132.Takada Castle Part1

A castle protected by earthen walls and water moats

Location and History

Tadateru Matsudaira built it shortly

Takada Castle was located in Echigo Province (what is now Nigata Province). The Uesgi Clan at Ksugayama Castle owned the province in the late 16th Century during the Sengoku Period. After the clan was transferred to another province, the province was divided by several lords at the beginning of the 17th Century. One of them was the Hori Clan which owned the western part of the province and lived in Fukushima Cstle. However, Hori Clan was fired by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1610. Instead, Tadateru Matsudaira, a son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, the founder of the Shogunate was sent to the castle. He and the Shogunate felt they required a stronger castle, because the tension between the Shogunate and the Toyoyomi Clan got higher. They needed to monitor non-hereditary feudal lords who possibly supported the Toyotomi Clan. The new castle would be called Takada Castle.

The location of the castle

The portrait of Tadateru Matsudaira, owned by the Joetsu City History Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The construction for the castle began in March 1614, and was almost completed in just four months, before the battle between the Shogunate and the Toyotomi Clan happened in October. The Shogunate mobilized thirteen lords including Tadateru’s father-in-law, Masamune Date for the construction. Maybe for the short construction period, Takada Castle had several features. The foundation of the castle was completely made of soil, not using stone walls which were common for building castles at that time. A Main Tower, which was also popular for castles, was not built, the Three-story Turret was built instead.

The remaining earthen walls at the Main Enclosure
The rebuilt Three Story Turret

Protected by Wide Water Moats and High Earthen Walls

However, there was no shortcuts in the construction. The wide and long water moats were built using the flow of several rivers. As a result, the castle was surrounded by the Inner Moat, the Outer Moat, and the opposite flowing rivers. The Third Enclosure was in the Outer Moat, the Second Enclosure was inside the Outer Moat, and The Main Enclosure was inside the Inner Moat. Visitors from the Main Gate outside the Third Enclosure had to go across three bridges to reach the Main Enclosure. Even the clay walls were as high as10m, so the castle had sufficient defense.

The miniature model of Takada Castle (the Joetsu City History Museum)
The earthen walls are still surrounding the Main Enclosure

Lords of Castle were changed several times

Tadateru was one of the 10 lords who had the largest territories in Japan at that
time, however, he was fired by the Shogunate in 1616 for unknown reasons, after the Shogunate eliminated the Toyotomi Clan in 1615. Though it is said that he was rude to his father, it may be due to an internal trouble in the Shogunate. He was exiled at Takashima Castle until he died at the age of 92 in 1683.

Takashima Castle

After some years, Mitsunaga Matsudaira governed the castle for 57 years. He improved farming and business while developing the castle town and transportation. The castle town had become the city area of Joetsu City. However, he was fired by the Shogunate as well in 1681 due to the internal trouble for his successor.

The draft map of Takada Castle, drawn in 1737 (Joetsu City Buried Cultural Property Center)

The aerial photo around the castle and the city area

After that, several clans governed the castle and the area around the Takada Domain. This area has been known for a city having heavy snow, so some people from other areas seemed to have trouble living and communicating. The last lord of the castle was the Sakakibara Clan which owned it from the mid 18th Century to the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th Century.

The present city area covered with snow (taken by v-pro from photoAC)
The Sakaki Shrine which worships Yasumasa Sakakibara, the founder of the Sakakibara Clan

To be continued in “Takada Castle Part2”

32.Kasugayama Castle Part3

The nature of the lords really reflected those of their castles.

Later History

The ruins of Kasugayama Castle were abandoned for a long time. In 1901, the Kasugayama Shrine was founded at the mid slope of the mountain. Since then, cedar trees were planted to cover the mountain. However, Joetsu City, who owns the ruins, is now cutting them down for visitors to see the enclosures on the mountain clearly. The excavation has just begun to reveal the castle. The ruins have been designated as a National Historic Site since 1935.

The Kasugayama Shrine
The picture of the ruins of Kasugayama Castle about 100 years ago (Joetsu City Buried Cultural Property Center)
The main portion of the castle from the Koguchi entrance at the Back Route

My Impression

When I visited the ruins of Kasugayama Castle, I felt that this castle is more open than other mountain castles such as the Hojo Clan’s. It could be because the castle had few defensive structures like earthen walls and dry moats for its so many enclosures. I think this comes from Kenshin Uesugi’s personality. He always fought outside of the castle and was never besieged. The castle was not actually attacked by enemies at all in Kenshin’s period. I have also been reminded that the nature of the lords really reflected those of their castles.

The guide map of the castle ruins ( from the signboard at the site)
Overlooking the enclosures from the Main Enclosure
Kenshin Uesugi on a horse drawn by the folding screen drawing of the Kawanakajima Battle

How to get There

If you want to visit there by car:
It is about 10 minutes away from Joetsu IC on Hokuriku Expressway.
The ruins offer several parking lots.
Or it takes about 30 minutes walking from Kasugayama Station on the Echigo Tokimeki Railway.
From Tokyo to Kasugayama Station: Take the Hokuriku Shinkansen Super Express and transfer at Joetsu-Myoko Station to the Echigo Tokimeki Railway.

The castle ruins which can be seen on the way from Kasugayama Station

Links and References

Kasugayama Castle, Joetsu Tourism Convention Association

That’s all.
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32.Kasugayama Castle Part2

The castle ruins are worth to walk around.


Now, you can visit the ruins of Kasugayama Castle easily by car. You can also park at the Kasugayama Shrine located on the mid slope of the mountain and go to the top. However, if you have time, how about walking on the original routes from the foot of the mountain?

The whole view of the ruins of Kasugayama Castle

Around Main Route

For example, you can park at the starting point of the Main Route on the way to the shrine. The route was recently developed for visitors, and is about 3.5km to the top, but gently sloped with a laid-back atmosphere. After a while, you will pass beside the ruins of the guard house on a mound. The route gets a little steep and rough and goes through woods and valleys. You will eventually reach a large enclosure called Kakizaki’s Hall. You are near the main portion, so you will arrive at the top after passing Kagekatsu’s Hall and the Well Enclosure.

Around the Main Route

The entrance of the Main Route
The Main Route with a laid-back atmosphere
The ruins of the guard house
The Main Route through a forest
Kakizaki’s Hall
The Well Enclosure

Around Back Route

The alternative is to walk on the Back Route which starts from the Lotus Pond in the Atagoyama Park at the northeast foot of the mountain. You will first enter the ruins of the Kurogane-mon Gate and the Hall for the Lord, which are now surrounded by woods. The route becomes winding and steep before reaching the ruins of the Sengan-mon Gate. The gate was very large and defensive with a deep dry moat inside. You will approach the main portion by climbing the zigzagged route on the Belt Enclosure and the Koguchi Entrance. The entrance is said to once be the front of the castle when it was smaller. The inside of the entrance is Naoe’s Hall on the ridge which is the opposite of Kagekatsu’s Hall in the main portion. This route looks like a mountain castle more than the Main Route.

Around the Back Route

The Lotus Pond in the Atagoyama Park
The ruins of the Kurogane-mon Gate
The ruins of the Hall for the Lord
The ruins of the Sengan-mon Gate
The deep dry moat inside the Sengan-mon Gate
The Koguchi Entrance
Around Naoe’s Hall

Around Main Enclosure

The Main Enclosure is on the top of the mountain where you can see a good view of the Kubiki Plain and the Japan Sea. The ruins of the Main Tower is next to the Main Enclosure, where it is said a kind of turret actually stood. Some religious facilities also stood around, and only the Bisyamon-do Hall was restored in recent times. Under the Main Enclosure, a lot of enclosures are on the eastern slope of the mountain, such as the Second Enclosure and Kagetora’s Hall. If you look up the top of the mountain from the mid slope, you can see these enclosures still covering the mountain. The Kasugayama Shrine is nearby, and you will see the statue of Kenshin Uesugi.

Around the Main Enclosure

The Main Enclosure
A view from the Main Enclosure
The ruins of the Main Tower
The Bisyamon-do Hall
The Second Enclosure
Looking up the enclosures
The statue of Kenshin Uesugi

Other Attractions

You can also visit the Kasugayama Castle Historic Site Square where part of the So-gamae outer earthen walls was restored, Joetsu City Buried Cultural Property Center where you can learn more about the castle and Kenshin, and the Rinsen-ji Temple where Kenshin studied in his childhood near the ruins.

The Kasugayama Castle Historic Site Square
Joetsu City Buried Cultural Property Center
The Somon Gate of the Rinsen-ji Temple (licensed by ELK via Wikimedia Commons)

To be continued in “Kasugayama Castle Part3”
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