66.Tsuwano Castle Part3

Tsuwano Town is making great efforts to maintain the ruins.


Sanjukken-dai and Main Tower Bases

The next is the highest point of the castle, called Sanjukken-dai or the about 54m long base. It was surrounded by mud walls in the Edo Period, and it is a square now which is definitely a great view spot. Please enjoy a view of Tsuwano Town with reddish brown colored roofs.

The map around the castle

Sanjukken-dai or the about 54m long base
A view from the Sanjukken-dai base
The view of Tsuwano Town with reddish brown colored roofs
A view of the Hostage Turret Ruins from the Sanjukken-dai base
A steep slope beside the Sanjukken-dai base where many of its stone walls have collapsed

The next is the stone wall base for the Main Tower just blow the Sanjukken-dai Base. It was rare that the Main Tower was not at the highest point among Japanese castles.

The Main Tower base blow the Sanjukken-dai Base
The top of the Main Tower base

Attractions of former Castle Town

If you have time, you should check out many historical items in the former castle town such as the restored domain school, some remaining gate buildings of senior vassals, the old houses of Amane Nishi and Ogai Mori, and the carps in the waterways which Naomori started to breed.

The restored domain school called Yorokan
The interior of the school
The front gate of the residence of the Tako Clan, a senior vassal of the Tsuwano Domain
The old house of Amane Nishi
Carps in the waterways

Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Tsuwano Castle was abandoned and most of the castle buildings were demolished. One of them, a gate at the foot was used as the front gate of Hamada Prefectural Government and finally moved to the ruins of Hamada Castle. The Tsuwano Domain was just merged to the prefecture at that time. The gate is still remaining at the site. Tsuwano Castle Ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1942. Tsuwano Town has been researching and repairing them one by one to maintain them.

The gate of the Tsuwano Castle at Hamada Castle Ruins

My Impression

I can’t imagine how tough the castle construction including the stone walls on such a steep mountain was in a short period of Naomori Sakazaki at only 16 years. I hope Tusuwano Town will somehow maintain and develop the castle ruins, which should be hard work. I would like to visit the ruins again by climbing the trail from the foot next time, where the older castle ruins the Yosimi Clan first built can be seen.

The stone walls of the Southern Turret Gate Ruins on the mountain

How to get There

If you want to visit the castle ruins by car, it is about 40 minutes away from Muikaichi IC on the Chugoku Expressway. There is a parking lot in front of the lift platform at the foot of the mountain.
By public transportation, It takes about 20 minutes on foot from Tsuwano Station. Or you can take the Iwami-Kotsu Bus or Tsuwano Town Bus from the station and get off at the Mori bus stop to get the lift.
To get to Tsuwano Station from Tokyo or Osaka: Take the Sanyo Shinkansen super express and transfer to the Yamaguchi Line at Shin-Yamaguchi Station.

Tsuwano Station

That’s all. Thank you.
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172.三原城~Mihara Castle

Sea castle in the past, Station castle in the present

立地と歴史~Location and History

毛利氏の海軍基地~Navy Base for Mori Clan

Mihara Castle was first built by Takakage Kobayakawa, the head of a branch family of the Mori Clan which owned Chugoku Region in the late 16th Century during the Sengoku Period. The clan was being invaded by the Oda Clan in Kinki Region, so they thought they needed large castles to prevent invasions and to use as the bases for their navy. Mihara Castle was one of them and was built on the islands on the delta in the estuary of Nutagawa River. The area had been called Mihara Bay, so the castle has been called Mihara Castle. Such a location is similar to Hiroshima Castle which later became the home base of the Mori Clan.

小早川隆景肖像画、米山寺蔵~The portrait of Takakage Kobayakawa, owned by Beisanji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城の位置~The location of the castle

海の城~Sea Castle

The main portion of the castle was on the large central triangular island which included the Main Enclosure and the Second Enclosure. The base of the triangle on the south faced the sea, and the top of the triangle on the north had the stone wall base for the Main Tower, but the tower was not built, instead, the three two-story turrets were built on the base. The main portion was completely separated from the area around by water moats and the sea, and just connected with two gates with bridges to surrounding area. In addition, several ports were built beside the stone walls. The castle could be called a sea castle.

備後国之内三原城所絵図~The illustration of Mihara Castle in Bingo Province (出展:国立公文書館)
天守台石垣~The stone wall base for the Main Tower

福島氏、浅野氏が引き継ぐ~Fukushima, Asano Clans follow it

After the Mori Clan, Masanori Fukushima governed the castle at the beginning of the 17th Century during the Edo Period. He built as many as ten two-story turrets facing the sea, which made the castle more defensive. However, he was fired by the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1619. The Aasano Clan took over the castle and governed it until the end of the Edo Period. The Asano Clan lived in Hiroshima Castle as their home base while Mihara Castle was regarded as their branch castle. The shogunate usually didn’t allow the lords to have a second castle, but the Asano Clan was able to have Mihara Castle as an exception.

福島正則肖像画、東京国立博物館蔵~The portrait of Masanori Fukushima, owned by the Tokyo National Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


まるで駅の城~Just like Station Castle

Now, the ruins of Mihara Castle look like being covered with JR Mihara Station and the JR Railway. In fact, part of the ruins is connected to the station by an exclusive path. Anyone can visit this part of the castle through the path during the opening hours. This is the top of the stone wall base for the Main Tower, which was the northmost part of the main portion of the castle. The area has been developed like a park where you can see a view of the water moat surrounding the base on the north. You can also see the platform for the Sanyo Shinkansen Super Express close by at the same level on the south. You can enjoy seeing the super express trains often passing by or stopping at the platform. It is very unique, and it could be called a station castle.

駅の中から天守台へ~From the inside the station to the base for the Main Tower
天守台への階段~The stairways to the base for the Main Tower
天守台入口~The entrance of the base
天守台の上~The top of the base
天守台から北側の眺め~A view from the base on the north
天守台から南側の眺め~A view from the base on the south
天守台はホームのすぐ近くです~The base is very close to the platform
天守台から見た新幹線車両~A view of the trains for Shinkansen from the base
ホームから見た天守台~A view of the base from the platform

巨大な天守台~Huge base for Main Tower

You can also walk around the moat looking up at the stone walls for the base outside the station. This base for the Main Tower is one of the largest ones in Japan which has similar size to the Shogun’s Edo Castle. However, there were three two-story turrets on it instead of a Main Tower. Another unique point is that it has stones from different periods. The stones on the western side come from Kobayakawa’s period, and those on the eastern side come from Fukushima’s. Kobayakawa’s stone walls were built using an older method, whereas Fukushima’s method is newer.

駅の外から見た天守台~A view of the base from the outside of the station
小早川時代に作られた部分~The part which was built in Kobayakawa’s period
福島時代に作られた部分~The part which was built in Fukushima’s period

城跡の他の部分~Other parts of Ruins

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

Other ruins of the castle remain few, but if you walk down from the station to Mihara Port, you can see the remaining stone walls on which modern buildings stand. They were the western border of the main portion of the castle. On the middle of the stone walls, there are the ruins of Naka-mon Gate which was one of the two entrances to the portion. The southmost part of the stone walls are the ruins of Rinkai-Ichiban-Yagura Turret or the First Seaside Turret. The turret faced the sea in the past. The area from the ruins to Mihara Port was once the sea.

中門跡~The ruins of Naka-mon Gate
臨海一番櫓跡~The ruins of the First Seaside Turret
三原港~Mihara Port

The ruins of the eastern part of the main portion remain as Shiromachi Park. The park has the ruins of another turret called Funairi-Yagura Turret or the Port Turret. Their remaining stone walls are on a shore reef where it was once seaside.

船入櫓跡の石垣~The stone walls of the ruins of the Port Turret (三原市Websiteより引用)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Mihara Castle was abandoned, and all of its buildings were sold or demolished. In 1894, when Mihara Railway Station and Sanyo Railway Line were built, the ground for the Main Enclosure, just to the south of the stone wall base, was used for the construction of the train line and the station. Most of the enclosure’s stone walls were carried to another port as materials, and most of the water moats were filled during the construction. The ruins have been designated as a National Historic Site since 1957. In 1975, when the Sanyo Super Express Line was built, the overhead railway was placed across the ruins so as not to harm them. This is what we see there now.

石垣に被さっているような高架線~The overhead railway like covering the stone walls (taken by マンハッタン from photo AC)

私の感想~My Impression

The first impression of Mihara Castle may be different for each person. One might think the ruins were mostly destroyed by modern buildings, or others might think the combination of the ruins and the station looks interesting. I believed the former before I visited the ruins; my impression is now similar to the latter after visiting them. I also feel that officials should let people know what Mihara Castle looked like using visual image boards as well as VR technology.

天守台石垣~The stone wall base for the Main Tower

ここに行くには~How to get There

The ruins of Mihara Castle neighbors Mihara Station to the south.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

三原城跡、三原市(Mihara City Official Website)
・よみがえる日本の城7、学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第42号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)