192.Tsunomure Castle Part1

Local lords in Kusu area built their own castles using mesas or buttes which were the area’s natural features. Tsunomure Castle was one of these castles.

Location and History

One of Castles in Kusu area, important place in traffic

Tsunomure Castle was located in the Mori area of Kusu District, Bungo Province, which is the modern day Mori area of Kusu Town, Oita Prefecture. Kusu District and Kusu Town have been on the way between the eastern and western Northern Kyushu Region. For example, if you want to move from Oita City to Fukuoka or Saga Cities, you will pass Kusu Town either using car or public transportation. In addition, the district bordered on Buzen Province in the north, so the governor of Bungo Province, the Otomo Clan, which long owned the province during the Middle Ages, always focused on Kusu District to protect its territory.

The range of Bungo Province and the location of the castle

The Kusu area also has the interesting natural feature of many mesas or buttes which originate from volcanic activity. They look like mountains or hills with steep slopes but have a plain area on the top, created by erosion. Kirikkabu (or Stump) Mountain in the area is typical among them. Local lords in the area built their own castles using these mesas or buttes during the Middle Ages. Tsunomure Castle was one of the castles, built on the Tsunomure Mountain by a local lord, the Mori Clan. Part of the name “mure” can be found in other mountains in the Kyushu Region, such as Togamure in Saiki City, Oita Prefecture. The word might derive from “mura” (or village) or “mori” (or forest), which indicates that the mountain and castle might have been used with local peoples’ daily life. They could cut down trees from the mountain for fuel and materials, or escape from their village to the castle when a battle happened.

The Stump Mountain (licensed by そらみみ via Wikimedia Commons)

Broadly speaking, the history of Tsunomure Castle can be divided into three periods. The first one was from the castle’s foundation to the end of the Otomo Clan’s rule at the end of the 16th Century. The clan’s government continued stably and the Kusu area was divided by many local lords which had their own castles made from mesas or buttes. The Otomo Clan didn’t rule their lands directly, so as long as they paid taxes to and served the clan, they were able to maintain their properties. Tsunomure Castle, governed by the Mori Clan, was built made of soil, by processing natural terrain into tier-wise enclosures, ditches, vertical cliffs, vertical moats, and so on. The mountain, where the castle was built, had been protective enough, which was surrounded by natural steep cliffs in all the directions except for the south. That’s why the defenders would gather the defensive items in the one direction. The castle actually became the only one which the Simazu Clan couldn’t capture when they invaded the Otomo Clan’s territory in 1586, therefore it was considered impregnable.

The diorama of Tsunomure Castle Ruins, exhibited by Bungo-Mori Domain Museum

The relief map arond the castle

Takamasa Mori modernizes Castle

The second period started from 1593 when the Otomo Clan was fired by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the ruler of Japan. After that, Hideyoshi sent his retainers to the former Otomo’s territory to govern it directly. The Kusu area was assigned by Hideyoshi to Takamasa Mori (different from the previous Mori Clan and in Chinese letters for writing). Takamasa lived in and improved Tsunomure Castle by building high stone walls, defensive entrances called Koguchi, and buildings with roof tiles and stone foundations. These items are also seen in other local castles in Japan where Hideyoshi’s other retainers built or improved them, making the castles more defensive as well as showing their authority to people. In particular, the high stone walls of Tsunomure Castle in front of its Main Gate were piled in an advanced way called Ano-zumi, using natural stones and rubble. Takamasa’s government ended in a few years before he was transferred to the Saiki area, where he would build Saiki Castle, by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1601. This may be the reason why the improvement to Tsunomure Castle was only partially done.

The wooden statue of Takamasa Mori, from the signboard at Saiki City Historical Museum
The high stone walls of Tsunomure Castle, built in the Ano-zumi way
The ruins of Saiki Castle

Lord of Navy becomes that of Inland Domain

Nagachika Kurushima came to Tsunomure Castle in the same year instead of Takamasa. However, the Kurushima Clan must have felt uncomfortable moving to this inland area. This was because they had originally been one of the Murakami Navies which flourished in the Geiyo Islands of the Seto Inland Sea. The clan was located in Kurushima Island in front of the Kurushima Strait which is known as a rapid stream. They escorted ships which paid protection money, otherwise, they became pirates. They also join battles sometimes as a navy and one of the backed-up persons was the ruler Hideyoshi, which resulted in their sea territory being maintained. Nagachika was the lord of the clan at that time, who joined the West Alliance which was beaten in the decisive battle in 1600 by the East Squad (alliance) led by Ieyasu Tokugawa who would be the founder of the shogunate. That was the reason for his transportation to the strange place, however, he may be lucky as many other lords joining the West Squad were killed or fired by the shogunate.

The portrait of Nagachika Kurushima, owned by Anrakuji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
The Kurushima Strait

His new territory was part of the Kusu District, called Mori, so the territory would be called the Mori Domain. It earned 14,000 koku of rice, which was considered as an independent lord, but was too small to have a castle. Therefore, he had to abandon Tsunomure Castle on the mountain and lived in the encampment at its southern foot instead. However, his clan managed to own and maintain the mountain part with no buildings but the former castle’s foundations, probably for cases of emergency like a battle. The clan also developed the castle town around the encampment and governed the domain until the end of the Edo Period.

The ruins of Kurushima Clan’s encampment
The ruins of Samurai residences in the castle town

To be continued in “Tsunomure Castle Part2”

94.大分府内城~Oita-Funai Castle

Oita-Funai Castle is among the modern buildings now, but was a sea castle.

大分府内城の西南隅櫓と二ノ丸堀~Seinan-Sumi-Turret and Ninomaru-Moat of Oita-Funai Castle (taken by TECHD from photoAC)

立地と歴史~Location and History

Oita City is the capital of Oita Prefecture. Funai is the former name of the city. So, the name “Oita-Funai” is combined from both of new and old names. Funai was likewise the capital of Bungo Province (the former name of Oita Pref.) governed by the Otomo clan for many years in the Middle Ages. They had been living in the Otomo Clan Hall which is different from Oita Funai Castle. It was a typical hall for a lord in the Middle Ages probably like the Ashikaga Clan Hall.

大分府内城と大友氏館の位置関係~The location of Oita-Funai Castle and Otomo clan hall)

大友氏館庭園遺構~The ruins of the Otomo clan hall’s garden(出典:文化庁)

The Funai castle town flourished around that hall, but it had weak defenses in the Warring States Period. In 1586, Shimazu clan’s invasion happened. The city including the hall was burned out . The master, Sorin Otomo and his son Yoshimune had to escape to another place, during the destruction of the clan. They could somehow survive due to the help from the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. However, Yoshimune was fired by Toyotomi after Sorin passed away.

大友宗麟肖像画、瑞峯院蔵~The portrait of Sorin Otomo, owned by Zuihoin(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Then, Toyotomi sent his man, Naotaka Fukuhara as the lord of Funai in 1597. Fukuhara thought that he needed to have a more secure castle. He started to build a new castle at a port of unloading, called “Niage Castle” (Niage means unloading), which was renamed to “Funai Castle” sometime later. In the first 17th century, the Takenaka clan completed the castle including the four-layer Tenshu keep and many turrets, becoming a prominent castle in Kushu region.

大分府内城でライトアップされた仮想天守~The illuminated virtual Tenshu on Oita-Funai Castle(taken by seama2 from photoAC)

The center of the castle faced the estuary of Oita River across a thin bank for safety and transportation. From the estuary, the main enclosure “Honmaru”, to the second enclosure “Ninomaru” until the third enclosure “Sannomaru” spread towards outside, separated by water moats each other. Particularly, only two bridges called “Roka-Bashi” led to Ninomaru area. If these bridges were fallen, the Honmaru and Ninomaru could be shut down from outside.

豊後国府内城之絵図部分、江戸時代、コメントを付加~Part of the illustration of Funai Castle in Bungo Province in Edo Period, adding comments出典:国立公文書館)

But in 1743, under the Matsudaira clan’s governance, the castle suffered from a great fire around the castle town. Most of the buildings of the castle including Tenshu keep were burned down. After that, some turrets were restored, but Tenshu wasn’t (just the Tenshu base remains).

現存している人質櫓と天守台~The remaining Hitojichi-Turret and Tenchu base(licensed by Reggaeman via Wikimeia Commons)


Now, the area of Honmaru and Ninomaru has been turned into a park called “Funai Castle Ruins”. The park is still surrounded by the Ninomaru water moat and stone walls. But the Honmaru water moat has been filled, so the park area looks like just one enclosure. It also has several turrets, out of whom only two turrets are original (Hitojichi-Turret and Shumon-Turret). In addition, one Roka-Bashi has recently been restored.

宗門櫓の裏側、修繕中か~The back side of Shumon-Turret, it appears being repaired.
復元された廊下橋~The restored Roka-Bashi bridge(licensed by Reggaeman via Wikimeia Commons)
廊下橋の内部~The inside of Roka-Bashi

However, all area outside the park has been filled in ground for the modernized city. No one can imagine that was a sea castle without historical knowledge.

城周辺の航空写真~An aeriel photo around the castle

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the Oita Prefectural Building was placed on Honmaru area. In the Taisho Era, the building was replaced to a new large one that caused the Honmaru water moat to be filled. In World War II, Oita Air Raid by the US Air Force burned out the Oita city area including several remaining turrets of the castle. After the war, with the reconstruction plan of the city, the castle ruins was turned into Funai Castle Ruins park. Prefectural Building was moved to the former Sannnomaru area, then the area within Honmaru and Ninomaru was first designated as a prefectural historic site in 1963. Some turrets such as “Seinan-Sumi-Turret”, “Oteguchi-Tamon-Turret” and “Chakuto-Turret” were externally restored. There are also some imitational turrets there.

大手口多門櫓~Oteguchi-Tamon-Turret(licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

Oita City is considering the development plan for the future of the ruins. They plan to restore part of the Honmaru stone walls and express the line of Hommaru water moat on the ground. They seem to let people know that there was a sea castle in the past.

2026年までの城跡整備計画マップ~The development planning map of the castle ruins by 2026 (大分市Websiteより引用)

私の感想~My Impression

An interesting event was held in the ruin park. That was recreating of the image of the Tenshu keep by using a steel frame and lots of LED light bulbs. Though the event has finished, the frame remained when I visited the ruins recently. The show could be held again as long as the frame is there. Hopefully that will happen.

大分府内城の仮想天守~The virtual Tenchu in Oita-Funai Castle(taken by ぴょんにゃん from photo AC
仮想天守の骨組み(The flame of the virtual Tenshu)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 20 minutes from the Oita IC on Higashikyushu Expressway. The park offers a parking lot inside.
From Oita station: It takes about 15 minutes on foot. Or take the Oita-Can-bus at the south entrance of the station, and take off at the Shiyakusho-Mae bus stop.
From Oita Airport to Oita st.: Take the Airpor Eepress Airliner bus.

リンク、参考情報~Links and Rererences

・よみがえる日本の城20、学習研究社(Japanese Magazine)
・大分城址公園整備・活用基本計画、大分市(Japanese Document)