Great stone walls, great view and the remaining Main Tower
Today, Marugame Castle is open to the public as Marugame Castle itself or the Kame-yama Park. The range of the park is inside the Inner Moat. When you stand in front of the moat, you would be surprised to see the amazing high stone walls with the remaining Main Tower on them. The high stone walls are about 60m which is said to be the highest stone walls among other multiple tiers in Japan. (the highest in single tier is the stone walls of Osaka Castle which is about 33m high).
A distant view of Marugame Castle
The aerial photo around the castle
From Main Gate to Third Enclosure
Visitors usually enter the castle through the remaining Main Gate after crossing the bridge over the moat from the north. This gate has a typical defensive gate building style called Masugata. It consists of a square space surrounded by two gate buildings, mud walls, and stone walls.
The Main Gate and the Main TowerThe Second Main Gate outsideThe First Main Gate inside
Then, you will walk up on the long steep slope called Mikaeri-zaka or the Look-back Slope to the eastern direction. On the way of the slope, you will see the highest single tier stone walls in this castle which is 22m high of the Third Enclosure. In particular, the corner of the stone walls is very beautiful called the Slope of a Folding Fan which means its lower part is not steep, but its upper part becomes vertical.
The Look-back SlopeThe high stone walls of the Third Enclosure
You will eventually arrive at the eastern part of the Third Enclosure. You can see a great view of the Sanuki-Fuji from the ruins of Tsukimi-Yagura or the Moon Watching Turret.
The ruins of the Moon Watching Turret at the Third EnclosureA view of the Sanuki-Fuji from the ruins of the Moon Watching Turret
From Second Enclosure to Main Enclosure
After that, you will enter the Second Enclosure between the Main and the Second Enclosures. The enclosure once had several turrets connected with mud walls like the Main Enclosure, now has a square with cherry trees and which local people are familiar with.
The entrance of the Second EnclosureThe inside of the Second Enclosure
You will finally enter the Main Enclosure at the highest in the castle. A 360-degree view from there is so great. You can see not only the Sanuki-Fuji but also the islands and the Great Seto Bridge on Seto Inland Sea.
The entrance of the Main EnclosureThe inside of the Main EnclosureA view of Marugame City area and Seto Inland Sea from the Main EnclosureThe Great Seto Bridge on Seto Inland Sea
Devised Remaining Main Tower
The enclosure now has only the Main Tower, one of the twelve remaining main towers in Japan. It is a kind of three-story turret and, in fact, the smallest one among the twelve main towers.
The back side of the remaining Main Tower that can be seen from the Main Enclosure
However, it was improved in some points to look bigger than it is when looking up it from the foot of the mountain. The first point is the reduction rate to the top of the tower is relatively large. The second one is that the decorations of the tower like the hip-and-gable roof and the Chinese styled gable are facing outside. They help the Main Tower looks big from below.
The front side of the remaining Main Tower that can be seen from the foot of the mountain
You can also enter the tower and may feel it was made practical as a turret. The steps to upstairs are very steep. It equips machicolations and loopholes for battles. It also exhibits the historical explanation and miniature model of the castle now.
The stairway to the second floorA loophole for guns at the second floorThe inside of the third floor
Every time you go the castle, you will have a new perspective.
Features (The Large Main Tower)
The Large Main Tower has five layers, but its inside has six levels with a basement. The tower was built using the lookout tower style. This type of tower usually has a small look-out tower on a large-scale turret with hip-and-gable roofs. But Himeji’s tower looks smart and doesn’t have a veranda at the top floor that other look-out towers usually have. The tower is categorized as the late lookout tower type that would evolve into the multi-storied type later.
The Large Main Tower of Himeji Castle (the late lookout tower type)The Main Tower of Inuyama Castle (the lookout tower style)The Main Tower of Fukuyama Castle (the multi-storied type)
Its roofs are decorated with many Chinese style gables and triangular shaped gables. White plaster is painted thickly over its walls as well as the gaps among the roof tiles to protect against fire, that makes it looks like a white heron. On the other hand, it is also equipped with lots of machicolations and loopholes for battles. You can enter into the tower, but please note that you may have to stand in a line over an hour because the tower is very popular. In addition, only a limited number of visitors are allowed inside at a time. Unlike its gorgeous appearance, its inside is built very practically. The tower was actually built as a place just for battle.
The beautiful decorations of the Main TowerThe interior of the Main Tower (licensed by alisdair via Wikimedia Commons)
The inside has kitchens, toilets and warehouses to accommodate many soldiers for a long siege. You can also see how soldiers could use machicolations and loopholes inside. The Large Main Tower is mainly supported by two large pillars (the East and West). The West Large Pillar had actually been spoiled, so it was replaced with new one when The Showa Great Repairs were done in 1959. The foot of the East Large Pillar was also fixed then. You can now see these large pillars clearly above the third floor.
A kitchen in the Main Tower (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)The West Large Pillar (taken by あけび from photoAC)
Features (Sides and Back of Castle)
The map around the castle
Himeji Castle has a lot of perspectives even in the sides and back. Let me introduce some of them. First, on the front foot of Himeyama mountain, you can see terraced stone walls which are piled with natural stones, a primitive method called “Nozura-zumi”. They are said to be built by Hideyoshi Hashiba or Kanbe Kuroda. They also surround Kamiyamazato Enclosure which is one of the oldest enclosures in the castle.
The old stone walls surrounding Kamiyamazato Enclosure
Moving to the right side of the castle, you can see the edge of the moat which is separated from the Inner Moat. There was the warehouse for freight called Uchisenba-gura nearby. This meant that the moat was used as a port.
The Inner Moat used as a port
The stone walls on the eastern side of Ido Enclosure are among the highest stone walls in the castle. In addition, the right side of the Large Main Tower is outstanding where you can see the great hip-and-gable roof on the second layer. The combination of them is perfect for a picture.
The high stone walls under Ido EnclosureThe right side of the Main TowerThe combination of the Main Tower and the high stone walls
On the back side of the castle, you can see another edge of the moat. In fact, the edge is the starting point of all the swirling moats in the castle. The back of Himeyama mountain still remains natural, so its appearance with the Main Towers has a unique perspective. The area around has the doubled Inner Moats as the second turn of the moats starts there and they offered strong protection to the back of the castle.
The start point of the moatThe Main Tower on the back of the mountainThe second turn of the moat
This castle attracts you in several perspectives.
立地と歴史~Location and History
犬山城は、その古風な天守や、眺望がよく知られています。でもこの城にはもっと知られるべき見どころがあるのです。 Inuyama Castle is known for its old Main Tower or “Tenshu” and their landscape. But the castle has more attractions you can find.
犬山城の遠景~A distant view of Inuyama Castle(taken by nagabutinana from photoAC)
国境に立地~It is located around the boder of provices
この城は最初は1537年に地方領主の織田信安により築かれたと言われています。木曽川の畔、40mの高さの丘の上にあります。この地点は尾張国(現在の愛知県の一部)の端に当たり、尾張国と美濃国(現在の岐阜県の一部)の国境のすぐ近くでした。また、水上交通の要所でもありました。 It is said that the castle was first built in 1537 by a local clan, Nobuyasu Oda. It was located at the top of a 40m height hill beside Kisogawa River. The spot was on the edge of Owari Province ( now part of Aichi Pref.), right next to the border between Owari and Mino Province ( now part of Gifu Pref.), and it was also important for water transportation.
城の位置と尾張国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Owari Province
有力戦国大名の標的に~Great warlords targets it
結果として、戦国時代には多くの有力な戦国大名がこの城を手に入れようとしました。最初は、織田信長が美濃攻略の足掛かりとしてこの城を得ました。次には、豊臣秀吉が1584年の徳川家康との小牧長久手の戦いのときに、この城に本陣を構えました。 As a result, many great warlords aimed to capture the castle in the Warring States or “Sengoku” Period. First, Nobunaga Oda got the castle as the foothold before he invaded Mino. Secondly, Hideyoshi Toyotomi used the castle as his stronghold when he fought with Ieyasu Tokugawa in the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute in 1584.
織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
成瀬氏が城と町を支配~Naruse clan governs the castle and town
最終的には、徳川幕府が確立すると、幕府は成瀬正成を徳川の親藩である尾張藩の付家老として、この城に据えました。成瀬氏は大名ではありませんでした。それでも、江戸時代の間中例外として、大名のように犬山城と城下の支配を許されたのです。 Lastly, after the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, it placed Masanari Naruse at the castle as the Attendant Chief Retainer for Tokugawa’s relative Owari Domain. The Naruse clan was not a lord. However, they were allowed to govern Inuyama Castle and the castle town like a lord all through Edo Period as an exception.
成瀬正成肖像画、白林寺所蔵、江戸時代~The portrait of Masanari Naruse, owned by Hakurinji Temple, in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)犬山城古図、犬山市城とまちミュージアム蔵、江戸時代~The Old Map of Inuyama Castle, owned by Inuyama Cultural Assets Museum, in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
城周辺の地図~The map around the castle
三方は急崖~Steep cliffs in three directions
現在、天守だけが現存していますが、城がどんなだったかは今でも見て取ることができます。城は北の方角の背後に木曽川があり、自然の要害になっています。城がある丘は三方向(北、東、西)が急崖であり、このようなしつらえはよく「後ろ堅固」と呼ばれます。更には、この崖はより垂直になるよう削られていて、このことを「切岸」といいます。その上、この辺りは深い空堀に囲まれていました。 Now, only the Tenshu remains, but we can still see how the castle was. The castle has a natural hazard as Kisogawa River in the back of the north side. The hill of the castle also has steep cliffs in three directions ( north, east and west). Such a condition is often called “back secure” or “Ushiro-Kengo”. In addition, the cliffs are cut more vertically which is called “Kirigishi”. Moreover, the area was surrounded by a deep dry moat.
北側の急崖~The steep cliff in the north side
南方に大手道~Main Route in the south
城は、南の方角に「大手道」と呼ばれる一本道でのみ開かれていました。今はその道に沿って簡単に城の中心と天守に行くことができますが、過去においては、5つの門によって厳重に守られていました。 The castle is open to only one route in the south called the Main Route or “Ote-michi”. It is easy to go to the center of the castle and Tenshu through the route now, but it was heavily guarded by five gates in the past.
大手道~The Main Route
門の間にまっすぐな部分がありますが、ここもまた高い壁と櫓がある曲輪に挟まれていました。最後の門である「鉄門」は再建されています。 The straight part of the route between the gates was also sandwiched by enclosures with high walls and turrets. The last gate called “Kurogane-mon” has been reconstructed.
天守は国宝で、3層4階+地下2階となっています。初期の天守の形式である望楼型で、日本の現存天守では最古であるかもしれません。但し事はそう単純ではなくて、歴史家や建築家は天守は3段階で作られたと言っています。最初は2層の櫓として作られました。現存の1階と2階は古い工具と方法で作られています。 The Tenshu is a National Treasure. It has three layers and four levels with two extra basements. It shows the first Tenshu style called lookout tower type, and may be the oldest remaining Tenshu in Japan. But it is not that simple. Historians and architects say that Tenshu was built in three steps. The first step built a two story turret, as the remaining first and second floors are made with older tools and in practice.
犬山城天守~The Tenshu of Inuyama Castle2階の内部~The interior of the second floor
3階と4階は塔のように外を見渡す用途で、新しい工法を使い、2段階目に付け加えられました。最後の段階で成瀬氏が、天守に唐破風や高欄を付けたりして装飾したのです。問題は、いつ最初の建築がなされたかです。もしそれが城の創建と同じ時期であれば、間違いなく最古の天守と言えるでしょう。将来明らかになるかもしれません。 The third and forth floors were added to look outside like a tower, using newer methods in the second step. Lastly the Naruse clan decorated Tenshu by adding a Chinese style gable called “Kara-Hafu” and a veranda at the top floor in the last step. The question is when the first step was done. If it is the same age as the castle itself, it is definitely the oldest Tenshu. It may be proven in the future.
天守の上層部分~The upper layer of the Tenshu(taken by マッハGGG from photoAC)
最上階が開放的なので、木曽川とその周辺の素晴らしい景色が眺めることができます。手摺を含む高欄は残っているそのままです。城主の大名と全く同じ体験ができるわけです。 You can see a great view of Kisogawa River and the area around from the open top floor. The veranda including its handrail is original. We can enjoy the exact same experience as the lords who owned the castle.
天守からの木曽川の眺め~A view of Kiso-gawa River from Tenshu元来からの高欄の手摺~The original handrail of the veranda(taken by ACJOE from photoAC)
その後~Later History
明治維新後、犬山城は廃城となり、天守を除く全ての建物は撤去されました。1891年、濃尾地震により天守が半ば倒壊しました。その後、以前の領主だった成瀬氏が、彼ら自身で復旧することを条件に再び城を保有しました。犬山城は最近まで私有されていたのです。その間、天守は国宝に指定されました。2008年、犬山城白帝文庫という法人が設立され、将来への保存のため、城を保有することになりました。それ以来、調査研究が続けられています。 After the Meiji Restoration, Inuyama Castle was abandoned and all its buildings were demolished excluding the Tenshu. In 1891, the Tenshu collapsed partly due to the Nobi Earthquake. After that, the former lord, the Naruse clan owned the castle again on the condition that they would restore it. Inuyama Castle had been privately owned until recently. Meanwhile, it was designated as a National Treasure. Such a case was very rare. In 2008, a corporation called Inuyama-jo Hakutei-bunko was established and it has owned the castle to preserve it in the future. Since then, investigations and developments have been done.
2019年修繕中の天守~Tenshu under repairing in 2019
私の感想~My Impression
元々、犬山城は戦いのために築かれました。江戸時代には美しい眺望でも知られるようになりました。成瀬氏は城下町も発展させました。その雰囲気は今に残ります。城に行く途中で通って行けます。この城は今や重要な歴史遺産になりました。この城のいろんな側面を見ていただきたいと思います。 Originally, Inuyama Castle was built just for battle. It also became a beautiful landscape in the Edo Period. The Naruse clan developed the castle town, too. Its atmosphere remains even now. You can enjoy it on the way to the castle. The castle is now becoming more important for cultural heritage. I hope you will see many perspectives of the castle.
浮世絵に描かれた犬山城、「木曽街道鵜沼宿」渓斎英泉作、江戸時代~Inuyama Castle in a Ukiyoe painting, “Unuma on Kiso-kaido Road” attributed to Eisai Keisai in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)現在の城下町~The castle town now(taken by fuku41 from photoAC)
ここに行くには~How to get There
ここに行くには、電車をおすすめします。 犬山駅から:途中城下町を通って歩いて約20分です。 犬山遊園駅から:木曽川沿いを通って歩いて約15分です。 名古屋から両駅まで:名鉄名古屋駅から名鉄犬山線の快速特急に乗ってください。 車の場合は、東名高速道路の小牧ICから約12kmですが、城周辺の道路は混雑気味で、駐車場もあまりありません。 I recommend using the train to get there. From Inuyama station: it takes about 20 minutes on foot, going through the castle town on the way. From Inuyama-Yuen station: it takes about 15 minutes on foot, going along Kisogawa River. From Nagoya to both stations: Take the rapid limited express on Meitetsu Inuyama line from Meitetsu Nagoya Station. If you want to go there by car, it is about 12 km from the Komaki IC on the Tomei Expressway. But the roads around the castle tend to be crowded, and there are a few parking lots.