9.久保田城~Kubota Castle

The castle made of earth by the Satake Clan

立地と歴史~Location and History

佐竹氏が新しく作った城~New Castle Satake Clan built

The Satake Clan had been based in Hitachi Province (what is now Ibaraki Prefecture) since around the end of the Ancient times. In the late 16th century, they lived in Mito Castle and their territory was worth as much as an earning of 548 thousand Koku in rice (the 8th largest lord in Japan at that time). However, they were transferred to Akita in Tohoku Region by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1602, as they didn`t firmly support the Shogunate when Battle of Sekigahara happened in 1600. The size of their territory was reduced (to 200 thousand Koku in rice), but they decided to build their new castle in the new land. This was Kubota Castle.

城の位置~The location of the castle

お家芸だった土の城~Building Castles of earth was their Specialty

Kubota Castle was built on a 40m high mountain called Shinmei-yama alongside Asahigawa River. The castle was almost all made of earthworks with no Main Tower. It has been said that the reason for it is that Satake had no ability and techniques for building stone walls and a Main Tower, or they feared the Shogunate`s authority. In the same period as Satake moved to Akita, it was usual for other lords to build a castle with stone walls and a Main Tower. However, building a castle of earthworks was the specialty of the Satake Clan. There is evidence also with Mito Castle, Satake Clan improved this technique, and it was used by the Tokugawa Clan following Satake as a castle of earthworks till the end. That meant Satake could build a strong castle using only earthworks.

土造りの水戸城~Mito Castle made of earthworks

自然地形を生かした巧みな配置~Clever Arrangement using Natural Terrain

The center of the castle had two tiers, surrounded by the inner moat. The upper tier was called “Honmaru” or the Main Enclosure, and the lower tier was called “Ninomaru” or the Second Enclosure. Around the center, there was “Sannnomaru” or the Third Enclosure, surrounded by the outer moat. In addition, “Nishikuruwa” or the Western Enclosure and “Kitanomaru” or the Northern Enclosure were placed outside the Third Enclosure inside the river. The Main Enclosure had the Main Hall where the lord lived, and four turrets instead of the Main Tower. It also had five gates, but anyone from the outside the castle had to go through the Second Enclosure to reach it. Satake complete the castle with clever arrangement and using natural terrain after over 20 year construction.

出羽国秋田郡久保田城画図部分、江戸時代~Part of the illustration of Kubota Castle in Akita District, Dewa Province, the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)

Satake governed their Kubota Domain all through the Edo Period, but their governance was not stable. Akita was a very windy area, so the people of the Domain suffered several famines from dry winds, flood and water damage. It often caused riots, as a result, the Domain lacked resources. Kubota Castle also suffered fires, but was repaired and restored each time.

最後の藩主、佐竹義堯の銅像、千秋公園~The statue of Yoshitaka Satake, the last lord of Kubota Domain


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

城跡の千秋公園へ~To Senshu Park as Castle Ruins

Now, the ruins of Kubota Castle has become Senshu Park. Visitors usually go across the remaining Outer Moat through Nakadobashi Bridge on the south to the Third and Second Enclosures. In the past, Kuro-mon Gate on the east was the front entrance of the castle. The Second Enclosure has a large space where buildings such as offices and warehouses were built. Satake Historical Museum exhibits the histories of Kubota Domain and the Satake Clan.

外堀~The Outer Moat
城に向かう道~The road to the castle
黒門跡~The ruins of Kuro-mon Gate
二の丸~The Second Enclosure

本丸への長い坂~Long Slope to Main Enclosure

You can walk up to the Main Enclosure through a long and curved stairways called “Nagasaka” or the Long Slope. Stone walls have been partly used, as this spot was very important. A gate called “Nagasaka-mon” stood at the curved part. At the end of the stairways, Omote-mon Gate, the front gate of the Main Enclosure has been restored. There is the guardhouse called “Omono-gashira Gobansho” which is the only remaining building in the castle beside the gate.

長坂~The Long Slope
長坂門跡~The ruins of Nagasaka-mon Gate
復元された表門~The restored Omote-mon Gate
現存している御物頭御番所~The remaining guardhouse

土造りの本丸~Main Enclosure made with Earthworks

The center of the Main Enclosure has a shrine and the statue of the lord of the castle. It may not look like a castle, however if you walk around the Enclosure, you can find the foundation of the castle is made of only earth, but strongly. One of the turrets, Osumi-yagura Turret has been rebuilt at the northwest corner of the Enclosure. It is built much higher than the original one for viewing. The Enclosure has several entrances such as the Back Gate, so you can also walk up and down enjoying how the castle uses natural terrain cleverly.

本丸~The Main Enclosure
再建された御隅櫓~The rebuilt Osumi-Yagura Turret
裏門跡~The ruins of the Back Gate
本丸の土塁~The earthen walls of the Main Enclosure

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Kubota Castle became the Akita prefectural office in 1872. That meant the castle also was the origin of Akita Prefecture and Akita City. However, most of the castle buildings were burned down in 1880. In 1890, the former lord, Satake Clan bought the castle ruins and lent the land to Akita City as a park named Senshu Park. Former warriors of the Kubota Domain donated cherry plants for the park in 1892, so that’s why the park has also become famous for its cherry blossoms.

御隅櫓と桜~Osumi-Yagura Turret with cherry blossoms(licensed by アラツク via Wikimedia Commons)

私の感想~My Impression

You may find the ruins of Kubota Castle just like a park, because they were once developed as a modern park. You can also find the ruins was really a castle made of earth if you look at the foundation of the ruins carefully. It may be a good idea to compare this castle with Mito Castle that the Satake Clan built as well. Akita Prefecture is now developing lots of wind farms using the windy climate that they suffered from in the past. On the other hand, the governor of Akita Prefecture right now (Mar2021) is a descendant of the Satake Clan. I think Akita is trying to take good care of both tradition and innovation.

本丸に登る小径~The trail to the Main Enclosure
秋田県の風力発電所~A wind farm in Akita Prefecture(licensed by 8-Forest via Wikimedia Commons)

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes about 10 minutes from the west entrance of JR Akita station to the castle ruins on foot.
From Tokyo to Akita st.: Take the Akita Shinkansen super express.
If you want to go there by car: It takes about 20 minutes from the Akita-Chuo IC on Akita Expressway. Senshu Park offers a parking lot

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

久保田城、秋田市公式サイト(Akita City Official Website)
・「よみがえる日本の城9」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第60号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)

29.松本城(Matsumoto Castle)

Location and History

松本城天守と埋橋(Matsumoto castle keep and Uzumi bridge)

The Matsumoto castle, particularly its keep “Tenshu” is outstanding now in Matsumoto city, Nagano prefecture. But the road to present has not been smooth. In the 16th century, the Ogasawara clan first built the castle in this area. After a while, they named it Matsumoto castle. In 1590, the Ishikawa clan were transferred to the area and started to spread the castle and they also built the Tenshu. It was modified several times and reached the same appearance as now in 1633 by the Matsudaira clan.

松本城航空写真(The aerial photo of Matsumoto Castle)


In spite of its long history, the symbol of the castle is just the Tenshu. It consists of the large keep “Dai-Tenshu”, the Inui small keep “Sho-Tenshu”, and two turrets (Tatsumi-Tsuke Yagura and Tsukimi Yagura) which are connected to each other. Daitenshu is the only one remaining and its five-story castle keep in the east Japan. It has a brilliant black colored look coming from wooden side walls painted with special Japanese lacquer, annually.

天守西面、左から乾小天守、大天守(The west side of Tenshu. Inui Sho-Tenshu, Dai-Tenshu from the left)
天守南面、左から大天守、辰巳附櫓、月見櫓(The south side of Tenshu. Dai-Tenshu, Tatsumi-Tsuke-Yagura, Tsukimi-Yagura from the left)

It is often compared with the Himegi castle’s equally five-story Dai-Tenshu painted in white clearly in the west Japan by contrast. Matsumoto castle’s Tenshu is also designated as one of the 5 remaining keeps of Japan’s national treasures (the others are Himeji, Hikone, Inuyama and Matsue).

「白い」姫路城天守(The “white” Himeji castle keep)

Basically its devices such as machicolations and loopholes were built just for battles, they were also well designed and match each story’s roof.

松本城の石落とし(One of Matsumoto castle’s machicolations)takeen by あけび from photo AC

Its beautiful total balance of the castle has been attracting not only history fans but also photographers, artists and everyday visitors. For example, Matsumoto castle with the background of the Japan Alps could be a very good photo subject.

日本アルプスを背景にした松本城(Matsumoto Castle with the background of the Japan Alps)

You can also get in the inside of the Tenshu which in fact consists of 6 floors. You may be surprised to see how strong it is built by using mainly wooden materials. But the inside is relatively dark and narrow, and stairways are steep. So it is recommended to wear comfortable clothes.

松本城天守の内部(A view of the inside of Matsumoto castle’s Tenshu)taken by あけび from photo AC

Later Life

The later life of Matsumoto castle was very severe. In the Edo period, when the Honmaru main hall was burned down, warriors of the feudal domain of Matsumoto worked their hardest to prevent Tenshu from burning. After the Meiji restoration, all of the other buildings were removed, and finally Tenshu was sold to possibly be for waste material. Ryozo Ichikawa, a social campaigner came out, then asked the buyer to suspend, after that he collected money to get it back, and was successful in the end.

明治時代の天守写真、松本城管理事務所蔵(The picture of Tenshu in the Meiji Era, owned by Matsumoto Castle Management Bureau)licensed under public domain via Wikimedia Commons

However, that was not enough for the castle. Such a large and old building is needed to do continuous maintenance to keep. In the middle Meiji era, Tenshu got to lean at about six degrees due to central pillars decayed, and bats lived in it. Another savior, school head Unari Kobayashi worked hard to repair the castle. At last the castle was designated as a national treasure. In addition, other traditional gates around Tenshu such as Kuromon and Taikomon has been rebuilt these days.

太鼓門(The Taikomon)

My Impression

I would like to say that you would better have enough time to spend if you want to get in Tenshu, as there might be a long line. It may take nearly 1 hour in line because visiting famous castles has become more popular over the last few years.

天守南西面(The southwest side of the Tenshu)

And my another suggestion is to show respect to two saviors who kept the castle intact, by looking at the plaque of them that is placed inside the gate of Kuromon.

黒門(The Kuromon) taken by あけび from photo AC

How to get There

It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the Matsumoto train station or bus terminal. When using a car, there are few parking lots around the castle.
From Tokyo: Go to Nagano on Hokuriku shinkansen super express, transfer local train on Shinonoi line (train). Or take a direct highway bus at the Shinjuku bus terminal (bus)

Links and Refernces

国宝松本城(National treasure Matsumoto Castle)