88.Yoshinogari Ruins Part1

One of the first countries in the Yayoi Period

Location and History

Ruins with some features of later Castles

Yoshinogari Ruins were a large-scaled moat settlement in the Kyushu Region. The settlement prospered from around the 4th Century B.C. to around the 3rd Century during the Yayoi Period. People usually do not call the ruins “castle”, but they had some features which are found in Japanese castles later. That’s why the Japan Castle Foundation designated the ruins as one of Japan’s top 100 castles.

The location of the ruins

Until about 3,000 years ago, during the period known as the Jomon Period, Japan had a warmer climate than now and abundant natural food. People at that time basically were able to live by hunting and gathering at the same place for a long time. However, in the late Jomon Period, the climate cooled down, making it difficult for people to earn a living easily. People had to move around to get enough food while coastlines expanded where the offing used to be. It is said these changes encouraged people to start farming on the newly created alluvial plains.

Climate Change and Beginning of Yayoi Period

Sannai-Maruyama Ruins in Aomori Prefecture, one of the representative ruins of the Jomon Period

The situation was similar to overseas, especially, the climate change was also said to have a big impact on the Chinese History such as the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. The social structures and technologies greatly improved during these periods. Some of the new technologies were introduced to the Kyushu Region via the Korean Peninsula sometime from the 10th to 5th Centuries B.C. Among them, there were the three typical items: the paddy cultivation, the use of weapons, and the circular moats. This is recognized as the start of the Yayoi Period according to many historians.

The restored paddy fields and pit houses of the Yayoi Period, in Toro Ruins of Shizuoka Prefecture (licensed by Halowand via Wikimedia Commons)
unearthed bronze swords, exhibited in the Tokyo National Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
one of the restored circular moats in Yoshinogari Ruins

These three items were related to each other. Farming needs socialization, making people live in one settlement. If the people wanted to expand their farms, their territory would collide with another settlement’s territory. This would also cause a conflicts or battles, leading to the use of weapons. Then, they would also need to protect themselves from attacks from others and to prevent their properties from being taken or stolen. As a result, they would surround their settlement by building circular moats with fences. Historians call them Moated Settlements, which is one of the typical features of the Yayoi Period.

The restored Moated Settlement in Yoshinogari Ruins

Appearance of First Countries

Socialization and surviving battles required strong leadership. As time passed, some excellent leaders appeared, and their settlements and territories became larger and larger. They might have been called the first kings with their territories also being called the first countries. In the northern part of the Kyushu Region around the 1st Century, there were several great countries such as the Country of Na, which sent an envoy to China. Yoshinogari was one of the great countries in the region.

The gold seal which Han Dynasty gave to the king of Na Country (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

According to the description of the Gishi-wajin-den — the history of Japan around the 3rd Century, written in China — there was a country called Yamatai governed by a queen. The country was established when many smaller countries made peace and united after they often battled each other. The queen, called Himiko, governed the united countries by making decisions like a shaman. She lived in the palace of the capital, which also had turrets and fences with soldiers to protect it.

Part of the Gishi-wajin-den (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Large-scaled Moat Settlement

Meanwhile, Yoshinogari settlement was at its peak in the same 3rd Century with its an estimated population of about 5,000. The moats surrounding it were built doubled, and their perimeter reached 2.5 km. In fact, Yoshinogari Ruins is the only site ever discovered in Japan which had a set of a palace, turrets and fences like Yamatai Country. However, it is still not quite uncertain where the country was because there are too many possible sites for it. It can be said that so far, Yoshinogari Ruins clearly show us what the countries in the Yayoi Period looked like.

The restored palace and fences in Yoshinogari Ruins
One of the restored turrets in Yoshinogari Ruins

To be continued in “Yoshinogari Ruins Part2”

88.吉野ヶ里遺跡 その1










復元された弥生時代の水田と竪穴住居、静岡県登呂遺跡 (licensed by Halowand via Wikimedia Commons)
発掘された銅剣、東京国立博物館に展示 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)





漢王朝が奴国王に下賜したとされる金印 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


「魏志倭人伝」の原文の一部 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)





89.Saga Castle Part1

The Saga Domain contributed to the modernization of Japan.

Location and History

Nabeshima Clan develops Castle as Home Base

Saga Castle was located in what is now Saga City, the prefectural capital of Saga Prefecture. The castle was originally named Muranaka Castle and built by the Ryuzoji Clan which was a great power in the 16th Century during the Sengoku Period. However, the power of the clan decreased after it was defeated by the Shimazu Clan in the Battle of Okita-nawate in 1584. Instead, the Nabeshima Clan, a senior vassal of the Ryuzoji Clan, got the power and was finally assigned as the lord of the Saga Domain by the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Nabeshima Clan improved Muranaka Castle sometime in the early 17th Century, when it was renamed Saga Castle.

The location of the castle

The portrait of Naoshige Nabeshima, the founder of the Saga Domain, owned by Nabeshima Houkoukai  (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was built in the riverside area on the Saga Plain. The castle mainly consisted of the Main, Second and Third Enclosures, which were surrounded together by the large Outer Moat. The Main and Second Enclosures were connected directly in the southeastern part of the castle, separated from the Third Enclosure by the Inner Moat. Only the Main Enclosure was surrounded by stone walls, but others were surrounded by earthen walls. The Main Enclosure also consisted of the Main Tower, but its details are uncertain, as most of the castle buildings were burned down by a great fire in 1726. After that, the center of the castle was at the Main Hall on the Second Enclosure. However, it was burned down as well due to another significant fire in 1835.

The illustration of Saga Caste, from the signboard aft the site, adding my comments
The Main Enclosure including the Main Tower and Main Hall, featured in the illustration above

Naomasa Nabeshima modernizes Saga Domain

Much focus was on the Saga Domain and Saga Castle at the end of the Edo Period. The domain had been responsible for the police escort in Nagasaki which was the only official international port in Japan at that time. However, they failed and allowed a British ship, whose crew started a riot in the port in 1808, known as the Phaeton Incident. After that, the domain promoted its modernization led by the 10th lord, Naomasa Nabeshima. He governed the domain from the new Main Hall in the Main Enclosure, rebuilt in 1837. Under his leadership, the domain imported the latest cannons from the West and began to produce their own cannons themselves. Surprisingly, they were successful at it for the first time in Japan, which was before the arrival of Matthew Perry’s fleet from the U.S. in 1853. The Tokugawa Shogunate asked Naomasa to provide the domestic cannons for Shinagawa Batteries in Edo Bay which were prepared for the second arrival of Perry. The domain offered 50 cannons.

The statue of Naomasa Nabeshima at the ruins of Saga Castle
The restored Main Hall of the Main Enclosure
One of the replicas of the imported cannons at the ruins of Saga Castle
The ruins of Shinagawa batteries

Saga Domain was relied on due to their modern military power by both the Tokugawa Shogunate and the New Government during the Meiji Restoration. The domain chose to support the New Government, becoming one of the four powerful domains including the Satsuma, Choshu and Tosa. It is said that one reason that the New Government defeated the shogunate was the strong cannons the Saga Domain imported or made. Naomasa became one of the most important politicians at the beginning of the Meiji Era until he died in 1871. Naomasa also promoted his retainer, Shinpei Eto, to another important position in the government before he retired. Shinpei tried to bring the latest social systems from the West – such as education, justice and the idea of a parliamentary system – to Japan to help modernize the country. He has often been recognized as the father of the modern Japanese judicial system.

A picture drawing a battle between New Government Army and the shogunate  (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
The portrait of Shinpei Eto, from a book called “Eto Nanpaku vol.1 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Castle is burned during Saga Rebellion

However, lost power and authority to other politicians from Satsuma and Choshu in the political strife in 1873. He returned to Saga, asking for the launch of the parliament by democratic election to form a government. The government leader from Satsuma, Toshimichi Okubo, did not allow Shinpei’s agenda. It has been even said that he feared and envied Shinpei’s excellent abilities which might have overpowered him. Toshimichi intentionally spread the information as if Shinpei was planning to rebel against the government. He also sent his troops to Saga to force Shinpei along with his supporters to fight, known as the Saga Rebellion in 1874. Shinpei was defeated by the government, and subsequently put to death without judicial proceedings by Toshimichi, who ruled as a dictator. Saga Castle was one of the battle locations of the rebellion; unfortunately, most of the castle was burned down, again due to fire, during the battle.

The portrait of Toshimichi Okubo  (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
 The Ukiyoe painting drawing the Saga Rebellion (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

To be continued in “Saga Castle Part2”