103.Namioka Castle Part1

The Castle of ” Namioka Palace”

Location and History

Kitabatake Clan, Authority in Tohoku Region built Castle

Namioka Castle was located in what is now Aomori City in the middle of Aomori Prefecture. It is said that the Kitabatake Clan built the castle in the late 15th Century. The Kitabatake Clan was originally a noble family which supported the Southern Court in the 14th Century during the Period of the Northern and Southern Courts. The Southern Court sent Akiie Kitabatake to Tohoku Region to govern the region against the Northern Court. Akiie eventually returned to central Japan, while his relatives remained in Tohoku Region under the Nanbu Clan which also supported the Southern Court.

The illustration of Akiie Kitabatake, owned by Ryozan Shrine (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In the first 15th Century during the Muromachi Period governed by the Ashikaga Shogunate, the Nanbu Clan and the Ando Clan often battled over the northern Tohoku Region around what is now Aomori Pref. However, they finally compromised each other and gave evidence for the peace in the late 15th Century. It is thought that The Kitabatake Clan was focused on and set up as a mediator at that time. The area around Namioka Castle was at the middle point between the territories of the Nanbu Clan in the east and the Ando Clan in the west.

The location of the castle

It was also a good place for transportation, so the castle prospered with trade. The authority of the Kitabatake Clan reached a peak in the first 16th Century, as the Imperial Court gave the clan a high court rank as a noble. The other clans in Tohoku Region respected the Kitabatake Clan and called the lord family of the clan “Namioka Palace”.

The imaginary drawing of Namioka Castle, exhibited by the House in the Aomori-shi Middle Ages

Group of Enclosures with certain features

Namioka Castle was on a hilly area alongside Namioka River, so its location was relatively defensive. The castle consisted of a group of enclosures called “Date” like the Nanbu Clan’s home base, Ne Castle. There were eight enclosures such as Uchi-date or the Inner Enclosure and Kita-date or the North Enclosure. The Inner Enclosure was probably the oldest one which was used as the Main Hall for the lord of the castle. The hall had a high-class reception hall called Kokonoma where the meeting between the lord and visitors would be held. The North Enclosure was the largest one in the castle where the warriors and craftsmen under the lord lived. The doubled or tripled water moats divided these enclosures. These moats have the middle earthen walls making the moat doubled which were used for defense in emergency and as a route in general.

The eight enclosures of Namioka Castle (from the signboard at the site)
The restored interior of the high-class reception hall, exhibited by the House in the Aomori-shi Middle Ages
The miniature model of the North Enclosure, exhibited by the House in the Aomori-shi Middle Ages

Castle was defeated by Tamenobu Oura

In 1562, an internal trouble among the Kitabatake Clan called the Kawahara Palace Rebellion happened. A relative family of the lord, called Kawahara Palace killed the lord, Tomokazu Kitabatake. Kawahara Palace was also defeated, as a result, the power of the clan declined. Tamenobu Oura, a relative of the Nanbu Clan aimed to be independent from the Nanbu Clan. Taking advantage of the rebellion, he defeated the Kitabatake Clan and captured Namioka Castle in 1578. He sent a local governor to Namioka Castle for a while, but the castle was abandoned when he built Hirosaki Castle in the first 17th Century.

The portrait of Tamenobu Oura, later Tamenobu Tsugaru, owned by Hirosaki Castle Tower (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
The imaginary drawing of the fall of Namioka Castle, exhibited by the House in the Aomori-shi Middle Ages

To be continued in “Namioka Castle Part2”

4.Hirosaki Castle Part1

A castle which the Tsugaru Clan built and maintained.

Location and History

Tamenobu Tsugaru built Castle with his independence

Hirosaki Castle was located in what is now Hirosaki City in Aomori Prefecture. The castle was actually the origin of the city since the founder of the Hirosaki Domain, Tamenobu Tsugaru built the castle. His former name was Tamenobu Oura and he was one of the relatives of the Nanbu Clan, the greatest warlord in the northern Tohoku Region in the 16th Century during the Sengoku Period. However, he aimed to be independent from the Nanbu Clan.

The portrait of Tamenobu Tsugaru, owned by Hirosaki Castle Tower (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

When the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi was processing his unification of Japan, Tamenobu met Hideyoshi in 1590, and succeeded to be approved by Hideyoshi as an independent lord. He took advantage of his freedom, and he changed his family name to Tsugaru. After that, he maintained his territory around Tsugaru District (what is now the western part of Aomori Pref.) to support the Tokugawa Shogunate. Finally, he started to build a new castle in the Tsugaru Plain as his new home base in 1603, called Hirosaki Castle.

The location of the castle

Hirosaki Castle was built on a hill on the plain sandwiched by two rivers, Iwaki-gawa and Tsuchibuchi-gawa. Though Tamenobu unfortunately died soon after the launch of the construction, his son, Nobuhira completed it in 1611.

The portrait of Nobuhira Tsugaru, from the database of Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
Tsuchibuchi-gawa River which flows in the city area now

Combination of Modern and Traditional parts

The castle had the Iwaki-gawa River on the back in the west side, and several enclosures spread towards the north, the east and the south, divided by water moats. The Main Enclosure was the center of the castle having the five-layer Main Tower and the Main Hall for the lord. The enclosure was all surrounded by stone walls, so was the most modernized place in the castle.

The Main Enclosure of Hirosaki Castle from the illustration of Hirosaki Castle in Tsugaru District, exhibited by the National Archives of Japan
The Western Moat which originates from a branch of Iwaki-gawa River
The stone walls of the Main Enclosure

The Second Enclosure was outside the Main Enclosure in the south and the east, where the halls for the senior vassals were built. The enclosure was surrounded by earthen walls which were the common method for castles in eastern Japan. It also had two gates and three three-story turrets to protect it. The Third Enclosure was the outermost and the largest one is in the castle. It had warriors’ residences and was also surrounded by earthen walls with two gates. One of the gates was the Main Gate in the south. The North Enclosure and the Forth Enclosure were next to the Main Enclosure to protect the north of the castle.

Part of the illustration of Hirosaki Castle in Tsugaru District, in the Edo Period, exhibited by the National Archives of Japan
The earthen walls and moat of the Second Enclosure
The Main Gate at the Third Enclosure

Main Tower was rebuilt and Castle survived in Meiji Restoration

In 1627, there was an explosion in the Main Tower caused by lightning and an ignition of gunpowder. There had been no main tower for nearly 200 years, but the Hirosaki Domain was allowed by the Shogunate to renovate a three-story turret as the substitute for the Main Tower in1811. This is the present Main Tower we can see today. In 1868 during the Meiji Restoration, the Boshin War between the New Government and the domains supporting Tokugawa Shogunate in the Tohoku Region happened. Many domains fought with the New Government and defeated. However, the Tsugaru Domain supported the New Government from the beginning. That’s why Hirosaki Castle remained intact.

The present Main Tower
Tsuguakira Tsugaru, the last lord of the Hirosaki Domain (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

To be continued in “Hirosaki Castle Part2”

5.根城(Ne Castle)

Ne Castle is a castle which has been rebuilt thanks to the great effort of the local people and officials.

復元された本丸主殿(The restored Honmaru Main Hall)

Location and History

The castle was located in what is now Hachinohe City, Aomori pref. which has been the opening for the northern Tohoku region and has flourished through trading since the Middle Ages.

八戸市の位置(The position of Hachinohe City)licensed by Lincun via Wikipedia Commons

In the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, Moroyuki Nanbu was sent to Mutsu Province by the Southern Court to govern this area. He first built Ne Castle on a hill in Nukanobu district after the former ruler Hojo’s hall in 1334.

八戸博物館前の南部師行像(The statue of Moroyuki Nanbu in front of the Hachinohe Museum)licensed via Wikipedia Commons

The castle had the main enclosure “Honmaru” with the main palace and related buildings surrounded by fences and dry moats. The entrance called “Koguchi” was accessed by a bridge which would be destroyed in an emergency. The main hall was rebuilt even16 times ,for example, when inheritance. During that time, the castle area was expanded adding seven similar enclosures called “Date”. This is one of typical castle styles in the Middle Ages.

本丸入り口の橋(The entrance bridge of Honmaru)

The Nanbu clan had been staying at the castle for over 250 years, but at the end of the Warring States Period, Nobunao Nanbu, a relative in Sannohe Castle had great influence and was admitted to be the head of the Nanbu clan by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Toyotomi ordered Ne Castle to be destroyed, however, it was not done as completely as just the Koguchi was removed and moats were filled. After that, the main hall was used for a while, but it was finally abandoned in 1627.

堀の跡(The ruins of a moat)


Now, the Honmaru area is restored to show it was. You can go across the bridge on the dry moat and pass the Koguchi to enter the area. The inside is surrounded by a wood fence.

本丸の木柵(The wood fence around Honmaru)

You can also see and enter the restored main palace where figures represent a new-year ceremony and panels of its history are shown.

復元された本殿(The restored Main Palace)licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedia Commons

There are also restored related buildings such as a stable, workshops, warehouses, and a forge. Many things like armor and utensils are placed inside exactly like the original ones.

復元された馬小屋(The restored stable)licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedia Commons
復元された工房(The restored workshop)
工房の内部(The inside of the workshop)

These items make you feel like you are in the world of the Middle Ages. They are recreated according to the same specifications as the period just before the destruction of the castle in 1592.

本丸内部全景(The whole view of Honmaru inside)

Later Life

After being abandoned, the area of Ne Castle seemed to be used for farming and residences. It was designated as a national historic site, comparatively early in 1941. After World War II, officials were worried about the ruins being developed and completely destroyed. They started to make the land public in1972, make the plan for developing environment of the ruins in 1978, and excavated Honmaru area until 1989. After that, they also thought about how to show the ruins not a flat exhibit, but a restoration to make them understood by many people.

根城の航空写真、一部が住宅化している(The aeriel photo of Ne Castle, Part of it has become residential area)

However, there would be some problems.. The most difficult one was the unclear details of the buildings. The excavation mostly shows plenty of holes for pillars. Researchers somehow managed to sort them and estimate the layout of each building. Next, they tried to design three-dimensional restored buildings from examples in similar regions and periods. Finally, the reconstruction was completed and the site was open to the public in 1994 as “Nejo Castle Site”.

復元された建物の柱の位置(The restored positions of pillars of a building)

My Impression

People and officials in Hachinohe City have been developing the Ne Castle Site for nearly 50 years. This is a significant achievement. I really respect them. The restored buildings and objects are made in the traditional way. Keeping them for a long time requires specific maintenance and much funding. Visiting the site helps keep it as well. Of course Ne Castle is worth visiting to feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

復元された倉庫の内部(The inside of a restored warehouse)

How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 10 minutes from the Hachinohe IC on Hachinohe Expressway.
If you want to go there by bus from Hachinohe station: Take the Nanbu bus at the bus terminal plarfoem 1, and take off at the Ne-Jo bus stop.
From Tokyo to Hachinohe st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express.

Links and References

・「日本の遺跡19根城跡/佐々木浩一」同成社(Japanese Book)