53.二条城(Nijo Castle)

Location and History

In fact, there were several castles which were called “Nijo Castle”. They were all built in the center of Kyoto called “Nijo” by authorities to be their lodgings and protect themselves. Ieyasu Tokugawa built the last Nijo Castle here after came to power in 1600.

徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵(The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The present land of the castle is a shape combined from two squares. The east one was a little larger, and the original. The west part was added later when renovation was done before an emperor visited the castle. Tokugawa clan used the castle for receptions such as inaugurations of shoguns and imperial visits.

二条城付近の航空写真(A aerial photo around Nijo Castle)

The castle had two keeps “Tenshu” in total. The first Tenshu was moved from Yamato-Koriyama Castle to there, and then moved to Yodo Castle during the renovation. The second one was moved from Fushimi Castle to there. Unfortunately both of them were burned down by strikes of thunder in the 18th century. It has been very difficult to keep Tenshu for a long time from then on.

二条城の初代天守が描かれた洛中洛外図屏風、林原美術館蔵(The first Tenshu of Nijo Castle in the Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens, owned by Hyashibara Museum of Art)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

There was a long term of over 200 years when the castle was not used because the governance of the Shogunate had been stable and Shoguns didn’t need to come to Kyoto. However, the situation was changed at the end of the Edo Period. Major domains such as Choshu and Satsuma rebelled against the Shogunate using the imperial power. The 14th and 15th shoguns had to come to Kyoto to deal with the problem and stayed at Nijo castle. In the end, the castle was used as the stage for “the restoration of Imperial rule”.

「大政奉還」壁画、邨田丹陵筆、聖徳記念絵画館蔵(The mural of “the Restoration of Imperial rule” attributed to Tanryo Murata, ownd by Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


The present Ninomaru main hall is where many historical events were held. It is one of the four remaining lord halls in Japan. The hall is made up of six parts. “To-zamurai” is the first and largest part which was used for warriors to wait, and so on. It has an outstanding roof appearance you can see outside.

遠侍の外観(An appearance of To-Zamurai)taken by Wakanachi3 from Photo AC

The fifth part is “Kuroshoin” which was used for meetings among the shogun and relative lords. This is where the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa declared “the restoration of Imperial rule” in 1867.

黒書院の外観(An appearance of Kuroshoin)

For a taste of something castle like, look outside the castle around the entrance. The East Main Entrance “Higashi-Otemon” and the Southeast Corner Turret “Tounan-Sumi-Yagura”remain alongside stonewalls and the outer water moat. They could be a good photo spot.

東南隅櫓、奥は東大手門(Tounan-Sumi-Yagura, the back is Higashi-Otemon)

And, look at the main enclosure “Honmaru” inside the inner water moat. This area was built for emergencies. The stone wall for the Tenshu base remains at the southwest corner of Honmaru. The second Tenshu was on it.

本丸と内堀(Honmaru and the inner moat)
天守台の石垣(The stone walls for the Tenshu base)

Later Life

The castle might be lucky compared with other major castles after the Meiji Restoration. The castle was used as “Nijo Imperial Villa”. For example, the reception for enthrone of the Taisho Emperor was held at this site.

大正天皇即位饗宴の絵(The picture of the reception for enthrone of the Taisho Emperor)licensed by Ninijo via Wikimedia Commons

During that time, the former house of prince Katsura was moved to Honmaru as the Honmaru hall we can now see. Lastly, the castle has been open to visitors as the Imperial Gift Former Imperial Villa Nijo Castle since 1940. It also became a World Heritage Site since 1994.

本丸御殿、現在この建物は非公開(The Honmaru hall, now this building is not open to the public)taken by Wakanachi3 from Photo AC

My Impression

The Chinese style Gate “Kara-Mon” in front of the Ninomaru hall is a great object to see. It is very gorgeous and many tourists always take pictures. I would like you to look at the details of the gate.

二の丸御殿前の唐門(Kara-Mon in front of the Ninomaru hall)
唐門の飾り(The decorations of Kara-Mon)

Kyoto has been said to be easy to attack, difficult to protect. The Honmaru of this castle is not so large. I think the founders of the castle might think a large castle is not always useful in this city. That’s why the castle part was made compact so that it would keep against an enemy for a while by a small number of soldiers.

How to get There

It is useful to use train or bus to get there.
Nijojo-Mae station on the Tozai line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway is the nearest. When using JR line, it takes nearly 20 minutes on foot from Nijo station. Or take a bus from Kyoto station.

Links and References

世界遺産 元離宮二条城(World Heritage Site Nijo-jo Castle)
・二条城―京洛を統べる雅びの城、歴史群像名城シリーズ11(Japanese Book)

54.大坂城(Osaka Castle)

現在の大坂城天守(The present Tenshu of Osaka Castle)

Location and History

Osaka City, one of the mega cities in Japan, is named after Osaka Castle. The castle is located on the north edge of Uemachi plateau where it had been used as ground for shrines and old tombs from the Ancient Ages. In the Civil War Period, the Ikko-Shu sect Buddhists led by Kennyo built their headquarters as “Ishiyama Honganji” temple on this place.

(A relief map and aerial photo around Uemachi plateau, you can see the castle on the northern edge of it.)

At that time, large religious groups had not only religious power, but also political and military power like other warlords. So it was thought that Ishiyama Honganji was just like a castle. The great warlord Nobunaga Oda was very interested in the place, and asked Kennyo to withdraw from the temple. Kennyo refused to do that, therefore, they battled for 11 years (The Battle of Ishiyama).

石山合戦図、和歌山市立博物館蔵(The image of Battle of Ishiyama, owned by Wakayama City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

After that, Oda got it by the arbitration from the Imperial Court in exchange for the guarantee of the religion. Oda seemed to want to move his home base to the place before his death. Lastly, his successor, Hideyoshi Toyotomi built Osaka castle including the ruin of Ishiyama Honganji.

豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵(part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Hideyoshi constructed the first keep “Tenshu” for the castle which was 39m tall, was five stories high, and decorated it with his preference of gold and black colors. He also organized the castle town and made people move to it, which was the foundation of the modern day Osaka City. However, after Hideyoshi died, the keep with the castle and the Toyotomi clan had died out by Tokugawa Shogunate when it was only 32 years old (The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka in 1615).

豊臣時代の大坂城天守、「大坂夏の陣図屏風」より、大阪城天守閣蔵(Toyotomi’s Tenshu of Osaka Castle, from “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens”, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tokugawa started to govern the castle and town directly. They filled Toyotomi’s castle, raised the ground level, and reconstructed it with the second Tenshu which was even 53m tall to show its authority to people. That’s what we are now looking up at as the main enclosure “Honmaru”.

本丸を見上げる(Looking up Honmaru)

But the Tenshu also had a short life of only 39 years because of the lightning strike in 1665. After Tokugawa kept the castle for over 250 years, when the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa ran away from the castle to Edo, the original history of the castle ended.

幕末期の大坂城の写真(A picture of Osaka Castle at the end of the Edo Period)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Now, we can see the third Tenshu built in 1931 which has become one of the most famous symbols of Osaka. The Tenshu is also used as a museum called “Osaka Castle Museum” which has a wide variety of historical and art exhibitions such as “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka” folding screens.

3代目天守(The third Tenshu)
大坂夏の陣図屏風、大阪城天守閣蔵(The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

All of few remaining buildings were made by Tokugawa Shogunate including the main gate “Otemon”, the Tamon turret “Yagura”, the Sengan Yagura, the Inui Yagura, and so on.

大手門(右)と多門櫓(左)(Otemon on the right, Tamon Yagura on the left)
千貫櫓(中央)と多門櫓(右)(Sengan Yagura on the middle, Tamon Yagura on the right)taken by そらみみ from photo AC
乾櫓(Inui Yagura)taken by acworks from photo AC

You should check out great stone walls surrounding Honmaru and the second enclosure “Ninomaru” made of large stones which were collected by lords under Shogunate from many places in the eastern part of Japan such as Shodoshima island. The highest ones are over 30m high from water surface which are also No.1 for Japanese castles.

南外堀の高石垣(The high stone walls on the South outer moat)taken by kimtoru from photo AC

There are huge ornate stones as well in several points, for example, the largest one named “Tako-ishi” at Sakuramon, the southern entrance of Honmaru.

桜門の内側にある「蛸石」(”Tako-ishi” inside Sakuramon)licensed by Midori Sakurai via Wikimedia Commons

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese Amy used the ruins of the castle. At the beginning of the Showa Era, the mayor of Osaka City, Hajime Seki was wondering if the castle could become a symbol of the city, and the Tenshu would come the first time in about 260 years.

關一写真(A picture of Hajime Seki) from 故大阪市長関一市葬誌, licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Seki suggested the Army to turn part of the castle into a park in exchange for offering the Army a new headquarter building. Seki collected all the fund from donations, and successfully reconstructed the third Tenshu on the second Tenshu base. It is a modern SRC structured building, not in the original way. But the way was the first ever attempted to reconstruct a castle in Japan at that time.

建設中の天守(The Tenshu under construction)

In the World War II, the area around the castle was attacked several times by the US air raids because the Army facilities were still gathered. The third Tenshu survived while some of remaining old buildings were burned down.

旧第四師団司令部建物(The former headquarters building for Japanese Army 4th divison)

Now, the present Tenshu is the oldest Tenshu among three successive Tenshu, and was designated itself as a National Registered Tangible Cultural Property in 1997.

現在の天守(The present Tenshu)

My Impression

Even the present Tenshu attracts over 2.5 million visitors including many foreign tourists annually. it is also said that many times more people visit the park around it, where many events are held. Osaka Castle is definitely one of successful cases to preserve and use historical heritages in Japan.

西の丸庭園からの天守(A view of Tenshu from Nishinomaru garden)

The remaining buildings of the castle are sometimes open to visitors. D0n’t miss a chance to see them! One of them, “Sengan Yagura” is named after “the very important turret which is worth so much money” , and it is said that a turret of the same name was there since Ishiyama Honganji.

千貫櫓(Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓の内部(The inside of Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓からの外の眺め(An outside view from Sengan Yagura)

I recommend you to see the powder house “Ensho-Gura” as well. It is all made of stones covered with plaster rebuilding after the explosion in 1660. it is a very rare style for traditional Japanese buildings.


How to get There

If you want to see Tenshu first, getting out of the JR Osakajo-Koen station or the Osaka Metro Osaka Business Park station would be better.
If you want to see the great stone walls on the outer moat and enter Otemon first, getting out of the Osaka Metro Tanimachi-Yonchome Station or Morinomiya station would be better.

Links and References

・大阪城天守閣(Osaka Castle Museum)
・大坂城全史、中村博司著、ちくま新書(Japanese book)

27.上田城(Ueda Castle)

Location and History

The Ueda castle is one of the most famous symbols of Ueda city in Nagano prefecture. The castle was founded by the Sanada clan. You can see a lot of Sanada’s flag of “Rokumonsen” (six one-mon coins), which is the fee for crossing the Styx, which is beside the castle.

「六文銭」旗印と上田城(The flag of “Rokumonsen” and Ueda Castle)taken by 松波庄九郎 from photo AC

Masayuki Sanada, a lord in the late Civil war period first built Ueda castle in 1583. He aimed to make his clan more independent against the Tokugawa clan which would become the Shogunate. Tokugawa attacked the Sanada castle twice, but they couldn’t be defeated. The second one was particularly a well-known battle among the fateful battles in 1600. That had made Sanada and this castle famous from then on. However, Tokugawa was so angry that they ordered to have the castle completely destroyed after the clan came to power.

真田昌幸像、個人蔵(The picture of Masayuki Sanada, privately owned)licensed under Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As a result, in fact, the structure of Sanada’s castle is uncertain. In the Edo period, when Tadamasa Sengoku was transferred to the lord of the feudal domain of Ueda, he was allowed to rebuild the castle. He tried to recreate the Sanada castle, but he died before it had done. Now we can see part of the remaining buildings and constructions made by Sengoku.

仙石忠政像、上田市立博物館蔵(The picture of Tadamasa Sengoku, owned by Ueda City Museum)licensed under Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Now, the main enclosure “Honmaru” with the buildings of three turrets “Yagura” and the second enclosure “Ninomaru” remains. Honmaru is highly elevated and it is surrounded by a water moat and Ninomaru in north, east and west directions. In the past, the outside of the three directions were also protected by rivers and waterlogged areas.

最新の城周辺地図(The latest map around the castle)

The south of it has natural hazard with a steep cliff which can be seen today. In addition, a pool called “Amagafuchi” which drys up now, connected to the Chikuma River that flows alongside the cliff. it was another hazard.

本丸の南面(The south side of Honmaru)

(’19-9-10 追記 added)
It is uncertain whether Ueda Castle had the keep “Tenshu” or not. While an old book “Buke-Jiki” calls the early castle “A small castle even without the Tenshu”, another old map in the Kanei Eea, Edo peried records “The ruin of the Tenshu”. So historians’ opinion remained devided. But, recently an old roof tile with gold leaf that might have been used for Tenshu was excavated from the Honmaru area. Now, many historians think the castle had the Tenshu or a similar luxury turret “Yagura”.

「御天守跡」の記載がある古地図「上田城構之図」部分(The part of the old map called “Ueda-Jo-Kamae-no-Zu” recording “The ruin of the Tenshu”)、協力:上田市マルチメディア情報センター

Later Life

After the Meiji restoration, two of those turrets were sold and used as Geisha houses. At the worst time, only one turret (the West Yagura) remained and the others were removed.

西櫓(The West Yagura)

After the World War II, citizens were successful to get the bought turrets back and placed them to their original positions (the North and South Yagura). Recently, the East entrance gate and side walls were rebuilt in the original way connecting the north and south Yagura. Their appearance has become an accurate representation of the past, and has become a good photo spot.

東虎口櫓門と南北櫓(The East Entrance between the North and South Yagura)taken by チャコ from photo AC

My Impression

As mentioned above, we can’t see the structure of Sanada’s castle. But I imagine that the following lord Sengoku was wondering if he could build his castle after the brave Sanada. So I think the idea behind Sanada’s castle could led to the castle by Sengoku. If that was true, we can understand how Sanada created their castle by examining the castle now.

忠政が掘り起こした本丸の水堀(The water moat at Honmaru that Sengoku dug up once again)

I can say the castle was made compact to prevent enemies with a small number of soldiers, using different elevations, natural hazard, and artificial structures.

本丸から二の丸を見下ろす(A view looking down Ninomaru from Honmaru)

I recommend you see the south side cliff where you can also find many kinds of stone walls to prevent the cliff from collapsing in different times.

南面の様々な石垣(The different kinds of stone walls on the south side)

How to get There

It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the Ueda train station.
There is a direct train from Tokyo to Ueda via the Hokuriku Shinkansen super express.

Links and References

上田城・上田城跡公園~信州上田観光協会(Uedajo Castle~Ueda City Tourism Association)