78.丸亀城 その2


























71.福山城~Fukuyama Castle

Fukuyama City really started from this castle.

立地と歴史~Location and History

新しい城と町~New Castle and Town

Fukuyama Castle is located in Fukuyama City to the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture. Today, the city is the second largest city in the prefecture, but there had been no town before the castle was built. Before that, the area belonged to the Fukushima Clan who lived in Hiroshima Castle.

城の位置~The location of the castle

In 1619, the clan were fired by the Tokugawa Shogunate and their territory was divided among other clans. The shogunate sent Katsunari Mizuno, a hereditary feudal lord to one of the divided territories, to monitor other lords in western Japan. Katsunari was responsible for building a new castle on a hill in the delta of a river called Ashidagawa with a new castle town. The new castle was called Fukuyama Castle, which is said to be the last newly built large-scale castle in Japan. This is because the Shogunate basically banned the lords from building any new castles from 1615. The case of Fukuyama Castle is very rare.

水野勝成肖像画、賢忠寺蔵~The portrait of Katsunari Mizuno, owned by Kenchuji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

天守と櫓~Main Tower and Turrets

The castle was built with three enclosures – the Main, the Second, and the Third Enclosures. The Inner Moat was built between the Second and the Third Enclosures. The Outer Moat surrounded the whole castle. Many turrets and gates were built or moved from other castles. For example, the Fushimi Turret was moved from Fushimi Castle. The Main Tower was on the Main Enclosure, which had five layers and its roofs were decorated with Chinese style gables and triangular shaped gables. The unique feature of the tower was that its northern side was all covered with black steel plates to prevent damage from canon fire from other hills in the north. The construction took three years before the castle was completed in 1622.

福山城のミニチュアモデル~The miniature model of Fukuyama Castle (福山城博物館~the Fukuyama Castle Museum)

優れた城主たち~Excellent Lords of Castle

Katsunari was also a good politician who created the Fukuyama Water Supply, one of the most famous water supplies in the Edo Period in Japan. After that, several lords of the castle also had important roles in the central Shogunate. For example, Masahiro Abe became the head of the Shogun’s council of elders and handled the difficult diplomatic problems at the end of the Edo Period such as the arrivals of Matthew Perry’s fleet from the US in 1853 and 1854. However, the castle was targeted by the New Government Army in 1868. They opened fire and a cannon ball entered into the Main Tower before the defenders surrendered. The ball, fortunately, didn’t explode.

阿部正弘写真~The picture of Masahiro Abe (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


駅からすぐの本丸~Main Enclosure next to Station

Now, Fukuyama Castle is very close to Fukuyama Station, or we can rather say the station is in the castle. The station was actually built on the reclaimed Inner Moat, the Second Enclosure, and the Third Enclosure. The street along the northern side of the station was the edge of the Second Enclosure. Only the Main Enclosure and part of the Second Enclosure remain as Fukuyama Castle Park.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

福山駅から見た福山城~A view of Fukuyama Castle from Fukuyama Station

You can first see the Main Enclosure surrounded by two-step stone walls from the north exit of Fukuyama Station. It has a very strong presence. The surface of the stone walls is covered with burn marks in some areas which was caused by the Great Fukuyama Air Raid in 1945. You can also walk into the enclosure easily through a moderate slope at the main entrance of the park on the east. This entrance was built in the present day.

石垣に見える焦げ跡~The burn marks on the stone walls
城への入口~The entrance to the castle

再建された天守~Rebuilt Main Tower

The five-layer Main Tower we now see was rebuilt in 1966 and is used as the Fukuyama Castle Museum where you can learn more about the castle and the city. However, the tower is now being renovated. The renovations will continue until 2022. The appearance of the tower is different from the original one. For example, the present one doesn’t have the black steel plates. The plates will be added to the tower after the renovation.

再建された天守~The rebuilt Main Tower
天守からの眺め~A view from the Main Tower

現存する建物~Remaining Buildings

There are only three remaining buildings in the castle called Fushimi Turret, Sujigane-gomon Gate and the Bell Tower. Fushimi Turret and Sujigane-gomon Gate are designated as Important Cultural Properties. In particular, Fusimi Turret is an old style, large three-story turret that was moved from Fushimi Castle (so called Fusimi Turret). It is one of the oldest remaining turrets in Japan. However, access to its interior by the public, is available just one day a year.

伏見櫓~Fushimi Turret
筋金御門~Sujigane-gomon Gate
鐘楼~The Bell Tower

There are also several traditional style buildings such as Tsukimi Turret which were rebuilt at the same time as the present Main Tower.

月見櫓~Tsukimi Turret

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Fukuyama Castle was abandoned, and its buildings and ground excluding the Main Enclosure were sold. The Main Enclosure with several buildings such as the Main Tower somehow remained as Fukuyama Park. The Main Tower was designated as a National Treasure in 1931. However, it was unfortunately burned down by The Great Fukuyama Air Raid in 1945.

戦前の福山城と福山駅~Fukuyama Castle and Fukuyama Station before World War II (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

After World War II, the castle was developed as a park again. It was designated as a National Historic Site in 1964, and the Main Tower and other buildings were rebuilt in 1966. On the other hand, the area around the park was completely turned into the city area. Some have pointed out that the ruins of the castle were destroyed without enough investigations during the urbanization.

再建された天守~The rebuilt Main Tower

私の感想~My Impression

I think that Fukuyama Castle has great potential for becoming a historical park. I’m looking forward to seeing the renewal of the Main Tower after the renovation. However, I feel that officials should feature the remaining buildings such as Fushimi Turret more. For example, it should be open to the public on more days each year. Officials should also let people know what the castle was like in the past because there wouldn’t be Fukuyama City itself without Fukuyama Castle.

伏見櫓(正面)~Fushimi Turret (the front) (taken by ジュンP from photo AC)
伏見櫓(裏側)~Fushimi Turret (the back)

ここに行くには~How to get There

Fukuyama Castle is very close to the north (Fukuyama-jo) exit of Fukuyama Station. It takes about one or two minutes to walk to the castle from the station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

福山城博物館、福山市(Fuyama Castle Museum)
・よみがえる日本の城7、学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第82号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)
・「幕末維新の城/一坂太郎著」中公新書(Japanese Book)

70.岡山城~Okayama Castle

The city has developed with the castle.

立地と歴史~Location and History

岡山市の起源~The origin of Okayama City

Okayama City is the capital of Okayama prefecture, Chugoku Region. The city has been developing based around Okayama Castle. The castle is now known for as a tourist spot alongside Asahigawa River with Korakuen, one of the most famous gardens in Japan. Actually, a lot of the city area comes from the part of the castle.

城の位置~The location of the castle

旭川沿いの岡山城(右)と後楽園(左)~Okayama Castle (on the right) and Korakuen Garden (on the left) alongside Asahigawa River

In the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period, the Ukita clan first built a castle on one of the hills called Ishiyama on the delta of Asahigawa River. Hideie Ukita expanded the castle into another hill in the east of Ishiyama. The hill was called Okayama, the origin of Okayama Castle and the name of the city.

現在の石山の地点~The present spot of “Ishiyama”
石山から見た城の中心部~The center of the castle from Ishiyama

古い形式の天守~Old type Main Tower

Hideie who was trusted by the ruler, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, became one of the five chief ministers, and was allowed to build a large Main Tower or “Tenshu”. The Tenshu remained until World War II. It was a five story building in an old style called “boro-gata” or look-out tower style. It had a small look-out tower on a large scale turret with hip-and-gable roofs. Its base stone walls and the first story above were constructed along the shape of the hill. They are said to remain the very first Tenshu style compared with that of Azuchi Castle, the first typical Tenshu in Japan.

宇喜多秀家肖像画、岡山城蔵~The Portrait of Hideie Ukita, owned by Okayama Castle (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)
第二次世界大戦前の岡山城の古写真~An old photo of Okayama Castle before World War II(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

岡山城の完成~Completion of Okayama Castle

The lords of the castle were changed after Hideie was defeated in the battle of Sekigahara in 1600. The Kobayakawa clan, then the Ikeda clan continued to improv the castle and the castle town in the Edo Period. Asahigawa River flows along the delta of the castle from the north to the southeast being a natural hazard. As a result the castle was expanded into the west direction. They made water moats quintupled towards the direction.

備前国岡山城絵図部分、江戸時代~Part of the illustration of Okayama Castle in Bizen Province, in the Edo Period(出典:国立公文書館)

They also built many turrets and gates to protect the castle. In 1700, Korakuen garden was made in the opposite of the castle across the river. It shows it had already been in peace at that time.

後楽園の風景~A view of Korakuen Garden(taken by grandstream from photoAC)


街中の遺跡~Ruins in City Area

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

Now, the center of Okayama Castle, Honmaru enclosure has been developed as Ujo Park (Ujo means Crow Castle). The name comes from the Tenshu being painted black. The park is about 2 km from Okayama Station. The castle once spread to half of the way in the past, so there are some ruins of the castle outside the park. For example, Nishite Turret on the former Nishinomaru enclosure remains in the city area. It is designated as an Important Cultural
Property, but it looks lonely among modern buildings.

西手櫓 ~Nishite Turret

The ruins of Ishiyama enclosure is near the park. It was the first center of the castle, and is now used as a parking lot. The stone walls covering the enclosure seem to be built in the Edo Period.

石山曲輪~Ishiyama enclosure

本丸の遺跡~Ruins in Honmaru

本丸周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around Honmaru

The park, the former Honmaru, has two entrances. One of them is the route crossing Meyasu-bashi Bridge over the inner moat. It was the Main Route or “Ote-Michi” to Honmaru. The other is going through Roka-mon Gate beside the river, the back gate of Honmaru. You can have a good view of the castle with the river.

目安橋~Meyasu-bashi Bridge
廊下門~Roka-mon Gate

Honmaru has three levels of the ground. The lower level called Genodan is the area around the gates. The middle level called Omotemuki is where the hall for official residence and governance was. Tsukimi Turret remains there as an Important Cultural Property. It can also be seen with excellent stone walls from outside Honnmaru. The upper level called Hondan is the oldest part. Akazuno-mon Gate is its entrance. It had the original Tenshu and the main hall for a lord.

下の段~The lower level
表向~The middle level
月見櫓(内側)~Tsukimi Turret(inside)
月見櫓(外側)~Tsukimi Turret(outside)
不明門~Akazuno-mon Gate
本段~The upper level

The present Tenshu has been apparently restored and used as a museum. The stone walls surrounding Hondan were originally built by Hideie. They look very old.

外観復元された天守~The apparently restored Tenshu
本段を囲む石垣~The stone walls surrounding the upper level

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Okayama Castle was abandoned and almost all of its buildings were demolished. The Honmaru area was used as the ground for a school. The other areas of the castle were turned into the city area with their water moats being filled. The original Tenshu remained as a National Treasure. However, it was unfortunately burned down by the Okayama Air Raid in 1945. After World War II, the Honmaru area was been developed as Ujo Park. Tenshu was apparently restored in 1966. The two gates, Roka-mon and Akazuno-mon , were also restored apparently at the same time.

岡山城の鯱~A golden grampus of Okayama Castle

私の感想~My Impression

Okayama Castle which is now named Ujo Park is a good place to visit. You can have great views and experience together with Korakuen Garden. I wish I could see and enter the original Tenshu. I also hope that officials will let people know the castle is the origin of Okayama City. For example, the remaining Nishite Turret among the city area should be known more to people.

西手櫓 ~Nishite Turret

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes about 20 minutes from the Okayama IC on the Sanyo Expressway. The park offers a parking lot.
From Okayama Station: Take the tram from the Okayama-ekimae stop in front of the east exit of the station, and get off at the Joka stop. Or It takes about 20 to 30 minutes on foot from the station.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

岡山城-川面に映える漆黒の城Okayama Castle
岡山城-川面に映える金烏城(Okayama City Museum)
・「よみがえる日本の城5」学研(Japanese Book)