Edo Castke was definitely the largest castle in Japan, because it became Tokyo itself. Some foreign tourists ask that where famous Japanese castles and ruins are. They may be standing among castles if they are in the center of Tokyo.
皇居正門石橋と伏見櫓~The Imperial Palace Main Entrance Bridge and Fushimi Turret
立地と歴史~Location and History
東京を含む関東平野には、中世までは大きな湿地帯がありました。この理由から、はるか昔の東海道は西日本から伸びてきて、 海を越えて房総半島に至っていました。利根、渡良瀬、隅田といった大河が直接江戸湾に注いでいたのです The Kanto Plain including Tokyo had large waterlogged area until the Middle Ages. For this reason, the Tokaido road went from eastern Japan to Boso peninsula over the sea hundreds years ago. Large rivers like Tone, Watarase, and Sumida directly flow into what is now Tokyo Bay.
古代の関東平野の海岸線~The coastline of Kanto Plain in ancient times(licensed by Llhoi2013 via Wikimedia Commons
江戸城は1457年に太田道灌によって最初に築かれました。彼には敵との境界線であった利根川の近くに城を築く必要があったのです。その後この城は、戦国時代の間関東地方の支配者であった北条氏の支城の1つであり続けました。しかし、地理的な制約から武士たちの都とするには不十分でした。 Edo Castle was first built by Dokan Ota in 1457. He needed to build the castle near the border with his enemy, Tone River. After that, the castle had been one of the branch castles of the Hojo clan who were the ruler of Kanto region during the Warring States Period. But the castle still didn’t deserve warrior’s capital because of its geographical features.
太田道灌肖像画、大慈寺蔵~The portrait of Dokan Ota, owned by Daijiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
Hideyoshi Toyotomi defeated Hojo clan in 1590, and ordered Ieyasu Tokugawa to move to Kanto region instead of Hojo. It is said that he also designated Edo as Ieyasu’s capital because he feared Ieyasu would settle at Hojo’s capital Odawara which could withstand Toyotomi’s attack for three months.
豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
Immediately after Ieyasu arrived at Edo, he started an incredible renovation of Edo Castle. It is said that it was the first attempt for Japanese people to build a city on a waterfront area.
徳川家康肖像画、加納探幽筆、大阪城天守閣蔵~The Portrait of Ieyasu Tokugawa, attributed to Tanyu Kano, owned by Osaka Castle Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
初期の江戸城は、現在の山の手地域にありました。現在の下町地域は、海面下か湿地帯でした。そして、江戸前島と呼ばれた砂州がありました。また、陸地と砂州の間には日比谷入江が入り込んでいました。 The first Edo Castle was in the present uptown area. The present down town area was below the Sea or waterlogged. There was a sand bank called Edo-Maeto. There was also the Hibiya arm of the sea between the land and the bank.
赤い線は現在の地図に残された江戸前島と日比谷入江の痕跡~The red line shows the remaining trace of Edo-Maetou and Hibiya Arm of the Sea on the present map
徳川家臣団は、水上交通のために江戸前島を横切る運河を掘り、川の流路を付け替えたりしました。彼らはまた、このような湾岸都市であったため、上下水道の設備も整えなければなりませんでした。その結果、江戸は水の都となったのです。 Tokugawa team created a canal across Edo-Maeto and change the route of rivers for water transportation. They also had to build a system for water supply and sewerage on such a waterfront city. As a result, Edo became a city of waterways.
戦前の東京の航空写真、まだ水路がたくさん残っていました~A aerial photo of Tokyo before the World War II, a lot of wateways still remained.
After Ieyasu got the power in 1600, he ordered lords of the whole country to improve the castle called Tenka-Bushin. They reclaimed Hibiya arm of the sea to spread the ground for the castle as well as the need for defense. Many buildings including Tenshu keep were built, many moats were dug, and high stone walls were built by the large scale construction.
「江戸図屏風」左隻部分、17世紀、国立歴史民俗博物館蔵~Part of “View of Edo” left screen. pair of six-panel folding screens, in the 17th century, owned by National Museum of Japanese History(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
大名たちは少なくとも6万個もの百人石と呼ばれた4トン石を、伊豆半島から海を越えて江戸まで運ばねばなりませんでした。1603年から1660年まで続いた天下普請は江戸を日本一の大城郭に仕立てたのです。 These lords had to carry at least 60,000 four ton stones called Hyakunin-Ishi from Izu Peninsula to Edo over the sea. Tenka-Bushin between 1603 and 1660 resulted in Edo Castle being the largest castle in Japan.
伊豆半島に残されている江戸築城石~A quarry stone for building Edo Castle left in Izu Peninsula(licensed by GuchuanYanyi via Wikimedia Commons)
江戸城は、内郭と外郭に分かれていました。内郭は内堀の内側で、城の中心部分で、主要な曲輪である本丸、二の丸、西の丸から構成されていました。その外周は8km近くありました。そこには天守、それぞれの曲輪に御殿があり、そして警備のために多くの櫓や門がありました。 Edo castle was divided into Naikaku and Gaikaku. Naikaku was the inside of the inner moat, and consisted of the center portion of the castle including main enclosures Honmaru, Ninomaru, and Nishinomaru. Its perimeter was nearly 8 km. It had the Tenshu keep, halls for each main enclosure, many turrets and gates for security.
今に残る内郭部分の航空写真~The aerial photo of the remaining Naikaku portion
Gaikaku was the surrounding area by outer moat whose perimeter was about 16 km, even including the city area. About 50 sets of a large gate and bridge called Mitsuke were placed at the intersections of the moat and major roads to check people and transportation.
江戸古地図上での外郭範囲~The range of Gaikaku on the old Edo map(licensed by Tateita via Wikimedia Commons)
その完璧な構造にも関わらず、この城は敵からではなく、火災による被害を受けました。もっとも有名なのは1657年に発生した明暦大火です。この大火により、大半の江戸市域、江戸城、そして3代目の天守が焼け落ちました。大火の後、4代目天守の再建工事が開始されましたが、中止となりました。そのための天守台は今でも見ることができます。 Despite the perfect structure, the castle suffered not from enemies, but from fires. The most famous one was the great fire of Meireki in 1657. It burned out most of Edo City, Edo Castle, and the third Tenshu keep. After the fire, the rebuilding of a fourth Tenshu was launched, but canceled. We can now see the prepared Tenshu base for it.
4代目天守台~The base of the forth Tenshu keep(taken by 松波庄九郎 from photoAC)
Shogun lived and governed in Honmaru hall, but the hall was also burned down and restored several times. At the end of the Edo Period, Shogun had to move from the burned Honmaru hall to Nishinomaru hall where retired Shogun usually lived, because of the lack of money.
江戸東京博物館にある本丸と二ノ丸御殿の模型~The miniature model of Honmaru and Ninomaru halls at Edo-Tokyo Museum(licensed by Daderot via Wikimedeia Commons)
明治維新のとき、西日本の方で新政府と幕府の間で戦いが起こりました。結果として、西郷隆盛と勝海舟との会談が行なわれ、江戸城は新政府に平和裏に引き渡されました。 During the Meiji Restoration, a battle between the New Government and Shogunate was fought in eastern Japan. As a result, Edo Castle was handed over to New Government without war after the meeting between Takamori Saigo and Kaishu Katsu.
西郷・勝会談の記念碑~The monument of the meeting between Saigo and Katsu(licensed by 江戸村のとくぞう via Wikimedia Commons)
1869年、江戸は東京と名前を変え、日本の首都となりました。そして明治天皇が将軍と入れ替わりで、古都京都から東京の江戸城西の丸御殿に移りました。そのため、現在西の丸は皇居の一部となっています。 In 1869, Edo was renamed Tokyo which became the capital of Japan, before the Emperor Meiji move from old capital Kyoto to Nishinomaru hall of Edo Castle in Tokyo instead of Shogun. That’s why Nishinomaru is now part of the Imperial Palace.
明治天皇の東京到着を描いた錦絵~The picture that shows the arrival of Emperor Meiji to Tokyo(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
次の地震に備えるためにはどうすればよいのでしょうか? What should be the plan to be prepared for the next earthquake?
熊本城の天守(The Tenshu keep of Kumamoto Castle)taken by さてらいと from photoAC
何が起こったか~What happened?
Over 3 years have passed since the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes. They caused great damage to the area in Kumamoto Prefecture including Kumamoto Castle. For the castle, the most serious factor could be the collapse of stone walls in 50 points. With the collapse, many buildings were either torn down, were broken or are in critical condition. The Long Wall, the longest among the remaining castle walls in Japan, designated as an important cultural property, collapsed over 80m out of 242m in total.
地震前の長塀(The Long Wall before the earthquakes)licensed by DryPot via Wikimedia Commons修理中の長塀、2019年6月時点(The Long Wall under repair in June, 2019)
Another important cultural property, Higashi-Juhakken Turret also torn down completely with stone walls.
地震前の東十八間櫓(Higashi-Juhakken Turret before the earthquakes)lisencesd by Reggaeman via Wikimedia Commons東十八間櫓は跡形もありません、2017年12月時点(Higashi-Juhakken Turret disappeared without trace, taken in December,2017)
最近復元された建物もまた被害を受けました。特に飯田丸五階櫓は、わずかに片隅の石垣によって支えられている「奇跡の一本石垣」として注目されました。 Recently restored building also suffered, in particular, Iidamaru-five-layer-turret was focused on for being supported by only one corner stone to survive, known as “the miracle lone stone walls”.
飯田丸五階櫓と一本石垣、2016年7月時点、現在は再建のため一旦撤去されている(Iidamaru-five-layer-turret and the miracle lone stone walls in July,2016. They were once demolished to reconstruct in the future.)産経フォトより引用
乾櫓も同じような状況でした。 Inui-turret has had a similar situation.
乾櫓、2017年12月時点(Inui Turret in December, 2017)乾櫓石垣の状態、2017年12月時点(The state of Inui Turret’s stone walls)
The Tenshu keep, which was apparently restored in the modern way in 1960, was not without suffering. Almost all of its roof tiles were peeled off by the earthquakes.
修理中の天守、2017年12月時点(The Tenshu keep under repair in December, 2017)
Udo-turret, the largest remaining building in the castle had relatively small damage. People say that it has shown its strength and has encouraged victims of the earthquakes.
宇土櫓、2017年12月時点(Udo Turret in December, 2017)
The mayor of Kumamoto City stated that it would take 3 years to fix the Tenshu, and 20 years would be needed to restore the castle completely. As he said, the restoration of Tenshu has been done, it has partly open since October 2019.
2019年9月時点の天守(The Tenshu keep in September, 2019)産経フォトより引用
立地と歴史~Location and History
熊本城は、現在の熊本市の丘陵地帯の端に位置する茶臼山の上にあります。この城は加藤清正が1588年に肥後(現在の熊本県)の国主として着任してきてから有名になりました。清正は、薩摩国(現在の鹿児島県)の島津氏の幕府への反逆を防ぐため、この城を強大に作り込みました。加藤氏が改易となった後、その後を継いだ細川氏も江戸時代を通じて大変な労力を投じて城を維持、拡張してきました。 Kumamoto Castle has been located on a mountain called Chausu-yama on the edge of the hilly area which is now Kumamoto City. The castle became famous since Kiyomasa Kato was placed as the lord of Higo Province (what is now called Kumamoto Pref.) in 1588. Kiyomasa built the castle so large and strong that it could avoid The Shimadu’s invasion from Satsuma Province (Kagoshima Pref.) against the Shogunate. The Hosokawa clan following kato’s position after they quit, continued to keep and develop the castle making great efforts all through the Edo Period.
城周辺の起伏地図(The relief map around the castle)
加藤清正像、本妙寺蔵、江戸時代(The portrait of Kiyomasa Kato in Edo Period, owned by Honmyoji Temple)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
After the Meiji Restoration, the castle was turned to into a Japanese Army base in Kyushu region called “Chinzei Chindai”. An unexpected battle happened between the Government Army and the Satusma Rebel Army led by Takamori Saigo in 1877. It was called “the Seinan War”, which was the last civil war in Japan, and also regarded as a battle between drafted soldiers under the Government and former warriors under Saigo.
西郷隆盛像、エドアルド・キヨッソーネ作(The portrait of Takamori Saigo by Edoardo Chiossone)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
That was the first time that Kumamoto Castle was used for actual fighting. Saigo surrounded the castle while many of the buildings including the Tenshu keep were burned accidentally. But the soldiers in the castle survived until the reinforcements from the Government arrived before Saigo withdrew. Even the modern war prove the strength of the castle after warriors’ governance ended. The ruins was finally designated as a National Historic Site in 1931.
谷干城少将に率いられた鎮西鎮台の指揮官たち、朝日百科より(The commanders of Chinzei Chindai led by General Tateki Tani, from Asahi encyclopedia)licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons
これからどうなる?~What will happen?
The reason why the restoration takes so long time is mainly the castle being a cultural property. For example. In case of collapsing stone walls, each stone must be returned to the original position. Its 3-dimensional shapes are registered and checked with old pictures to match the position. In addition, restoring stone walls is required to build in the original traditional way. There are also few companies and craftsmen who can do it. it will also require huge funds.
復元を待つ石たち、2017年12月時点(Stones waitng for being restored in December, 2017)
私の意見~My Opinion
I looked around the site recently and also realized that the restoration would take such a long time. But what should be the plan if another earthquake happens? Some scientists say that Kiyomasa might have created the famous curve of the stone walls called “Musha-Gaeshi” to prevent it from collapse by an earthquake.
熊本城の「武者返し」の石垣と天守(The stone walls called “Musha-Gaeshi” with Tenshu)taken by ichico from photoAC
江戸時代初期のこの城の城主だった細川忠利は、余分な建物を撤去し、次来る地震に備えて「地震屋」と呼ばれる避難所を建てました。 Tadatoshi Hosokawa, a lord of the castle in the early Edo Period, removed extra buildings and built a refuge shelter called “jishinya” to be prepared for the next earthquake.
細川忠利肖像画、矢野吉重筆、永青文庫蔵(The portrait of Tadatoshi Hosokawa, attributed to Yoshishige Yano, owned by Eisei Bunko Musemu)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Even if the castle is now a cultural property, the original way is not always the best. Kumamoto City says that they will develop new methods for restoring the castle in the long term to be safe when a large earthquake happens. I really hope it will work in practice soon.
宇土櫓と修理中の天守、2017年12月時点(Udo Turret, and Tenshu under repair in December, 2017)
ここに行くには~How to get There
From Kumamoto Station:
When using Kumamoto City Tram, take the tram from Kumamoto-Eki-Mae tram stop to Kumamotojo-Shiyakusho-Mae tram stop. It takes about 17 minutes.
When using Bus, take it from Kumamoto-Eki-Mae bus stop to Sakuramachi bus terminal. It takes about 10 minutes.
リンク、参考情報~Links and Rererences
・熊本城公式サイト(Kumamoto Castle Official Website) ・「復興熊本城Vol.2 天守復興編Ⅰ 平成30年度上半期まで」熊本日日新聞社(Japanese Book) ・「熊本城の被災修復と細川忠利」後藤典子著、熊日新書(Japanese Book) ・「歴史群像2016年8月号/壮烈!熊本城攻防戦」学研プラス(Japanese Magazine) ・「BS1スペシャルよみがえれ熊本城 サムライの英知を未来へ」NHK、2017年(Japanese TV Program)