61.高取城~Takatori Castle

The endless stone walls on the mountain

立地と歴史~Location and History

三大山城の一つ~One of Three Greatest Mountain Castles

In the Middle Ages, mountain castes had been popular in Japan, because they were convenient for battle. However, after the unification of the whole country, most of these castles were abandoned or destroyed, as they were inconvenient for governance. Furthermore, to reduce the threat of future attacks, the Tokugawa Shogunate ordered the lords to destroy all castles other than the ones in which they lived. Takatori Castle was one of the few remaining mountain castles that survived until the end of the Edo Period. That’s why this castle is known as one of the three greatest mountain castles in Japan.

城の位置~The location of the castle

江戸時代末まで生き延びる~It survives until End of Edo Period

Takatori Castle was first built on 583m high Mt. Takatori in Yamato Province (what is now Nara Prefecture) by the Ochi clan in the Middle Ages, but the exact details are unclear. After Hidenaga Toyotomi, younger brother of the ruler Hideyoshi, started to govern the province in 1585, the castle was improved as his branch and last castle (i.e., in case all his other castles were captured, he would go there). Hidenaga’s retainer, the Honda clan built the Large and Small Main Towers, and as many as 27 turrets on the stone walls, that made the castle huge.

高取城古絵図、浅野文庫蔵~The old drawing of Takatori Castle, owned by Asano Bunko(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The Honda clan became the independent owner of this castle, after Hidenaga’s son, Hideyasu died. The clan also survived the battle of Sekigahara in 1600 while supporting Ieyasu Tokugawa, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate. As a result, Toshimasa Honda became the first lord of the Takatori Domain.
In 1640, the Uemura clan followed the Honda clan, and continued to govern the domain through the Edo Period.

本多俊政の木像、壷阪寺蔵~The wooden statue of Toshimasa Honda, owned by Tsubosaka-Dera Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

However, keeping such buildings on the high mountain was difficult, so the clan was allowed by the Shogunate to repair the castle at anytime, while other lords usually had to take approvals for any fixing. On the other hand, the lord built the Main Hall on the foot of the mountain, and lived there. Of course, it was because of convenience of living and governance.

高取城の古写真~An old picture of Takatori Castle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

2度の戦い~Two Battles

According to reports, two battles took place at the castle. The first one was when the 1600 battle occurred. Mitsunari Ishida against Ieyasu sent his troops to the castle, but were repelled. The last one was when Tenchu-gumi Incident happened in 1863. This incident is marked as the start of the Meiji Restoration process. Over 1,000 soldiers, led by Torataro Yoshimura, tried to capture Takatori Castle, but they are counterattacked and failed at the foot of the mountain, where the castle town was located. This was because the warriors of the Takatori Domain usually lived on the foot at that time and were well trained.

吉村寅太郎の肖像写真~The portrait photo of Torataro Yoshimura(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


城への3つのルート~Three Routes to Castle

There have been three routes to the entrance of Takatori Castle, which is also called “Ote-mon” or the Main Gate. One of the routes is “Ote-michi” or the Main route even now used by hikers. Another one is called Tsubosaka Route that is used mainly by people who come in car. Finally, there is a third route but it is no longer in use. Even though there were three separate routes they all met at the same point, i.e., at the Main Gate.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

壷阪口門跡~The ruins of Tsubosaka Route Gate
大手門跡~The ruins of the Main Gate

二の丸に入る~Entering Second Enclosure

The ruins of the gate still have alternate stone walls to prevent enemies from entering the castle easily. The gate was the entrance of “Ninomaru” or the Second Enclosure as well, and everyone had to use another gate called “Jusanken-Tamon” to enter it. In fact, even now if you want to enter the Second enclosure you have to pass through its stone walls. The Second Enclosure had the former Main Hall before it had been moved to the foot of the mountain.

城内の地図~The map inside the castle

大手門の食い違いの石垣~The alternate stone walls of the Main Gate
十三間多聞の石垣~The stone walls of Jusanken-Tamon Gate
二の丸~The Second Enclosure

すごい防御力~Great Defense

You may think the stone walls that you see from the Second Enclosure is “Honmaru” or the Main Enclosure. However, they were those just for the groups of turrets that protected the Main Enclosure. The group consisted of “Taiko Yagura” or the Drum Turret, “Shin Yagura” or the New Turret, and “Jugoken-Tamon” Gate. Even now, you have to go over their remaining stone walls. You might be amazed at how protective this castle was!

櫓群の石垣~The stone walls of the group of the turrets
石垣の左側を通らなければなりません~You have to go through the left side of the stone walls
十五間多聞の石垣~The stone walls of Jugoken-Tamon Gate

広い本丸~Large Main Enclosure

You can finally see the stone walls of the Main Enclosure behind a big tree. The enclosure is very large for a mountain castle. You have to go through the zigzagged entrance again to enter it. The Large Main Tower and the Small Main Tower stood connected by Tamon Turret alongside the stone walls. An excavation found out that some stones were brought from those for ancient tombs.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls of the Main Enclosure
本丸の入口~The entrance of the Main Enclosure
入口を見下ろす~Looking down the entrance
本丸~The Main Enclosure

The ruins of Takatori Castle have no buildings, but their foundation and stone walls still stand and it is enough for us to enjoy and imagine that the castle was once so strong.

本丸からの眺め~A view from the Main Enclosure

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Takatori Castle was abandoned in 1873. The buildings of castle were either sold, demolished, or collapsed naturally. The buildings have been all lost, but the foundation with stone walls remain as it once was, because they were (situated) on the high mountain. That’s why we can now see the huge ruins of the castle. The ruins were lastly designated as a National Historic Site in 1953.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls of the Main Enclosure

私の感想~My Impression

I think another reason why we can see the great ruins of Takatori Castle is that the Honda clan became an independent owner, and the Uemura clan maintained the castle for a long time. Otherwise, the castle might would have been abandoned much earlier, then we (wouldn’t) have been able to enjoy the ruins. That was a miraculous achievement, so we should thank our ancestors.

本丸からの景色~A view from the Main Enclosure

This time, I visited the ruins by car, so I only went through Tsubosaka Route. There are also many more attractions along the Main Route, so I would like to walk through the route, and visit the castle ruins again someday.

大手道沿いにある猿石~The Monkey Stone alongside the Main route(taken by あけび from Photo AC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes over 30 minutes from the Katsuragi IC on Minami-Hanna Road. There is very little space to park at the Hachiman starting point. You have to walk from there to the ruins for about another 20 minutes. You can also park at Tsubosaka-dera Temple on the way and walk to the ruins for about an hour.
By train, It takes about two hours from Tsubosakayama Station on Kintetsu Yoshino line to the castle ruins on foot. It may be a long walk, but many hikers walk along the route and enjoy nature, a good atmosphere and the ruins in the tourist season.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

高取城、高取町観光ガイド(Takatori Town Official Website)
・「よみがえる日本の城1」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第105号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)
・「幕末維新の城/一坂太郎著」中公新書(Japanese Book)

85.福岡城~Fukuoka Castle

Did the castle have a Main Tower or not ?

立地と歴史~Location and History

古代から重要な地~Important place from Ancient times

城の位置と筑前国の範囲~The location of the castle and the range of Chikuzen Province

Fukuoka Castle was originally an area around a mountain called Akasaka-yama and an arm of the sea called Kusagae beside the mountain, in what is now Fukuoka City. In ancient times, there was a guest house called Kouro-kan to used to host people from China and Korea. In the Kamakura Era of the Middle Ages, when the warriors repelled the Mongol Invasion, they battled the enemy there. In 1600, the Kuroda clan was granted the Fukuoka Domain of Chikuzen Province with an earning of 523,000 koku in rice by the Tokugawa Shogunate. They decided to build a new castle in this area called Fukuzaki then.

鴻臚館の遺跡~Thr ruins of Kouro-kan
赤坂の戦い、「蒙古襲来絵詞」より~Battle of Akasaka from “The picture scrolls of the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan”(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
福岡藩初代藩主、黒田長政肖像画、福岡市博物館蔵~The Portrait of Nagamasa Kuroda, the first lord of Fukuoka Domain, owned by Fukuoka City Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

山と入り江を大改造~They reformed Mountain and Arm of Sea

They reshaped the mountain and filled valleys, and set the Main Enclosure or “Honnmaru”, the Second Enclosure or “Ninomaru”, and the Third Enclosure or “Sannomaru” from south to north. They also created the inner water moat surrounding the mountain part by using the Kusagae arm of the sea as the western part, digging other direction parts, and connecting to the Naka River, the east of the castle.

福岡城下絵図~Part of an illustration of Fukuoka Castle(現地説明板より、from a sign board at the site)

As a result, the area became a huge scale fortress called Fukuoka Castle. The front of the castle faced the sea in the north with three large gates called “Shimonohashi-Ote-mon”, “Kaminohashi-Ote-mon”, and “Akasaka-mon”. The back of the castle, where Honmaru was located, had only one back gate called “Oimawashi-bashi” bridge. Honmaru itself had as many as twenty turrets on high and curved stone walls.

福岡城の模型~A miniature model of Fukuoka Castle(福岡城むかし探訪館~Fukuoka Castle Ruins Visitor Center)

天守の謎~Mystery of Main Tower

An interesting question regarding the castle is if it had a Main Tower (“Tenshu”) or not. It had the stone wall base for Tenshu, but there are no evidence of Tenshu such as relics, documents, and drawings. However, some historians say that the castle must have had Tenshu, as a letter in the early Edo Period written by another lord says Kuroda would destroy their Tenshu because they were afraid of what Tokugawa Shogunate might think. It’s very intriguing.

上記の模型の天守部分は無色になっています~The part of the Main Tower is made uncolored in the model


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

二つの公園~Two Parks

Now, the ruins of Fukuoka Castle are divided into two parks. One of them is Maiduru Park which was the primary part of the castle. The other one is Ohori Park which was originally Kusagae arm of the sea, then became an inner moat of the castle, called Large Moat or “Ohori”. Ohori Park still has the large moat, but it looks like a large pond. You can see that`s because it was part of the sea a long time ago.

大濠公園~Ohori Park

Maiduru Park is even more spacey, so a lot of ruins are disseminated. Only the Shimonohashi-Ote-mon Gate remains out of the three front gates at Sannomaru, the north part of the castle. It is a two-story turret gate which looks nearly like the original one. It was once modified to a one-story gate in the Meiji Era. After the gate partly burned in 2000, it was restored as it is today.

下ノ橋大手門(遠景)~Shimonohashi-Ote-mon Gate, A distant view
下ノ橋大手門(近景)~Shimonohashi-Ote-mon Gate, A close-range view

三の丸地区~Area of Third Enclosure

If you enter in the park through the ruins of Kaminohashi-Ote-mon Gate, you can see a large vacant area. There were many halls for living and governance at Sannomau in the Edo Period. After that, modern facilities were built there, such as the Heiwadai Stadium. After the stadium was demolished in 1999, the Excavation team found out that there was an ancient guest house called Kouro-kan long before the castle. You can see the findings of the excavation in Kourokan Ruins Exhibition Hall, as well as the history of the castle in Fukuoka Castle Ruins Visitor Center.

上ノ橋大手門跡~The ruins of Kaminohashi-Ote-mon Gate
現在の三の丸~The present Third Enclosure
平和台球場の記念碑~The monument of the Heiwadai Stadium
鴻臚館跡展示館~Kourokan Ruins Exhibition Hall
鴻臚館の遺物~Some of the findings of the excavation in Korokan Ruins Exhibition Hall

二の丸、本丸へ~To Second and Main Enclosures

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

You can climb from Sannomaru to Ninomaru and Honmaru. Ninomaru is surrounding Honmaru. Regarding to Ninomaru, there is a two-story and over 50m long turret called “Tamon-Yagura” that remains in its original state. It was located at back entrance of the castle, so even now it looks very defensive. It was also designated as an Important Cultural Property in 1971.

三の丸から見た二の丸~The Second Enclosure from the Third Enclosure
現存する多門櫓~The remaining Tamon-Yagura Turret

Honmaru was at the highest point of the castle. The large stone wall base for Tenshu is outstanding. Researchers wonder if the Tenshu was on the base, as I mentioned above. You can observe the whole area of Fukuoka City from there. Kinen Turret is the only remaining building at Honmaru. It was once moved to another, but returned to its original position in 1983.

天守台(外側)~The base for the Main Tower, the outside
天守台(内側)~The base for the Main Tower, the inside
天守台からの眺め~A view from the base for the Main Tower
祈念櫓~Kinen Turret

その後~Later History

The Kuroda clan continued to govern Fukuoka Castle and the castle town, that are now known as Fukuoka city, until the end of the Edo Period. After the Meiji Restoration, most of the buildings in the castle were demolished or replaced with modern facilities like the Army base before World War II, or the Heiwadai Stadium after the war. The ruins of the castle have been turned into Maiduru Park and Ohori Park. Recently, Fukuoka City has announced that it will develop the Central Park, including the two existing parks. The city will also restore some of Fukuoka Castle’s turrets, based on the documents that remain as well as the buildings of Kouro-kan, based on the excavation’s findings. They expect the restoration will take a long time.

1990年頃の城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle around 1990

私の感想~My Impression

I guess that Fukuoka Castle once sported a completed or under construction Main Tower, but Kuroda had to destroy it systematically by themselves considering the Shogunate’s authority. That’s why there is no evidence of the Main Tower.
I also think that recent people have not been interested in the ruins of Fukuoka Castle as a historical park. They think the parks are for leisure, exercise, or officials buildings. However, the ruins still have a great potential for a historic site. I will be waiting for some buildings to be renovated so I can visit them again.

裏御門跡~The ruins of the Back Gate

ここに行くには~How to get There

It takes less than 10 minutes From Akasaka or Ohori-Koen station on Kuko line, Fukuoka City Subway to get there on foot.
If you want to go there by car: It is about 3 km away from the Tenjin-kita or Nishi-koen Ramp on Urban Expressway. Maiduru park offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

福岡城むかし探訪館~Fukuoka Castle Ruins Visitor Center(Only Japanese?)
・「よみがえる日本の城20」学研(Japanese Book)
・福岡市「セントラルパーク構想」(Fukuoka City Official Document)

54.大坂城(Osaka Castle)

現在の大坂城天守(The present Tenshu of Osaka Castle)

Location and History

Osaka City, one of the mega cities in Japan, is named after Osaka Castle. The castle is located on the north edge of Uemachi plateau where it had been used as ground for shrines and old tombs from the Ancient Ages. In the Civil War Period, the Ikko-Shu sect Buddhists led by Kennyo built their headquarters as “Ishiyama Honganji” temple on this place.

(A relief map and aerial photo around Uemachi plateau, you can see the castle on the northern edge of it.)

At that time, large religious groups had not only religious power, but also political and military power like other warlords. So it was thought that Ishiyama Honganji was just like a castle. The great warlord Nobunaga Oda was very interested in the place, and asked Kennyo to withdraw from the temple. Kennyo refused to do that, therefore, they battled for 11 years (The Battle of Ishiyama).

石山合戦図、和歌山市立博物館蔵(The image of Battle of Ishiyama, owned by Wakayama City Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

After that, Oda got it by the arbitration from the Imperial Court in exchange for the guarantee of the religion. Oda seemed to want to move his home base to the place before his death. Lastly, his successor, Hideyoshi Toyotomi built Osaka castle including the ruin of Ishiyama Honganji.

豊臣秀吉肖像画部分、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵(part of the Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, owned by Kodaiji Temple)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Hideyoshi constructed the first keep “Tenshu” for the castle which was 39m tall, was five stories high, and decorated it with his preference of gold and black colors. He also organized the castle town and made people move to it, which was the foundation of the modern day Osaka City. However, after Hideyoshi died, the keep with the castle and the Toyotomi clan had died out by Tokugawa Shogunate when it was only 32 years old (The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka in 1615).

豊臣時代の大坂城天守、「大坂夏の陣図屏風」より、大阪城天守閣蔵(Toyotomi’s Tenshu of Osaka Castle, from “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens”, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tokugawa started to govern the castle and town directly. They filled Toyotomi’s castle, raised the ground level, and reconstructed it with the second Tenshu which was even 53m tall to show its authority to people. That’s what we are now looking up at as the main enclosure “Honmaru”.

本丸を見上げる(Looking up Honmaru)

But the Tenshu also had a short life of only 39 years because of the lightning strike in 1665. After Tokugawa kept the castle for over 250 years, when the last shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa ran away from the castle to Edo, the original history of the castle ended.

幕末期の大坂城の写真(A picture of Osaka Castle at the end of the Edo Period)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Now, we can see the third Tenshu built in 1931 which has become one of the most famous symbols of Osaka. The Tenshu is also used as a museum called “Osaka Castle Museum” which has a wide variety of historical and art exhibitions such as “The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka” folding screens.

3代目天守(The third Tenshu)
大坂夏の陣図屏風、大阪城天守閣蔵(The summer campaign of the siege of Osaka folding screens, owned by Osaka Castle Museum)licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

All of few remaining buildings were made by Tokugawa Shogunate including the main gate “Otemon”, the Tamon turret “Yagura”, the Sengan Yagura, the Inui Yagura, and so on.

大手門(右)と多門櫓(左)(Otemon on the right, Tamon Yagura on the left)
千貫櫓(中央)と多門櫓(右)(Sengan Yagura on the middle, Tamon Yagura on the right)taken by そらみみ from photo AC
乾櫓(Inui Yagura)taken by acworks from photo AC

You should check out great stone walls surrounding Honmaru and the second enclosure “Ninomaru” made of large stones which were collected by lords under Shogunate from many places in the eastern part of Japan such as Shodoshima island. The highest ones are over 30m high from water surface which are also No.1 for Japanese castles.

南外堀の高石垣(The high stone walls on the South outer moat)taken by kimtoru from photo AC

There are huge ornate stones as well in several points, for example, the largest one named “Tako-ishi” at Sakuramon, the southern entrance of Honmaru.

桜門の内側にある「蛸石」(”Tako-ishi” inside Sakuramon)licensed by Midori Sakurai via Wikimedia Commons

Later Life

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese Amy used the ruins of the castle. At the beginning of the Showa Era, the mayor of Osaka City, Hajime Seki was wondering if the castle could become a symbol of the city, and the Tenshu would come the first time in about 260 years.

關一写真(A picture of Hajime Seki) from 故大阪市長関一市葬誌, licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Seki suggested the Army to turn part of the castle into a park in exchange for offering the Army a new headquarter building. Seki collected all the fund from donations, and successfully reconstructed the third Tenshu on the second Tenshu base. It is a modern SRC structured building, not in the original way. But the way was the first ever attempted to reconstruct a castle in Japan at that time.

建設中の天守(The Tenshu under construction)

In the World War II, the area around the castle was attacked several times by the US air raids because the Army facilities were still gathered. The third Tenshu survived while some of remaining old buildings were burned down.

旧第四師団司令部建物(The former headquarters building for Japanese Army 4th divison)

Now, the present Tenshu is the oldest Tenshu among three successive Tenshu, and was designated itself as a National Registered Tangible Cultural Property in 1997.

現在の天守(The present Tenshu)

My Impression

Even the present Tenshu attracts over 2.5 million visitors including many foreign tourists annually. it is also said that many times more people visit the park around it, where many events are held. Osaka Castle is definitely one of successful cases to preserve and use historical heritages in Japan.

西の丸庭園からの天守(A view of Tenshu from Nishinomaru garden)

The remaining buildings of the castle are sometimes open to visitors. D0n’t miss a chance to see them! One of them, “Sengan Yagura” is named after “the very important turret which is worth so much money” , and it is said that a turret of the same name was there since Ishiyama Honganji.

千貫櫓(Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓の内部(The inside of Sengan Yagura)
千貫櫓からの外の眺め(An outside view from Sengan Yagura)

I recommend you to see the powder house “Ensho-Gura” as well. It is all made of stones covered with plaster rebuilding after the explosion in 1660. it is a very rare style for traditional Japanese buildings.


How to get There

If you want to see Tenshu first, getting out of the JR Osakajo-Koen station or the Osaka Metro Osaka Business Park station would be better.
If you want to see the great stone walls on the outer moat and enter Otemon first, getting out of the Osaka Metro Tanimachi-Yonchome Station or Morinomiya station would be better.

Links and References

・大阪城天守閣(Osaka Castle Museum)
・大坂城全史、中村博司著、ちくま新書(Japanese book)