121.本佐倉城 その1






千葉氏の家紋、月星 (licensed by Los688 via Wikimedia Commons)












豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


109.米沢城~Yonezawa Castle

The innovation came from poverty.

A view of Honmaru ruins〜本丸跡の風景

Yonezawa Castle was located on the Yonezawa Basin in the southern part of Yamagata Pref. It was surrounded by water moats tripled on a plane area. It is said that the Ohe clan first built the castle, but it is famous for the Date clan’s home in the Warring States Period. Finally, the castle belonged to the Uesugi clan that transferred from Echigo Province (now Niigata Pref.).

出羽国米沢城絵図部分、江戸時代~Part of the illustration of Yonezawa Castle in Dewa Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)

Uesugi clan first earned a fief of 1.2 million koku of rice during the Toyotomi clan’s governance. In the Edo Period, the earning of Yonezawa Domain of the clan decreased to 0.15 million koku. One eighth of the first by the Tokugawa Shogunate was due to the defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara and the mismanagement of inheritance. They were reduced to poverty because they had kept the number of warriors to 1.2 million koku. By mid Edo Period, warriors’ salaries were cut in half. The population of farmers was decreasing, people became lazy just using money.

米沢藩の15万石の領地~Yonezawa Domain’s territory of 0.15 million koku of rice(licensed by BigBang19 via Wikimedia Commons)

Yozan Uesugi rose as the 10th lord of Yonezawa Domain in 1767. He started the innovation of the domain, pursuing the governance of ancient legendary Chinese saints, and promoted his policies based on mixed practical learning. He saved expense for himself, but increased industries in the domain such as agriculture, crafts and textile. He also let people including women educated by invited famous scholars. Children and elders were provided a bonus under certain regulation.

上杉鷹山肖像画、上杉神社蔵~The portrait of Yozan Uesugi, owned by Uesugi Shrine(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Domain)

Yozan aimed to reach the state of national wealth and people living in peace called “Fukoku-Anmin”. While his governance got well-known from that time, leaders in the Meiji Era were still surprised the rise in industry in Yonezawa. For example, Teijin is a textile company that comes from this city. It is said that even the 35th U.S. president John F. Kennedy respected Yozan. His daughter Caroline Kennedy, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, visited Yonezawa City in 2014 and mentioned that.

米国50セント硬貨に刻まれたケネディの横顔~Kenedy’s profile on a U.S. fifty cent peace(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


Now, the ruins of the main enclosure “Honmaru” remain as Matsugasaki Park including Uesugi Shrine. They may have a quiet impression because there is no buildings for castle and the moat don’t have high stone walls. Instead, the site has many historical and cultural properties.

本丸跡入口~The entrance of Honmaru ruins

One of them is about Uesugi clan’s heritage. You can see the Folding Screens of Scenes in and around Kyoto (Uesugi Version) at Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum. They were sent to Kenshin Uesugi, the founder of the clan by a great warlord Nobunaga Oda. You can also see original armors of the clan such as Kenshin at Keishoden Museum of Uesugi shrine.

米沢市上杉博物館~Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum(licensed by contri via Wikimedia Commons)
「洛中洛外図屏風」左隻、米沢市上杉博物館蔵~The left wing of the Folding Screens of Scenes in and around Kyoto (Uesugi Version), owned by Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
左隻に描かれた足利将軍邸、右上の行列にいる貴人は上杉謙信と言われている~The palace of Ashikaga shogun on the left wing, it is said that the noble in the parade at the upper right corner is Kenshin Uesugi.

Another attraction is about Yozan Uesugi. You can learn about his ideas and governance in the Uesugi Museum. His autograph letters that instructed people can also been seen there. There is the ruins of the ancestral hall for Kenshin in Honmaru, which was the highest ,most important spot in the castle. This is where Yozan pray for people’s prosperity during famines. There is also Matsugasaki Shrine in front of Honmaru, where Yozan is enshrined. You can see the statue of Yozan, and the monument of Caroline’s visit.

本丸の祠堂跡~The ruins of the ancestral hall at Honmaru
松が岬神社にある上杉鷹山銅像~The statue of Yozan Uesugi at Matsugasaki Shrine(taken by バカボン君 from photoAC)
キャロライン・ケネディ駐日米国大使訪問の記念碑~The monument of the visit of the U.S. ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, Yonezawa Castle was turned into Matsugasaki Park in 1874. The buildings of the castle were demolished and Uesugi Shrine was established in the park instead. The 1919 Yonezawa Great Fire burned down the shrine. The present shrine buildings were rebuilt in 1923.

上杉神社社殿~Uesugi Shrine buildings

私の感想~My Impression

the reason why the castle has a simple impression is because it comes from poverty or policy of Yonezawa Domain. Anyway, I think that the more simple the castle is, the clearer the message from Yozan Uesugi is. The monument of his most famous message is with his other statue in Uesugi Shrine. It’s “Naseba-Naru” which means “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

上杉神社にある上杉鷹山銅像と格言の石碑~The statue of Yozan Uesugi and the monument of his message

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 to 15 minutes from the Yonezawa-Hachimanpara IC, Yonezawa-Chuo IC or Yonezawa-Kita IC on Tohoku-Chuo Expressway. There are several parking lots around the ruins.
If you want to go there by bus from Yonezawa station: Take the Yonezawa citizen bus (city area circulation route-clockwise) or the Yamako bus bound for Shirabu-Onsen at the Yonezawa station west entrance bus terminal, and take off at the Uesugi-Jinja-Mae bus stop.
From Tokyo to Yonezawa st.: Take the Yamagata Shinkansen super express.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

米沢観光ナビ~Yonezawa Sightseeing Navigation site
・「上杉鷹山と米沢 (人をあるく)/小関悠一郎著」吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)

116.沼田城(Numata Castle)

Numata Castle is the one that Sanada stuck to strongly, but lost in the end.

沼田城西櫓跡(The ruins of Nishi-Yagura of Numata Castle)

Location and History

Numata City, in the northern part of Gunma pref., is famous around the whole country for its terrain with river terraces. The height is over 70m higher than Tone River near the JR Numata Station. The urban area of the city is on the top of the terraces and now called “Castle Town in the Sky”.

沼田市の河岸段丘、左側が段状になっている(The river terraces in Numata City, they are on the left side)taken by igamania from photo AC

The area was probably first focused on in the Warring States Period in the 16th century by major warlords such as the Uesugi, Hojo, Takeda, Oda and Tokugawa clans who battled over the right to rule of the Kanto region . The Numata area was the northern entrance of Kanto and had a main road passing through from the east for Tohoku region to the west for Shinano Province (now Nagano pref.).

城周辺の地図及び起伏地図(A normal and relief map around Numata Castle)

Numata Castle was first built on the tip of the terrace in 1532 by the local clan Numata, but the castle became a very important site after the Uesugi’s Kanto invasion in 1560. Eventually, Masayuki Sanada under Takeda held the castle at the end of the Warring States Period. Though his master Takeda was beaten in 1582, he struggled against other major warlords to keep the castle.

真田昌幸像、個人蔵(The portlait of Masayuki Sanada, privately owned)licensed under Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The climax was that the castle was turned over to Hojo in 1589 by the decision of the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. However, Sanada was successful to get it back after Toyotomi’s Kanto invasion and the fall of Hojo in 1590. It is said that the event was caused due to Hojo breaking the rule and taking Sanada’s Nagurumi Castle. The fact is mysterious because dead men tell no tales.

名胡桃城跡(The ruins of Nagurumi Castle)licensed by Qurren via Wikimedia Commons

After that, Masayuki’s son Nobuyuki Sanada under Tokugawa inherited and completed the castle with building the castle Tenshu keep around 1600. The Tenshu was the only five-story one in Kanto region, excluding Edo Castle owned by the Shogun.

上野国沼田城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Numata Castle in Kozuke Province in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館

There was internal trouble in the Sanada clan over the inheritance of the castle in 1658. The Tokugawa Shogunate decided to make the branch Sanada, Nobutoshi separate from the head Sanada in Matsushiro, Sinano Province as the Numata Domain.

真田信利肖像画、加納永泰筆、大法院蔵(The Portrait of Nobutoshi Sanada, attributed to Eitai Kano, ownd by Daihoin)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Nobutoshi accepted hard tasks from Shogunate and built luxurious halls against the head Sanada. The result was that people in Numata Domain suffered from high taxes. Nobutoshi was fired in 1681 inspired by his failure of preparing materials for the Ryogoku Bridge rebuilding and the direct appeal to Shogunate by a farmer called Mozaemon. At last, Numata Castle that Sanada were so much devoted to, was completely destroyed by Shogunate in 1682.

天守があったと思われる場所(The place where there seemed be Tenshu)


Now, the ruins of Numata castle have been turned into a park called the Numata Park. Though it has a beautiful flowers and trees garden, only unearthed stone walls of the west turret and the restored clock tower remain.

沼田公園(Numata Park)
掘り出された西櫓石垣(The unearthen stone walls of the west turret)
復元された時計台(The restored clock tower)

Later Life

After Sanada’s castle was demolished, some lords like the Toki clan governed the area in the Edo Period. They just had a few office halls to govern. After the Meiji Restoration, the buildings of the castle were removed, and moats were filled. The good thing was that a former warrior Taminosuke Kume bought the ruins and donated them to the city for a park.

公園からの眺め(A view from the park)

Now, some people in this city are considering how they could restore the Tenshu after a popular NHK drama called “Sanada-Maru” aired in Japan in 2016. The drama was about the lives of the Sanada clan, mainly about Nobushige Sanada, Nobuyuki’s little brother, famous for the fights with Tokugawa for Toyotomi in Osaka Castle. (Sanada clan were divided into Tokugawa and Toyotomi on purpose.) The drama which also featured Numata, led to an increase in tourism for the city.

現地案内板にある天守の想像図(The imaginary drawing of Tenshu on the sign board at the site)

People in the city seem worried about the decrease in the near future. They are searching for a new symbol like the Tenshu, and researching successful cases such as the Shiroishi Castle.

復元された白石城(The restored Shiroishi Castle)

However, there will be big problems that come with it. At first, the details are not clear at all because of the castle being destroyed. Stone walls of Honmaru, and few items like roof tiles with gold leaf and utensils have been excavated so far. In addition, the Agency for Cultural Affairs instructs local governments not to restore historical buildings without clear evidence. Secondly it needs a large budget. If they ever decide to construct the Tenshu in a traditional wooden style, it will require a fund as much as their annual general budget. That is too controversial.

発掘された本丸石垣(The excavated stone walls of Honmaru)

The city is also trying to identify itself as “Sanada’s Hometown”. I will keep watching what they are doing now.

My Impression

To keep the population, I think that a reasonable idea is holding events together with other municipalities having relative castles and ruins to Sanada such as Osaka, Ueda, Nagurumi and Iwabitsu.

大坂城(Osaka Castle)
上田城(Ueda Castle)

Then, one possible solution could be rebuilding a gate or a turret based on excavation. There are similar cases, for example in Hachigata.

鉢形城の再建された門(The rebuilt gate in Hachigata Castle)

For another possibility, how about creating the image of virtual Tenshu with LED like Oita-Funai.

大分府内城の仮想天守(The virtual Tenchu in Oita-Funai Castle)taken by ぴょんにゃん from photo AC

But if they actually want to construct a real Tenshu building, they might have to be prepared for using it as their office hall.

How to get There

It is useful to access Numata Castle Ruins by car. It takes about 10 minutes from Numata IC on Kan-Etsu Expressway. When using train, it takes about 20 minutes on foot from JR Numata Station. It needs to climb up a steep hill on the river terraces, but it may be interesting.
From Tokyo to Numata Station: Take the Jo-Etsu Shinkansen super express to Takasaki, then transfer to Jo-Etsu local line.

Links and References

沼田市観光協会(Numata Tourism Association)
・沼田市議会新政同志会平成29年第1回会派調査・研修報告(Japanese Document)