41.駿府城(Sunpu Castle)

Sunpu Castle is returning to a castle associated with Ieyasu Tokugawa.

復元された駿府城東御門、背景は静岡県庁舎別館(The restored Higashi-Gomon of Sunpu Castle, the background is the Shizuoka Prefectural Government Office)

Location and History

Ieyasu Tokugawa, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate lived three times in Sunpu which is the old name of Shiuoka City. The first time was in his childhood when he lived there as a hostage under the Imagawa clan. The second one was in his middle age as a warlord in the Tokai region, and the last one was in his old age as the ruler of Japan. It is said that the hall of the Imagawa clan was there, that’s why Tokugawa was sent to the castle as a hostage.

駿府城公園の徳川家康像(The statue of Ieyasu Tokugawa in Sunpu Castle Park)taken by 松波庄九郎 from photo AC

Tokugawa built a new Sunpu Castle with the first “Tenshu” keep in 1589 after he took over Suruga Province where Sunpu was the capital. But he was soon transferred to the Kanto region by the Toyotomi clan. Instead, the Kazuuji Nakamura under Toyoyomi came to the castle and replaced Tokugawa’s Tenshu with another one against Tokugawa.

中村一氏像、東京大学史料編纂所蔵(The portrait of Kazuuji Nakamura, owned by Tokyo University)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Finally, Tokugawa returned to Sunpu again, and renovated the castle in 1607. At its peak, it was surrounded by triple moats. The third Tenshu keep had the largest stone base in Japan, and many turrets and gates prepared for fighting with Toyotomi clan in the west direction. Tokugawa died at this castle in 1616 after he had beaten Toyotomi clan in 1615. After that, the Shogunate directly governed Sunpu and the castle for many years.

駿州府中之城図家康公縄張、岡崎市立図書館蔵(The layout of Sunpu Castle by Ieyasu Tokugawa, owned by Okazaki City Library)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Unfortunately there was a big fire in 1635 which burned the castle down. After the fire, facilities such as the East Gate “Higashi Gomon”, the South-East turret “Tatusmi Yagura” and the South-West turret “Hitsuji-Saru Yagura” were rebuilt, but Tenshu was not rebuilt, only its base remained.

現在復元された巽櫓(左)と東御門(右)、大火の後再建された建物を元にしている(The current restored Tatsumi-Yagura(left) and Higashi-Gomon(right), based on the buildings rebuilt after the fire)

At the end of the Edo Period, Sunpu Castle regained its importance in the East-West confrontation. The castle became the stronghold of the New Government Military which negotiated the treatment of Edo Castle and the Shogun with the Shogunate.

駿府城近くにある西郷隆盛・山岡鉄舟会見の地跡(The site of the meeting between Takamori Saigo and Tesshu Yamaoka near Sunpu Castle)licensed by Halowand via Wikimedeia Commons


Now, Shizuoka City officials are trying to recreate the castle ruins as a historic site. They have renamed the ruins from the former name Sunpu Park to the Sunpu-Castle Park recently. They have also restored Higashi Gomon, Tatsumi Yagura and Hitsuji-Saru Yagura in the original wooden style based on their remaining detailed drawing and excavation.

復元された東御門と巽櫓(The restored Higashi-Gomon and Tatsumi-Yagura)
復元された坤櫓(The restored Hitsujisaru-Yagura)taken by アド・ミラー from photo AC

They are consulting with historians and specialists about how they should reorganize the park and rebuild the Tenshu keep. Their answer right now is that they should restore the base of Tenshu first, and wait for a while. That’s because the details of it are unclear, and rebuilding it requires a huge budget. You can now see the excavation site of Tenshu prepared for the rebuilding of the base. There are mixed stone ruins both from the second Nakamura and the third Tokugawa periods.
That’s fascinating.

天守の発掘現場(The excavation saite of Tehchu)
こちら側が徳川の石、向こう側が中村の石(The near side is Tokugawa’s stones, the other is Nakamura’s)

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, all the buildings of the castle were demolished, and Shizuoka City used the ruins as a park. But the city decided to offer the park for the ground for a military base in mid Meiji. The 34th infantry regiment used the base between 1897 and 1945. As a result, the remaining Tenshu base was completely destroyed and many moats were filled with waste. The area became plain-looking without part of the second and third concentric moats and their stone walls

現在の駿府城の航空写真(An aerial photo of the present Sunpu Castle)

内堀もわずかですが復元されています。(A few inner moats are restored)

After the World War II, the ruins of the castle became a park again called “Sunpu Park”. The city seems to be looking for a new symbol of Tokugawa to strengthen ties with its citizens.

堀から発見された家康時代の鯱(The grampus in Ieyasu’s era which was discovered from a moat)

My Impression

I can see why they want to increase the number of historical parks for citizens and tourists. I am really pleased to see the buildings of castles restored like the original ones. But, how far will they go with that? Is it really necessary to rebuild the Tenshu as the city symbol? More than enough is too much. Though there is not one answer, it might be an answer in the case of the military base in the past.

再建された巽櫓の内部(The inside of the restored Tatsumi-Yagura)

How to get There

It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the JR Shizuoka station.
From Tokyo to the station: Take the Tokaido Shinkansen super express direct to Shizuoka st.

Links and References

駿府城公園(Sunpu Castle Park)
・大御所徳川家康と駿府城公園、田中省三著(Japanese Book)

投稿者: Yuzo

城巡りが好きなYuzoです。日本には数万の城があったといわれています。その内の200名城を手始めにどんどん紹介していきます。 I'm Yuzo, I love visiting castles and ruins. It is said that there were tens of thousands castles in Japan. I will introduce you top 200 castles and ruins of them, and more!

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