165.大和郡山城~Yamamo-Koriyama Castle

Its stone walls use Stone Buddha Statues.

立地と歴史~Location and History

大和国随一の城~Foremost Castle in Yamato Province

Yamato-Koriyama Castle was located in Nara Basin of Nara Prefecture. Nara is known for its history as the ancient capital and a lot of temples. In the Sengoku period (the period of warring states), the temples still had political and military power, so there were no great warlords. In addition, Nara Basin was not suitable for a large castle. Yamato-Koriyama Castle was at first one such smalll castle where its lords changed several times.

城の位置~The location of the castle

The situation changed when Nobunaga Oda ordered to destroy all the castles in Yamato Province (what is now Nara Prefecture) excluding Yamato-Koriyama Castle during his unification of Japan. The reason why only the castle remained may have been its defensive and convenient location, it was on the edge of Nishinokyo hill, and near to both Kyoto and Osaka.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

豊臣秀長が城を拡張~Hidenaga Toyotomi develops castle

After Hidenaga Toyotomi, the younger brother of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (Nobunaga’s successor) lived in Yamato-Koriyama Castle as his home base in 1585, the castle was developed rapidly in mainly where we now call Honmaru or the Main Enclosure. The stone walls were piled up, using not only normal stones, but also tombs, old capital`s materials and Stone Buddha Status because it was difficult to transport stones easily around the area. The Main Tower or “Tenshu” stood on the stone walls, but its details are uncertain.

豊臣秀長肖像画、春岳院蔵~The portrait of Hidenaga Toyotomi, owned by Shungakuin Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was completed adding Ninomaru or the Second Enclosure and Sannomaru or the Third Enclosure until the period of the one after next lord of the castle, Nagamori Masuda. However, Nagamori was fired by the Tokugawa Shogunate due to the defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. As a result, the castle was once abandoned, the Main Tower was moved to Nijo Castle in 1602, the other buildings were moved to another one.

二条城の大和郡山城から移された天守が描かれた洛中洛外図屏風、林原美術館蔵~The Main Tower of Nijo Castle, which was moved from Yamato-Koriyama Castle, in the Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens, owned by Hyashibara Museum of Art (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

城と町の繁栄~Prosperity of Castle and Town

In 1615 of the Edo Period, Katsunari Mizuno was given charge of this castle and started to revive it, but he was soon transferred to Fukuyama Castle in 1618. Instead, Tadaaki Matsudaira came to this castle and built the Ninomaru Hall in the Second Enclosure. Since then, the enclosure became the center of the castle from where they governed.

郡山城旧観図、西ヶ谷文庫蔵、二の丸御殿が中心に描かれている~The former appearance illustration of Koriyama Castle, owned by Nishigaya Library, The Ninomaru Hall is drawn at the center (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

In 1724, Yoshisato Yanagisawa was transferred to this castle from Kofu Castle. He promoted people to develop industries such as farming goldfishes which Yamato-Koriyama City is still known for. The Yanagisawa Clan encouraged cultures and military arts and governed this area until the end of the Edo Period.

郡山城絵図、柳沢文庫蔵~The illustration of Koriyama Castle, owned by Yanagisawa Library (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


複雑な縄張り~Complex Layout

Now, the area around the Main Enclosure is open to the public as the ruins of Yamato-Koriyama Castle. The Main Enclosure is actually divided into several much smaller enclosures. Visitors usually go to the entrance of the ruins passing through a long and narrow area. This area is called Jinpo Enclosure which was empty and used for training soldiers. The entrance of the ruins is in Tokiwa Enclosure where the Main Gate or “Ote-mon” and Ote-Mukai Turret have been restored. After entering the Main Gate, you have to turn left to go further.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

復元された追手門~The restored Main Gate
復元された追手向櫓~The restored Ote-Mukai Turret

The next enclosure called Bishamon Enclosure has the Yanagisawa Library which exhibits the history of Yamato-Koriyama Castle and the Yanagisawa Clan`s legacies. You can see the wild stone walls around the enclosure and Tenshu Enclosure( the original Main Enclosure), and the dry moats between them. To reach Tenshu Enclosure, you have to go on a narrow earthen bridge again. I imagine that such complex routes to the center of the castle must have been for defense. There was the front gate bridge called “Gokuraku-bashi” bridge which was newly restored in March 2021.

柳沢文庫~The Yanagisawa Library
石垣と空堀~The stone walls and dry moat
復元前の極楽橋跡~The ruins of Gokuraku-bashi Bridge before the restoration

修復された天守台~Repaired Base for Main Tower

After entering Tenshu Enclosure, you will first see Yanagisawa Shrine which worships the founder of the Yanagisawa Clan, Yoshiyasu Yanagisawa (Yoshisato`s father). The stone wall base for the Main Tower or Tenshu remains behind the shrine. The Main Tower was said to be not so large based on the scale of the base. However, the recent excavation of the base prove that its foundation matches that of Yodo Castle. The Main Tower of Yamato-Koriyama Castle was once moved to Nijo Castle, then moved again to Yodo Castle in 1624. Although the Main Tower was unfortunately burned down by lightning in 1756, the Main Tower at Nijo and Yodo had five layers according to a picture and drawing. Yamato-Koriyama Main Tower might also have had five layers.

柳澤神社~Yanagisawa Shrine
天守台石垣~The stone wall base for the Main Tower
山城国淀天守之図、京都市歴史資料館寄託~The illustration of the Main Tower of Yodo Castle in Yamashiro Province, deposited by Kyoto City Historical Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The base was also improved recently as a lookout, piling its stone walls again. You can see the whole view of the castle and town from the top. There are several enclosures of The Second Enclosure surrounded by water moats, which are mainly used for school grounds on the south and west directions. On the east direction, you can also see the town area over the entrance of the ruins, which was the Third Enclosure.

積みなおされた天守台~The base for the Main Tower which was re-piled recently
天守台上から見た南西方向の景色~A view of the southwest from the top
天守台上から見た東方向の景色~A view of the east from the top

逆さ地蔵~Inverted Stone Buddha Statue

One of the most important topics for the castle is the diverted stones. You can see one of the representatives called the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue or “Sakasa-Jizo” which is used for the stone walls at the northern side of the base.

「逆さ地蔵」が使われている箇所~The part which the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue is used
逆さ地蔵~The Inverted Stone Buddha Statue (taken by あけび from PhotoAC)

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Yamato-Koriyama Castle was abandoned again. All the buildings of the castle were sold and demolished by the auction in 1873. The area of the Second Enclosure was turned into the school ground, and the Third Enclosure became the residential area. Only the Main Enclosure could survive as the ground for the Yanagizawa Shrine and the clan’s house (what is now the Yanagisawa Library). After World War II, the area of mainly the Main Enclosure became a Cultural Property designated by Nara Prefecture in 1961. The ruins are also famous for cherry blossoms now. Yamato-Koriyama City has been developing the ruins as a historical park, such as restoring some buildings and expanding the park area.

大和郡山城と桜~Yamato-Koriyama Castle with cherry blossoms (taken by ゼロワークス from PhotoAC)

私の感想~My Impression

When tourists visit Nara, they usually go to temples, shrines, and the old capital’s legacies. But how about visiting Yamato-Koriyama Castle as well? It is the only remaining castle ruins around the area. However, there is the only one thing I was disappointed about the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue. I visited twice there, and I was very moved by the Statue on my first visit. This was because there were a lot of other stone Buddha statues and offerings for praying in front of it. They clearly showed primitive religious thoughts of Japanese people. However, they were taken away from there on my second visit. I guess they were cleaned up when the stone wall base for the Main Tower was improved as a lookout. I strongly wish the officials bring the Japanese good tradition back there again.

私の最初の訪問時の逆さ地蔵周辺~The around the Inverted Stone Buddha Statue on my first visit

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car, it takes about 15 minutes from the Koriyama IC on Nishi-Meihan Expressway. There is a parking lot in the ruins.
When using train, it takes about 10 minutes from Kintetsu-Koriyama Station on Kintetsu-Kashihara Line or it takes about 15 minutes from JR Koriyama Station on Kansai Line on foot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

柳沢文庫(Yanagisawa Library)
・郡山城跡公園基本計画改定案、大和郡山市(Yamato-Koriyama City Official Document)
・「よみがえる日本の城1」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第44号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)

166.宇陀松山城~Udamatsuyama Castle

The castle ruins surrounded by a cedar forest

立地と歴史~Location and History

大和三城の一つ~One of Three Greatest Castles in Yamato Province

Uda-Matsuyama Castle was located in Uda City in the north east part of Nana Prefecture. Uda City is known for its forest industry and old town. The city is approximately one hour by car from Osaka City. The Uda-Matsuyama Castle was first built on a 473m high mountain called “Shiroyama” by the Akiyama Clan.

城の位置~The location of the castle

In 1585, when Hidenaga Toyotomi started to govern Yamato Province (what is now Nana Prefecture), he lived in Yamato-Koriyama Castle, while he sent his retainers to Takatori and Uda Matsuyama Castles as his branch castles. Among the retainers was Hidetane Taga, who mainly developed the Uda Matsuyama Castle. Hidetane was granted the eastern part of the province with the intention to use the castle to prepare for the defense of the border between Yamato and Ise Province from the east.

多賀秀種肖像画、石川県立歴史博物館蔵、The portrait of Hidetane Taga, owned by Ishikawa Prefectural History Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

多賀秀種が城を改修~Hidetane Taga improves Castle

Hidetane changed the castle to an early modern style. The castle was divided into several sections: the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru” with the Main Hall, and Tenshu Enclosure with the Main Tower or “Tenshu” on the top of the mountain. The Main Tower is thought to be two or three stories based on the scale of the enclosure. The roof tiles with Taga Clan’s family crest were found by the excavation of the land around the enclosure.

家紋が入った瓦~A rooftile with the clan’s family crest (宇陀市パンプレットより引用)

Other enclosures such as the Second Enclosure or “Ninomaru” and the Belt Enclosure or “Obi-kuruwa” surrounded the center of the castle. The foundation of this main portion was all made of stone walls where a lot of turrets stood. The entrances to the castle called “Koguchi” were guarded strictly by turret gates and zigzagged routes.

阿紀山城図、1593年 、「阿紀山城」は宇陀松山城の古名、現地案内板より~The illustration of Akiyama Castle, in 1593, “Akiyama Castle” is the old name of Udamatsuyama Castle, from the signboard at the site

城は破壊された~Castle is Destroyed

In 1600, Takaharu Fukushima, the little brother of the famous lord, Masanori Fukusima who governed Hiroshima Castle, was sent to Uda Matsuyama Castle instead of Hidetane Taga by the Tokugawa Shogunate. He also improved the castle and the castle town, however, in 1615, he was fired by the Shogunate due to suspicions about his support of the Toyotomi Clan who was against the Shogunate.

福島高晴の兄、福島正則肖像画、東京国立博物館蔵~The portrait of Masanori Fukushima, the big brother of Takaharu Fukushima, owned by the Tokyo National Museum (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

As a result, the castle was completely destroyed removing the buildings and stone walls and burying the routes. A letter written by one of the executors, Masakazu Kobori, remains and says that he was destroying the castle, but lacked enough workers.

小堀政一肖像画、頼久寺蔵、The portrait of Masakazu Kobori, owned by Raikyu-ji Temple (licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


杉林の中を進む~Going through Cedar Forest

Previously, visitors could visit the ruins of Uda-Matsuyama Castle from the Kasuga Gate Ruins in the town area which was the front gate of the castle. However, visitors can no longer do so because the Main Route or “Ote-michi” to the castle is closed (as of January 2021) due to a storm disaster in 2018. Instead, visitors can go through the side road beside the Town Planning Center called “Sengensha”. You may not be sure you are going to the ruins of a castle, as you will see a beautiful, well-maintained cedar forest.

まちづくりセンター「千軒舎」~The Town Planning Center “Sengensha”
杉林に囲まれた通路~The route surrounded by the cedar forest

わずかに残る遺跡~Few remaining Ruins

After about a 10-minute climb, you will reach the entrance of the ruins. You have to climb another trail for a few minutes, then you will see the ruins of a dry moat and one of the turret gates. This gate was called “Suzume-mon” which had a square space called “Masugata”. Masugata refers to a typical defensive structure where the square space is surrounded by turrets and stone walls. Enemies have to survive through a zigzagged route under the strong defense.

城跡の入口~The entrance of the castle ruins
山道を進みます~Going on the trail
空堀~The dry moat
雀門跡~The ruins of Suzume-mon Gate

城の中心部分~Center of Castle

These ruins have a bit of a unique atmosphere, hidden from view by the cedar forest. After passing through the gate, you also have to go on another zigzagged route to reach the Main Enclosure. There was also the Entrance Enclosure Gate on the route, but there is no trace of it now. The Main Enclosure is the largest enclosure of the castle. It had the Main Hall with five houses and was also surrounded by turrets and stone walls.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo around the castle

虎口郭門があったと思われる場所~The place where the Entrance Enclosure Gate seemed to be there
本丸~The Main Enclosure

Tenshu Enclosure is next to the Main Enclosure. It is the highest spot of the mountain and parts of the base of the stone walls still remains where the Main Tower once was. You can now see other enclosures surrounded by the cedar forest and other mountains far away from the top.

天守郭~Tenshu Enclosure
天守郭全景、現地案内板より~A whole view of Tenshu Enclosure, from the signboard at the site
山頂からの眺め~A view from the top

その後~Later History

After the Uda-Matsuyama Castle was destroyed, the Oda Clan governed this area, but the clan lived in the hall around the castle town. They also repaired and used the Kasuga Gate Ruins as their hall’s gate. The Shogunate lastly governed the area after it transferred the Oda Clan to another place. The castle town continued to prosper as a commercial town.

春日門跡~The ruins of Kasuga-mon Gate (licensed by Saigen Jiro via Wikimedia Commons)

Uda City started to excavate and study the ruins of the castle in 1995. It found out that the castle was built using stone walls and had luxurious buildings on the mountain. The ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 2006 due to the achievement of the excavation.

私の感想~My Impression

The methods of excavation and study have been improving. They have made it possible to speculate what buildings in a castle looked like even if there are no buildings now. From my visit and research about the Uda-Matsuyma Castle, I was actually surprised to learn that there was such a great castle in the past

天守郭の石垣~The stone walls of Tenshu Enclosure

In addition, I also learned that whether something of a castle can remain or not is sometimes based on very small things. In the case of the Uda-Matsuyama Castle, if Takaharu survived a little longer, the ruins of the castle would include at least with decent stone walls like Takatori Castle.

発掘された雀門跡周辺の石垣~The excavated stone walls around the ruins of Suzume-mon Gate

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you wish to visit there by car, it takes about 40 minutes from the Katsuragi IC on Minami-Hanna Road. There is a parking lot at the Town Planning Center.
When using the train, take the bus for Ouda from Haibara Station on Kintetsu Osaka Line, and get off at the last stop.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

宇陀松山城跡、宇陀市(Uda City Official Website)
・鬼面百相、史跡宇陀松山城出土資料展パンフレット(Japanese Pamphlet)
・「日本の城改訂版第120号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)

61.高取城~Takatori Castle

The endless stone walls on the mountain

立地と歴史~Location and History

三大山城の一つ~One of Three Greatest Mountain Castles

In the Middle Ages, mountain castes had been popular in Japan, because they were convenient for battle. However, after the unification of the whole country, most of these castles were abandoned or destroyed, as they were inconvenient for governance. Furthermore, to reduce the threat of future attacks, the Tokugawa Shogunate ordered the lords to destroy all castles other than the ones in which they lived. Takatori Castle was one of the few remaining mountain castles that survived until the end of the Edo Period. That’s why this castle is known as one of the three greatest mountain castles in Japan.

城の位置~The location of the castle

江戸時代末まで生き延びる~It survives until End of Edo Period

Takatori Castle was first built on 583m high Mt. Takatori in Yamato Province (what is now Nara Prefecture) by the Ochi clan in the Middle Ages, but the exact details are unclear. After Hidenaga Toyotomi, younger brother of the ruler Hideyoshi, started to govern the province in 1585, the castle was improved as his branch and last castle (i.e., in case all his other castles were captured, he would go there). Hidenaga’s retainer, the Honda clan built the Large and Small Main Towers, and as many as 27 turrets on the stone walls, that made the castle huge.

高取城古絵図、浅野文庫蔵~The old drawing of Takatori Castle, owned by Asano Bunko(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The Honda clan became the independent owner of this castle, after Hidenaga’s son, Hideyasu died. The clan also survived the battle of Sekigahara in 1600 while supporting Ieyasu Tokugawa, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate. As a result, Toshimasa Honda became the first lord of the Takatori Domain.
In 1640, the Uemura clan followed the Honda clan, and continued to govern the domain through the Edo Period.

本多俊政の木像、壷阪寺蔵~The wooden statue of Toshimasa Honda, owned by Tsubosaka-Dera Temple(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

However, keeping such buildings on the high mountain was difficult, so the clan was allowed by the Shogunate to repair the castle at anytime, while other lords usually had to take approvals for any fixing. On the other hand, the lord built the Main Hall on the foot of the mountain, and lived there. Of course, it was because of convenience of living and governance.

高取城の古写真~An old picture of Takatori Castle(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

2度の戦い~Two Battles

According to reports, two battles took place at the castle. The first one was when the 1600 battle occurred. Mitsunari Ishida against Ieyasu sent his troops to the castle, but were repelled. The last one was when Tenchu-gumi Incident happened in 1863. This incident is marked as the start of the Meiji Restoration process. Over 1,000 soldiers, led by Torataro Yoshimura, tried to capture Takatori Castle, but they are counterattacked and failed at the foot of the mountain, where the castle town was located. This was because the warriors of the Takatori Domain usually lived on the foot at that time and were well trained.

吉村寅太郎の肖像写真~The portrait photo of Torataro Yoshimura(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)


城への3つのルート~Three Routes to Castle

There have been three routes to the entrance of Takatori Castle, which is also called “Ote-mon” or the Main Gate. One of the routes is “Ote-michi” or the Main route even now used by hikers. Another one is called Tsubosaka Route that is used mainly by people who come in car. Finally, there is a third route but it is no longer in use. Even though there were three separate routes they all met at the same point, i.e., at the Main Gate.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

壷阪口門跡~The ruins of Tsubosaka Route Gate
大手門跡~The ruins of the Main Gate

二の丸に入る~Entering Second Enclosure

The ruins of the gate still have alternate stone walls to prevent enemies from entering the castle easily. The gate was the entrance of “Ninomaru” or the Second Enclosure as well, and everyone had to use another gate called “Jusanken-Tamon” to enter it. In fact, even now if you want to enter the Second enclosure you have to pass through its stone walls. The Second Enclosure had the former Main Hall before it had been moved to the foot of the mountain.

城内の地図~The map inside the castle

大手門の食い違いの石垣~The alternate stone walls of the Main Gate
十三間多聞の石垣~The stone walls of Jusanken-Tamon Gate
二の丸~The Second Enclosure

すごい防御力~Great Defense

You may think the stone walls that you see from the Second Enclosure is “Honmaru” or the Main Enclosure. However, they were those just for the groups of turrets that protected the Main Enclosure. The group consisted of “Taiko Yagura” or the Drum Turret, “Shin Yagura” or the New Turret, and “Jugoken-Tamon” Gate. Even now, you have to go over their remaining stone walls. You might be amazed at how protective this castle was!

櫓群の石垣~The stone walls of the group of the turrets
石垣の左側を通らなければなりません~You have to go through the left side of the stone walls
十五間多聞の石垣~The stone walls of Jugoken-Tamon Gate

広い本丸~Large Main Enclosure

You can finally see the stone walls of the Main Enclosure behind a big tree. The enclosure is very large for a mountain castle. You have to go through the zigzagged entrance again to enter it. The Large Main Tower and the Small Main Tower stood connected by Tamon Turret alongside the stone walls. An excavation found out that some stones were brought from those for ancient tombs.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls of the Main Enclosure
本丸の入口~The entrance of the Main Enclosure
入口を見下ろす~Looking down the entrance
本丸~The Main Enclosure

The ruins of Takatori Castle have no buildings, but their foundation and stone walls still stand and it is enough for us to enjoy and imagine that the castle was once so strong.

本丸からの眺め~A view from the Main Enclosure

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, Takatori Castle was abandoned in 1873. The buildings of castle were either sold, demolished, or collapsed naturally. The buildings have been all lost, but the foundation with stone walls remain as it once was, because they were (situated) on the high mountain. That’s why we can now see the huge ruins of the castle. The ruins were lastly designated as a National Historic Site in 1953.

本丸の石垣~The stone walls of the Main Enclosure

私の感想~My Impression

I think another reason why we can see the great ruins of Takatori Castle is that the Honda clan became an independent owner, and the Uemura clan maintained the castle for a long time. Otherwise, the castle might would have been abandoned much earlier, then we (wouldn’t) have been able to enjoy the ruins. That was a miraculous achievement, so we should thank our ancestors.

本丸からの景色~A view from the Main Enclosure

This time, I visited the ruins by car, so I only went through Tsubosaka Route. There are also many more attractions along the Main Route, so I would like to walk through the route, and visit the castle ruins again someday.

大手道沿いにある猿石~The Monkey Stone alongside the Main route(taken by あけび from Photo AC)

ここに行くには~How to get There

If you want to go there by car: It takes over 30 minutes from the Katsuragi IC on Minami-Hanna Road. There is very little space to park at the Hachiman starting point. You have to walk from there to the ruins for about another 20 minutes. You can also park at Tsubosaka-dera Temple on the way and walk to the ruins for about an hour.
By train, It takes about two hours from Tsubosakayama Station on Kintetsu Yoshino line to the castle ruins on foot. It may be a long walk, but many hikers walk along the route and enjoy nature, a good atmosphere and the ruins in the tourist season.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

高取城、高取町観光ガイド(Takatori Town Official Website)
・「よみがえる日本の城1」学研(Japanese Book)
・「日本の城改訂版第105号」デアゴスティーニジャパン(Japanese Book)
・「幕末維新の城/一坂太郎著」中公新書(Japanese Book)