21.江戸城その2~Edo Castle Part2

Edo was a city of waterways.

葛飾北斎「富嶽三十六景」より「江戸日本橋」、江戸時代~”Nihonbashi Bridge in Edo” from the series “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji” attributed to Hokusai Katsushika in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


These days, most people don’t realize that Tokyo is a city of waterways. However, Edo actually was. When the Tokugawa clan moved into Edo, Edo Castle was in the present uptown area. The present down town area was below the sea or waterlogged. There was a sand bank called Edo-Maeto. There was also the Hibiya arm of the sea between the land and the bank. Tokugawa’s team created a canal across Edo-Maeto and change the route of rivers for water transportation.

東京中心部のカラー標高図にコメント付加、江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡がわかります~The color altitude map of central Tokyo, adding comments, you can see traces of Edo-Maeto and the Hibiya arm of the sea(出典:国土地理院)

A canal created for changing the route of the river from the Hibiya arm of the sea to east of Edo Maeto is Nihonbashi River, where Nihonbashi Bridge goes across. The bridge is known for a traditional view and the starting point of many major roads.

日本橋~Nihonbashi Bridge
1911年に完成直後の現存日本橋~The remaining Nihonbashi Bridge just after the complition in 1911(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
日本橋にある日本国道路元標~The starting milestone of Japan at Nihonbashi Bridge(licensed by Aimaimyi via Wikimedia Commons)
歌川広重「東海道五十三次」より「日本橋」、江戸時代~”Nihonbashi Bridge” from the series “Fifty-three Stations of Tokaido” attributed to Hiroshige Utagawa in the Edo Period(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In fact, the river below the bridge is artificial and was created over 400 years ago. From the river, the outer moat separated out trough the center of Edo Maeto.

日本橋川~Nihonbashi River
戦前の有楽町付近の外堀~The outer moat near Yurakucho before World War II(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Tokugawa reclaimed the Hibiya arm of the sea to expand the ground for the castle as well as the need for defense. They also filled the sea around Edo Maeto to create the city area. Meanwhile, they left part of the sea as moats, rivers and canals. As a result, Edo city was spread with waterways. There are still traces of them on the present map. Let’s see some examples.

江戸時代初期の江戸推定地図~The estimated map of Edo in the first Edo Period(国土交通省Websiteから引用)

赤い線は現在の地図に残された江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡、マーカーは以下の項目に関連しています~The red line shows the remaining trace of Edo-Maetou and Hibiya Arm of the Sea on the present map, markers are related with the following items

愛宕神社~Atago Shrine

It is famous for its steep steps of “success”. It was near the entrance of the Hibiya arms of the sea.

愛宕神社の鳥居~The Torii Gate of Atago Shrine
出世の階段、馬にのってこの階段を登り切った武士は出世できると言われていました~The Steps of Success, it was said that if a warrior riding a horse could get the top, he would be promoted

赤坂1丁目交差点~Akasaka-icchome intersection

This was the estuary of the river from Tameike. It was turned into a part of the outer moat.

赤坂1丁目交差点に向かいます~Going to Akasaka-icchome intersection
かつて外堀であった「外堀通り」~”Sotobori Street” which means outer moat street, former the outer moat
今に残る外堀の石垣~Remaining stone walls alomgside the outer moat

潮見坂~Shiomi slope

It is among Kasumigaseki governmental ministries. It seems to be the west edge of the Hibiya arm.

潮見坂~Shiomi Slope

桜田門周辺~Aroud Sakurada-mon Gate

This seems to be the estuary of another river near the gate. It remains a part of the inner moat.

桜田門~Sakurada-mon Gate
桜田濠と呼ばれる内堀の一部~A part of the inner moat called Sakurada-bori

皇居正門~The main entrance of Imperial Palace

The palace is on what was Nishinomaru enclosure. The inner moat in front of it was originally the sea.

皇居正門と石橋~The main entrance of Imperial Palace and The Stone Bridge
西の丸は高い所にあります~Nishinomaru enclosure is in a high place

皇居外苑~The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace

This was completely a sea, and filled without the inner moat around.

皇居外苑~The Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace

坂下門~Sakashita-mon Gate

The inner moat around the gate uses the original rivers and valleys.

坂下門~Sakashita-mon Gate
門周辺の内堀~The inner moat around the gate

大手門周辺~Around Ote-mon Gate

This was the estuary of Hirakawa River emptied into the Hibiya arms of the sea.

大手門~Ote-mon Gate
大手門前の内堀~The inner moat in front of Ote-mon Gate

和田倉門~Wadakura-mon Gate

This was the inmost place of the Hibiya arm of the sea. Wadakura means warehouse st seashore.

和田倉門~Wadakura-mon Gate
ここが最奥だった地点か?~Was this the inmost spot?

日比谷公園~Hibiya Park

The ruins of stone walls for the inner moat is used for a resting place.

日比谷公園の休憩所~The resting place of Hibiya Park
それは石垣の上にあります~It is on the stone walls

山手線の側面~The side of Yamanote line

It is said that the elevated red brick railway could be available on the primary land.

山手線のレンガ作りの高架鉄道~The elevated red brick railway of Yamanote line

新橋跡~The ruins of Shinbashi bridge

The bridge went across Shiodome-gawa River which was originally the edge of Edo Maeto.

現存する新橋の親柱~The remaining newel post of Shinbashi Bridge

銀座の裏通り~The back street of Ginza

Sanjukkenbori River went through it and it was built using the east coast of Edo Maeto.

銀座の裏通り、ここも海や川でした~The back street of Ginza, it was also the sea or river

首都高速都心環状線~The Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Ring Route

This was Kaedegawa River with several Funairi moats like docks. The river connected to Nihonbashi River.

首都高速都心環状線、元楓川~The Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Ring Route, the former Kaedegawa River
かつては楓川を渡っていた橋、A bridge which went across Kaedegawa River in the past

その後~Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, many buildings of the castle were demolished, but many waterways remained, because people still used them. For instance, the fish market in Tokyo was along Nihonbashi River until the Great Kanto Earthquakes in 1923. After that, the market moved to Tsukiji.

明治初期の東京中心地の地図、まだ多くの水路がありました~The map of central Tokyo in the early Meiji Era, there were still a lot of waterways
日本橋の魚市場~The Fish Market at Nihonbashi(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

After World War II, part the outer moat was filled by the debris of burned buildings. It has become Sotobori Street.

外堀通り~Sotobori Street

In the mid Showa Era, motorization came and it was decided in 1959 that the 1964 summer Olympics in Tokyo would be held. There would be little time to develop the infrastructure for transportation in Tokyo, especially an expressway. The government had to use the remaining waterways as the land for the expressway. Because they didn’t need buy them. Almost all of the waterways in Tokyo died out.

京橋川上に建設中の高速道路、1960年~The expressway under construction above Kyobashigawa River in 1960(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Nihonbashi Bridge and Nihonbashi River have survived due to their historical values. That’s why the expressway goes above them. Now, people in the Nihonbashi area urge the government to move the expressway underground to get its good old landscape back.

日本橋上の高速道路~The expressway above Nihonbashi Bridge

「江戸城その3」に続きます。~To be continued in “Edo Castle Part3”
「江戸城その1」に戻ります。~Back to “Edo Castle Part1”

189.鞠智城~Kikuchi Castle

It was mysterious, but its achievement took root.

外郭から見た復元された鼓楼~The view of the restored drum tower from the outline

立地と歴史~Location and History

Kikuchi Castle was one of ancient mountain castles in western Japan. It was built by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Baekgang, Korea in 663. Japan tried to help Baekje, but was beaten by the ally of Tang and Silla. Emperor Tenchi was scared of invasion by the alley, so he ordered to build these castles with the help from the refugees from Baekje. That’s why these castles are also called “Korean style mountain castles”.

白村江の戦いの図~The map about the Battle of Baekgang(licensed by Samhanin via Wikimedia Commons)

Kikuchi Castle was one of the five recorded ones in Kyushu region. The others were Ono, Mizuki, Kii, and Kaneda. They had their locations on the way or alongside of expected routes for the invasion. However Kikuchi was a little strange. It was about 60 km away from the Dazaifu government, near Ono Castle, and nearly 30 km from Ariake Bay, another possible attack route. Some speculate it could have been a supply base or preparation for an attack on Ariake. A historian says that the castle could nave been an accommodation for refugees from Baekje, because the area around the castle had been related to Baekje’s in trading and culture. Indeed, a Baekje Buddha statue was excavated from the ruins of the water reservoir. In addition, this site is lower than other ancient mountains castles that made it livable for people.

九州地方の5つの記録された古代山城の位置~The location of five recorded ancient mountain castles in Kyushu region

Despite the crisis of the invasion being resolved, the castle was used for about 200 years until the10th century. In the later stages of its life, it seemed to be an army base, government office, and storage. The area around the castle became fertile and prosperous with trading. About 300 years after the castle was abandoned, the Kikuchi clan fought with the Mongolian Invasion as the leader of Japanese warriors.

菊池武房、「蒙古襲来絵詞」より~Takefusa Kikuchi from “The picture scrolls of the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan”(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


Unlike the image of early modern age castles, the main structure of the castle is outlined with a perimeter about 3.5 km long. It had four gates and walls between them were made from rammed earth.

城周辺の地図~The normal map around the castle

外郭土塁の一部~Part of the earthen walls on the oitline

The path along the outline is now used for trekking. You can see the ruins of the gates one by one, and feel how large the castle was.

歩道は外郭の土塁に沿っています~The path goes alongside the earthen walls on the outline

The nearest one from the parking lot is Fukasako Gate which could have been used as the side entrance.

深迫門跡~The ruins of Fukasako Gate

The next comes Horikiri Gate which could have been the main entrance.

堀切門跡~The ruins of Horikiri Gate

You can go ane see another ruins of gate called Ikenoo Gate.
Inside of the outline, the three-layer tower, probably used as the drum tower, has been restored recently with the success of excavation. This tower is octagonal which came from the Baekje style, making it very unique to ancient Japan.

復元された鼓楼~The restored drum tower

Other types of buildings such as barracks and warehouses have also been restored.

復元された兵舎~The restored barrack(licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedea Commons)
復元された倉庫~The restored warehouse(licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedea Commons)

その後~Later Life

After being abandoned in the 10th century, the ruins of the castle were turned into a farm. That might have shown the prosperity of this area. This area was first researched as ruins in 1937. It was excavated 32times between 1967 and 2010. Since then, while researchers have held symposiums and debated issues with the castle, the ruins has been developed as a historical park called “Kikuchi Castle”. Several buildings such as the drum tower have been restored.

1970年代の城跡周辺の航空写真~The aeriel photo of the area around the castle ruins in the 1970s

最近の城跡周辺の航空写真~The recent aerial photo around the castle ruins

今でもまだ畠が少し残っています~Few farm still remains now

私の感想~My Impression

As the ruins face the west direction, you can see the beautiful sunset on a sunny evening. It can also be a good photo spot. I recommend visiting the restored buildings at the center of the park as well as the ruins of the castle’s gate ruins along the sidewalk to know more about the castle. I hope a gate might someday be restored, like Ki-no-Jo in Okayama Prefecture. That way, the castle may attract many people from around the world.

復元された鬼ノ城の西門~The restored Western Gate of Ki-no-Jo

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 20 minutes from the Ueki IC on Kyushu Expressway, or about 40minutes from Kumamoto Airport. The park offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

歴史公園鞠智城・温故創生館(Only Japanese?)
・「古代山城「くくちのき(鞠智城)」九州王朝再興の夢舞台」松見正宣著、文芸社(Japanese Book)
・「古代山城 鞠智城を考える―2009年東京シンポジウムの記録」笹山晴生監修、山川出版社(Japanese Book)