history and name value. I would like to visit Taiko-ga-naru where Hideyoshi’s stronghold was to learn more about the history of Tottori the next time I go there.

山の上も下も城でした~Both of above and foot of the mountain are the ruins

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you using train and “bus or taxi or walk” to get there. Because there are few space to park around the ruins.
From JR Tottri station: Take the green bus, and take off at the Jinpukaku-kenritsuhakubutsukan bus stop. Or it takes about 30 minutes on foot.

街から城の頂上が見えます~You can see the top of the castle form the town

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

国指定史跡「史跡鳥取城跡附太閤ヶ平」にようこそ!(Tottori City Official Website)
・「歴史群像161号、戦国の城/因幡鳥取城攻囲戦」学研(Japanese Magazine)
・「よみがえる日本の城6」学研(Japanese Book)

46.長篠城~Nagashino Castle

This place had a large role in Japanese history.

立地と歴史~Location and History

勝頼、長篠城を狙う~Katsuyori tries to get the castle

Nagashino Castle was located in a mountain side of Mikawa Province (what is the eastern part of Aichi Pref.), on a cliff at the meeting point of two rivers. It may be more famous for the battle of Nagashino in 1575 than for itself.

城の位置と三河国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Mikawa Province

In 1574, the “Sengoku” or Waring State Period, Katsuyori Takeda took Takatenjin Castle in Totoumi Province away from Ieyasu Tokugawa. Takeda owned Kai (Yamanashi Pref.) and Suruga (mid Shizuoka Pref.) Provinces in the east, and Tokugawa had Totoumi (west Shizuoka Perf) and Mikawa Provinces in the west. Katsuyori aimed to capture Nagashino Castle, further west than Takatenjin. That was a threat to Ieyasu. He asked his ally, Nobunaga Oda for help.

武田勝頼肖像画、高野山持明院蔵、16世紀後半~The Portrait of Katsuyori Takeda, ownd by Koyasan Jimyoin, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

勝頼、決戦を挑む~Katsuyori wants a decisive battle

In May 1575, Kstduyoti set his stronghold on a hill at Ioji Temple, and surrounded the Nagashino Castle with over 10,000 soldiers including the Takeda Cavalry. On the other hand, defenders in the castle were only 500 in number. Nobunaga and Ieyasu took more than 30,000 soldiers to Shitara-ga-Hara field, about 4km west from the castle, and built fortresses along the field and brought gun troops.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

Beside the destiny of the castle, both sides thought it would be the chance to have a showdown. Katsuyori went down the hill and headed towards Nobunaga. However, he was going to be trapped by Nobunaga.

織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

勝頼、信長に突撃~Katsuyori attacks Nobunaga

On May 21, Nobunaga sent his detached force to the back of Katsuyori. Katsuyori was confused and there was no other way than charging Nobunaga’s fortresses right away. Shitara-ga-Hara field is narrow with the Rengogawa River flowing at the center, and was waterlogged around. Takeda Cavalry was known for its mobile and strong power, but its power was less than usual under such conditions. Takeda had to attack from one troop to another against the fortresses. Nobunaga’s fortresses were constructed in a hilly area on the western side of the field, which installed several wooden fence layers in front of gun troops. They seemed to look like castles. Takeda was blocked by the fences, shot by the guns, and defeated one by one.

長篠合戦図屏風部分、徳川美術館蔵~Part of “Battle of Nagashino”folding screens, owned by Tokugawa Art Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

勝頼、完敗す~Katsuyori completely defeated

Katsuyori gave up and withdrew. Then Nobunaga started to chase them. It is said that about half of Takeda’s soldiers were lost during the battle. Many senior vassals and troop leaders of Takeda were also killed. The result of the battle would lead to the boost of Nobunaga’s unification of Japan and the destruction of the Takeda clan. It was a big turning point.

武田重臣、馬場信春の最期、長篠合戦屏風より~The last moment of Nobuharu Baba, a Takeda’s senior vassal, from “Battle of Nagashino”folding screens(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Many historians have said that the result was caused by the tactics revolution (gun vs cavalry). However, it was not so simple. Others point out that Nobunaga considered how they should deal with strong Takeda. His decision was to be devoted to protecting themselves, but to invite Takeda there under advantage. He actually ordered his soldiers that they were no to go out of the fortresses until Takeda withdraw. He was completely successful by his strategy, too.

設楽原古戦場~Shitaragahara Battlefield


I recommend you to visit not only Nagashino Castle but also relative ruins. That will help you to learn more about history.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

長篠城跡~Nagashino Castle Ruins

Now, the Main enclosure or “Honmaru” remains on the cliff. It is surrounded by earthen walls and divides from outside by a deep dry moat. More enclosures spread out in the past. The ruins have been designated as a National Historic Site.

本丸の土塁と空堀~The earthen walls and dry moat of Honmaru
本丸の内部~The inside of Honmaru

If you go to the opposite of the castle across the rivers, you can see a great view of the meeting point of the revers under the cliff. You can also realize that the castle was on a natural fortress.

川の合流地点~The meeting point of the rivers

医王寺(勝頼の本陣跡)~Ioji Temple (The ruins of Katsuyori’s stronghold)

The stronghold was on the back hill of the temple. You can easily climb up to the top through the trail.

医王寺~Ioji Temple
頂上への山道~The trail to the top

There is a restored simple watch tower on the top. You can see Nagashino Castle from the tower, but can’t see Shitara-ga-Hara where Nobunaga’s fortresses were. It may be interesting to speculate why Katsuyori decided to go down the hill and head towards Nobunaga without enough information.

復元された物見やぐら~The restored watch tower
頂上からの眺め~A view from the top

設楽原古戦場~Shitara-ga-Hara Battlefield

This place has now become a rice field, but you can still see it is like a valley surrounded by hilly areas. If it was also waterlogged, troops with horses couldn’t fulfill their potential.

設楽原~Shitara-ga-Hara Field

There are some restored wooden fences and dry moats on the western side of the field. They must have been spread wider and deeper. Takeda clearly had to fight with the allied forces of Oda and Tokugawa under disadvantage. That was the idea of Nobunaga’s strategy.

復元された木柵~The retored wooden fences

その後~Later History

Nsgashino Castle was abandoned 1n 1576, just one year later the battle of Nagashino, because the lord of the castle built and moved to another castle. After that, a shogunal retainer and local administrator seemed to have their residences at the ruins of the castle in the Edo Period. The ruins were lastly designated as a National Historic Site in 1929.

城址の石碑~The monument of the ruins

私の感想~My Impression

I think we can learn three lessons from the battle of Nagashino.
1.Leaders must usually avoid playing for all or nothing.
2.If they can’t avoid it, informed decision will be essential, or withdraw immediately.
3.Leaders must always consider how to withdraw safely.
I believe that Nobunaga had considered how to withdraw if he was beaten by Katsuyori.

勝頼の本陣があった丘~The hill where Katsuyori’s stronghold was
長篠城の土塁~The earthen walls of Nagashino Castle

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you using car to visit these ruins mentioned above. They are all near Shinshiro IC on Shin-Tomei Expressway.
If you want to visit only Nagashino Castle, it is also accessible by train. It takes about 10 minutes to get there on foot from JR Nagashino-Jo Station. From Tokyo or Nagoya, take the Tokaido Shinkansen super express to Toyohashi Station, then transfer for Iida local line.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

史跡長篠城跡、新城市(Multilingual service is available)
新城市設楽原歴史資料館、新城市(Multilingual service is available)
・「長篠の戦い/藤本正行著」洋泉社(Japanese Book)
・「籠城/榎本秋著」宝島社(Japanese Book)
・「現代語訳 信長公記/太田牛一著、中川太古訳」新人物文庫(Japanese Book)