40.Yamanaka Castle Part1

The castle for the western defense of the Hojo Clan

Location and History

Western Defense for Hojo Clan

Yamanaka Castle was located on the west of Hakone Barrier, the western gateway of Kanto Region, now in the eastern part of Shizuoka Prefecture. The castle was first built in the middle 16th Century during the Sengoku Period by the Hojo Clan, who owned Kanto Region. The clan aimed to protect their home base, Odawara Castle on the eastern side of Hakone Barrier, by building Yamanaka Castle. This castle was also improved before the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attacked the Hojo Clan in 1590.

The location of the castle

Yamanaka Castle was built surrounding the Tokaido Road, one of the major roads in Japan. During that time, if someone walked up the slope on the road from the west, it would require passing through the castle. The road was actually on the Third Enclosures of the castle, and beside the Main Enclosure. The Third Enclosure also had water moats on the west to prevent enemies’ attacks and was for the water reservoir.
On the south of the Third Enclosure, a long defense strongpoint called “Taizaki-demaru” spread with the road parallelly. On the west of the Third Enclosure, the Second Enclosure, the West Enclosure, and the West Turret were added towards that direction. These enclosures were able to work closely to prevent attacks from enemy forces.

The location map of the ruins of Yamanaka Castle (from the signboard at the site)

Hojo’s Unique Methods for building Castle

The techniques used in the castle were unique to the Hojo Clan. All the enclosures were made of earthworks, using natural terrain such as ridges and valleys. They were mainly connected by wooden bridges which could fall down when a battle happened. They were also divided by deep dry moats whose bottoms were left parallel or as latticed ridges. The method for building the moats is called “Une-bori” for the parallel ridges and “Shoji-bori” for the latticed ridges. These dry moat building methods are considered features of the Hojo’s castles. Once soldiers fell into the moat, they couldn’t move from there at all. The area of the castle reached about 200,000 square meters. Hojo thought the castle could make Hideyoshi stuck for a while.

“Une-bori” for the parallel ridges
“Shoji-bori” for the latticed ridges

Fall in Battle of Yamanaka Castle

However, the castle was captured by Hideyoshi in just half a day. In the early morning, March 29, 1590, nearly 70,000 soldiers of Hideyoshi’s troop started to attack the castle, while the number of the defenders was only about 4,000. The attackers first charged both the West Turret and the Taizaki-Demaru defense strongpoint, but they suffered a significant number of casualties by the counterattack of Hojo’s guns. If it was a local battle, the attacker might have paused the charge to prevent more damages. However, the commanders forcibly continued to charge, otherwise, they might have been fired by the ruler. That resulted in the success of capturing the castle for Hideyoshi in exchange for a lot of dead soldiers including one of the Hideyoshi’s commander, Naosue Hitotsuyanagi.

The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

This battle lasted for a few hours. It is said that another reason for the short battle was that Hojo’s soldiers were confused because their head, Ujikatsu Hojo, escaped from the castle. Others point out that the Taizaki-Demaru defense strongpoint was unfinished in construction before Hideyoshi’s attack. Anyway, even such a strong castle couldn’t survive without enough soldiers and the right instructions.

The signpost of the castle ruins

To be continued in “Yamanaka Castle Part2”

59.姫路城その1~Himeji Castle Part1

The best castle that miraculously survived difficulties


Himeji Castle is known around the world for its beautiful group of white Main Towers and is often nicknamed White Heron Castle or “Shirasagi-jo”. The Large Main Tower is the largest one out of the 12 remaining main towers in Japanese castles, which is 31.5m high (45.35m including the stone wall base). The Large Main Tower, the three Small Main Towers, and the other structures on the property have been designated as National Treasures of Japan.

姫路城の天守群~The group of the Main Towers of Himeji Castle

In addition, the current structure of the castle mostly consists of a lot of enclosures, stone walls, and water moats surrounding the Main Tower. The main portion of the castle is designated as a National Special Historic Site. The remaining buildings on the structure include as many as 27 turrets, 15 gates and 32 walls. They have all become Important Cultural Properties.

天守を囲む櫓と石垣~One of the turrets and stone walls surrounding the Main Tower

Moreover, the castle had an important role in Japanese history, which I will describe later.
Even after that role ended, the people of Japan continued to maintain the castle, although some people might say it survived by good luck. Now, people consider the castle as the greatest, most respected symbol in Himeji City. It has been a cultural site on the World Heritage List since 1993, which was the first case in Japan.

天守(正面)~The Main Tower (the front)

For those reasons, if I am asked from someone which castle is the best in Japan generally, I can clearly answer it is Himeji Castle, though each has his/her own preference.

立地と歴史~Location and History

Himeji Castle is located on 45.6m high Himeyama mountain in the Banshu Plain, the western part of Hyogo Prefecture. It is said that the castle was first built by Akamatsu Clan in the 14th century, but the details are uncertain. The area around the castle was fertile and important for transportation where the Sanyo Road passed through, but the castle was among the many castles around. The situation changed in the late 16th century during the Sengoku Period when Kanbe Kuroda owned the castle. With the Oda Clan on the east and the Mori Clan on the west, aiming to invade the area around the Himeji castle, Kanbe decided to support the Oda Clan. He offered his Himeji Castle to Oda’s retainer, Hideyoshi Hashiba, who later became the ruler of Japan and subsequently changed his name to Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

城の位置~The location of the castle

黒田官兵衛肖像画、崇福寺蔵~The portrait of Kanbe Kuroda, owned by Sofukuji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Hideyoshi was based at the castle to invade Mori’s territory, and developed the castle. The castle of Hideyoshi’s period had a three-layer Main Tower; the details of which are uncertain because its ruins are under the present Main Tower. It is said that the basic structure of the castle was established at that time. In 1582, Hideyoshi with Kanbe attacked Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle, nearly 100km away from Himeji Castle on the west. The Honnoji Incident happened where Hideyoshi’s and Kanbe’s boss, Nobunaga Oda was killed by Mitsuhide Akechi. Hideyoshi quickly made peace with the Mori Clan. This allowed Hideyoshi to quickly return to Himeji Castle within 3 days with pre-modern large troops travelling mainly by foot and transporting heavy items. He prepared and left the castle to beat Mitsuhide and was successful in taking over control of Japan.

豊臣秀吉肖像画、加納光信筆、高台寺蔵~The Portrait of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, attributed to Mitsunobu Kano, ownd by Kodaiji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
備中高松城跡~The ruins of Bicchu-Takamatsu Castle

After Hideyoshi died, Ieyasu Tokugawa got the power instead of the Toyotomi Clan in 1600. Ieyasu transferred his son-in law, Terumasa Ikeda, from Yoshida Castle to Himeji Castle. Terumasa later became the founder of the Himeji Domain. Terumasa’s role was to monitor the lords in western Japan, who might still support the Toyotomi Clan at Osaka Castle. He did major renovations to the castle between 1601 and 1609. The Main Tower was replaced with the five-layer Large Main Tower and three Small Main Towers. They are connected by the Roofed Passage Turrets, which are called Connected Type or “Renritsu-shiki”. Terumasa followed Hideyoshi’s structure of the castle on Himeyama mountain, but he added lots of turrets, gates, plaster walls, and stone walls. As a result, the center of the castle became very complex with combined small enclosures. For example, visitors must pass through as many as over 10 gates to reach the Main Tower.

池田輝政肖像画、鳥取県立美術館蔵~The Portrait of Terumasa Ikeda, owned by Tottori prefectural art museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
連立式天守:大天守(A)、小天守(B,C,D)、渡櫓(E)、櫓門(F)~Connected Type :Large Main Tower(A), Small Main Tower(B,C,D), Roofed Passage Turrets(E), Turret Gate(F) (licensed by Mukai via Wikimedia Commons)

In addition, the castle was extended to take in the Sagiyama mountain, the west of Himeyama. The Nishinomaru or the Western Enclosure was built on the Sayima mountain. The Sannomaru or the Third Enclosure was built on the plain area to the south of Himeyama. The water moats of the castle started from the back and spread like swirling. The first turn surrounded the center of the castle on Himeyama, Nishinomaru, and Sannnomaru, which was called the Inner Moat. The second turn called the Middle Moat surrounded the area including warriors’ houses. The Outer Moat separated from the halfway of the Middle Moat and even surrounded the castle town on the south and east directions. Terumasa built the castle nearly like what we see now.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

赤線:内堀、緑線:中堀、青線:外堀~The red line: the Inner Moat, the green line: the Middle Moat, the blue line: the Outer Moat (Copyright © Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism via Wikimedia Commons)

After Terumasa unfortunately died in 1613, the Tokugawa Shogunate changed the lord of the castle to Tadamasa Honda, a senior vassal of the Shogunate. Tadamasa continued work on the castle such as improving the Nishinomaru and developing a canal. Nishinomaru became more spacious which could accommodate large troops, so it looks different from other central enclosures. Though the Toyotomi Clan had been defeated by the Shogunate in 1615, it still made the lord of Himeji Castle stay to monitor the lords in western Japan. For this reason, the lord of the castle was replaced by a capable person several times by the Shogunate. From the middle 18th century, the Sakai Clan continued to govern the castle until the end of the Edo Period. Perhaps it could be because the society became stable. No battles have occurred at the castle since it was built, so it is sometimes called “an anti-war castle”.

本多忠政肖像画~The portrait of Tadamasa Honda (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
明治初期の姫路城の外観~The appearance of Himeji Castle in the first Meiji Era (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

However, at the end of the Edo Period, the castle faced its first crisis. The New Government Army including other domains, such as Okayama, surrounded the castle in 1868. This is because the Sakai Clan was in charge of an important position for the Shogunate. The warriors in the castle had sworn allegiance, but the attackers didn’t accept it and opened fire. Some tiles of a gate called Bizen-mon were destroyed, but that was all. It may have been like a performance. The warriors in the castle later surrendered and handed over control of the castle to the New Government.

備前門~The Bizen-mon Gate (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, part of Himeji Castle was used for the Japanese Army. Some buildings around Sannomaru were demolished. It is said that other buildings including the Main Tower were also sold, but the buyer waived the right, because it was too expensive for him to demolish them. This story is unclear. If true, it was the second crisis of the castle.

1936年時点の姫路城の写真~The photo of Himeji Castle in 1936 (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1878, a military officer, Shigeto Nakamura suggested the need to preserve Himeji and Nagoya Castles to the Japanese Army. It was allowed by the government who created a budget to maintain the castles. This is the epoch-making event that castles were considered as cultural properties for the first time. The Meiji Great Repairs was done in 1910. In fact, the Main Tower was leaning little by little due to its own weight, before it was repaired.

城内にある中村重遠の顕彰碑~The monument of Shigeto Nakamura in the castle (licensed by Corpse Reviver via Wikimedia Commons)

The last crisis came to the castle when the Himeji Air Raid happened in 1945 during World War II. The town area of Himeji City was mostly burned, but the castle wasn’t affected. A firebomb was dropped into the Main Tower, luckily it didn’t explode. Unfortunately, the Nagoya Castle, which was also being maintained by the government was burned down by bombs. People in Himeji were very encouraged by the fact that Himeji Castle was still intact just after the war. Today, after two more great repairs (Showa and Heisei), Himeji Castle gets the brilliance back like its peak time. I think we have to be thankful for the great effort of the people at the castle and for good fortune.

空襲に備え黒い網をかけられた大天守~The Large Main Tower covered by the black screen to prevent from an air raid (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

「姫路城その2」に続きます。To be continued in “Himeji Castle Part2”

99.中城城~Nakagusuku Castle

Elegant castle ruins looking like a palace

立地と歴史~Location and History

繁栄する琉球とグスク~Prospering Ryukyu and Gusuku

Around the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa Islands) prospered thanks to trading. At that time, the Ming Dynasty that governed China banned private trading with foreign countries. Instead, countries like Japan (considered different from Ryukyu), Korea, and South East Asians traded with China through Ryukyu, because China allowed Ryukyu to bring a tribute frequently as well as to trade with them. As a result, many powerful clans in Ryukyu called “Aji” traded with China and other countries, and had great power.

琉球王国の進貢船、沖縄県立博物館・美術館~A tribute ship from the Ryukyu Kingdom, Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum collection(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

They built over 300 large-scale fortresses called “Gusuku” around the Ryukyu Islands. They looked like a castles, but they could also be used as a hall or shrine. Nakagusuku Castle was one of the largest Gusuku, and is one of the best preserved Gusuku ruins.

城の位置~The location of the castle

中城城の完成~The completion of Nakagusuku Castle

It is said that Nakagusuku Castle was first built in the mid 14th century by Sachi-Nakagusuku Aji clan. The castle was located on a 160m high hill on Okinawa Island with a high cliff in on the east as natural barrier. It was also only 2 km away from the Yagi Port which was once a trade port. Sachi-Nakagusuku Aji clan built the main parts of the castle, such as the First Enclosure or Ichinokaku ,the Second Enclosure or Ninokaku, the South Enclosure or Minaminokaku, and the West Enclosure or Nishinokaku. In the 15th century, a senior vassal of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Gosamaru completed the castle, adding the Third Enclosure or Sannokaku, and The North Enclosure or Kitanokaku.

現地にある城跡の模型~The miniature model of the castle ruins at the site

護佐丸の乱~Gosamaru Rebellion

Gosamaru stayed at the castle to protect the Ryukyu Kingdom from another powerful Aji called Amawari at Katsuren Castle who was against the Kingdom. However, Gosamaru was considered as a rebel against the Kingdom by Amawari. Gosamaru felt very sad about it, and killed himself. It is said that Amawari deceived the Kingdom and Gosamaru, but the details are uncertain, as Amawari was also defeated by the Kingdom later.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

After that, the castle was owned by the Prince of the Kingdom. During the Edo Period, when the Kingdom was under the Satsuma Feudal Domain of Japan, the castle was used as a guardhouse.

中城城跡~The ruins of Nakagusuku Castle


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

城跡に入る~Entering the Castle Ruins

Now, the ruins of Nakagusuku Castle still have a very good location. They are located on a high point where the island is narrow, so you can have a great view of the Pacific Ocean on the east and the East China Sea on the west. That meant that a lord of the castle was able to see the movement of his friends and enemies.

城跡から見た太平洋~A view of the Pacific Ocean from the ruins

When visitors enter the entrance of the ruins, they are driven near the front gate of the castle by a cart. You can walk up to the gate which is also the entrance of the West Enclosure. The enclosure is next to the First Enclosure and South Enclosure. You can also see the great high stone walls of First Enclosure.

正門~The front gate
一の郭の高石垣~The stone walls of the First Enclosure

You can go further to the entrance of South Enclosure. The enclosure is thought to be the oldest part, because its stone walls were partly piled with natural lime stones, a primitive method called “Nozura-zumi”. There are three places for worship in ruins in the enclosure, such as one where you could pray for rain.

南の郭へ進みます~Going to the South Enclosure
南の郭の入口、写真の右上部分は野面積みです~The entrance of the South Enclosure, the upper right portion in this picture is built with “Nozura-zumi”
雨乞イノ御嶽(拝所)~The place of praying for rain

素晴らしい石垣と景色~Wonderful Stone Walls and Views

From the South Enclosure, you can go to the First Enclosure through the arch entrance gate. It is said that Gosamaru had this arch shaped when he improved the castle. The First Enclosure is the main and largest enclosure of the castle. There was the main hall in it. Its stone walls were built with processed square lime stones, a method called “Nuno-zumi”. The method is more developed than the South Enclosure’s, so the First Enclosure seemed to have been built after the South Enclosure. There is also the observation deck on the stone walls where you can have a great view of the Pacific Ocean. The Second Enclosure is the next one. The shape of this enclosure’s stone walls is very beautiful.

一の郭へのアーチ門、石垣は布積み~The arch entrance gate to the First Enclosure, its stone walls are built with “Nuno-zumi”
正殿跡~The ruins of the Main Hall
一の郭から見た太平洋~The Pacific Ocean from the First Enclosure
二の郭の石垣~The stone walls of the Second Enclosure

護佐丸の貢献~Work of Gosamaru

You need to go back to the West Enclosure to go to the North Enclosure which was added by Gosamaru later. The North enclosure has the ruins of a well called “Ufugaa”. The well was also built by him, as the castle didn’t have no well inside.

北の郭にある井戸~The well at the North Enclosure

You can walk from the North Enclosure to the Third Enclosure, the last one. The enclosure is also the newest one with the arch shaped back gate that Gosamaru built. The North and Third Enclosures have stone walls built in the method called “Aikata-zumi”. This method refers to piling randomly processed lime stones solidly. It is the most advanced and complex way in the castle, so we can see these enclosures are the newest.

三の郭~The Third Enclosure
裏門~The back gate
相方積みで積まれた三の郭の石垣~The stone walls of the Third Enclosure built with “Aikata-zumi”

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, the Ryukyu Kingdom was abolished, as it was taken in as one of Japan’s prefectures by the Japanese Government. The castle was used as the village office of Nakagusuku Village. Some buildings seemed to remain until they were burned during World War II. In addition, the Japanese Army once stayed at the castle and started to build a position. However, they were ordered to moved to another soon after. That’s why the ruins of castle (stone walls, foundation etc) remain well preserved until today. They have been on the World Heritage List as Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu since 2000.

石垣の下の日本軍が掘った壕~The shelter that the Japanese Army dug under the stone walls

私の感想~My Impression

In Japan mainland, castles with stone walls became popular in the 16th century. It is said that the needs for wars using guns and developing construction technology caused that change. In Okinawa Island, castles with stone walls appeared two centuries earlier than on the mainland. One of the reasons for that was that lime stones were easier to process. Of course, the castles were used for a battle. Stronger castles were another reason. I think that another reasons was the lords of the “Gusuku” castles wanted to show their authority and faith, so that’s why they look very beautiful.

二の郭~The Second Enclosure

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you to visit it by car.
From the Naha Airport:
By car, enter Naha Airport Expressway at the Nakachi IC, join Okinawa Expressway at the Nishihara JCT, and get off the expressway at Kita-Nakagusuku IC. The ruins are within 5 km from the IC, and offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

沖縄の世界遺産、中城城跡Nakagusuku-jo site, World Heritage of Okinawa
・「琉球王国、東アジアのコーナーストーン/赤嶺守著」講談社(Japanese Book)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)