55.千早城~Chihaya Castle

The origin of typical Japanese mountain castles

立地と歴史~Location and History

楠木正成の活躍~Activities of Masashige Kusunoki

Masashige Kusunoki was a great general based in Kawachi Province (what is now the eastern part of Osaka Prefecture) in the 14th century. He first worked under the Kamakura Shogunate, a government body for warriors in the middle ages, but when Emperor Godaigo was against the Shogunate in 1331, he supported the Emperor fighting with the Shogunate in Akasaka Castle. However, the castle was built in a hurry and wasn’t very strong enough to protect against enemies, so Masashige had to run away and disappear. The Emperor was caught by the Shogunate and brought to Okinoshima Island in Japan Sea.

楠木正成肖像画、狩野山楽筆、楠枇庵観音寺蔵~The portrait of Masashige Kusunoki, attributed to Sanraku Kano, owned by Nanpian Kannonji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
後醍醐天皇肖像画、清浄光寺蔵~The portrait of Emperor Godaigo, owned by Shojokoji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1333, Masashige wanted to take revenge, so he started making his new network of castles: Kami-Akasaka, Shimo-Akasaka, and Chihaya. Chihaya Castle was the last one of the network. It was located alongside Chihaya Road connecting Kawachi and Yamato (now Nara Prefecture) Provinces, and
on the way to Mt. Kongosan which was known for the training of Shugen-do, i.e., Japanese mountain asceticism. The castle was also on one peak, surrounded by valleys on all sides.

城の位置~The location of the castle

千早城の模型、千早赤阪村郷土資料館蔵~The miniature model of Chihaya Castle, owned by Chihaya-Akasaka Folk Museum(licensed by Wikiwikiyarou via Wikimedia Commons)

千早城の戦い~Siege of Chihaya

正成と僅か千名の兵士からなる部隊は、千早城に籠城し、幕府の大軍から何回も攻められました。 これは千早城の戦いと呼ばれ、日本で最初の本格的な山城での戦いでした。幕府軍の武士たちはこのような戦いでどう攻撃してよいかわからず、陣地や攻めどころといった戦略や計画もなく、しゃにむに城に突進していきました。正成とその部下たちは、敵と戦うのに大抵は盾や矢を使ったのですが、更には岩、丸太、油と火、煮えた汚物までも使って幕府軍を撃退したのでした。また、夜襲をかけて、敵を更に疲弊させました。この籠城戦は3ヶ月間続きます。
Masashige, with his small army of one thousand soldiers, was besieged in Chihaya Castle, by the massive Shogunate troops several times. It is called Siege of Chihaya, and it is the first big battle to occur in a mountain castle in Japan. The shogunate warriors didn’t know how to attack in such a battle, so they straightaway charged the castle without any strategies or planning, with regards to position or location of attack. Masashige and his army mostly used shields and arrows in order to fight the enemies. In addition, they also used rocks, logs, oil and fire, and even boiled filth to repel the Shogunate. They also delivered night attacks to further tire the enemies. The siege lasted for three months.

千早城合戦図、歌川芳員筆、江戸時代、湊川神社蔵~The illustration of Siege of Chihaya, attributed to Yoshikazu Utagawa, in the Edo Period, owned by Minatogawa Shraine(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

During the siege, Emperor Godaigo escaped from the island, and requested all the warriors, even those that backed Shogunate, to support him. Some influential retainer of the Shogunate, such as Takauji Ashikaga and Yoshisada Nitta, took sides with the Emperor. The troops attacking Chihaya heard about it and withdrew. Finally, Masashige won and the Shogunate was destroyed in just 12 days after the Siege of Chihaya ended.

足利尊氏肖像画、浄土寺蔵~The portrait of Takauji Ashikaga, owned by Jodo-ji Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

正成と城の最期~End of Masashige and Castle

Emperor Godaigo started Kenmu Restoration, but the kingdom was soon divided into his Southern Court and the Northern Court that Takauji established with another Emperor. Masashige followed Godaigo till the end, but was unfortunately defeated by Takauji in the Battle of Minatogawa, 1336 in Settsu Province (now part of Hyogo Prefecture). Chihaya Castle was kept by Masashige’s descendants, but eventually fell due to the attack of the Northern Court in 1392.

河内千破城図、湊川神社蔵~The illustration of Chihaya Castle, owned by Minatogawa Shrine(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


急坂を登る~Climbing Steep Slope

Now, the entrance to the ruins of Chihaya Castle is still the gateway for Mt. Kongosan. You have to climb up over 500 steps of stones along the steep slope. The steps were not there originally, instead they were developed when a shrine was constructed . The trail is partly zigzagged to prevent enemies in the past.

千早城跡入口~The entrance of Chihaya Castle Ruins
石段の急坂~The steep stone steps
曲がりくねっている山道~The zigzagged trail

城の中心部は神社に~Center of Castle becomes Shrine

After about 20 minutes of 150m high climbing, you will reach the Fourth Enclosure which is the roomiest space in the castle. You can go further the route on a saddle of the mountain to the Third Enclosure. The enclosure has the shrine office and the monument of the castle.

第四郭~The Fourth Enclosure
山の鞍部~The saddle part of the mountain
第三郭~The Third Enclosure
城の記念碑~The monument of the castle

Chihaya Shrine that worships Masashige is on the Second Enclosure in at the back of the Third Enclosure. The First Enclosure is also at the back of the Second Enclosure, but it is closed to visitors of the shrine as it is considered the sanctuary. It is thought that a building, like a watchtower, stood on the First Enclosure in the past.

千早神社~Chihaya Shrine
第一郭は立ち入り禁止~The First Enclosure is closed

残っているものはあるか?~Does something original remain?

The side tail goes from the shrine. From the trail, you can look down at something like bounded enclosures. I wonder if they are original or not. If you go back to the saddle between the Third and Fourth Enclosures, you can go down from the mountain using the side pathway to the shrine. One of the valleys’ bottoms has become a forest road. When you look up at the mountain from the road, you can see how steep the slope is, and how well the castle used natural terrain.

腰曲輪のように見えます~They can look like bounded enclosures
自然の断崖~The natural cliff

その後~Later History

Chihaya Castle had been abandoned for a long time. However, after the Meiji Restoration, the situation dramatically changed. Emperor Meiji who was a descendant of the Northern Court decided that the Southern Court was orthodox for some reasons. Masashige, who had been recognized as a great strategist only popular among historians, suddenly transformed into the most famous historical figure. His strategies and ideologies were used to educate all the nations in Japan, which was to be loyal subjects, until World War ll. As a result, Chihaya Shrine was built on the castle ruins in 1879.

皇居外苑にある楠木正成の銅像~The statue of Masashige Kusunoki at Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace(licensed by David Moore via Wikimedia Commons)

Even now, many old people in Japan think Masashige is just a loyal retainer. On the other hand, some young people even don’t know his name. Historians are recently studying about him as some parts of his personality still remain a mystery. The site has been designated as a National Historic Site since 1934.

私の感想~My Impression

I think that Chihaya Castle is the forerunner of typical mountain castles in Japan, because it used natural hazard at maximum to protect from enemies. Later warriors must have learned a lot from the castle and the battle on it. I am pleased to see that the shrine are is well maintained and Masashige’s name is kept intact .I hope that the shrine will allow visitors to enter the First Enclosure, and that the local government will preserve the ruins really like a historic site to let so that people know more about real Masashige more.

第一郭を見上げる~Looking up the First Enclosure

ここに行くには~How to get There

By car, it takes about 30 minutes away from the Mihara-Mnami IC on Hanwa Expressway. There are several parking lots around the entrance of the castle ruins.
By bus, you can take the Kongo Bus on Chihaya Line bound for Chihaya-Ropeway-Mae or Kongo-Tozanguchi from Tondabayashi Station on Kintetsu Nagano Line, or take the Nankai Bus on Kobuka Line bound for Kongosan-Ropeway-Mae from Kawachi-Nagano Station on Nankai Koya Line or Kintetsu Nagano Line. Get off at the Kongo-Tozanguchi bus stop in both cases.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

千早城 千早神社、千早赤阪村観光協会(Chihaya-Akasaka Village Tourism Association)
・「日本の城改訂版第103号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)
・「日本の攻城戦55/柘植久慶」PHP文庫(Japanese Book)

52.観音寺城~Kannonji Castle

The mountain is still full of rocks.

本丸虎口の石垣~The stone walls of the entrance of the Honmaru enclosure(taken by あけび from photoAC)

立地と歴史~Location and History

The Rokkaku clan governed the area in the south part of Omi Province (now called Shiga Pref.) for a long time in the Middle Ages. They at first lived on foot of Mt.Kinugasa. After the Onin War in 1467, battles became usual. This was known as the Warring States Period. The way to deal with such a situation for them was to move to the mountain top with their retainers in their entirety. It was the origin of Kannnoji Castle.

繖山~Mt. Kinugawa(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

Rokkaku divided the castle area and assigned an enclosure to each retainer, which was named using their name like “Hirai-Maru”, “Ikeda-Maru” and “Awaji-Maru”. For about 100 years, the castle grew over the whole mountain, with enclosures surrounded by stone walls.

安土城考古博物館にある観音寺城の模型~The miniature model of Kannonji Castle at Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum(licensed by ブレイズマン via Wikimedia Commons)

At its peak, the castle had over 1,000 enclosures. In 1532, the head of the clan, Sadayori Rokkaku accommodated the Shogun, Yoshiharu Ashikaga who escaped from Kyoto. Yoshiharu established the temporary government at Kuwanomi-Tera Temple in the castle and stayed there for three years.

等持寺にある足利義晴の木像~The wooden statue of Yoshiharu Ashikaga at Tojiji Temple(licensed by Geneast via Wikimedia Commons)

Sadayori prepared luxury palaces for the Shogun. He also built a two-story meeting club to host visitors at his Honmaru enclosure. However, the castle was not so strong compared to its appearance. The senior vassals were likely independent, possibly be against their master. Their halls were built for living rather than for battle. Overall, the castle might have not been suitable for a long siege.

佐々木古城跡繖山観音山画図、江戸時代~The illustration of the old Kannnonji Castle, in the Edo Period(licelicensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

As a result, Rokkaku often took a little strange tactic. When a battle happened, if large troops attached Kannonji Castle. They escaped from the castle in advance. That made the enemy capture the castle easily. Then, Rokkaku started a guerrilla fighting with their branch castles around. They knew the weak points of Kannnonji Castle, could attack their enemy efficiently, and finally got the castle back.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

In 1568, when Nobunaga Oda tried to come to Kyoto, he asked Rokkaku for cooperation. Rokkaku refused and fought with Oda. As soon as Oda quickly took Rokkaku’s branch Mitsukuri Castle, Rokkaku escaped from Kannnoji Castle. This might be their traditional way, but they couldn’t return again. As all the branch castles surrendered to Oda, and most of former Rokkaku retainers served to Oda. There would be nothing to do for Rokkaku. Oda seemed to use Kannouji Castle for a while, before abandoning it.

織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

There are several routes for climbing up to the castle ruins. One of the two major ones is through Kannonshoji Temple. The temple is older than the castle, and was supported by Rokkaku. You can park at the end of Kannnonji-Sanrindo Tollway under the temple, walk to the center of the ruins in about 15 minutes.

観音正寺~Kannonshoji Temple(licensed by Jnn via Wikipedia Commons)
山上に通じる山道~The trail that leads to the top(taken by あけび from photoAC)

There are the ruins of Honmaru, Ikeda-Maru and Hirai-Maru around the top area. All three are spacious and have large stone walls around. The walls are piled with natural stones called “Nozura-Zumi”. It is one of the earliest examples of stone walls being used in earnest for castles. Historians also say the similar size of enclosures among the lord’s Honmaru and the retainer’s others shows their power balance. The power of the lord might have been relatively weak.

本丸虎口跡~The ruins of the Honmaru enclosure entrance(taken by あけび from photoAC)
池田丸跡~The ruins of Ikeda-Maru enclosure(taken by あけび from photoAC)
平井丸虎口跡~The ruins of the Hirai-Maru enclosure entrance(taken by あけび from photoAC)

The other of the major routes is through Kuwanomi-Tera Temple. You can first park at Azuchi Archeological Museum, then walk to the start point of the trail in the northeast direction. Climb up beautiful stairways to the temple. It has the remaining Mail Hall built nearly 700 years ago and designated as a National Important Property. The trail goes up further along the river valley. You can also see a lot of abandoned huge stones that are from the ruins of enclosures. You will reach the top after 30 minutes to 1 hour walk in total.

桑実寺に向かう階段~The stairway to Kuwanomi-Tera Temple(taken by あけび from photoAC)
桑実寺本堂~The Main Hall of Kuwanomi-Tera Temple(licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

その後~Later Life

Beside Kannnonshoji and Kuwanomi-Tea temples, part of the ruins seemed to be used for other temples. The castle ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1982.

本丸跡の内部~The inside of the Honmaru enclosure ruins(taken by あけび from photoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

The ruins of the castle have a lot of mysteries. The study of their details is still very new. Some local people also try to explore the ruins. In response, officials have been developing the ruins little by little. I’m looking foward to having a new experience in the near future.

山上からの眺め~A view from the top(taken by あけび from photoAC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 30 minutes from the Yokaichi IC or the Ryuo IC on Meishin Expressway. Please make sure that Kannnonji-Sanrindo Tollway is only open between 8:30 and 16:30.
When using train, I recommend you to use a rental bicycle, because the ruins and about 3km from JR Azuchi Station. There are two rental bicycle shops in front of the station. You can also leave your baggage there.
From Tokyo to Azuchi st.:
Take the Tokaido Shinkansen superexpress to Maibara station, and transfer for JR Biwako line.
From Osaka to Azuchi st.:
Take the train on JR Kyoto line from Osaka or Shin-Osaka station.
This information is almost the same as Azuchi Castle. How about visiting the set of both castles.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

観音寺城跡(滋賀県観光情報)(Only Japanese?)
あづち周遊(Only Japanese)
観音寺城|散策の備忘録(Only Japanese)
・「六角定頼/村井祐樹著」ミネルヴァ書房(Japanese Book)
・「幻の観音寺城/南條範夫著」文春文庫(Japanese Book)
・「石垣の名城完全ガイド/千田嘉博著」講談社(Japanese Book)

51.安土城~Azuchi Castle

This castle is the origin of typical Japanese castles.

安土城の大手道~The Main Street of Azuchi Castle

立地と歴史~Location and History

A tall standing Tenshu keep, many turrets and plaster walls on high stone walls, large entrance gates, and water moats around… These are our intuitive images of Japanese castles come from Azuchi Castle. Though each part can be found in castles earlier than that, the great warlord Nobunaga Oda integrated and expressed them as his castle. It has definitely had a huge impact on the history of Japanese castles.

織田信長肖像画、狩野宗秀作、長興寺蔵、16世紀後半~The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, attributed to Soshu Kano, owned by Chokoji Temple, in the late 16th century(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

As Nobunaga increased his work of unifying Japan, he moved his home base from Owari Province (now Aichi Pref.) to the west, at first Gifu (now Gifu Pref.), and Azuchi (now Shiga Pref.).

信長の根拠地移動ルート~Nobunaga’s route for his home base

The site was along the Nakasendo Road and faced Biwa Lake which was useful for water transportation. Azuchi is around the middle point of Kyoto and Gifu, so Nobunaga could rush to both cities in emergency.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

江州安土古城図、国立国会図書館蔵、城の周りは湖と堀です~The map of old Azuchi Castle in Omi Province, owned by National Diet Library, Around the castle is the lake and the moat(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)

Nobunaga ordered his men to construct the castle on Mt. Azuchiyama which is 198m height, in 1576. He started to live in the Tenshu keep on May 1579. In fact, he is said to be the first and last person who usually lived in the Tenshu. It seemed to be spiritual and an authorization for him, so he rarely invited others to the inside of Tenshu. He also created the castle town below the castle and made people free to do business and transportation called “Rakuichi-Rakuza”. People welcomed it because each warlord charged high taxes on both of them in each place at that time.

安土山~Mt. Azuchiyama
三重県伊勢市にある安土城の模擬天主~The imitation of Azuchi Castle Tenshu in Ise City, Mie Pref.(licensed by D-one via Wikimedia Commons)

However, the castle had a short life. In 1582, just after three years from the completion, An unidentified fire burned the Tenshu when Nobunaga was killed at Honnoji Temple in Kyoto. After that, Oda’s relatives used the castle for a while, it was abandoned in 1585, as Hachimanyama Castle was newly built nearby.

安土城図、大阪城天守閣蔵~The illustration of Azuchi Castle, owned by Osaka Castle Museum(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedeia Commons)


Now, the ruins of the castle are designated as a National Special Historic Site. The site belongs to Sokenji Temple. From the entrance, the wide and straight Main Street “Ote-Michi” leads up to the mountain. It was excavated and restored recently. It is also different from other mountain castles, because such a road is clearly a disadvantage for defenders.

城跡の入り口、かつてはこの周辺に水堀がありました~The entrance of the castle ruins, there were water moats around in the past
大手道~The Main Street

Some historians speculate Nobunaga regarded it as the central street of his capital. Others argue it just showed the authority of the castle. Anyway, the Tenshu should have been seen from the street, with the halls of Nobunaga’s retainers along it.

安土城大手道周辺の想像図~The imaginary drawing of around the Main Street at Azuchi Castle(岐阜城展示室)

The street gets zigzagged, called “Nana-Magari”, from the midslope of the mountain towards the main part of the castle.

道の七曲り部分~The zigzaged part of the street

The main part starts from “Kurogane” Gate ruins which was made using huge stones for showing authority.

黒金門跡、The ruins of Kurogane Gate

Next comes Ninomaru ruins where Nobunaga’s mausoleum remains, where his inner palace might have originally been.

二の丸にある信長の廟所~The mausoleum of Nobunaga Oda at Ninomaru

Honmaru is the center of the castle. Many buildings were packed at that time. One of them is particularly said to be the palace for the Emperor. A noble’s diary says there was a plan of the Emperor’s visit to the castle. Some speculate Nobunaga tried to make the Emperor live in the palace and be under control ,looking down from Tenshu. Others say it was just a visit.

本丸跡~The ruins of Honmaru

Tenshu stood next to Honmaru. The base remains where you can see cornerstones inside.

天主台の石垣~The stone walls of the Tenshu base
天主台内の礎石~The cornerstones inside the Tenshu base
天主台からの眺め、かつては琵琶湖が見えたはずです~A view from the base, it should be Biwa Lake in the past

On the return route called “Dodobashi” Route, you will pass the ruins of original Sokenji Temple that Nobunaga founded. The temple suffered a fire in the Edo Period, but several buildings like the three-story pagoda still remain. A missionary from Portugal, Luis Frois said Nobunaga created it to celebrate himself. That is also controversal.

現存している総見寺三重塔~The remaining three-story pagoda of Sokenji Temple(licensed by Haruno Akiha via Wikimedia Commons)

You can see the one-twentieth scale model of Azuchi Castle’s Tenshu keep at Azuchi Castle Museum. It was created based on old documents, drawings and excavation. According to this model, it had a five-layer appearance, and seven floors including the basement. Each floor had a different shape and color. The 5th floor was octagonal of red with Buddhist wall paintings inside, and the top 6th floor was square of gold with paintings of ancient legendary Chinese saints.

安土城天主のミニチュアモデル~The miniature model for Tenshu of Azuchi Castle(安土城郭資料館~Azuchi Castle Museum)

Both floors have been restored as the full scale replica at the House of Nobunaga.

信長の館にある天主5・6階のレプリカ~The replica of the 5th and 6th floors of Tenshu at the House of Nobunaga(taken by あけび from photoAC)

There was the stairwell inside Tenshu through BF to 3F, where the pagoda seemed to be set on the ground. These suggestions show Nobunaga’s Tenshu was very symbolic and religious.

ミニチュアモデルの吹き抜け部分~The stairwell part of the miniature model
ミニチュアモデル内の仏塔~The pagoda in the miniature model

その後~Later Life

The domain of the castle ruins was owned by Sokenji Temple all through the Edo Period. After the fire, the temple buildings were rebuilt around what is now Ote-michi street. They made their own stone walls across the street. As time has passed by, people got used to thinking the stone walls might come from Azuchi Castle. The investigation and development project for Azuchi Castle Ruins started in 1989. It lasted for 20 years. People were surprised to see that such a wide, long street was discovered under the stone walls. The temple cooperated to remove their stone walls and restore the original street.

発見された大手道~The discovered Main Street

Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum shows the achievement of the project.

安土城考古博物館~Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum(licensed by 663highland via Wikimedia Commons)

私の感想~My Impression

Azuchi Castle is one of my most favorite castles in Japan, because the castle must directly show Nobunaga’s way of thinking. While Nobunaga is sometimes said to be cruel, I think he kept his faith against the common sense of that time. However, his basic idea is still mysterious after historians’ discussions. So it is important to come there , feel something, and think by yourself.

天主ミニチュアモデルの上部~The top of the Tenshu miniature model(安土城郭資料館~Azuchi Castle Museum)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 30 minutes from the Yokaichi IC or the Ryuo IC on Meishin Expressway. The ruins and the museums mentioned above offer a parking lot.
When using train, I recommend you to use a rental bicycle, because the ruins and the museums are spread out. There are two rental bicycle shops in front of JR Azuchi Station. You can also leave your baggage there.
From Tokyo to Azuchi st.:
Take the Tokaido Shinkansen superexpress to Maibara station, and transfer for JR Biwako line.
From Osaka to Azuchi st.:
Take the train on JR Kyoto line from Osaka or Shin-Osaka station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

安土城跡(滋賀県観光情報)Azuchi Castle Ruins
織田信長の安土城と総見寺(Only Japanese)
あづち周遊(Only Japanese)
・「信長の城/千田嘉博著」岩波新書(Japanese Book)
・「安土 信長の城と城下町/滋賀県教育委員会」(Japanese Book)
・「現代語訳 信長公記/太田牛一著、中川太古訳」新人物文庫(Japanese Book)