99.中城城~Nakagusuku Castle

Elegant castle ruins looking like a palace

立地と歴史~Location and History

繁栄する琉球とグスク~Prospering Ryukyu and Gusuku

Around the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa Islands) prospered thanks to trading. At that time, the Ming Dynasty that governed China banned private trading with foreign countries. Instead, countries like Japan (considered different from Ryukyu), Korea, and South East Asians traded with China through Ryukyu, because China allowed Ryukyu to bring a tribute frequently as well as to trade with them. As a result, many powerful clans in Ryukyu called “Aji” traded with China and other countries, and had great power.

琉球王国の進貢船、沖縄県立博物館・美術館~A tribute ship from the Ryukyu Kingdom, Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum collection(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

They built over 300 large-scale fortresses called “Gusuku” around the Ryukyu Islands. They looked like a castles, but they could also be used as a hall or shrine. Nakagusuku Castle was one of the largest Gusuku, and is one of the best preserved Gusuku ruins.

城の位置~The location of the castle

中城城の完成~The completion of Nakagusuku Castle

It is said that Nakagusuku Castle was first built in the mid 14th century by Sachi-Nakagusuku Aji clan. The castle was located on a 160m high hill on Okinawa Island with a high cliff in on the east as natural barrier. It was also only 2 km away from the Yagi Port which was once a trade port. Sachi-Nakagusuku Aji clan built the main parts of the castle, such as the First Enclosure or Ichinokaku ,the Second Enclosure or Ninokaku, the South Enclosure or Minaminokaku, and the West Enclosure or Nishinokaku. In the 15th century, a senior vassal of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Gosamaru completed the castle, adding the Third Enclosure or Sannokaku, and The North Enclosure or Kitanokaku.

現地にある城跡の模型~The miniature model of the castle ruins at the site

護佐丸の乱~Gosamaru Rebellion

Gosamaru stayed at the castle to protect the Ryukyu Kingdom from another powerful Aji called Amawari at Katsuren Castle who was against the Kingdom. However, Gosamaru was considered as a rebel against the Kingdom by Amawari. Gosamaru felt very sad about it, and killed himself. It is said that Amawari deceived the Kingdom and Gosamaru, but the details are uncertain, as Amawari was also defeated by the Kingdom later.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

After that, the castle was owned by the Prince of the Kingdom. During the Edo Period, when the Kingdom was under the Satsuma Feudal Domain of Japan, the castle was used as a guardhouse.

中城城跡~The ruins of Nakagusuku Castle


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

城跡に入る~Entering the Castle Ruins

Now, the ruins of Nakagusuku Castle still have a very good location. They are located on a high point where the island is narrow, so you can have a great view of the Pacific Ocean on the east and the East China Sea on the west. That meant that a lord of the castle was able to see the movement of his friends and enemies.

城跡から見た太平洋~A view of the Pacific Ocean from the ruins

When visitors enter the entrance of the ruins, they are driven near the front gate of the castle by a cart. You can walk up to the gate which is also the entrance of the West Enclosure. The enclosure is next to the First Enclosure and South Enclosure. You can also see the great high stone walls of First Enclosure.

正門~The front gate
一の郭の高石垣~The stone walls of the First Enclosure

You can go further to the entrance of South Enclosure. The enclosure is thought to be the oldest part, because its stone walls were partly piled with natural lime stones, a primitive method called “Nozura-zumi”. There are three places for worship in ruins in the enclosure, such as one where you could pray for rain.

南の郭へ進みます~Going to the South Enclosure
南の郭の入口、写真の右上部分は野面積みです~The entrance of the South Enclosure, the upper right portion in this picture is built with “Nozura-zumi”
雨乞イノ御嶽(拝所)~The place of praying for rain

素晴らしい石垣と景色~Wonderful Stone Walls and Views

From the South Enclosure, you can go to the First Enclosure through the arch entrance gate. It is said that Gosamaru had this arch shaped when he improved the castle. The First Enclosure is the main and largest enclosure of the castle. There was the main hall in it. Its stone walls were built with processed square lime stones, a method called “Nuno-zumi”. The method is more developed than the South Enclosure’s, so the First Enclosure seemed to have been built after the South Enclosure. There is also the observation deck on the stone walls where you can have a great view of the Pacific Ocean. The Second Enclosure is the next one. The shape of this enclosure’s stone walls is very beautiful.

一の郭へのアーチ門、石垣は布積み~The arch entrance gate to the First Enclosure, its stone walls are built with “Nuno-zumi”
正殿跡~The ruins of the Main Hall
一の郭から見た太平洋~The Pacific Ocean from the First Enclosure
二の郭の石垣~The stone walls of the Second Enclosure

護佐丸の貢献~Work of Gosamaru

You need to go back to the West Enclosure to go to the North Enclosure which was added by Gosamaru later. The North enclosure has the ruins of a well called “Ufugaa”. The well was also built by him, as the castle didn’t have no well inside.

北の郭にある井戸~The well at the North Enclosure

You can walk from the North Enclosure to the Third Enclosure, the last one. The enclosure is also the newest one with the arch shaped back gate that Gosamaru built. The North and Third Enclosures have stone walls built in the method called “Aikata-zumi”. This method refers to piling randomly processed lime stones solidly. It is the most advanced and complex way in the castle, so we can see these enclosures are the newest.

三の郭~The Third Enclosure
裏門~The back gate
相方積みで積まれた三の郭の石垣~The stone walls of the Third Enclosure built with “Aikata-zumi”

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, the Ryukyu Kingdom was abolished, as it was taken in as one of Japan’s prefectures by the Japanese Government. The castle was used as the village office of Nakagusuku Village. Some buildings seemed to remain until they were burned during World War II. In addition, the Japanese Army once stayed at the castle and started to build a position. However, they were ordered to moved to another soon after. That’s why the ruins of castle (stone walls, foundation etc) remain well preserved until today. They have been on the World Heritage List as Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu since 2000.

石垣の下の日本軍が掘った壕~The shelter that the Japanese Army dug under the stone walls

私の感想~My Impression

In Japan mainland, castles with stone walls became popular in the 16th century. It is said that the needs for wars using guns and developing construction technology caused that change. In Okinawa Island, castles with stone walls appeared two centuries earlier than on the mainland. One of the reasons for that was that lime stones were easier to process. Of course, the castles were used for a battle. Stronger castles were another reason. I think that another reasons was the lords of the “Gusuku” castles wanted to show their authority and faith, so that’s why they look very beautiful.

二の郭~The Second Enclosure

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you to visit it by car.
From the Naha Airport:
By car, enter Naha Airport Expressway at the Nakachi IC, join Okinawa Expressway at the Nishihara JCT, and get off the expressway at Kita-Nakagusuku IC. The ruins are within 5 km from the IC, and offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

沖縄の世界遺産、中城城跡Nakagusuku-jo site, World Heritage of Okinawa
・「琉球王国、東アジアのコーナーストーン/赤嶺守著」講談社(Japanese Book)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)

52.観音寺城~Kannonji Castle

The mountain is still full of rocks.

本丸虎口の石垣~The stone walls of the entrance of the Honmaru enclosure(taken by あけび from photoAC)

立地と歴史~Location and History

The Rokkaku clan governed the area in the south part of Omi Province (now called Shiga Pref.) for a long time in the Middle Ages. They at first lived on foot of Mt.Kinugasa. After the Onin War in 1467, battles became usual. This was known as the Warring States Period. The way to deal with such a situation for them was to move to the mountain top with their retainers in their entirety. It was the origin of Kannnoji Castle.

繖山~Mt. Kinugawa(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Rokkaku divided the castle area and assigned an enclosure to each retainer, which was named using their name like “Hirai-Maru”, “Ikeda-Maru” and “Awaji-Maru”. For about 100 years, the castle grew over the whole mountain, with enclosures surrounded by stone walls.

安土城考古博物館にある観音寺城の模型~The miniature model of Kannonji Castle at Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum(licensed by ブレイズマン via Wikimedia Commons)

At its peak, the castle had over 1,000 enclosures. In 1532, the head of the clan, Sadayori Rokkaku accommodated the Shogun, Yoshiharu Ashikaga who escaped from Kyoto. Yoshiharu established the temporary government at Kuwanomi-Tera Temple in the castle and stayed there for three years.

等持寺にある足利義晴の木像~The wooden statue of Yoshiharu Ashikaga at Tojiji Temple(licensed by Geneast via Wikimedia Commons)

Sadayori prepared luxury palaces for the Shogun. He also built a two-story meeting club to host visitors at his Honmaru enclosure. However, the castle was not so strong compared to its appearance. The senior vassals were likely independent, possibly be against their master. Their halls were built for living rather than for battle. Overall, the castle might have not been suitable for a long siege.

佐々木古城跡繖山観音山画図、江戸時代~The illustration of the old Kannnonji Castle, in the Edo Period(licelicensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

As a result, Rokkaku often took a little strange tactic. When a battle happened, if large troops attached Kannonji Castle. They escaped from the castle in advance. That made the enemy capture the castle easily. Then, Rokkaku started a guerrilla fighting with their branch castles around. They knew the weak points of Kannnonji Castle, could attack their enemy efficiently, and finally got the castle back.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

In 1568, when Nobunaga Oda tried to come to Kyoto, he asked Rokkaku for cooperation. Rokkaku refused and fought with Oda. As soon as Oda quickly took Rokkaku’s branch Mitsukuri Castle, Rokkaku escaped from Kannnoji Castle. This might be their traditional way, but they couldn’t return again. As all the branch castles surrendered to Oda, and most of former Rokkaku retainers served to Oda. There would be nothing to do for Rokkaku. Oda seemed to use Kannouji Castle for a while, before abandoning it.

織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

There are several routes for climbing up to the castle ruins. One of the two major ones is through Kannonshoji Temple. The temple is older than the castle, and was supported by Rokkaku. You can park at the end of Kannnonji-Sanrindo Tollway under the temple, walk to the center of the ruins in about 15 minutes.

観音正寺~Kannonshoji Temple(licensed by Jnn via Wikipedia Commons)
山上に通じる山道~The trail that leads to the top(taken by あけび from photoAC)

There are the ruins of Honmaru, Ikeda-Maru and Hirai-Maru around the top area. All three are spacious and have large stone walls around. The walls are piled with natural stones called “Nozura-Zumi”. It is one of the earliest examples of stone walls being used in earnest for castles. Historians also say the similar size of enclosures among the lord’s Honmaru and the retainer’s others shows their power balance. The power of the lord might have been relatively weak.

本丸虎口跡~The ruins of the Honmaru enclosure entrance(taken by あけび from photoAC)
池田丸跡~The ruins of Ikeda-Maru enclosure(taken by あけび from photoAC)
平井丸虎口跡~The ruins of the Hirai-Maru enclosure entrance(taken by あけび from photoAC)

The other of the major routes is through Kuwanomi-Tera Temple. You can first park at Azuchi Archeological Museum, then walk to the start point of the trail in the northeast direction. Climb up beautiful stairways to the temple. It has the remaining Mail Hall built nearly 700 years ago and designated as a National Important Property. The trail goes up further along the river valley. You can also see a lot of abandoned huge stones that are from the ruins of enclosures. You will reach the top after 30 minutes to 1 hour walk in total.

桑実寺に向かう階段~The stairway to Kuwanomi-Tera Temple(taken by あけび from photoAC)
桑実寺本堂~The Main Hall of Kuwanomi-Tera Temple(licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later Life

Beside Kannnonshoji and Kuwanomi-Tea temples, part of the ruins seemed to be used for other temples. The castle ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1982.

本丸跡の内部~The inside of the Honmaru enclosure ruins(taken by あけび from photoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

The ruins of the castle have a lot of mysteries. The study of their details is still very new. Some local people also try to explore the ruins. In response, officials have been developing the ruins little by little. I’m looking foward to having a new experience in the near future.

山上からの眺め~A view from the top(taken by あけび from photoAC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 30 minutes from the Yokaichi IC or the Ryuo IC on Meishin Expressway. Please make sure that Kannnonji-Sanrindo Tollway is only open between 8:30 and 16:30.
When using train, I recommend you to use a rental bicycle, because the ruins and about 3km from JR Azuchi Station. There are two rental bicycle shops in front of the station. You can also leave your baggage there.
From Tokyo to Azuchi st.:
Take the Tokaido Shinkansen superexpress to Maibara station, and transfer for JR Biwako line.
From Osaka to Azuchi st.:
Take the train on JR Kyoto line from Osaka or Shin-Osaka station.
This information is almost the same as Azuchi Castle. How about visiting the set of both castles.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

観音寺城跡(滋賀県観光情報)(Only Japanese?)
あづち周遊(Only Japanese)
観音寺城|散策の備忘録(Only Japanese)
・「六角定頼/村井祐樹著」ミネルヴァ書房(Japanese Book)
・「幻の観音寺城/南條範夫著」文春文庫(Japanese Book)
・「石垣の名城完全ガイド/千田嘉博著」講談社(Japanese Book)

6.盛岡城(Morioka Castle)

Morioka Castle Ruins look like a warrior wearing an amour made of stone.

盛岡城の石垣(The stone walls of Morioka Castle)

Location and History

Morioka City, the capital of Iwate Prefecture, started from this castle. Morioka was also named by the lord of the castle, the Nanbu clan. The castle was originally located on a hill in the north of the meeting point of Kitakami River and Nakatsu River (Now, Kitakami River has been replaced in the western direction).

南部領盛岡平城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Morioka Castle in Nanbu Domain in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館

最新の城周辺の地図(The latest map around the castle)

Nanbu clan had been a great warlord group in the north Tohoku region with their operations run by the relatives’ council. In the end of the Civil War Period, Nobunao Nanbu in Sannohe Castle had an influence, and he was allowed to be the head of the clan by the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

南部信直像、もりおか歴史文化館蔵(The portlait of Nobunao Nanbu, owned by Morioka History and Culture Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

He beat a rebellious relative, Masazane Kunohe in Kunohe Casle with the help from Toyotomi’s men such as Ujisato Gamo and Nagayoshi Asano. Then, he once moved to Kunohe Castle and renamed it “Fukuoka”. But Fukuoka was too much on the north because Nanbu’s territory spread to the south. So, Gamo and Asano suggested Nobunao to move again to another southern place. That was Kozukata (the former name of Morioka) where Nobunao started to build a new castle in 1598.

九戸城跡(The ruins of Kunohe Castle)

Gamo and Asano also suggested to build the castle made up entirely of stone walls that was popular in the western Japan. That style would be more defensive and special in the eastern Japan at the point. The construction took a long time before its completion in 1615 by Nobunao’s son, Toshinao who renamed Kozukata, Morioka then.

本丸(右)と二の丸(左)(Honmaru on the right and Ninomaru on the left)

Nanbu clan governed Morioka Castle and town all through the Edo Period. The castle sometimes suffered from fires, earthquakes and floods, but were repaired and partly improved.

腰曲輪の石垣(The stone walls of Koshi-Guruwa)


Now, the ruins of Morioka Castle remain stone walls without buildings except for only one warehouse called “Hiko-Okura”, but they are even more outstanding. Wherever you get around the ruins, you can see amazing stone walls. They are all made of white granite locally produced. Let’s look at some typical stone walls we can see in the ruins.

現存する「彦御蔵」(The remaining Hiko-Okura)

(The map of Morioka Castle Ruins, Markers show the points pictures below were taken)

・The main enclosure “Honmaru” surrounded stone walls: They consist of piled-up natural stones basically, and processed stones in the corner, called “Nozura-Dumi”. They are thought to be the oldest in ruins, and might have been made in the earliest time since the castle began to be built.

本丸周りの石垣(Honmaru surrounded stone walls)

・The bounded enclosure “Koshi-Guruwa” stone walls: These stones are roughly processed and piled called “Ran-Dumi”. The method was used around the same time as the castle was completed. Part of them were restored recently in the original way.

腰曲輪石垣(Koshi-Guruwa stone walls)

・The second enclosure “Ninomaru” west side stone walls: They are made with square cut stones and piled with aligning called “Nuno-Dumi”. They were added in the late 17th century, after the replacement of Kitakami River.

二の丸西側石垣(Ninomaru west side stone walls)

As mentioned above, there are many types of stone walls from different times and methods. New and advanced ones are not always the best for you.

腰曲輪石垣からもう一枚(Another photo from Koshi-Guruwa stone walls

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the buildings of the castle were demolished. The castle went to ruin, people around were worried about it. Then, Iwate Prefecture rented it (Morioka City bought it later), and opened to the public as the Iwate Park in 1906. After that, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1941 as well.

公園内の石垣と木々(Stone walls and trees in the park)taken by NR1000 from photoAC

My Impression

Recently, Morioka City nicknamed the park “Morioka Castle Ruins Park”. The main reason for it should be for tourism, while the city seems to be searching for the way of restoring the castle including some buildings. I think that keeping the ruins is in the future would be the best way. Because if a building is restored on the stone walls, people’s interest might be destructed by them.

二の丸から木々を見下ろす(Ninomaru overlooking the trees)

The ruins surrounded by stone walls are over 400 years old. Trees and plants help them look more beautiful. A writer says “Flowers in spring, green in summer, leaves in autumn, snow in winter” with his pictures of the stone walls.

石垣に桜の花(The stone walls featuring cherry blossoms)taken by 政宗っ。from photoAC

How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Morioka IC on Tohoku Expressway. The park offers an underground parking lot.
If you want to go there by bus from Morioka station: Take the Den-Den-Mushi bus at the east exit bus terminal bus stop No.16, and take off at the Morioka-Joato-Koen bus stop. Or it takes about 20 minutes on foot from the station.
From Tokyo to Morioka st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.

Links and References

盛岡城跡公園(岩手公園)~盛岡市(Morioka Castle Ruins Park (Iwate Park)~Morioka City)
・「史跡盛岡城跡整備基本計画/盛岡市」(Japanese Document)
・「盛岡城の石垣/高橋喜平」(Japanese Book)