立地と歴史~Location and History
アイヌの人々とチャシ~Ainu people and Chashi
Chashi are said to be castles which were built by the Ainu people, but the details are uncertain, because they had no written language. Chashi means fences or a fence line in Ainu language. Ainu are native people around Hokkaido who earned a living by hunting, fishing, and trading. Their origin is also uncertain, but they seemed to establish their own culture around the 13th century, and had a presence in a large area ranging from Sakhalin to the Kuril Islands.

According to excavations, over 500 of Chashi were built between the 16th and 18th centuries. At that time, several heads of Ainu called “Sapanekuru” were increasing their power by trading with foreign people even form Okhotsk and Primorskii, and Japanese whose origin was the Japanese mainland. It is thought that these heads mainly built the Chashi. Many of Chashi were simple with one enclosure surrounded by a fence line and dry moat. However, in Nemuro Peninsula, there were a lot of Chashi which were more complex. It could be because the heads in the peninsula had more power than others.
なぜチャシが作られたか~Why were Chashi built?
There are several possible reasons for why Chashi were built. The most widely accepted theory is that they were built to prepare for battle against “Japanese”. This is because the area where they were built matches the influence area of Saksaynu who actually fought with Matsumae Domain under Tokugawa Shogunate in the 17th century.

Others point out that the heads of Ainu might have fought with each other over their properties gotten by trading. They found out that some advanced Chashi had many works to prevent outsiders from entering their main building. The building must have stored their properties. Other supposed reasons are for worship sites, festival grounds, public meeting places, places for negotiation, and so on.

アイヌの悲しい歴史~Ainu’s sad history
In the late 18th century, the merchants, who were agents of Matsmae Domain, exploited Ainu people. Young Ainu people in eastern Hokkaido called “Menashikuru” were very angry about it and rebelled against Japanese (Menashi-Kunashir Rebellion). They were supposed to be also angry at the old heads of Aine. Their Chashi might have been completed for the battle. Many of Ainu and Japanese were killed and wounded in the battle, and lastly Matsumae Domain put down the rebellion.

After that, Matsumae Domain forced Ainu to limit their trading, as a result, the Ainu community was declining. Meanwhile, Tokugawa Shogunate and the modern Japanese government had the policy to assimilate Ainu into Japanese. The population of Ainu significantly decreased by the 19th century. Chashi were all abandoned and have been forgotten.

Now, Nemuro City has over 30 ruins of Chashi, 24 of them are designated as a National Historic Site, and two of them are developed for visitors by the city as below.
ノツカマフ1号、2号チャシ跡~Ruins of Notsukamafu N0.1 and No.2 Chashi
The ruins of these Chashi are on a cape Notsuka extending from Mappu Bay. No.1 Chashi consists of two round enclosures with a diameter of around 30m, divided and surrounded by 2 to 3m deep dry moats. You can enter one of them through an earthen bridge.

No.2 Chashi has a single round enclosure with a more shallow dry moat surrounding it, so it is said that it might have been uncompleted. Notsukamafu is where the Ainu leaders of Menashi-Kunashir Rebellion were executed.

オンネモトチャシ跡~Ruins of Wonnemoto Chashi
The ruins are two flat surfaces of steps on a cape protruding from the western side of Wonnemoto Bay. They have a great view when you see them from the Wonnemoto fishing port on the eastern side. The surfaces are square shaped enclosures, also divided and surrounded by dry moats. You can see them well mounded at the top of the cape. When you stand on both of them, you can see a wild landscape of the land of Hokkaido and the sea of Okhotsk.

その後~Later History
The study of Chashi has been improved since the 1970s. Some historians researched old books and documents Japanese or foreign people recorded. Others investigated the remaining oral history of Ainu. Local governments have been excavating the ruins of Chashi across Hokkaido. They found out that the area around Nemuro City had many developed Chashi which are also related to the historical events. The 24 of Chashi in the city were designated as a National Historic Site called “The ruins of Chashi in Nemuro Peninsula” in 1983.

私の感想~My Impression
When I first stood on the ruins of Chashi, I felt like I came to the edge of the earth. Nemuro City is actually in front of the border between Japan and Russia, though Japan insists that south Kuril Islands belong to it. After I learned about the Ainu history, I think that Okhotsk was an open sea for Ainu, because they had no border. Chashi might have lastly been used for battle with Japanese, but they had prospered by building Chashi in their own way. I wonder if the problem between Japan and Russia was resolved, the open sea could come back to Hokkaido.

ここに行くには~How to get There
I recommend you to visit them by car.
Both the ruins of Notsukamafu and Wonnemoto are alongside Hokkaido Prefectural Route 35 in the northern coast of Nemuro Peninsula. There is a small parking lot in front of the entrance of the both ruins. It takes about 30 minutes from Nemuro Station.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・根室半島チャシ跡群、根室市観光協会(Nemuro City Tourism Association)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像121号、戦国の城/道東のチャシ群」学研(Japanese Magazine)