立地と歴史~Location and History
伝説の城~Legendary Castle
This castle named “Kino-jo”, or Devil’s Castle, located in what is now Okayama Prefecture, is mysterious. No one knows the origin of the castle, because it is not recorded in any document at all. In folk stories, a devil called “Ura” from Korea lived in the castle. He did bad things around the area. The Imperial Court sent a noble called “Kibitsu-hiko”. Kibutsu-hiko fought with Ura and defeated him. People call the castle Kino-jo based on this belief. It is also said that the belief might be connected to one of the most popular folk tales in Japan called “Momotaro”.

実は古代山城~In fact, Ancient Mountain Castle
However, it has recently been found out that the castle was one of ancient mountain castles in western Japan by researches and studies. They were built by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Baekgang, Korea in 663. Japan tried to help Baekje, but was beaten by the ally of Tang and Silla. Emperor Tenchi was scared of an invasion by the ally, so he built these castles for protection. The ruins of Kino-jo are very similar to other recorded ones. Historians have concluded Kino-Jo must be a an ancient mountain castle.

The castle was on the southern edge of Kibi-kogen Highlands which is about 400m above sea level. The cliffs are steep, but the top of the highlands are relatively smooth. It is also about 10 km away from the ancient coastline. It had the best location to be a strong point. Unlike most Japanese castles, ancient mountain castles mainly consisted of an outer fortification. Their center area had facilities like warehouses and barracks.
土塁に囲まれた城~Castle surrounded by Earthen Walls
In the case of Kino-Jo, the perimeter was about 2.8 km, about 90% of it was earthen walls, and the rest was work of stone. The castle also had four gates, six water gates, and a turret called “Kakuro”. In particular, the earthen walls were built in a method called Rammed Earth or “Hanchiku”. The method consists of building many earthen layers by ramming down each layer of soil. In addition, stones were placed in front and back of the walls. Wooden fences ran parallel to wall, inside the fortification around the gates.

Now, the ruins of Kino-jo have been developed with the Kinojosan Visitor Center as the starting point. The visitor center has exhibitions about the ruins. You can climb up from the center to the outline of the ruins which can also be used for trekking. If you go along the outline counterclockwise, the first part is the restored area.
復元エリア~Restored Area
The restored West Gate is outstanding. Its earthen walls, stone walls, stone pavement, and wooden fences were rebuilt in the original way as much as possible. The gate building was also rebuilt referring to similar examples at that time. The Kakuro turret in front of the gate is partly restored. Its foundation was rebuilt in the same way as the West Gate, but its structure couldn’t be rebuilt because there are no modern examples of it.

トレッキングコース~Tail for Trekking
The other ruins were repaired and shown as they are, but are great to visit. For instance, the Second Water Gate has a drain which still works. You should check out wild natural stones around the East Gate Ruins.

Passing the gate ruins, the high stone walls look great and the views of Okayama Plain are very beautiful. That also meant defenders in the castle were able to watch the situation outside. There are some other ruins scattered about where the warehouses once stood.

その後~Later History
Kino-Jo was most likely abandoned in the first 8th century. After that, the ruins were used for temple grounds or training grounds for Buddhists. In the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period, warriors used part of them again as a castle. People thought the castle was originally built by a devil for some time.

In 1970, a historian first explore the ruins as a historic site, and suggested that it might be an ancient mountain castle. That was proved by academic research in 1978. As a result, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1986. Since then, Soja City has been rebuilding them.

私の感想~My Impression
I think that the ruins of Kino-Jo are one of the most well conserved ones in Japan. Because part of the ruins were restored to look like the originals, and the others were preserved in good conditions. it’s a good balance. You can also choose to learn history while working up a sweat.

ここに行くには~How to get There
I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 8km away from the Okayama-Soja IC on Sanyo Expressway. The visitor center offers a parking lot.
リンク、参考情報~Links and References
・鬼ノ城、総社市公式観光WEBサイト(Soja City Official Site)
・「鬼ノ城/谷山雅彦著」同成社(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像45号/鬼ノ城、吉備路を睥睨する古代山城」学研(Japanese Book)