186.金田城 その1





白村江の戦いの図 、緑色部分が百済、青色部分が新羅 (licensed by Samhanin via Wikimedia Commons)












大津宮跡 (licensed by Saigen Jiro via Wikimedia Commons)




184.基肄城~Kii Castle

A castle like a lookout

立地と歴史~Location and History

古代山城の一つ~One of Ancient Mountain Castles

Kii Castle is one of ancient mountain castles in western Japan. It was built by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Baekgang, Korea in 663. Japan tried to help Baekje, but was beaten by the ally of Tang and Silla. Emperor Tenchi, worried by the future possibility of invasion by this alliance, ordered the construction of these castles with the help of Baekje refugees. That’s why these castles are also called “Korean style mountain castles”.

白村江の戦いの図~The map about the Battle of Baekgang(licensed by Samhanin via Wikimedia Commons)

城特有の役割~Castle’s own Role

Kii Castle was one of the five recorded ones in Kyushu region. The others were Ono, Mizuki, Kikuchi, and Kaneda. Each castle had its own role. I think Kii Castle was kind of a lookout castle. If the ally were to attack Japan, there would be two possible routes to enter from. Both would first pass through Tsushima Island on Tsushima Strait where Kaneda Castle was built. There are speculations that the routes may be divided around Iki Island, one would land on the Fukuoka plain through Hakata Bay from the north direction, and the other would land on the Saga plain through Ariake Bay from the west direction.

九州地方の5つの記録された古代山城の位置~The location of five recorded ancient mountain castles in Kyushu region

Kii Castle was built on Kizan mountain (404m above sea level) and from its top both the Fukuoka and the Saga plains are visible. It was mainly prepared for the protection of Saga, while Mizuki was built for the protection of Fukuoka. Kizan mountain has three ridges (the top, the North Peak, and the East Peak) surrounding the valley on the south. The earthen walls were built along the ridges whose overall length was 3.9km. The stone walls were also built on the southern valley which had drains to control water. The castle had four gates and lots of buildings inside such as warehouses and barracks.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

戦国時代に再利用~It was reused in Sengoku Period

Old books say that Kii Castle was built in 665, and repaired in 698. As a result, the ally fortunately did not attack Japan. Some historians believe that the castle’s warehouses and barracks were used until around the 8th and 9th centuries. Around the 15th and 16th centuries which is also sometimes known as “Sengoku” Period or the Warring State Period, the castle was used again by some warlords, because of its good location.

戦国時代の城跡~The ruins of the castle in the Sengoku Period


Now (in February 2021), it is impossible for anyone to enter the center of the castle ruins, and walk straight through the whole area. This is because the area was seriously destroyed by the heavy rain in western Japan in 2018. The local government bans the use of roads and trails in that area. For this reason, visitors are able to see only some spots that the Local Government has opened. I will describe two spots you can visit now.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

基山山頂~Summit of Kizan

This was the highest spot of the castle and the western part of the earthen walls, as well as the Main Enclosure of the castle in Sengoku Period. The outside is steep slope, so it is now used as a grass ski ground. There is a parking lot on the foot of the summit where you can park your cars while visiting the ruins. Its 15 minutes climb to the top and on the way you will see many ditches . You may think they are some of the entrances, but they are, in fact, ruins of dry moats called “Imono-gangi”, made by the lord of the Sengoku castle.

土塁外側の急坂~The steep slope outside of the earthen walls
「いものがんぎ」と呼ばれる空堀跡~The ruins of dry moats called “Imono-gangi”

Over the dry moats, you will enter the widely open area, on the earthen walls. You can see the ridge of the mountain, the earthen walls, that goes both north and south. You can also have a view of the Fukuoka plain with the signboard of Kii Castle on the north.

基肄城の標識~The signboard of Kii Castle
福岡平野の眺め~A view of the Fukuoka Plain

Next, if you go to the opposite side on the south, you can find artificial mounds, which are also the ruins of the Main Enclosure in Sengoku Period. The Enclosure is situated on the top of the mountain. There is another monument for Emperor Tenchi. You can also see the Saga plain from the top.

南の方角を見る~Lookng at the south direction
戦国時代の本丸跡~The ruins of the Main Enclosure in Sengoku Period
天智天皇の記念碑~The monument for Emperor Tenchi
佐賀平野の眺め~A view of the Saga Plain

水門跡~Ruins of Water Gate

This spot was located on the southern part of the castle where the stone walls were built with the water gate to fill the valley. Part of the stone walls with the gate remain now. To visit them, you have to take a different route. The remaining stone walls are 26m long and 8.5m tall. The water gate is placed under the wall to drain the water of Sumiyoshi-gawa River from the inside to the outside.

水門跡~The ruins of the water gate(licensed by Wxrx via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later History

Even in the Edo Period (around the 18th and 19th centuries), people recognized Kii Castle as ancient ruins, because the castle have been recorded in an official history book called “Nihon-Shoki”. The ruins were finally designated as a Special National Historic Site in 1954.

基肄城の土塁~The earthen walls of Kii Castle

私の感想~My Impression

When I visited the summit of Kizan, and saw great views both of the Fukuoka and Saga plains from the top, I really found out the castle had a very good location. The local government says that the roads in the center of the ruins will be repaired by March 2022. I would like to visit them again after that.

基山山頂付近~Around the top of Kizan mountain

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you to go there by car at this point.
The ruins are within 5 km away from the Chikushino IC on Kyushu Expressway.
If you drop by at the Kizan Town hall, the officials will offer you the detailed routes to the ruins.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

基肄城跡、基山町(Kizan Town Official Website)