54.大坂城(Osaka Castle)

現在の大坂城天守(The present Tenshu of Osaka Castle)

Location and History

Osaka City, one of the mega cities in Japan, is named after Osaka Castle. The castle is located on the north edge of Uemachi plateau where it had been used as ground for shrines and old tombs from the Ancient Ages. In the Civil War Period, the Ikko-Shu sect Buddhists led by Kennyo built their headquarters as “Ishiyama Honganji” temple on this place.

(A relief map and aerial photo around Uemachi plateau, you can see the castle on the northern edge of it.)

At that time, large religious groups had not only religious power, but also political and military power like other warlords. So it was thought that Ishiyama Honganji was just like a castle. The great warlord Nobunaga Oda was very interested in the place, and asked Kennyo to withdraw from the temple. Kennyo refused to do that, therefore, they battled for 11 years (The Battle of Ishiyama).

石山合戦図、和歌山市立博物館蔵(The image of Battle of Ishiyama, owned by Wakayama City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

After that, Oda got it by the arbitration from the Imperial Court in exchange for the guarantee of the religion. Oda seemed to want to move his home base to the place before his death. Lastly, his successor, Hideyoshi Toyotomi built Osaka castle including the ruin of Ishiyama Honganji.

豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵(part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Hideyoshi constructed the first keep “Tenshu” for the castle which was 39m tall, was five stories high, and decorated it with his preference of gold and black colors. He also organized the castle town and made people move to it, which was the foundation of the modern day Osaka City. However, after Hideyoshi died, the keep with the castle and the Toyotomi clan had died out by Tokugawa Shogunate when it was only 32 years old (The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka in 1615).

豊臣時代の大坂城天守、「大坂夏の陣図屏風」より、大阪城天守閣蔵(Toyotomi’s Tenshu of Osaka Castle, from “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens”, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tokugawa started to govern the castle and town directly. They filled Toyotomi’s castle, raised the ground level, and reconstructed it with the second Tenshu which was even 53m tall to show its authority to people. That’s what we are now looking up at as the main enclosure “Honmaru”.

本丸を見上げる(Looking up Honmaru)

But the Tenshu also had a short life of only 39 years because of the lightning strike in 1665. After Tokugawa kept the castle for over 250 years, when the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa ran away from the castle to Edo, the original history of the castle ended.

幕末期の大坂城の写真(A picture of Osaka Castle at the end of the Edo Period)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Now, we can see the third Tenshu built in 1931 which has become one of the most famous symbols of Osaka. The Tenshu is also used as a museum called “Osaka Castle Museum” which has a wide variety of historical and art exhibitions such as “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka” folding screens.

3代目天守(The third Tenshu)
大坂夏の陣図屏風、大阪城天守閣蔵(The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

All of few remaining buildings were made by Tokugawa Shogunate including the main gate “Otemon”, the Tamon turret “Yagura”, the Sengan Yagura, the Inui Yagura, and so on.

大手門(右)と多門櫓(左)(Otemon on the right, Tamon Yagura on the left)
千貫櫓(中央)と多門櫓(右)(Sengan Yagura on the middle, Tamon Yagura on the right)taken by そらみみ from photo AC
乾櫓(Inui Yagura)taken by acworks from photo AC

You should check out great stone walls surrounding Honmaru and the second enclosure “Ninomaru” made of large stones which were collected by lords under Shogunate from many places in the eastern part of Japan such as Shodoshima island. The highest ones are over 30m high from water surface which are also No.1 for Japanese castles.

南外堀の高石垣(The high stone walls on the South outer moat)taken by kimtoru from photo AC

There are huge ornate stones as well in several points, for example, the largest one named “Tako-ishi” at Sakuramon, the southern entrance of Honmaru.

桜門の内側にある「蛸石」(”Tako-ishi” inside Sakuramon)licensed by Midori Sakurai via Wikimedia Commons

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese Amy used the ruins of the castle. At the beginning of the Showa Era, the mayor of Osaka City, Hajime Seki was wondering if the castle could become a symbol of the city, and the Tenshu would come the first time in about 260 years.

關一写真(A picture of Hajime Seki) from 故大阪市長関一市葬誌, licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Seki suggested the Army to turn part of the castle into a park in exchange for offering the Army a new headquarter building. Seki collected all the fund from donations, and successfully reconstructed the third Tenshu on the second Tenshu base. It is a modern SRC structured building, not in the original way. But the way was the first ever attempted to reconstruct a castle in Japan at that time.

建設中の天守(The Tenshu under construction)

In the World War II, the area around the castle was attacked several times by the US air raids because the Army facilities were still gathered. The third Tenshu survived while some of remaining old buildings were burned down.

旧第四師団司令部建物(The former headquarters building for Japanese Army 4th divison)

Now, the present Tenshu is the oldest Tenshu among three successive Tenshu, and was designated itself as a National Registered Tangible Cultural Property in 1997.

現在の天守(The present Tenshu)

My Impression

Even the present Tenshu attracts over 2.5 million visitors including many foreign tourists annually. it is also said that many times more people visit the park around it, where many events are held. Osaka Castle is definitely one of successful cases to preserve and use historical heritages in Japan.

西の丸庭園からの天守(A view of Tenshu from Nishinomaru garden)

The remaining buildings of the castle are sometimes open to visitors. D0n’t miss a chance to see them! One of them, “Sengan Yagura” is named after “the very important turret which is worth so much money” , and it is said that a turret of the same name was there since Ishiyama Honganji.

千貫櫓(Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓の内部(The inside of Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓からの外の眺め(An outside view from Sengan Yagura)

I recommend you to see the powder house “Ensho-Gura” as well. It is all made of stones covered with plaster rebuilding after the explosion in 1660. it is a very rare style for traditional Japanese buildings.


How to get There

If you want to see Tenshu first, getting out of the JR Osakajo-Koen station or the Osaka Metro Osaka Business Park station would be better.
If you want to see the great stone walls on the outer moat and enter Otemon first, getting out of the Osaka Metro Tanimachi-Yonchome Station or Morinomiya station would be better.

Links and References

・大阪城天守閣(Osaka Castle Museum)
・大坂城全史、中村博司著、ちくま新書(Japanese book)


多賀城政庁跡(The ruins of Taga-Jo government district)

Location and History

Taga-jo was one of the representatives of official defense sites called “Josaku” which were placed for the governance of Tohoku district by the central government in the Ancient Ages. Originally, people called “Emishi”, who were not subject to the government, lived in the north of Tohoku at that time. They spoke a different language from the ancient Japanese under the government, and part of them were also said to be ancestors of the Ainu tribe.

復元された他の城柵(払田柵)の門(The restored gate of another Josaku called Hottanosaku)licensed by 小池隆 via Wikimedeia Commons

The government aimed to spread its domain, so it tried to relocate people there, and to accommodate “Emishi” people as its subjects. However, Emishi often rebelled against the government. Josaku were complex sites not only for castles, but also for government districts and resident facilities. Taga-jo was the primary site among the other Josaku which was near the border between territories of the government and Emishi people.

多賀城と8世紀の主な城柵の位置(The map of Taga-Jo and other major Josaku in the 8 century)

From its creation in 724 to around the 9th century, Taga-jo was rebuilt three times. During that time, it was renovated in 762, suffered from the attack of Emishi in 780 and the 869 Sanriku Earthquake. After that, the site was usually used as a provincial capital, but sometimes used as a military base when necessary. When the General’s Outpost in Mutsu by the Southern Court at this site was moved to another in 1337, the history of Taga-jo ended at last.

政庁跡の後ろ側(The back side of the gevornment district ruins)


The ruins of Taga-jo now mainly consist of two parts. One of them is the ruin of the government district which was the center of the site on a hill. It has a lot of foundations of buildings and columns covered with asphalt.

建物や柱の基礎跡(The ruins of foundations of buildings and columns)

So you can see and imagine how the site was in the past. There is a large road which goes down to the ruins of the south gate of the outer wall.

現地には政庁のミニチュア模型もあります。(There is also a miniature model at the site)
政庁前の大道(The large road in front of the government district)

The other is the Taga-jo Monument which describes part of Taga-jo’s history. It is made of stone with letters engraved on it. It says that it was made due to the first renovation being completed in 762.

多賀城碑(The Taga-Jo Monument)licensed by Saigen Jiro via Wikimedia Commons

It is found around the south gate ruins in the first Edo period, and contains a sheath house there from that time period. You can see the monument through the door of the house, and can also see the replica of it at the Tohoku History Museum nearby.

南門跡(The ruins of the south gate)
石碑が入っている覆堂(The sheath house including the monument)

Later Life

The Taga-jo ruins have been known around the whole country for the monument since the Edo period. However some historians say the monument might be a fake and have some questions. That was a big problem for the ruins, because the monument is supposed to be the only certain proof that can call the ruins “Taga-jo”.

多賀城碑碑文、安井息軒「読書余滴」より(The copy of Taga-Jo Monument from “Dokusho-Yoteki” by Sokuken Yasui)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

After World War II, the primary areas of the ruins were excavated. The results mostly match what is written on the monument, now the established theory says it is genuine. With the achievement of the excavation, the ruins were designated as a national special historic site in 1966.

My Impression

The ruins of the government district looks like that of Dazai-fu government district in Kyushu. It doesn’t look like our simplest understanding of what a castle is. But Taga-jo had many perspectives which was a style of ancient castles.
I have heard that the south gate of the outer wall will be restored several years from now (2019). I hope to visit Taga-jo again then.

九州の大宰府政庁跡(The ruins of Dazaifu government district in Kyushu)taken by エルドン from photo AC

How to get There

It takes about 10 to 15 minutes on foot from the JR Kokufu-Tagajo station. It is a good idea to visit the Tohoku History Museum just near the station as well.
From Tokyo to the station: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to Sendai st., and transfer to the Tohoku Line.

Links and Refferences

多賀城市観光協会(Tagajo Tourism Organization)
・「蝦夷と城柵の時代」熊谷公男編、吉川弘文館(Japanese Book)

105.白石城(Shiroishi Castle)

復元された白石城天守(The restored Tenshu of Shiroishi Castle)

Location and History

The Shiroishi castle is located in Shiroishi city, in the southern tip of Miyagi prefecture. The area was also in the southern tip of the feudal domain of Sendai in the Edo period. It is said that the castle was built in the early Middle Ages. Since then, the lords of the castle were changed several times because of the importance of the area. Finally, the castle belonged to the Date clan at the end of the Civil War period. They placed their senior vassals, the Katakuka clan, as the lord of the castle. The structures of the castle, including the keep tower “Tenshu” were developed then.

白石市の宮城県内での位置(The position of Shiroishi City in Miyagi pref.)
仙台藩は宮城県より大きな領地でした。(Sendai Domain had a larger territory than Miyagi pref.)

But, after the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, it ordered all of the domain lords to restrict all castles to no more than the one in their home ground (The law of one castle per province). According to this order, the Shiroishi castle was to be demolished. However, the castle remained as an exemption probably because of Date’s strong influence. Katakuka governed the castle and the surrounding area all through the Edo period. Considering the spot of the second castle, the keep tower was not called “Tenshu” but “Oyagura” which means large turret. Despite several disasters and fires, the castle was kept through reconstruction and maintenance. After the Meiji restoration, the castle was demolished and sold, including its stone walls, in the end.

奥州仙台領白石城絵図部分、江戸時代(Part of the illustration of Shiroishi Castle in Oshu-Sendai Domain in Edo Period)|出典:国立公文書館


Shiroishi castle now has a restored wooden Tenshu and main gate “Otemon”. The restoration was planned from excavation, old paintings and drawings.

復元された大手門(The restored Otemon)

Especially in the case of Tenshu, even its stone walls were restored. They are made in the original way from piled-up field stones called “Nodurazumi”.

復元された石垣(The restored stone walls)taken by あけび from photo AC

Actually, Japan’s Building Standard Act prohibits the building of such a new large wooden building like the Tenshu, but the act allowed it to be built as exemption at this time. Visitors can enter the inside of Tenshu.

天守の内部、二階部分(The inside of Tenshu, the second floor)

Though it is certainly a traditional wooden style building, you may feel relaxed like in a modern style building. This is probably because the inside is bright, the stairs are wide and not steep and so on. It seems like designers and carpenters made details more comfortable.

今風に作られた階段(The modernized stairs)
天守の三階部分(The third floor of Tenshu)
天守からの眺め、左下は大手門(A view from Tenshu, Otemon at the lower left)

Later Life

The vacant castle ruins were turned into a park which has became famous for cherry blossoms for some time, but the people in Shiroishi city had urged officials to rebuild the castle for a long time. Though there would be problems like the budget ,the way of making details and so on, the mayor of the city decided to do that in 1988.

復元された白石城天守(The restored Tenshu of Shiroishi Castle)

One of the most important topics about the rebuild was that the castle would be restored by the traditional wooden construction. It is said that the event led to the flowing of new methods for castles’ maintenance in Japan. The restoration was completed in 1997.

大手門の内側(The inside of Otemon)taken by あけび from photo AC

My Impression

It is a very good experience for visitors to see new traditional large wooden castle buildings. There is another such building in the Shirakawa-Komine castle in Shirakawa city about 130km away from Shiroishi city. But it may be a good idea to plan a tour of both castles by using Shinkansen.

福島県白河市にある白河小峰城(Shirakawa-Komine Castle in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Pref.)

How to get There

10 minutes walk from the JR Shiroishi train station or 5 minutes drive from the Shiroishi-Zao shinkansen station.
From Tokyo to Shiroishi st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express to the Fukushima station and transfer to the Tohoku local line.
From Tokyo to Shiroishi-Zao st.: Take the Tohoku Shinkansen super express direct to the station.