The castle ruins were saved by the decision of Ehime Prefecture.
Great View from Top of Hill
Of course, you can climb up to the top of the hill, which is called the Hondan (like the Main Enclosure) which is now used as the observation platform. You can find a few explanations of the castle there because the excavation team didn’t find any relics. However, you can enjoy a view of Matsuyama Castle and the Dogo Spring Spot Town from the same platform. In fact, in the first 17th Century, Takatora Todo, who shared Iyo Province with his rival, Yoshiaki Kato, once used the abandoned Yuzuki Castle to monitor Matsuyama Castle which Yoshiaki built. Takatora would have seen the same view as we see now from Yuzuki Castle.
The aerial photo around the castle
Going to the topThe top called Hondan with the observation platformA view of the Dogo Spring Spot TownA distant view of Matsuyama CastleThe portrait of Takatora Todo, private owned (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
Later History
In 1888 during the Meiji Era, Ehime Prefecture opened the Dogo Park at the ruins of Yuzuki Castle. The park became popular when a zoo opened in the park in 1953. However, the zoo was moved to another site in 1987 because of two issues. One was because of the bad odor, and another was because of the noise in the city area. The research of the Yuzuki Castle Ruins was done in the former area of the zoo before being turned into a modern Japanese garden. Plenty of relics were discovered in a good condition. Therefore, the prefecture reversed its decision to turn the ruins into a historical park in 1990. The restoration of Yuzuki Castle started in 1998 based on the results of the excavation and the examples of other sites like Ichijodani Castle before its eventual completion in 2001. the ruins were finally designated as a National Historic Site in 2002.
The remaining Inner Moat surrounded by the earthen wallsThe flags of Yuzuki Castle at the entrance
My Impression
I didn’t know if Yuzuki Castle would have survived because of its severe history. I’m grateful for the prefecture’s decision to preserve them because no one would have remembered the history of Iyo Provence before Matsuyama Castle. The Dogo Park including the ruins has a good atmosphere. I recommend walking around the park as well as the town of the Dogo Hot Spring nearby where you can see other traditional buildings such as the Isaniwa Shrine and the Dogo Onsen Honkan bathhouse.
The Dogo Onsen Honkan bathhouseThe Isaniwa Shrine (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
How to get There
If you want to visit the ruins by car, it is about 20 minutes away from Matsuyama IC on the Matsuyama Expressway. The Dogo Park offers parking lots. By public transportation, take the tram in front of JR Matsuyama Station and get off at the Dogo-koen station. If you go there from Tokyo or Osaka, I recommend traveling by plane or using an express bus.
Matsuyama City is one of the most popular tourist spots in Japan, which is also known for attractions such as the Dogo Hot Spring and Matsuyama Castle. However, you should check out another one as well, called Yuzuki Castle. The Dogo Hot Spring has been said to be the oldest hot spring in Japan, so some ancient imperial family members probably including Prince Shotoku once visited there and stayed for a while. The hill, where Yuzuki Castle would be built later, was near the hot spring and had the Isaniwa Shrine at the top. That means the area around the hill had been considered a holy place by the people in Iyo Province which is now modern day Ehime Prefecture.
The range of Iyo Province and the location of Yuzuki Cassle
Dogo-Onsen StationMatsuyama Castle
Official Residence of Governor, Kono Clan
The Kono Clan was one of the local clans in Iyo Province. When the Mongol Invasion happened in 1281, Michiari Kono, the lord of the clan, was very active in the battle against the Mongol troops, who was also drawn in the picture scrolls of the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan, which was produced by Suenaga Takezaki. In the first 14th Century, the Kono Clan managed to take over the province, therefore, they built Yuzuki Castle on the hill after relocating the shrine to another place next to the hill. The clan finally became the ruling clan of the province, living in the castle as the official residence of the governor. The holy spot probably also provided the clan more authority.
Michiari Kono drawn in the picture scrolls of the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan (licensed by Wikimedia Commons)The hill where Yuzuki Castle was built and the Isaniwa Shrine had been
However, the governance of Iyo Province by the Kono Clan was not very stable. This was because other clans such as the Hosokawa and Ouchi Clans invaded the province. The Kono Clan itself sometimes had internal troubles as well. In 1535 during the Sengoku Period, Michinao Kono, the lord of the clan at that time, built an Outer Moat using earthen walls inside, to make his castle much stronger defensively. The castle originally had an Inner Moat with other earthen walls outside, so by having the second outer moat, it doubled the moats.
The Outer Moat of Yuzuki CastleYou can see the doubled moats of Yuzuki Castle in the miniature model of the ruins, exhibited by the Yuzuki Castle Museum
It is still uncertain what the center of the castle on the hill was used for, but the lord of the castle might have lived there. The area between the Inner and Outer moats was shared by the warriors for living and divided by the mud walls for each resident. The southern part was used as the residences for the high-class warriors. Each portion for them was large and a Japanese garden was built next to that part. On the other hand, the western part was used as the residences for the middle-class warriors. Each portion was much smaller than that of high-class residences, but one of the residences had a meeting room where people could enjoy parties for poetry which were very popular back then. In addition, the castle had at least two gates, one on the eastern gate which was the front and another one on the western side which was the back.
One of the restored mud wallsThe residences for the middle-class warriors in in the miniature model
Castle is abandoned after Kono Clan declines
Despite the renovation of the castle, the Kono Clan struggled to maintain it. According to the excavation, the castle was burned down after the renovation. The clan managed to rebuild the castle and tried to survive by working closely with the Kurushima Clan as well as with the Murakami navy forces. Despite the invasion by the Chosogabe Clan from Tosa Province, which was the south of Iyo, along with the unification of Japan by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the Kono Clan had to ask the Mori Clan in the Aki Province, which was the north of Iyo, for help. In 1585, Ushifukumaru Kono, the last lord of the clan, handed the castle over to Takakage Kobayakawa, who was a relative of the Mori Clan. In 1588 when Masanori Fukushima, following Takakage, moved from Yuzuki Castle to another castle. the castle was eventually abandoned.
The portrait of Takakage Kobayakawa, owned by Beisanji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)The portrait of Masanori Fukushima, the lord of Hiroshima Castle, owned by the Tokyo National Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
この城は、伝説と現実の間(はざま)にあります。 This castle is between legend and reality.
現在の菅谷館本郭の入り口(The present entrance of Sugaya Hall Hon-Kuruwa)
Location and History
「菅谷館」という名前には少し説明が必要です。「館」という用語は、この場合には「中世初期の武士の館」を指します。通常は、平地の上に土塁か柵を伴う館が堀で囲まれている構成でした。例としては足利氏館が挙げられるでしょう。 The name “Sugaya Hall” needs a small explanation. The term “hall” means ”warrior’s hall in the early Middle Ages” in this case. It usually consists of a hall with earthen walls or fences, and a surrounding moat on a plain, for example, like the Ashikaga clan hall.
足利氏館跡(Ashikaga Clan Hall Ruins)
菅谷館には、鎌倉幕府の重臣であった畠山重忠について、当時ここに住んでいたという地元の言い伝えがあります。古い記録である「吾妻鏡」にも彼が菅谷館に住んでいたという記載があります。そのためこの遺跡が菅谷「館」と呼ばれ、ここに重忠の像が立っているのです。 Sugaya Hall has a local tale about Shigetada Hatakeyama, a senior vassal of the Kamakura Shogunate, living there at that time. An old document called “Aduma-Kagami” also says he lived in Sugaya Hall. That’s why these ruins are called Sugaya “Hall” and the statue of Hatakeyama is standing on the ruins.
畠山重忠像(The statue of Shigetada Hatakeyama)
However, the appearance of the ruins is different from such descriptions. They look like the ruins of a castle in the Warring States Period obviously. Old documents in the period also call them Sugaya “Castle”, not “Hall”. In addition, the result of excavation says the castle was used around 1500 in the Warring States Period. Overall, the name “Sugaya Hall” seems to come from a kind of compromise between legend and reality by the officials.
菅谷館跡全景(The whole view of Sugaya Castle Ruins)~埼玉県立嵐山史跡の博物館ウェブサイトより引用
いずれにせよ、この城は1488年の「須賀谷原の戦い」のような戦国大名が戦いを繰り広げた重要な地域にありました。戦国大名の一つ、扇谷上杉氏がその戦いのため菅谷古城を再興したこと、しかし敗れてその城に幽閉されたことが記録されています。他の文書にはその約100年後には北条氏がこの城を使っていたとあります。つまり、この城は何度か使われたり放棄されたりしたようなのです。 Anyway, the castle was in the important area where warlords battled each other such as “The battle of Sugayahara” in 1488. Records say that one of the warlords, the Ogigayatsu Uesugi clan, restored the old Sugaya Castle for the battle, but they were defeated and kept under arrest in the castle. Another document says that the Hojo clan used the castle about 100 years later. After all, the castle seemed to be used and abandoned several times.
二の郭前の堀(The moat in front of Ni-no-Kuruwa)
菅谷城は現在の埼玉県西部にあたる場所の低台地上にあり、近くには中世の主要街道である鎌倉街道が通っていました。中心の本郭は、背後を都幾川に、両側を自然の渓谷により守られていました。本郭の入り口は厳重に防御され、二の郭、三の郭などいくつかの郭が本郭の前に広がっていました。 Sugaya Castle is located on a low plateau in what is now the western part of Saitama pref. where the Kamakura road, a main road in the Middle Ages was passing nearby. The main enclosure, “Hon-Kuruwa”, was protected by the Tokigawa river behind it and natural valleys both sides. The entrance of Hon-Kuruwa is strictly guarded and several enclosures including “Ni-no-Kuruwa” and “San-no-Kuruwa” spread out in front of Hon-Kuruwa.
菅谷館跡の地図(The map of Sugaya Hall Ruins)~現地案内板写真に追記
The ruins of Sugaya Castle retain their foundation but with no buildings. The foundation is well preserved, and is all made from soil which is a typical method of building castles in eastern Japan in the Warring States Period.
菅谷館跡の土塁(An earthen wall of Sugaya Hall Ruins)
一例として、本郭を見てみましょう。この郭は、重忠の館があったと考えられています。それが事実なら、後から城の中心部分として強化されたはずです。 Let’s look at Hon-Kuruwa for instance. This enclosure is thought to be Hatakeyama’s hall. If it’s true, it must have been strengthened as the center of the castle later.
菅谷館跡の地図、アルファベットは以下の写真を撮った位置(The map of Sugaya Hall Ruins, Alfabetic characters show the points pictures below were taken)~現地案内板写真に追記
Hon-Kuruwa is surrounded by a high earthen wall and deep dry moat. That makes it easier for defenders to protect them from an enemy’s attack. Its entrance, called “Koguchi”, is narrow and the route to it is made zigzagged so that attackers are unable to enter inside directly.
A.本郭の土塁と空堀(The earthen wall and dry moat of Hon-Kuruwa)B.本郭の入り口(The entrance of Hon-Kuruwa)
更には、この土塁は部分的に意図的に突き出ています。これにより防御側はその部分から敵の正面と側面両方を攻撃することができます。このような構造は「出桝型土塁」と言われます。これは戦国時代においては、他の構造と組み合わせることで、高度な城の防御システムとなりました。よって一部の歴史家は、北条氏が城を改修したのだろうと推定しています。 In addition, the wall is partly stuck out on purpose. This allows defenders to attack from the sticking point to an enemy’s front and sides. Such a structure is called a “Dematsu” shaped earthen wall. It is an advanced system when combined with other defensive features for castles in the Warring States Period. So some historians speculate Hojo might have improved the castle.
C.出桝型土塁(The “Dematsu” shaped earthen wall)D.本郭の内部(The inside of Hon-Kuruwa)E.二の郭の入り口、最も高くなっている(The entrance of Ni-no-Kruwa, the highest point)
Later Life
この城は戦国時代の終り頃から長い間放置されていたようです。それ以来、城跡は民間の所有となり、畠山重忠の遺産であると思われてきました。約100年前の大正時代に初めてここが調査されたとき、重忠の像が建てられます。1973年になって遺跡が国の史跡に指定され、2008年には「比企城館跡群」の一つに改めて指定されました。 The castle seemed to be abandoned for a long time since sometime at the end of the Warring States Period. Since then, the ruins were private owned and thought of as Hatakeyama’s heritage. His statue was built when the ruins were first investigated in the Taisho Era about 100 years ago. In 1973, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site, then were newly designated one of the “Hiki Castles Ruins” in 2008.
明治初期の城跡周辺の地図、土塁が残り畑・林となっていた(The map around the ruins in the early Meiji Era, there was a field and woods)
My Impression
関東地方の戦国大名は必要な数だけ城を作りました。その城がいらなくなったときは、速やかに廃城としました。一方、廃城となった城を再利用したいときは、その城を再建または増築しました。結果として城を廃城とするときは、完全には破壊しませんでした。代わりに一部を壊すか、建物だけを撤去しました。恐らくそれが効率的で、且つ再利用しやすかったからでしょう。それで菅谷館(城)の基礎がよく残ったと思うのです。 Warlords in the Kanto region built castles as many as they needed. When they didn’t need the castles, they immediately abandoned the castles. On the other hand, when warlords wanted to reuse abandoned castles, they restored or improved the castles. As a result, when warlords abandoned castles, they didn’t completely destroy the castles. Instead, they often destroyed part of the castles, or just remove their buildings. Probably it could be because it is more efficient and easy to reuse. I think that’s why the foundation of Sugaya Hall (Castle) remains well.
本郭の裏手(The back of Hon-Kuruwa)
今、城跡の三の郭には嵐山史跡の博物館があります。そこでは比企城館跡群(菅谷館、杉山城、松山城、小倉城)の歴史や出土品を展示しています。そこで歴史を学んでまず菅谷館に行ってみましょう。その他の内、杉山城はここからわずか5キロのところにあります。両方行ってみるのもよいでしょう。 There is the Ranzan Historical Museum on San-no-Kuruwa of the ruins now. It shows the exhibition of history and the excavation about Hiki Castle Ruins including Sugaya Hall, Sugiyama, Matsuyama and Ogura Castles. Let’s look into their history and visit Sugaya Hall first. Out of the others, Sugiyama Castle ruins is only about 5 km from there. So, how about visit the set of them.
嵐山史跡の博物館(the Ranzan Historical Museum)
比企城館跡群の4つの城(The four castles of Hiki Castle Ruins)
How to get There
When using car, the ruins is near Ranzan-Ogawa IC on Kan-Etsu Expressway. Ranzan Historical Museum offers a parking lot.
When using train, it takes about 15 minutes on foot from Musashi-Ranzan Station on Tobu Tojo line.
From Tokyo to Musashi-Ranzan Station: Take the train on Tobu Tojo line from Ikebukuro Station.