53.二条城(Nijo Castle)

Location and History

In fact, there were several castles which were called “Nijo Castle”. They were all built in the center of Kyoto called “Nijo” by authorities to be their lodgings and protect themselves. Ieyasu Tokugawa built the last Nijo Castle here after came to power in 1600.

徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵(The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The present land of the castle is a shape combined from two squares. The east one was a little larger, and the original. The west part was added later when renovation was done before an emperor visited the castle. Tokugawa clan used the castle for receptions such as inaugurations of shoguns and imperial visits.

二条城付近の航空写真(A aerial photo around Nijo Castle)


The castle had two keeps “Tenshu” in total. The first Tenshu was moved from Yamato-Koriyama Castle to there, and then moved to Yodo Castle during the renovation. The second one was moved from Fushimi Castle to there. Unfortunately both of them were burned down by strikes of thunder in the 18th century. It has been very difficult to keep Tenshu for a long time from then on.

二条城の初代天守が描かれた洛中洛外図屏風、林原美術館蔵(The first Tenshu of Nijo Castle in the Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens, owned by Hyashibara Museum of Art)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

There was a long term of over 200 years when the castle was not used because the governance of the Shogunate had been stable and Shoguns didn’t need to come to Kyoto. However, the situation was changed at the end of the Edo Period. Major domains such as Choshu and Satsuma rebelled against the Shogunate using the imperial power. The 14th and 15th shoguns had to come to Kyoto to deal with the problem and stayed at Nijo castle. In the end, the castle was used as the stage for “the restoration of Imperial rule”.

「大政奉還」壁画、邨田丹陵筆、聖徳記念絵画館蔵(The mural of “the Restoration of Imperial rule” attributed to Tanryo Murata, ownd by Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


The present Ninomaru main hall is where many historical events were held. It is one of the four remaining lord halls in Japan. The hall is made up of six parts. “To-zamurai” is the first and largest part which was used for warriors to wait, and so on. It has an outstanding roof appearance you can see outside.

遠侍の外観(An appearance of To-Zamurai)taken by Wakanachi3 from Photo AC

The fifth part is “Kuroshoin” which was used for meetings among the shogun and relative lords. This is where the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa declared “the restoration of Imperial rule” in 1867.

黒書院の外観(An appearance of Kuroshoin)

For a taste of something castle like, look outside the castle around the entrance. The East Main Entrance “Higashi-Otemon” and the Southeast Corner Turret “Tounan-Sumi-Yagura”remain alongside stonewalls and the outer water moat. They could be a good photo spot.

東南隅櫓、奥は東大手門(Tounan-Sumi-Yagura, the back is Higashi-Otemon)

And, look at the main enclosure “Honmaru” inside the inner water moat. This area was built for emergencies. The stone wall for the Tenshu base remains at the southwest corner of Honmaru. The second Tenshu was on it.

本丸と内堀(Honmaru and the inner moat)
天守台の石垣(The stone walls for the Tenshu base)

Later Life

The castle might be lucky compared with other major castles after the Meiji Restoration. The castle was used as “Nijo Imperial Villa”. For example, the reception for enthrone of the Taisho Emperor was held at this site.

大正天皇即位饗宴の絵(The picture of the reception for enthrone of the Taisho Emperor)licensed by Ninijo via Wikimedia Commons

During that time, the former house of prince Katsura was moved to Honmaru as the Honmaru hall we can now see. Lastly, the castle has been open to visitors as the Imperial Gift Former Imperial Villa Nijo Castle since 1940. It also became a World Heritage Site since 1994.

本丸御殿、現在この建物は非公開(The Honmaru hall, now this building is not open to the public)taken by Wakanachi3 from Photo AC

My Impression

The Chinese style Gate “Kara-Mon” in front of the Ninomaru hall is a great object to see. It is very gorgeous and many tourists always take pictures. I would like you to look at the details of the gate.

二の丸御殿前の唐門(Kara-Mon in front of the Ninomaru hall)
唐門の飾り(The decorations of Kara-Mon)

Kyoto has been said to be easy to attack, difficult to protect. The Honmaru of this castle is not so large. I think the founders of the castle might think a large castle is not always useful in this city. That’s why the castle part was made compact so that it would keep against an enemy for a while by a small number of soldiers.

How to get There

It is useful to use train or bus to get there.
Nijojo-Mae station on the Tozai line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway is the nearest. When using JR line, it takes nearly 20 minutes on foot from Nijo station. Or take a bus from Kyoto station.

Links and References

世界遺産 元離宮二条城(World Heritage Site Nijo-jo Castle)
・二条城―京洛を統べる雅びの城、歴史群像名城シリーズ11(Japanese Book)

13.白河小峰城(Shirakawa-Komine Castle)

白河駅から見た白河小峰城(A view of Shirakawa-Komine Castle from Shirakawa Station)

Location and History

The area now called Shirakawa city was the entrance of the Tohoku district in Japan. In the Ancient Ages, the area had the Shirakawa Barrier which is very famous even now. In the Middle Ages, several castles were built in this area, one of them was the Shirakawa-Komine Castle. In the Edo Period, the Niwa clan took over and completed the castle including the three story turret called “Gosankai-Yagura”. Gosankai-Yagura was so large that it could actually be the castle keep “Tenshu” which was 14m tall.

奥州白河城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Shirakawa Castle in Oshu District in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館

The lords of the castle changed from Niwa to others such as the Matsudaira clan. During the Meiji Restoration, the Battle of Shirakawaguchi took placed between the new Government Amy and the former Shogunate Amy around the castle. The Shogunate Amy was beaten by the Government Amy with modern equipment, and the castle was destroyed. Gosankai-yagura was also burned down.

破壊された白河小峰城(The destroyed Shirakawa-Komine Castle)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


We can still see the wooden building exactly the same as the original Gosankai-Yagura.

復元された御三階櫓(The restored Gsankai-Yagura)

That’s because the once lord Sadanobu Matsudaira ordered to make drawings of the castle in details and they luckily still remain. In addition, officials decided to rebuild the building in the original way.

松平定信自画像(The self-portlait of Sadanobu Matsudaira)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedea Commons

Visitors can enter inside. The inside is rather narrow, dark and the stairs are steep as it is made in the old style and originally made for battles. Official instructors will guide you in order to look around safely. It is also recommended to see stone walls surrounding the castle. These walls partly collapsed due to the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. But they have already been restored now.

石垣とその向こうに見える御三階櫓(The stone walls with Gosankai-Yagura over there)

Later Life

In the Meiji Era, the ruins of the castle were turned into a park in which the baseball stadium was constructed. But in the late Showa Era, officials changed its policy of developing the ruins because of a lot of request from citizens. They were wondering if the castle would be restored to the original condition. That would be the first attempt in the way large castle buildings are rebuilt in present day Japan.

1970年代の城周辺の航空写真(The aerial photo of the area around the castle in 1970s)


However, there was a big problem with the law. Japan’s Building Standard Act has very strict restrictions on wooden buildings which are over 13m tall. According to this law, new large old-style wooden buildings like the Shirakawa-Komine castle turret are not allowed to be built. So officials continued the restoration of the turret as not a building, but a structure that would be allowed by the law. It was completed in 1991.

復元された御三階櫓(The restored Gsankai-Yagura)

But another problem occurred as the government made the most part of the turret inaccessible visitors, because it was not “a building”. At last, the law had the provisions to be exempt for historical buildings in 1993. The three story turret Gosankai-yagura was finally open to visitors.

御三階櫓を見上げる(Looking up Gosankai-Yagura)

My Impression

I really respect the achievement of the officials and people in Shirakawa City. Their great effort led to the movement towards new methods for maintaining castles in Japan. The case of Shirakawa-Komine Castle was the pioneer of “The boom of wooden restoration in the Heisei era” followed by other castles such as Shiroishi, Kakegawa, Ozu and so on.

復元された掛川城(The restored Kakegawa Castle)taken by Oshiro-man from photo AC
復元された大洲城(The restored Ozu Castle)

How to get There

The castle is very near the JR Shirakawa station. You can even see the nice view of Gosankai-yagura from the platform.
From Tokyo to the station: Get the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to the Shin-Shirakawa st., and transfer to the Tohoku Line. The destination will be the next station.

白河駅のプラットフォームからの眺め(A view from the platform of Shirakawa Station)

Links and References

小峰城跡【こみねじょうあと】 | 白河市公式ホームページ(City of Shirakawa)
埋木帖~城の復元と法令① 白河小峰城三重櫓(only Japanese)

105.白石城(Shiroishi Castle)

復元された白石城天守(The restored Tenshu of Shiroishi Castle)

Location and History

The Shiroishi castle is located in Shiroishi city, in the southern tip of Miyagi prefecture. The area was also in the southern tip of the feudal domain of Sendai in the Edo period. It is said that the castle was built in the early Middle Ages. Since then, the lords of the castle were changed several times because of the importance of the area. Finally, the castle belonged to the Date clan at the end of the Civil War period. They placed their senior vassals, the Katakuka clan, as the lord of the castle. The structures of the castle, including the keep tower “Tenshu” were developed then.

白石市の宮城県内での位置(The position of Shiroishi City in Miyagi pref.)
仙台藩は宮城県より大きな領地でした。(Sendai Domain had a larger territory than Miyagi pref.)

But, after the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, it ordered all of the domain lords to restrict all castles to no more than the one in their home ground (The law of one castle per province). According to this order, the Shiroishi castle was to be demolished. However, the castle remained as an exemption probably because of Date’s strong influence. Katakuka governed the castle and the surrounding area all through the Edo period. Considering the spot of the second castle, the keep tower was not called “Tenshu” but “Oyagura” which means large turret. Despite several disasters and fires, the castle was kept through reconstruction and maintenance. After the Meiji restoration, the castle was demolished and sold, including its stone walls, in the end.

奥州仙台領白石城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Shiroishi Castle in Oshu-Sendai Domain in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館


Shiroishi castle now has a restored wooden Tenshu and main gate “Otemon”. The restoration was planned from excavation, old paintings and drawings.

復元された大手門(The restored Otemon)

Especially in the case of Tenshu, even its stone walls were restored. They are made in the original way from piled-up field stones called “Nodurazumi”.

復元された石垣(The restored stone walls)taken by あけび from photo AC

Actually, Japan’s Building Standard Act prohibits the building of such a new large wooden building like the Tenshu, but the act allowed it to be built as exemption at this time. Visitors can enter the inside of Tenshu.

天守の内部、二階部分(The inside of Tenshu, the second floor)

Though it is certainly a traditional wooden style building, you may feel relaxed like in a modern style building. This is probably because the inside is bright, the stairs are wide and not steep and so on. It seems like designers and carpenters made details more comfortable.

今風に作られた階段(The modernized stairs)
天守の三階部分(The third floor of Tenshu)
天守からの眺め、左下は大手門(A view from Tenshu, Otemon at the lower left)

Later Life

The vacant castle ruins were turned into a park which has became famous for cherry blossoms for some time, but the people in Shiroishi city had urged officials to rebuild the castle for a long time. Though there would be problems like the budget ,the way of making details and so on, the mayor of the city decided to do that in 1988.

復元された白石城天守(The restored Tenshu of Shiroishi Castle)

One of the most important topics about the rebuild was that the castle would be restored by the traditional wooden construction. It is said that the event led to the flowing of new methods for castles’ maintenance in Japan. The restoration was completed in 1997.

大手門の内側(The inside of Otemon)taken by あけび from photo AC

My Impression

It is a very good experience for visitors to see new traditional large wooden castle buildings. There is another such building in the Shirakawa-Komine castle in Shirakawa city about 130km away from Shiroishi city. But it may be a good idea to plan a tour of both castles by using Shinkansen.

福島県白河市にある白河小峰城(Shirakawa-Komine Castle in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Pref.)

白河小峰城Shirakawa-Komine Castle
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

How to get There

10 minutes walk from the JR Shiroishi train station or 5 minutes drive from the Shiroishi-Zao shinkansen station.
From Tokyo to Shiroishi st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to the Fukushima station and transfer to the Tohoku local line.
From Tokyo to Shiroishi-Zao st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express direct to the station.