28.小諸城(Komoro Castle)

Location and History


最新の城周辺の地図(The latest map around the castle)

The Komoro Castle had a little strange location. The castle was located just near the Komoro traditional post town, now at the center of the Komoro city. Basically, castles were set on higher places than surrounding areas because that way defenders easily attack and protect against enemies. It can also show authority to people. However, this castle was lower than the town. The more one approaches the center of the castle, the lower the altitude is. So the castle is also called “the hole castle”, “Anajo”. The reason for such a location would be the terrain of the castle. It is at the edge of a river terrace with steep cliffs and ditches. It is too difficult to charge from the opposite side of town. The founder of the castle seemed to compromise between its advantages and a disadvantage.

小諸城の土地の断面図(The cross section of Komoro castle’s ground)



It is said that Komoro Castle was first built in the 15th century. In the civil war period, the Takeda clan governed the area around it. At the beginning of the Edo era, the lord of the Sengoku clan completed the castle. Because of the need for defense, the castle had spread enclosures around the town. The major enclosures had large and well constructed entrance gates. Two of these gates remain now (“the third gate” “Sannomon” and “the main gate” “Otemon”), but the others were demolished. Both are designated as the important cultural properties.

大手門の内側(The inside of Otemon)


The main area of the castle has now been turned into the public park, “Kaikoen”. It offers many attractions like cherry blossoms, museums, a zoo, as well as the ruins of the castle. The Sannomon gate is now used as the main gate of Kaikoen which is usually famous for pictures with the park name tablet.

「懐古園」の額と三の門(The tablet of “Kaikoen” and the Sannomon)

After enjoying these attractions, when you reach the edge of the park, you might be surprised that the park has a great view of the area around it with high cliffs. That’s because of the structure of Komoro Castle.

城の端地点からの景色(A view from the edge of the castle)

The Otemon gate is now on the opposite side of the park, as the train line divided the castle in the Meiji era. The gate was once sold to the private sector, and used as a traditional Japanese restaurant or a private school. Recently, officials bought it back, restored it to its original appearance, and now open to the public.

大手門の外側(The outside of Otemon)

(’19-9-5 追記 added)
In addition, the castle had the keep “Tenshu” on the now remaining base of Tenshu. But it was burned down by a stroke of lightning in 1626.

現存する天守台(The remaining base of Tenshu)

Later Life


本丸にある懐古神社(The Kaiko shrine at Honmaru area)

When the Edo Period ended. The castle was closed, many of warriors worried about the future of the castle. They collected money and were successful to buy the main area of the castle. They named it “Kaikoen” and established the Kaiko shrine. Now the owners (descendants of the warriors) lend the area to officials as the park.

My Inpression

At first, I felt that the ruins were just like a park except for the old gates and remaining stone walls. But I walked to the edge of them, and I was able to understand why the founder built the castle there.

自然の地形を生かした堀切(The ditch using natural terrain)

For those who are interested in geography, it is a good idea to look around the area. You can see geological formations on the high cliffs with typical river terraces.

近くの崖に見られる地層(A geological formatioon on a cliff nearby)

How to get


It is best to use train to access it, as the Komoro train station was built on part of the castle area. When using a car, the Kaikoen park offers a parking lot.
From Tokyo to Komoro st.: Get the Hokuriku Shinkansen super express to Karuizawa st., and transfer to the Shinano Railway local line.

Links and References

こもろ観光局(The Komoro Tourism Bureau)

投稿者: Yuzo

城巡りが好きなYuzoです。日本には数万の城があったといわれています。その内の200名城を手始めにどんどん紹介していきます。 I'm Yuzo, I love visiting castles and ruins. It is said that there were tens of thousands castles in Japan. I will introduce you top 200 castles and ruins of them, and more!

「28.小諸城(Komoro Castle)」への6件のフィードバック

  1. Wow very interesting I was wondering about this castle for a long time.

    Would you known what happened to the 2nd gate? What was it called?

    Thanks J

    1. Thank you for your comment. There were a lot of gates in the castle including “Ninomon” which means the second gate. They were all removed in the Meiji Era except for “Otemon” and “Sannomon”.

