Today, Karatsu Castle is open to the public as a modern tourist facility. If you visit the castle site, you will first see the five-layer Imitation Main Tower on the mountain. It is actually a modern building, but its appearance looks like a Main Tower with a popular style when the castle was first built. It is still uncertain if the castle had a Main Tower, however, the tower looks great.
The aerial photo around the castle
If you drive to the castle site, you can park beside the estuary of Matsuura-gawa River. Crossing the road from the parking lot, you will be at the entrance of the castle. You can see the great stone walls of the Second Enclosure on the left, where the government main hall was in the past and a school is now.
A view of the Imitation Main Tower from the parking lotThe stone walls of the Second Enclosure
Climbing on Top, Enjoying great views
Visitors usually go to the center of the castle from the ruins of Sakaguchi-mon Gate. You will climb on the long stone steps to the Secondary Enclosure. The enclosure has the Masugata Entrance which has a square space and is surrounded by stone walls for defense. The enclosure is next to the Main Enclosure where you can look up the stone wall base for the Main Tower including the Imitation Main Tower. You can also enter the Main Enclosure through the restored Main Enclosure Turret Gate.
The long stone steps from the ruins of Sakaguchi-mon GateThe entrance of the Secondary EnclosureLooking up the remaining stone wall base and Imitation Main TowerThe restored Main Enclosure Turret Gate
Alternatively, you can go to the Main Enclosure more easily from the foot of the mountain by using the elevator. This is because the castle is now developed as a modern facility. The Imitation Main Tower is used as a historical museum and observation platform. Inside the tower, you can learn more about the history of the castle and the culture of Karatsu City.
The elevator to the Main EnclosureThe inside of the Main EnclosureThe Imitation Tower used as the historical museum and observation platform
On the top floor, you can enjoy a great 360-degree view of the city. For example, A beautiful pine forest along the beach can be seen over the estuary of Matsuura-gawa River in the east. It is known as Nijino-Matsubara or the Rainbow Pine Forest which Hitotaka Terasawa developed. In fact, the mountain you are standing was connected to the beach before the castle was built. You can also see a view of Genkai-nada Sea in the north, the city area in the south, and the former castle area along the beach to the west.
A view including the Rainbow Pine Forest in the eastGenkai-nada Sea in the northThe Second Enclosure along the beach in the westThe city area and Matsuura-gawa River in the south
Walking around to see what castle was like
If you want to see more about what Karatsu Castle was like in the past, how about walking around the present castle? For example, you can walk along the foot area of the mountain along the coast. This area is called the Belt Enclosure where some turrets on the stone walls were built to prevent attacks from the sea. The stone walls remain and some plaster walls were restored recently on them. You can see these stone walls stand by the shore and they protected the castle strongly.
The Belt Enclosure at foot of the mountainOne of the ruins of the turretsThe stone walls standing by the shore
You can also walk from the mountain to the west along the beach. The area is called the Second Enclosure where many warriors’ houses were built. The area was turned into the city area, but you can see the long stone walls along the enclosure remain. You will also see the water moat dividing the Second and Third Enclosures and the restored Drum Tower at the Second Gate Ruins.
The long stone walls along the Second EnclosureThe moat between the Second and Third EnclosuresThe restored Drum Tower
It was mysterious, but its achievement took root. この城は不思議な存在でしたが、その成果は地域に根付きました。
外郭から見た復元された鼓楼~The view of the restored drum tower from the outline
立地と歴史~Location and History
鞠智城は西日本における古代山城の一つです。663年の朝鮮での白村江の戦いの後、朝廷によって築かれました。日本は百済国を助けようとしたのですが、唐と新羅の連合軍に敗れてしまったのです。天智天皇は連合軍の日本への侵攻を恐れ、山城の建設を命じ、それは百済からの難民の力を借りて行われました。そのため、これらの城は「朝鮮式山城」とも呼ばれています。 Kikuchi Castle was one of ancient mountain castles in western Japan. It was built by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Baekgang, Korea in 663. Japan tried to help Baekje, but was beaten by the ally of Tang and Silla. Emperor Tenchi was scared of invasion by the alley, so he ordered to build these castles with the help from the refugees from Baekje. That’s why these castles are also called “Korean style mountain castles”.
白村江の戦いの図~The map about the Battle of Baekgang(licensed by Samhanin via Wikimedia Commons)
鞠智城は、九州地方で記録されている5つの山城のうちの一つです。その他は、大野城、水城、基肄城、金田城です。これらの城は侵攻があった場合に想定される進路に沿って置かれました。しかしながら、鞠智城については少し変なのです。大野城が近くにある大宰府政庁からは60kmも離れていて、もう一つの想定攻撃路である有明湾からも30km離れていました。この城は補給基地であったとか、やはり有明での攻撃に備えたものだという人もいます。ある歴史家は、百済からの難民の収容施設だったのではないかと言っています。なぜならこの周辺地域は、百済との貿易や文化面で関わりがあったからです。事実、この遺跡の貯水池跡から百済観音像が発見されました。加えて、この場所は他の古代山城と比べて低い位置にあり、居住にも適していました。 Kikuchi Castle was one of the five recorded ones in Kyushu region. The others were Ono, Mizuki, Kii, and Kaneda. They had their locations on the way or alongside of expected routes for the invasion. However Kikuchi was a little strange. It was about 60 km away from the Dazaifu government, near Ono Castle, and nearly 30 km from Ariake Bay, another possible attack route. Some speculate it could have been a supply base or preparation for an attack on Ariake. A historian says that the castle could nave been an accommodation for refugees from Baekje, because the area around the castle had been related to Baekje’s in trading and culture. Indeed, a Baekje Buddha statue was excavated from the ruins of the water reservoir. In addition, this site is lower than other ancient mountains castles that made it livable for people.
九州地方の5つの記録された古代山城の位置~The location of five recorded ancient mountain castles in Kyushu region
その後侵攻の危機は去ったのですが、この城は10世紀まで約200年に渡って使われました。この城の歴史の後半においては、軍事拠点、政庁、それに倉庫として使われたようなのです。城の周辺地域は肥沃になり、貿易でも繁栄しました。城が廃城となって約300年後、菊池氏が日本の武士団の頭領となり、侵攻してきた蒙古軍と戦いました。 Despite the crisis of the invasion being resolved, the castle was used for about 200 years until the10th century. In the later stages of its life, it seemed to be an army base, government office, and storage. The area around the castle became fertile and prosperous with trading. About 300 years after the castle was abandoned, the Kikuchi clan fought with the Mongolian Invasion as the leader of Japanese warriors.
菊池武房、「蒙古襲来絵詞」より~Takefusa Kikuchi from “The picture scrolls of the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan”(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
近世の城が持つイメージとは違い、この城の主な構造物は、外周が3.5kmに及ぶ外郭部分です。そこには4つの門があり、その間には版築による土塁が続いていました。 Unlike the image of early modern age castles, the main structure of the castle is outlined with a perimeter about 3.5 km long. It had four gates and walls between them were made from rammed earth.
城周辺の地図~The normal map around the castle 外郭土塁の一部~Part of the earthen walls on the oitline
外郭沿いの歩道は現在トレッキングコースになっています。門跡を一つ一つたどっていくことで、城がどのくらいの大きさだったのかがわかります。 The path along the outline is now used for trekking. You can see the ruins of the gates one by one, and feel how large the castle was.
歩道は外郭の土塁に沿っています~The path goes alongside the earthen walls on the outline
駐車場から一番近いのは深迫門で、通用門として使われたとみられます。 The nearest one from the parking lot is Fukasako Gate which could have been used as the side entrance.
深迫門跡~The ruins of Fukasako Gate
The next comes Horikiri Gate which could have been the main entrance.
堀切門跡~The ruins of Horikiri Gate
池の尾門というもう一つの門跡まで見て回ることができます。 外郭の内側には、恐らく鼓楼として使われたであろう三層の塔があり、最近発掘の成果により復元されました。この塔は平面が八角形でした。これは百済から取り入れた様式であり、古代日本ではとても珍しいものです。 You can go ane see another ruins of gate called Ikenoo Gate. Inside of the outline, the three-layer tower, probably used as the drum tower, has been restored recently with the success of excavation. This tower is octagonal which came from the Baekje style, making it very unique to ancient Japan.
復元された鼓楼~The restored drum tower
Other types of buildings such as barracks and warehouses have also been restored.
復元された兵舎~The restored barrack(licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedea Commons)復元された倉庫~The restored warehouse(licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedea Commons)
その後~Later Life
10世紀に廃城となった後、城跡は畠となりました。それもこの地域の繁栄を表しているのかもしれません。この地域が最初に遺跡として調査されたのは1937年のことでした。1967年から2010年に渡っては32回も発掘が行われました。それ以来、研究者はシンポジウムを開催し、この城についての議論を深めています。城跡は歴史公園「鞠智城」として整備されており、鼓楼などの建物が復元されています。 After being abandoned in the 10th century, the ruins of the castle were turned into a farm. That might have shown the prosperity of this area. This area was first researched as ruins in 1937. It was excavated 32times between 1967 and 2010. Since then, while researchers have held symposiums and debated issues with the castle, the ruins has been developed as a historical park called “Kikuchi Castle”. Several buildings such as the drum tower have been restored.
1970年代の城跡周辺の航空写真~The aeriel photo of the area around the castle ruins in the 1970s
最近の城跡周辺の航空写真~The recent aerial photo around the castle ruins
今でもまだ畠が少し残っています~Few farm still remains now
私の感想~My Impression
As the ruins face the west direction, you can see the beautiful sunset on a sunny evening. It can also be a good photo spot. I recommend visiting the restored buildings at the center of the park as well as the ruins of the castle’s gate ruins along the sidewalk to know more about the castle. I hope a gate might someday be restored, like Ki-no-Jo in Okayama Prefecture. That way, the castle may attract many people from around the world.
復元された鬼ノ城の西門~The restored Western Gate of Ki-no-Jo
ここに行くには~How to get There
ここに行くには車がお勧めです。九州自動車道植木ICから約20分、熊本空港から約40分かかります。歴史公園に駐車場があります。 I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 20 minutes from the Ueki IC on Kyushu Expressway, or about 40minutes from Kumamoto Airport. The park offers a parking lot.