98.今帰仁城~Nakijin Castle

Elegant castle ruins in the northern Okinawa

立地と歴史~Location and History

北山王国の首都~Capital of Hokuzan Kingdom

Around the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa Islands) prospered thanks to trading. As a result, many powerful clans in Ryukyu called “Aji” traded with China and other countries, and had great power. They built over 300 large-scale fortresses called “Gusuku” around the Ryukyu Islands. They eventually gathered three large groups called the Kingdoms of “Hokuzan”, “Chuzan”, and “Nanzan”. Nakijin Castle was the capital of the Hokuzan Kingdom.

城の位置~The location of the castle

According to the excavation, the castle was first built on a 100m high hill in Motobu peninsula of the northern Okinawa Island around the beginning of the 14th century, but it was just plane area on the hill which was surrounded by fences. After that, the castle was developed with the main palace and long, high stone walls being built until the 15th century, while the power of the Hokuzan Kingdom grew. An old Chinese book records the castle and the kingdom bringing a tribute to China. Peaces of Chinese potteries at that time are also unearthed from the ruins now.

現地にある城跡の模型~The miniature model of the castle ruins at the site

2度の落城~Castle fell twice

At its peak time, the castle became as large as Shuri Castle, the capital of the Chuzan Kingdom, the later Ryukyu Kingdom. However, the castle fell twice after the peak. In 1416, a retainer of Chuzan Kingdom, Gosamaru attacked the castle. The last lord of the castle, Han-annchi fought with Gosamaru outside the castle, but his retainer, Teihara Motobu betrayed him, and he was lastly beaten. Since then, Ryukyu Kingdom owned and stationed an administrator called “Kanshu” in the castle to govern the northern part of the island.

監守の業績を記した記念碑~The monument for the achievements of Kanshu

In 1609, when the Satsuma warriors invaded Ryukyu Kingdom, they first captured and burned the castle. The kingdom was under the control of Satsuma after the invasion, but the castle had no lord. Instead, the people of Okinawa maintained the castle as a spiritual center.

祈りの場所の一つ、城内下之御嶽(うたき)~Jonai Shitano-Utaki, one of the places for praying


城跡に入る~Entaring the castle ruins

Now, the ruins of Nakijin Castle are located in wonderful views and nature. There are also useful facilities near the ruins. One of them is the Gusuku Exchange Center where you can buy a ticket to the ruins and rest. The other is the History & Culture Center where you can learn more about the castle and the area surrounding it.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castl

When you walk to the entrance of the ruins, you will see finely curved high stone walls. They are called Ushimi Stone Walls and 8m high, the highest ones in this castle. The defenders of the castle could counterattack enemies from the top of the curve. The Guides of the ruins say that the walls were inspired by the Great Wall of China. Visitors will now enter the ruins through the arch gate beside the stone walls which was restored in 1962.

大隅(ウーシミ)の城壁~Ushimi Stone Walls
遺跡入口のアーチ門~The arch gate at the entrance

The stone steps go straight to the center of the castle, but they were built recently for tourism. The Old Pathway goes along on the right side of the steps. It is a narrow, steep and rocky path for defense against attacks in the past.

石段~The stone steps
旧道~The Old Pathway

城の中心部~Center of Castle

The center of the castle has three parts. “Umya” Court is the first part from the entrance, which is was used as the square for ceremonies. There were the Main, North, and South Palaces for the ceremonies. The next part is called “Uchibaru” Ground where the women who served the castle lived. It is also a very religious place for the castle. You can now have a great view of the sea in the northern direction. The last part is the Main Enclosure or “Honmaru” where the lord of the castle probably lived. The excavation found that several buildings had been built.

大庭(ウーミャ)~“Umya” Court
御内原(ウーチバル)~“Uchibaru” Ground
御内原からの眺め~A view from “Uchibaru” Ground
もう一枚~Another view
本丸~The Main Enclosure

背後にある郭~Enclosure in Back

You can see and go to the back of the castle from the center. This is called “Shigema-jokaku” Enclosure which is also surrounded by high, long stone walls. It is thought that the closest subjects who served the lord lived at the enclosure. You can also see the walls made of Paleozoic lime stones closely when you go down to the enclosure.

本丸から見た城の背後部分~The back of the castle from the Main Enclosure
志慶真門郭(しげまじょうかく)~“Shigema-jokaku” Enclosure
石垣~The stone walls

その後~Later History

The ruins of Nakijin Castle remained though many other ruins were destroyed during World War II, as they were far away from the battlefields of Okinawa. After the war, they were designated as a National Historic Site in 1972. Lastly, they have also been on the World Heritage List as Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu since 2000.

今帰仁城跡の正面~The front side of Nakijin Castle Ruins

私の感想~My Impression

When I saw the stone walls of Nakijin Castle for the first time, they looked like the stones are just piled simply. This is because stone walls in the Mainland of Japan are were usually built covering their core of soil or small pieces of stone. One of the reasons for it this is that the Mainland often suffers from earthquakes, so stone walls needs a strong core. On the other hand, Okinawa has few earthquakes, but has a lot of rain. The stone walls of Okinawa’s castles like Nakijin can make rain slip through. I learned the reason for the difference later. Anyway, I think the ruins with elegant stone walls match the nature of Okinawa.

今帰仁城の石垣~The stone walls of Nakijin Castle

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you to visit it by car.
From the Naha Airport:
By car, enter Naha Airport Expressway at the Nakachi IC, join Okinawa Expressway at the Nishihara JCT, and get off the expressway at Kyoda IC. The ruins are about 30 minutes away from the IC. There are parking lots around the ruins.
By bus, you can take the Yanbaru Express Bus bound for Unten Port. It takes about 2.5 hours from the airport to the Nakijin-joshi-iriguchi bus stop near the ruins.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

世界遺産 今帰仁城跡(Officisl Website)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)
・「琉球王国、東アジアのコーナーストーン/赤嶺守著」講談社(Japanese Book)

99.中城城~Nakagusuku Castle

Elegant castle ruins looking like a palace

立地と歴史~Location and History

繁栄する琉球とグスク~Prospering Ryukyu and Gusuku

Around the 14th and 15th centuries, the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa Islands) prospered thanks to trading. At that time, the Ming Dynasty that governed China banned private trading with foreign countries. Instead, countries like Japan (considered different from Ryukyu), Korea, and South East Asians traded with China through Ryukyu, because China allowed Ryukyu to bring a tribute frequently as well as to trade with them. As a result, many powerful clans in Ryukyu called “Aji” traded with China and other countries, and had great power.

琉球王国の進貢船、沖縄県立博物館・美術館~A tribute ship from the Ryukyu Kingdom, Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum collection(licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons)

They built over 300 large-scale fortresses called “Gusuku” around the Ryukyu Islands. They looked like a castles, but they could also be used as a hall or shrine. Nakagusuku Castle was one of the largest Gusuku, and is one of the best preserved Gusuku ruins.

城の位置~The location of the castle

中城城の完成~The completion of Nakagusuku Castle

It is said that Nakagusuku Castle was first built in the mid 14th century by Sachi-Nakagusuku Aji clan. The castle was located on a 160m high hill on Okinawa Island with a high cliff in on the east as natural barrier. It was also only 2 km away from the Yagi Port which was once a trade port. Sachi-Nakagusuku Aji clan built the main parts of the castle, such as the First Enclosure or Ichinokaku ,the Second Enclosure or Ninokaku, the South Enclosure or Minaminokaku, and the West Enclosure or Nishinokaku. In the 15th century, a senior vassal of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Gosamaru completed the castle, adding the Third Enclosure or Sannokaku, and The North Enclosure or Kitanokaku.

現地にある城跡の模型~The miniature model of the castle ruins at the site

護佐丸の乱~Gosamaru Rebellion

Gosamaru stayed at the castle to protect the Ryukyu Kingdom from another powerful Aji called Amawari at Katsuren Castle who was against the Kingdom. However, Gosamaru was considered as a rebel against the Kingdom by Amawari. Gosamaru felt very sad about it, and killed himself. It is said that Amawari deceived the Kingdom and Gosamaru, but the details are uncertain, as Amawari was also defeated by the Kingdom later.

城周辺の地図~The map around the castle

After that, the castle was owned by the Prince of the Kingdom. During the Edo Period, when the Kingdom was under the Satsuma Feudal Domain of Japan, the castle was used as a guardhouse.

中城城跡~The ruins of Nakagusuku Castle


城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

城跡に入る~Entering the Castle Ruins

Now, the ruins of Nakagusuku Castle still have a very good location. They are located on a high point where the island is narrow, so you can have a great view of the Pacific Ocean on the east and the East China Sea on the west. That meant that a lord of the castle was able to see the movement of his friends and enemies.

城跡から見た太平洋~A view of the Pacific Ocean from the ruins

When visitors enter the entrance of the ruins, they are driven near the front gate of the castle by a cart. You can walk up to the gate which is also the entrance of the West Enclosure. The enclosure is next to the First Enclosure and South Enclosure. You can also see the great high stone walls of First Enclosure.

正門~The front gate
一の郭の高石垣~The stone walls of the First Enclosure

You can go further to the entrance of South Enclosure. The enclosure is thought to be the oldest part, because its stone walls were partly piled with natural lime stones, a primitive method called “Nozura-zumi”. There are three places for worship in ruins in the enclosure, such as one where you could pray for rain.

南の郭へ進みます~Going to the South Enclosure
南の郭の入口、写真の右上部分は野面積みです~The entrance of the South Enclosure, the upper right portion in this picture is built with “Nozura-zumi”
雨乞イノ御嶽(拝所)~The place of praying for rain

素晴らしい石垣と景色~Wonderful Stone Walls and Views

From the South Enclosure, you can go to the First Enclosure through the arch entrance gate. It is said that Gosamaru had this arch shaped when he improved the castle. The First Enclosure is the main and largest enclosure of the castle. There was the main hall in it. Its stone walls were built with processed square lime stones, a method called “Nuno-zumi”. The method is more developed than the South Enclosure’s, so the First Enclosure seemed to have been built after the South Enclosure. There is also the observation deck on the stone walls where you can have a great view of the Pacific Ocean. The Second Enclosure is the next one. The shape of this enclosure’s stone walls is very beautiful.

一の郭へのアーチ門、石垣は布積み~The arch entrance gate to the First Enclosure, its stone walls are built with “Nuno-zumi”
正殿跡~The ruins of the Main Hall
一の郭から見た太平洋~The Pacific Ocean from the First Enclosure
二の郭の石垣~The stone walls of the Second Enclosure

護佐丸の貢献~Work of Gosamaru

You need to go back to the West Enclosure to go to the North Enclosure which was added by Gosamaru later. The North enclosure has the ruins of a well called “Ufugaa”. The well was also built by him, as the castle didn’t have no well inside.

北の郭にある井戸~The well at the North Enclosure

You can walk from the North Enclosure to the Third Enclosure, the last one. The enclosure is also the newest one with the arch shaped back gate that Gosamaru built. The North and Third Enclosures have stone walls built in the method called “Aikata-zumi”. This method refers to piling randomly processed lime stones solidly. It is the most advanced and complex way in the castle, so we can see these enclosures are the newest.

三の郭~The Third Enclosure
裏門~The back gate
相方積みで積まれた三の郭の石垣~The stone walls of the Third Enclosure built with “Aikata-zumi”

その後~Later History

After the Meiji Restoration, the Ryukyu Kingdom was abolished, as it was taken in as one of Japan’s prefectures by the Japanese Government. The castle was used as the village office of Nakagusuku Village. Some buildings seemed to remain until they were burned during World War II. In addition, the Japanese Army once stayed at the castle and started to build a position. However, they were ordered to moved to another soon after. That’s why the ruins of castle (stone walls, foundation etc) remain well preserved until today. They have been on the World Heritage List as Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu since 2000.

石垣の下の日本軍が掘った壕~The shelter that the Japanese Army dug under the stone walls

私の感想~My Impression

In Japan mainland, castles with stone walls became popular in the 16th century. It is said that the needs for wars using guns and developing construction technology caused that change. In Okinawa Island, castles with stone walls appeared two centuries earlier than on the mainland. One of the reasons for that was that lime stones were easier to process. Of course, the castles were used for a battle. Stronger castles were another reason. I think that another reasons was the lords of the “Gusuku” castles wanted to show their authority and faith, so that’s why they look very beautiful.

二の郭~The Second Enclosure

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend you to visit it by car.
From the Naha Airport:
By car, enter Naha Airport Expressway at the Nakachi IC, join Okinawa Expressway at the Nishihara JCT, and get off the expressway at Kita-Nakagusuku IC. The ruins are within 5 km from the IC, and offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

沖縄の世界遺産、中城城跡Nakagusuku-jo site, World Heritage of Okinawa
・「琉球王国、東アジアのコーナーストーン/赤嶺守著」講談社(Japanese Book)
・「列島縦断「幻の名城」を訪ねて/山名美和子著」集英社新書(Japanese Book)


This is never a devil’s castle.

立地と歴史~Location and History

伝説の城~Legendary Castle

This castle named “Kino-jo”, or Devil’s Castle, located in what is now Okayama Prefecture, is mysterious. No one knows the origin of the castle, because it is not recorded in any document at all. In folk stories, a devil called “Ura” from Korea lived in the castle. He did bad things around the area. The Imperial Court sent a noble called “Kibitsu-hiko”. Kibutsu-hiko fought with Ura and defeated him. People call the castle Kino-jo based on this belief. It is also said that the belief might be connected to one of the most popular folk tales in Japan called “Momotaro”.

城跡にある温羅の記念碑~The monument of Ura at the ruins
吉備津彦を祀る吉備津神社~Kibitsu Shrine worshiping Kibitsu-hiko

実は古代山城~In fact, Ancient Mountain Castle

However, it has recently been found out that the castle was one of ancient mountain castles in western Japan by researches and studies. They were built by the Imperial Court after the Battle of Baekgang, Korea in 663. Japan tried to help Baekje, but was beaten by the ally of Tang and Silla. Emperor Tenchi was scared of an invasion by the ally, so he built these castles for protection. The ruins of Kino-jo are very similar to other recorded ones. Historians have concluded Kino-Jo must be a an ancient mountain castle.

白村江の戦いの図~The map about the Battle of Baekgang(licensed by Samhanin via Wikimedia Commons)

The castle was on the southern edge of Kibi-kogen Highlands which is about 400m above sea level. The cliffs are steep, but the top of the highlands are relatively smooth. It is also about 10 km away from the ancient coastline. It had the best location to be a strong point. Unlike most Japanese castles, ancient mountain castles mainly consisted of an outer fortification. Their center area had facilities like warehouses and barracks.

城周辺の起伏地図~The relief map around the castle

土塁に囲まれた城~Castle surrounded by Earthen Walls

In the case of Kino-Jo, the perimeter was about 2.8 km, about 90% of it was earthen walls, and the rest was work of stone. The castle also had four gates, six water gates, and a turret called “Kakuro”. In particular, the earthen walls were built in a method called Rammed Earth or “Hanchiku”. The method consists of building many earthen layers by ramming down each layer of soil. In addition, stones were placed in front and back of the walls. Wooden fences ran parallel to wall, inside the fortification around the gates.

鬼ノ城の全体模型~The full model of Kino-Jo(鬼城山ビジターセンター)
復元された門、土塁、敷石、木柵~The restored gate, earthen walls, placed stones, and wooden fences


Now, the ruins of Kino-jo have been developed with the Kinojosan Visitor Center as the starting point. The visitor center has exhibitions about the ruins. You can climb up from the center to the outline of the ruins which can also be used for trekking. If you go along the outline counterclockwise, the first part is the restored area.

城周辺の航空写真~The aerial photo of around the castle

復元エリア~Restored Area

The restored West Gate is outstanding. Its earthen walls, stone walls, stone pavement, and wooden fences were rebuilt in the original way as much as possible. The gate building was also rebuilt referring to similar examples at that time. The Kakuro turret in front of the gate is partly restored. Its foundation was rebuilt in the same way as the West Gate, but its structure couldn’t be rebuilt because there are no modern examples of it.

復元された西門~The restored West Gate
土台だけ復元された角楼~Kakuro Turret, only its foundation was restored.

トレッキングコース~Tail for Trekking

The other ruins were repaired and shown as they are, but are great to visit. For instance, the Second Water Gate has a drain which still works. You should check out wild natural stones around the East Gate Ruins.

第二水門~The Second Water Gate
東門跡~The East Gate Ruins
自然石群~The natural stones

Passing the gate ruins, the high stone walls look great and the views of Okayama Plain are very beautiful. That also meant defenders in the castle were able to watch the situation outside. There are some other ruins scattered about where the warehouses once stood.

高石垣~The high stone walls
岡山平野の眺め~A view of Okayama Plain
倉庫群跡~The ware houses ruins

その後~Later History

Kino-Jo was most likely abandoned in the first 8th century. After that, the ruins were used for temple grounds or training grounds for Buddhists. In the “Sengoku” or Warring States Period, warriors used part of them again as a castle. People thought the castle was originally built by a devil for some time.

仏教徒が修業を行った痕跡~A trace of Buddhist training

In 1970, a historian first explore the ruins as a historic site, and suggested that it might be an ancient mountain castle. That was proved by academic research in 1978. As a result, the ruins were designated as a National Historic Site in 1986. Since then, Soja City has been rebuilding them.

復元された西門と土塁の全景~The whole view of the West Gate and the earthen walls

私の感想~My Impression

I think that the ruins of Kino-Jo are one of the most well conserved ones in Japan. Because part of the ruins were restored to look like the originals, and the others were preserved in good conditions. it’s a good balance. You can also choose to learn history while working up a sweat.

版築で復元された土塁~The restored earthen walls by Rammed Earth

ここに行くには~How to get There

I recommend using a car to get there. It takes about 8km away from the Okayama-Soja IC on Sanyo Expressway. The visitor center offers a parking lot.

リンク、参考情報~Links and References

鬼ノ城、総社市公式観光WEBサイト(Soja City Official Site)
・「鬼ノ城/谷山雅彦著」同成社(Japanese Book)
・「歴史群像45号/鬼ノ城、吉備路を睥睨する古代山城」学研(Japanese Book)