立地と歴史~Location and History
北山王国の首都~Capital of Hokuzan Kingdom
Around the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa Islands) prospered thanks to trading. As a result, many powerful clans in Ryukyu called “Aji” traded with China and other countries, and had great power. They built over 300 large-scale fortresses called “Gusuku” around the Ryukyu Islands. They eventually gathered three large groups called the Kingdoms of “Hokuzan”, “Chuzan”, and “Nanzan”. Nakijin Castle was the capital of the Hokuzan Kingdom.
According to the excavation, the castle was first built on a 100m high hill in Motobu peninsula of the northern Okinawa Island around the beginning of the 14th century, but it was just plane area on the hill which was surrounded by fences. After that, the castle was developed with the main palace and long, high stone walls being built until the 15th century, while the power of the Hokuzan Kingdom grew. An old Chinese book records the castle and the kingdom bringing a tribute to China. Peaces of Chinese potteries at that time are also unearthed from the ruins now.

2度の落城~Castle fell twice
At its peak time, the castle became as large as Shuri Castle, the capital of the Chuzan Kingdom, the later Ryukyu Kingdom. However, the castle fell twice after the peak. In 1416, a retainer of Chuzan Kingdom, Gosamaru attacked the castle. The last lord of the castle, Han-annchi fought with Gosamaru outside the castle, but his retainer, Teihara Motobu betrayed him, and he was lastly beaten. Since then, Ryukyu Kingdom owned and stationed an administrator called “Kanshu” in the castle to govern the northern part of the island.

In 1609, when the Satsuma warriors invaded Ryukyu Kingdom, they first captured and burned the castle. The kingdom was under the control of Satsuma after the invasion, but the castle had no lord. Instead, the people of Okinawa maintained the castle as a spiritual center.

城跡に入る~Entaring the castle ruins
Now, the ruins of Nakijin Castle are located in wonderful views and nature. There are also useful facilities near the ruins. One of them is the Gusuku Exchange Center where you can buy a ticket to the ruins and rest. The other is the History & Culture Center where you can learn more about the castle and the area surrounding it.
When you walk to the entrance of the ruins, you will see finely curved high stone walls. They are called Ushimi Stone Walls and 8m high, the highest ones in this castle. The defenders of the castle could counterattack enemies from the top of the curve. The Guides of the ruins say that the walls were inspired by the Great Wall of China. Visitors will now enter the ruins through the arch gate beside the stone walls which was restored in 1962.

The stone steps go straight to the center of the castle, but they were built recently for tourism. The Old Pathway goes along on the right side of the steps. It is a narrow, steep and rocky path for defense against attacks in the past.

城の中心部~Center of Castle
The center of the castle has three parts. “Umya” Court is the first part from the entrance, which is was used as the square for ceremonies. There were the Main, North, and South Palaces for the ceremonies. The next part is called “Uchibaru” Ground where the women who served the castle lived. It is also a very religious place for the castle. You can now have a great view of the sea in the northern direction. The last part is the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru” where the lord of the castle probably lived. The excavation found that several buildings had been built.

背後にある郭~Enclosure in Back
You can see and go to the back of the castle from the center. This is called “Shigema-jokaku” Enclosure which is also surrounded by high, long stone walls. It is thought that the closest subjects who served the lord lived at the enclosure. You can also see the walls made of Paleozoic lime stones closely when you go down to the enclosure.

その後~Later History
The ruins of Nakijin Castle remained though many other ruins were destroyed during World War II, as they were far away from the battlefields of Okinawa. After the war, they were designated as a National Historic Site in 1972. Lastly, they have also been on the World Heritage List as Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu since 2000.

私の感想~My Impression
When I saw the stone walls of Nakijin Castle for the first time, they looked like the stones are just piled simply. This is because stone walls in the Mainland of Japan are were usually built covering their core of soil or small pieces of stone. One of the reasons for it this is that the Mainland often suffers from earthquakes, so stone walls needs a strong core. On the other hand, Okinawa has few earthquakes, but has a lot of rain. The stone walls of Okinawa’s castles like Nakijin can make rain slip through. I learned the reason for the difference later. Anyway, I think the ruins with elegant stone walls match the nature of Okinawa.

ここに行くには~How to get There
I recommend you to visit it by car.
From the Naha Airport:
By car, enter Naha Airport Expressway at the Nakachi IC, join Okinawa Expressway at the Nishihara JCT, and get off the expressway at Kyoda IC. The ruins are about 30 minutes away from the IC. There are parking lots around the ruins.
By bus, you can take the Yanbaru Express Bus bound for Unten Port. It takes about 2.5 hours from the airport to the Nakijin-joshi-iriguchi bus stop near the ruins.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・世界遺産 今帰仁城跡(Officisl Website)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)
・「琉球王国、東アジアのコーナーストーン/赤嶺守著」講談社(Japanese Book)