立地と歴史~Location and History
Odawara Castle can roughly be divided into an older western part called “Hachimanyama-Kokaku” and a new eastern part, which we now usually call “Odawara Castle”. The new part can be easily accessed by JR railways, and is located the south of Odawara Station. It is said that the castle was first built by the Omori clan in the Middle Ages.

It is also said that Soun Hojo from Izu Province (now the eastern part of Shizuoka Pref.) seized it from the Omori, but these details are uncertain. During the Warring States Period, the Hojo clan utilized the castle as their home base. It seems they lived in the hall in the new part and used the older part for besieged.

The castle was besieged three times. First, by Kenshin Uesugi. Second, by Shingen Takeda. While both are well known strong warlords, the Hojo were successful in defending the castle both times. The third and last one was the famous Siege of Odawara in 1590 by the ruler Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

Hojo didn’t want to fight with Hideyoshi. It is said that the battle started with Hojo defying Hideyoshi’s decision of the territories of Hojo and Sanada. However, a historian argues that Hideyoshi tried to fight and exclude Hojo from the first, then deceived them. I’d rather prefer the later.

Anyway, before the battle, Hojo surrounded the whole area including the castle town by huge earthen walls and trenches called “So-gamae”. Their perimeter was about 9 km and part of them were doubled or tripled. Hideyoshi laid siege to the castle with over 200,000 soldiers for three months.
During the siege, most of Hojo’s branch castles were captured. Many historians say there was nothing for Hojo to do. On the other hand, any soldier on Hideyoshi side was not able to invade the inside of Odawara Castle. In fact, Hideyoshi himself emulated the castle for his Osaka Castle after the battle. Many other lords who joined the battle did so too.

Hojo got fired after he surrendered to Hideyoshi, who was also cruel to his supporters. He ordered Ieyasu Tokugawa to directly move to Hojo’s territory without returning home. Nobukatsu Oda was also fired because he rejected his transfer. In the Edo Period, the castle was reduced to the new area belonging to Odawara Domain.

Now, from the east entrance of Odawara Station, you can take a shortcut directly to the Honmaru enclosure of Odawara Castle along the JR railways. If you have time, I recommend going towards the front, then turn right on Oshirobata Street. You will reach the Ninomaru enclosure where the development project was done recently.
The original route to the castle has been recreated with the restored Umafdashi-mon Gate and Akagane-mon Gate. They were restored based on old photographs, drawings and so on.

You can go up further and arrive at the Tenshu keep passing through the Tokiwagi-mon Gate. Both of them were apparently restored in the Showa Era.

Tenshu is also used as a museum. If you return taking the left back route, you can also see abandoned stones which collapsed from Honmaru stone walls when Great Kanto Earthquakes in 1923 happened.

If you interested in the older part of Odawara Castle, there are few ruins near it.
・The Eastern Enclosure of Hachimanyama-Kokaku: It was the edge of the old castle. It has been developed recently and open to the public. It still seems to be simple, but you can take a picture of Tenshu with the background of the sea because of its location being just the opposite of Tensh across from the railways.

・Komine large-scale trenches: They are a few remaining ruins of “So-gamae”. Out of them, The East Moat “Higashi-bori” is about 170m long and partly zigzagged. You can walk through the bottom of the trench and feel how large it is. Imagine such huge structures surrounded the whole of Odarwara City!

・Sannomaru outline Shinbori earthen walls: They have been open since 2012. The ground was used for the second house of the Imperial Family Kaninnomiya before World War II. After the war, Odawara City bought it from an institution. You will have a great view of mountains and the sea around Odawara including the ruins of Ishigakiyama Castle where Hideyoshi built his stronghold.

その後~Later Life
After the Meiji Restoration, most of the castle buildings were demolished. In the mid Meiji Period, the ruins of the castle were used as one of the Imperial Villas, but the Great Kanto Earthquakes broke all of them. After that, they were developed as Odawara Castle Park. Tenshu keep was rebuilt in 1960 after a Ferris wheel was installed on the Tenshu base.

私の感想~My Impression
In Japanese, there is a figurative expression called “Odawara Hyojo” which means an inconclusive conference. People think Hojo wondered if they should surrender or not during the three month siege. However, the expression first spread more than 100 years after the battle in war chronicles of the Edo Period. The defeated Hojo couldn’t argue that.

The two major options for defenders are to wait for reinforces or to repel the attackers. I think that Hojo was waiting for Masamune Date who was once their ally, but finally served Hideyoshi as a vassal. The other option, beating Hideyoshi back was impossible. The rest was how they surrendered. Indeed, some messengers suggested Hojo surrender and negotiate conditions. It is said that the condition might allow Hojo to keep part of their territory. Hojo accepted that, but they were deceived again in the end.

ここに行くには~How to get There
To the new “Odawara Castle” or The Eastern Enclosure of Hachimanyama-Kokaku:
When using train, it takes about 10 minutes on foot from Odawara Station. When using car, it takes about 5 minutes from the Odawara IC on Seishou Bypass. There are private parking lots around Odawara Castle Park.
To Komine large-scale trenches or Sannomaru outline Shinbori earthen walls:
When using train, it takes about 20 to 30 minutes on foot from Odawara Station. When using car, it takes about 5 minutes from the Ogikubo IC on Odawara-Atsugi Road. You can park at the Shiroyama Park near the ruins.
リンク、参考情報~Links and Refernces
・【公式】小田原城 難攻不落の城~【Official】Odawara Castle Immortal Castle
・小田原市、まち歩きパンフレット~Odawara City, Town walk brochure
・小田原城街歩きガイド(Only Japanese)
・「北条氏滅亡と秀吉の策謀、森田善明著」洋泉社(Japanese Book)
・「よみがえる日本の城2」学研(Japanese Book)